<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge"> <title>手写promise</title> </head> <body> <script> class Promise { constructor(exector) { this.state = 'pending'; this.value = undefined; this.reason = undefined; let resolve = value => { if (this.state === 'pending') { this.state = 'fulfilled'; this.value = value; } }; let reject = reason => { if (this.state === 'pending') { this.state = 'rejected'; this.reason = reason; } }; try { executor(resolve, reject); } catch (err) { reject(err) } } then(onFulfilled, onReject) { if (state === 'fulfilled') { onFulfilled(this.value) } if (state === 'rejected') { onReject(this.reason) } } } // promise源码 // 判断变量否为function const isFunction = variable => typeof variable === 'function' // 定义Promise的三种状态常量 const PENDING = 'PENDING' const FULFILLED = 'FULFILLED' const REJECTED = 'REJECTED' class MyPromise { constructor(handle) { if (!isFunction(handle)) { throw new Error('MyPromise must accept a function as a parameter') } // 添加状态 this._status = PENDING // 添加状态 this._value = undefined // 添加成功回调函数队列 this._fulfilledQueues = [] // 添加失败回调函数队列 this._rejectedQueues = [] // 执行handle try { handle(this._resolve.bind(this), this._reject.bind(this)) } catch (err) { this._reject(err) } } // 添加resovle时执行的函数 _resolve(val) { const run = () => { if (this._status !== PENDING) return this._status = FULFILLED // 依次执行成功队列中的函数,并清空队列 const runFulfilled = (value) => { let cb; while (cb = this._fulfilledQueues.shift()) { cb(value) } } // 依次执行失败队列中的函数,并清空队列 const runRejected = (error) => { let cb; while (cb = this._rejectedQueues.shift()) { cb(error) } } /* 如果resolve的参数为Promise对象,则必须等待该Promise对象状态改变后, 当前Promsie的状态才会改变,且状态取决于参数Promsie对象的状态 */ if (val instanceof MyPromise) { val.then(value => { this._value = value runFulfilled(value) }, err => { this._value = err runRejected(err) }) } else { this._value = val runFulfilled(val) } } // 为了支持同步的Promise,这里采用异步调用 setTimeout(run, 0) } // 添加reject时执行的函数 _reject(err) { if (this._status !== PENDING) return // 依次执行失败队列中的函数,并清空队列 const run = () => { this._status = REJECTED this._value = err let cb; while (cb = this._rejectedQueues.shift()) { cb(err) } } // 为了支持同步的Promise,这里采用异步调用 setTimeout(run, 0) } // 添加then方法 then(onFulfilled, onRejected) { const { _value, _status } = this // 返回一个新的Promise对象 return new MyPromise((onFulfilledNext, onRejectedNext) => { // 封装一个成功时执行的函数 let fulfilled = value => { try { if (!isFunction(onFulfilled)) { onFulfilledNext(value) } else { let res = onFulfilled(value); if (res instanceof MyPromise) { // 如果当前回调函数返回MyPromise对象,必须等待其状态改变后在执行下一个回调 res.then(onFulfilledNext, onRejectedNext) } else { //否则会将返回结果直接作为参数,传入下一个then的回调函数,并立即执行下一个then的回调函数 onFulfilledNext(res) } } } catch (err) { // 如果函数执行出错,新的Promise对象的状态为失败 onRejectedNext(err) } } // 封装一个失败时执行的函数 let rejected = error => { try { if (!isFunction(onRejected)) { onRejectedNext(error) } else { let res = onRejected(error); if (res instanceof MyPromise) { // 如果当前回调函数返回MyPromise对象,必须等待其状态改变后在执行下一个回调 res.then(onFulfilledNext, onRejectedNext) } else { //否则会将返回结果直接作为参数,传入下一个then的回调函数,并立即执行下一个then的回调函数 onFulfilledNext(res) } } } catch (err) { // 如果函数执行出错,新的Promise对象的状态为失败 onRejectedNext(err) } } switch (_status) { // 当状态为pending时,将then方法回调函数加入执行队列等待执行 case PENDING: this._fulfilledQueues.push(fulfilled) this._rejectedQueues.push(rejected) break // 当状态已经改变时,立即执行对应的回调函数 case FULFILLED: fulfilled(_value) break case REJECTED: rejected(_value) break } }) } // 添加catch方法 catch (onRejected) { return this.then(undefined, onRejected) } // 添加静态resolve方法 static resolve(value) { // 如果参数是MyPromise实例,直接返回这个实例 if (value instanceof MyPromise) return value return new MyPromise(resolve => resolve(value)) } // 添加静态reject方法 static reject(value) { return new MyPromise((resolve, reject) => reject(value)) } // 添加静态all方法 static all(list) { return new MyPromise((resolve, reject) => { /** * 返回值的集合 */ let values = [] let count = 0 for (let [i, p] of list.entries()) { // 数组参数如果不是MyPromise实例,先调用MyPromise.resolve this.resolve(p).then(res => { values[i] = res count++ // 所有状态都变成fulfilled时返回的MyPromise状态就变成fulfilled if (count === list.length) resolve(values) }, err => { // 有一个被rejected时返回的MyPromise状态就变成rejected reject(err) }) } }) } // 添加静态race方法 static race(list) { return new MyPromise((resolve, reject) => { for (let p of list) { // 只要有一个实例率先改变状态,新的MyPromise的状态就跟着改变 this.resolve(p).then(res => { resolve(res) }, err => { reject(err) }) } }) } finally(cb) { return this.then( value => MyPromise.resolve(cb()).then(() => value), reason => MyPromise.resolve(cb()).then(() => { throw reason }) ); } } </script> </body> </html>