diff --git a/templates/angular/igx-ts/bullet-graph/default/files/src/app/__path__/__name__.component.css b/templates/angular/igx-ts/bullet-graph/default/files/src/app/__path__/__name__.component.css
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d5afcebec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/angular/igx-ts/bullet-graph/default/files/src/app/__path__/__name__.component.css
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+.sample-container {
+ display: flex;
+ flex-direction: column;
+.buttons-container {
+ display: flex;
+ margin-bottom: 5px;
+.sample-button {
+ margin: 3px;
+ flex-grow: 1;
+ height: 30px;
+ font: 12px Titillium Web, sans-serif;
+ min-width:5.5rem;
+ height:2.25rem;
+ font-size:.875rem;
+ font-weight:600;
+ line-height:1;
+ text-align:center;
+ border:none;
+ border-radius:2px;
+ text-transform:uppercase;
+ cursor:pointer;
diff --git a/templates/angular/igx-ts/bullet-graph/default/files/src/app/__path__/__name__.component.html b/templates/angular/igx-ts/bullet-graph/default/files/src/app/__path__/__name__.component.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c16534c80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/angular/igx-ts/bullet-graph/default/files/src/app/__path__/__name__.component.html
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
You can read more about configuring the bullet graph component in the
+ official documentation page.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/templates/angular/igx-ts/bullet-graph/default/files/src/app/__path__/__name__.component.spec.ts b/templates/angular/igx-ts/bullet-graph/default/files/src/app/__path__/__name__.component.spec.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9e125f078
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/angular/igx-ts/bullet-graph/default/files/src/app/__path__/__name__.component.spec.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+import { async, ComponentFixture, TestBed } from '@angular/core/testing';
+import { $(ClassName)Component } from './$(filePrefix).component';
+import { NoopAnimationsModule } from '@angular/platform-browser/animations';
+import { IgxBulletGraphModule } from 'igniteui-angular-gauges/ES5/igx-bullet-graph-module';
+describe('$(ClassName)Component', () => {
+ let component: $(ClassName)Component;
+ let fixture: ComponentFixture<$(ClassName)Component>;
+ beforeEach(async(() => {
+ TestBed.configureTestingModule({
+ declarations: [$(ClassName)Component],
+ imports: [IgxBulletGraphModule, NoopAnimationsModule]
+ })
+ .compileComponents();
+ }));
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ fixture = TestBed.createComponent($(ClassName)Component);
+ component = fixture.componentInstance;
+ fixture.detectChanges();
+ });
+ it('should create', () => {
+ expect(component).toBeTruthy();
+ });
diff --git a/templates/angular/igx-ts/bullet-graph/default/files/src/app/__path__/__name__.component.ts b/templates/angular/igx-ts/bullet-graph/default/files/src/app/__path__/__name__.component.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7287b15b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/angular/igx-ts/bullet-graph/default/files/src/app/__path__/__name__.component.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
+import { AfterViewInit, Component, ViewEncapsulation, ViewChild } from "@angular/core";
+import { IgxLinearGraphRangeComponent } from "igniteui-angular-gauges/ES5/igx-linear-graph-range-component";
+import { IgxBulletGraphComponent } from "igniteui-angular-gauges/ES5/igx-bullet-graph-component";
+ selector: "app-$(filePrefix)",
+ templateUrl: "./$(filePrefix).component.html",
+ styleUrls: ["./$(filePrefix).component.css"],
+ encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None
+export class $(ClassName)Component implements AfterViewInit {
+ @ViewChild("bulletGraph")
+ public bulletGraph: IgxBulletGraphComponent;
+ public ngAfterViewInit(): void {
+ // enabling animation duration (in milliseconds)
+ this.bulletGraph.transitionDuration = 500;
+ this.AnimateToGauge3();
+ }
+ public AnimateToGauge3(): void {
+ this.bulletGraph.minimumValue = 0;
+ this.bulletGraph.maximumValue = 120;
+ this.bulletGraph.value = 70;
+ this.bulletGraph.interval = 10;
+ // setting appearance of labels
+ this.bulletGraph.labelInterval = 10;
+ this.bulletGraph.labelExtent = 0.02;
+ // setting custom appearance of performance bar
+ this.bulletGraph.valueInnerExtent = 0.5;
+ this.bulletGraph.valueOuterExtent = 0.7;
+ this.bulletGraph.valueBrush = "#000000";
+ // setting custom appearance of target bar
+ this.bulletGraph.targetValueBrush = "#000000";
+ this.bulletGraph.targetValueBreadth = 10;
+ this.bulletGraph.targetValue = 90;
+ // setting appearance of major/minor ticks
+ this.bulletGraph.minorTickCount = 5;
+ this.bulletGraph.minorTickEndExtent = 0.10;
+ this.bulletGraph.minorTickStartExtent = 0.20;
+ this.bulletGraph.tickStartExtent = 0.20;
+ this.bulletGraph.tickEndExtent = 0.05;
+ this.bulletGraph.tickStrokeThickness = 2;
+ // setting custom gauge ranges
+ const range1 = new IgxLinearGraphRangeComponent();
+ range1.startValue = 0;
+ range1.endValue = 40;
+ const range2 = new IgxLinearGraphRangeComponent();
+ range2.startValue = 40;
+ range2.endValue = 80;
+ const range3 = new IgxLinearGraphRangeComponent();
+ range3.startValue = 80;
+ range3.endValue = 120;
+ this.bulletGraph.rangeBrushes = [ "#FF9800", "#F96232", "#C62828"];
+ this.bulletGraph.rangeOutlines = [ "#FF9800", "#F96232", "#C62828"];
+ this.bulletGraph.ranges.clear();
+ this.bulletGraph.ranges.add(range1);
+ this.bulletGraph.ranges.add(range2);
+ this.bulletGraph.ranges.add(range3);
+ // setting extent of all gauge ranges
+ for (let i = 0; i < this.bulletGraph.ranges.count; i++) {
+ const range = this.bulletGraph.ranges.item(i);
+ range.innerStartExtent = 0.2;
+ range.innerEndExtent = 0.2;
+ range.outerStartExtent = 0.95;
+ range.outerEndExtent = 0.95;
+ }
+ // setting extent of gauge scale
+ this.bulletGraph.scaleBackgroundThickness = 0.5;
+ this.bulletGraph.scaleBackgroundBrush = "#dbdbdb";
+ this.bulletGraph.scaleBackgroundOutline = "gray";
+ this.bulletGraph.scaleStartExtent = 0.05;
+ this.bulletGraph.scaleEndExtent = 0.95;
+ this.bulletGraph.scaleBackgroundThickness = 0;
+ // setting appearance of backing fill and outline
+ this.bulletGraph.backingBrush = "#f7f7f7";
+ this.bulletGraph.backingOutline = "#d1d1d1";
+ this.bulletGraph.backingStrokeThickness = 0;
+ }
+ public AnimateToGauge2(): void {
+ this.bulletGraph.minimumValue = 100;
+ this.bulletGraph.maximumValue = 200;
+ this.bulletGraph.value = 120;
+ this.bulletGraph.interval = 10;
+ // setting appearance of labels
+ this.bulletGraph.labelInterval = 10;
+ this.bulletGraph.labelExtent = 0.02;
+ // setting custom appearance of performance bar
+ this.bulletGraph.valueInnerExtent = 0.5;
+ this.bulletGraph.valueOuterExtent = 0.7;
+ this.bulletGraph.valueBrush = "#000000";
+ // setting custom appearance of target bar
+ this.bulletGraph.targetValueBrush = "#000000";
+ this.bulletGraph.targetValueBreadth = 10;
+ this.bulletGraph.targetValue = 180;
+ // setting appearance of major/minor ticks
+ this.bulletGraph.minorTickCount = 5;
+ this.bulletGraph.minorTickEndExtent = 0.10;
+ this.bulletGraph.minorTickStartExtent = 0.20;
+ this.bulletGraph.tickStartExtent = 0.20;
+ this.bulletGraph.tickEndExtent = 0.05;
+ this.bulletGraph.tickStrokeThickness = 2;
+ // setting custom gauge ranges
+ const range1 = new IgxLinearGraphRangeComponent();
+ range1.startValue = 100;
+ range1.endValue = 125;
+ const range2 = new IgxLinearGraphRangeComponent();
+ range2.startValue = 125;
+ range2.endValue = 150;
+ const range3 = new IgxLinearGraphRangeComponent();
+ range3.startValue = 150;
+ range3.endValue = 175;
+ const range4 = new IgxLinearGraphRangeComponent();
+ range4.startValue = 175;
+ range4.endValue = 200;
+ this.bulletGraph.rangeBrushes = [ "#0078C8", "#0099FF", "#21A7FF", "#4FB9FF"];
+ this.bulletGraph.rangeOutlines = [ "#0078C8", "#0099FF", "#21A7FF", "#4FB9FF"];
+ this.bulletGraph.ranges.clear();
+ this.bulletGraph.ranges.add(range1);
+ this.bulletGraph.ranges.add(range2);
+ this.bulletGraph.ranges.add(range3);
+ this.bulletGraph.ranges.add(range4);
+ // setting extent of all gauge ranges
+ for (let i = 0; i < this.bulletGraph.ranges.count; i++) {
+ const range = this.bulletGraph.ranges.item(i);
+ range.innerStartExtent = 0.2;
+ range.innerEndExtent = 0.2;
+ range.outerStartExtent = 0.95;
+ range.outerEndExtent = 0.95;
+ }
+ // setting extent of gauge scale
+ this.bulletGraph.scaleBackgroundThickness = 0.5;
+ this.bulletGraph.scaleBackgroundBrush = "#dbdbdb";
+ this.bulletGraph.scaleBackgroundOutline = "gray";
+ this.bulletGraph.scaleStartExtent = 0.05;
+ this.bulletGraph.scaleEndExtent = 0.95;
+ this.bulletGraph.scaleBackgroundThickness = 0;
+ // setting appearance of backing fill and outline
+ this.bulletGraph.backingBrush = "#f7f7f7";
+ this.bulletGraph.backingOutline = "#d1d1d1";
+ this.bulletGraph.backingStrokeThickness = 0;
+ }
+ public AnimateToGauge1(): void {
+ this.bulletGraph.minimumValue = 0;
+ this.bulletGraph.maximumValue = 80;
+ this.bulletGraph.value = 70;
+ this.bulletGraph.interval = 20;
+ // setting appearance of labels
+ this.bulletGraph.labelInterval = 20;
+ this.bulletGraph.labelExtent = 0.02;
+ // setting custom appearance of performance bar
+ this.bulletGraph.valueInnerExtent = 0.5;
+ this.bulletGraph.valueOuterExtent = 0.7;
+ this.bulletGraph.valueBrush = "#000000";
+ // setting custom appearance of target bar
+ this.bulletGraph.targetValueBrush = "#000000";
+ this.bulletGraph.targetValueBreadth = 10;
+ this.bulletGraph.targetValue = 60;
+ // setting appearance of major/minor ticks
+ this.bulletGraph.minorTickCount = 5;
+ this.bulletGraph.minorTickEndExtent = 0.10;
+ this.bulletGraph.minorTickStartExtent = 0.20;
+ this.bulletGraph.tickStartExtent = 0.20;
+ this.bulletGraph.tickEndExtent = 0.05;
+ this.bulletGraph.tickStrokeThickness = 2;
+ // setting custom gauge ranges
+ const range1 = new IgxLinearGraphRangeComponent();
+ range1.startValue = 0;
+ range1.endValue = 40;
+ const range2 = new IgxLinearGraphRangeComponent();
+ range2.startValue = 40;
+ range2.endValue = 80;
+ this.bulletGraph.rangeBrushes = [ "#a4bd29", "#F86232" ];
+ this.bulletGraph.rangeOutlines = [ "#a4bd29", "#F86232" ];
+ this.bulletGraph.ranges.clear();
+ this.bulletGraph.ranges.add(range1);
+ this.bulletGraph.ranges.add(range2);
+ // setting extent of all gauge ranges
+ for (let i = 0; i < this.bulletGraph.ranges.count; i++) {
+ const range = this.bulletGraph.ranges.item(i);
+ range.innerStartExtent = 0.2;
+ range.innerEndExtent = 0.2;
+ range.outerStartExtent = 0.95;
+ range.outerEndExtent = 0.95;
+ }
+ // setting extent of gauge scale
+ this.bulletGraph.scaleBackgroundThickness = 0.5;
+ this.bulletGraph.scaleBackgroundBrush = "#dbdbdb";
+ this.bulletGraph.scaleBackgroundOutline = "gray";
+ this.bulletGraph.scaleStartExtent = 0.05;
+ this.bulletGraph.scaleEndExtent = 0.95;
+ this.bulletGraph.scaleBackgroundThickness = 0;
+ // setting appearance of backing fill and outline
+ this.bulletGraph.backingBrush = "#f7f7f7";
+ this.bulletGraph.backingOutline = "#d1d1d1";
+ this.bulletGraph.backingStrokeThickness = 0;
+ }
diff --git a/templates/angular/igx-ts/bullet-graph/default/index.ts b/templates/angular/igx-ts/bullet-graph/default/index.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d36de5441
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/angular/igx-ts/bullet-graph/default/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+import { IgniteUIForAngularTemplate } from "../../../../../lib/templates/IgniteUIForAngularTemplate";
+class IgxBulletGraphTemplate extends IgniteUIForAngularTemplate {
+ constructor() {
+ super(__dirname);
+ this.components = ["Bullet Graph"];
+ this.controlGroup = "Gauges";
+ this.listInComponentTemplates = true;
+ this.id = "bullet-graph";
+ this.projectType = "igx-ts";
+ this.name = "Bullet Graph";
+ this.description = "Graph with different animations.";
+ this.dependencies = [{
+ from: "igniteui-angular-gauges/ES5/igx-bullet-graph-module",
+ import: ["IgxBulletGraphModule"]
+ }];
+ this.packages = ["tslib@1.7.1", "igniteui-angular-core@6.1.1", "igniteui-angular-gauges@6.1.1"];
+ }
+module.exports = new IgxBulletGraphTemplate();
diff --git a/templates/angular/igx-ts/bullet-graph/index.ts b/templates/angular/igx-ts/bullet-graph/index.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c1b7a0682
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/angular/igx-ts/bullet-graph/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+import { BaseComponent } from "../../../../lib/BaseComponent";
+class IgxBulletGraphAnimationComponent extends BaseComponent {
+ /**
+ *
+ */
+ constructor() {
+ super(__dirname);
+ this.name = "Bullet Graph";
+ this.group = "Gauges";
+ }
+module.exports = new IgxBulletGraphAnimationComponent();
diff --git a/templates/angular/igx-ts/linear-gauge/default/files/src/app/__path__/__name__.component.css b/templates/angular/igx-ts/linear-gauge/default/files/src/app/__path__/__name__.component.css
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d5afcebec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/angular/igx-ts/linear-gauge/default/files/src/app/__path__/__name__.component.css
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+.sample-container {
+ display: flex;
+ flex-direction: column;
+.buttons-container {
+ display: flex;
+ margin-bottom: 5px;
+.sample-button {
+ margin: 3px;
+ flex-grow: 1;
+ height: 30px;
+ font: 12px Titillium Web, sans-serif;
+ min-width:5.5rem;
+ height:2.25rem;
+ font-size:.875rem;
+ font-weight:600;
+ line-height:1;
+ text-align:center;
+ border:none;
+ border-radius:2px;
+ text-transform:uppercase;
+ cursor:pointer;
diff --git a/templates/angular/igx-ts/linear-gauge/default/files/src/app/__path__/__name__.component.html b/templates/angular/igx-ts/linear-gauge/default/files/src/app/__path__/__name__.component.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c9461d916
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/angular/igx-ts/linear-gauge/default/files/src/app/__path__/__name__.component.html
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
You can read more about configuring the linear gauge component in the
+ official documentation page
+ .
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/templates/angular/igx-ts/linear-gauge/default/files/src/app/__path__/__name__.component.spec.ts b/templates/angular/igx-ts/linear-gauge/default/files/src/app/__path__/__name__.component.spec.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1495b08f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/angular/igx-ts/linear-gauge/default/files/src/app/__path__/__name__.component.spec.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+import { async, ComponentFixture, TestBed } from '@angular/core/testing';
+import { $(ClassName)Component } from './$(filePrefix).component';
+import { NoopAnimationsModule } from '@angular/platform-browser/animations';
+import { IgxLinearGaugeModule } from 'igniteui-angular-gauges/ES5/igx-linear-gauge-module';
+describe('$(ClassName)Component', () => {
+ let component: $(ClassName)Component;
+ let fixture: ComponentFixture<$(ClassName)Component>;
+ beforeEach(async(() => {
+ TestBed.configureTestingModule({
+ declarations: [$(ClassName)Component],
+ imports: [IgxLinearGaugeModule, NoopAnimationsModule]
+ })
+ .compileComponents();
+ }));
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ fixture = TestBed.createComponent($(ClassName)Component);
+ component = fixture.componentInstance;
+ fixture.detectChanges();
+ });
+ it('should create', () => {
+ expect(component).toBeTruthy();
+ });
diff --git a/templates/angular/igx-ts/linear-gauge/default/files/src/app/__path__/__name__.component.ts b/templates/angular/igx-ts/linear-gauge/default/files/src/app/__path__/__name__.component.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..65ffcab3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/angular/igx-ts/linear-gauge/default/files/src/app/__path__/__name__.component.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
+import { Component, AfterViewInit, ViewEncapsulation, ViewChild } from '@angular/core';
+import { IgxLinearGaugeComponent } from "igniteui-angular-gauges/ES5/igx-linear-gauge-component";
+import { IgxLinearGraphRangeComponent } from "igniteui-angular-gauges/ES5/igx-linear-graph-range-component";
+import { LinearGraphNeedleShape } from "igniteui-angular-gauges/ES5/LinearGraphNeedleShape";
+ selector: 'app-$(filePrefix)',
+ templateUrl: './$(filePrefix).component.html',
+ styleUrls: ['./$(filePrefix).component.css'],
+ encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None
+export class $(ClassName)Component implements AfterViewInit {
+ @ViewChild("linearGauge")
+ public linearGauge: IgxLinearGaugeComponent;
+ public ngAfterViewInit(): void {
+ // enabling animation duration (in milliseconds)
+ this.linearGauge.transitionDuration = 500;
+ this.AnimateToGauge3();
+ }
+ public AnimateToGauge3(): void {
+ // linear gauge requires settings for these properties:
+ this.linearGauge.minimumValue = 0;
+ this.linearGauge.maximumValue = 100;
+ this.linearGauge.value = 50;
+ this.linearGauge.interval = 10;
+ // setting custom appearance of labels
+ this.linearGauge.labelInterval = 10;
+ this.linearGauge.labelExtent = 0.05;
+ // setting custom appearance of needle
+ this.linearGauge.isNeedleDraggingEnabled = true;
+ this.linearGauge.needleShape = LinearGraphNeedleShape.Needle;
+ this.linearGauge.needleBrush = "#79797a";
+ this.linearGauge.needleOutline = "#ffffffff";
+ this.linearGauge.needleStrokeThickness = 1;
+ this.linearGauge.needleOuterExtent = 0.9;
+ this.linearGauge.needleInnerExtent = 0.3;
+ // setting custom appearance of major/minor ticks
+ this.linearGauge.minorTickCount = 5;
+ this.linearGauge.minorTickEndExtent = 0.10;
+ this.linearGauge.minorTickStartExtent = 0.20;
+ this.linearGauge.minorTickStrokeThickness = 1;
+ this.linearGauge.tickStartExtent = 0.25;
+ this.linearGauge.tickEndExtent = 0.05;
+ this.linearGauge.tickStrokeThickness = 2;
+ // setting custom gauge ranges
+ const range1 = new IgxLinearGraphRangeComponent();
+ range1.startValue = 0;
+ range1.endValue = 30;
+ const range2 = new IgxLinearGraphRangeComponent();
+ range2.startValue = 30;
+ range2.endValue = 70;
+ const range3 = new IgxLinearGraphRangeComponent();
+ range3.startValue = 70;
+ range3.endValue = 100;
+ this.linearGauge.rangeBrushes = [ "#9FB328", "#438C47", "#3F51B5"];
+ this.linearGauge.rangeOutlines = [ "#9FB328", "#438C47", "#3F51B5"];
+ this.linearGauge.ranges.clear();
+ this.linearGauge.ranges.add(range1);
+ this.linearGauge.ranges.add(range2);
+ this.linearGauge.ranges.add(range3);
+ // setting extent of all gauge ranges
+ for (let i = 0; i < this.linearGauge.ranges.count; i++) {
+ const range = this.linearGauge.ranges.item(i);
+ range.innerStartExtent = 0.075;
+ range.innerEndExtent = 0.075;
+ range.outerStartExtent = 0.65;
+ range.outerEndExtent = 0.65;
+ }
+ // setting extent of gauge scale
+ this.linearGauge.scaleStrokeThickness = 0;
+ this.linearGauge.scaleBrush = "#ffffff";
+ this.linearGauge.scaleOutline = "#dbdbdb";
+ this.linearGauge.scaleInnerExtent = 0.075;
+ this.linearGauge.scaleOuterExtent = 0.85;
+ this.linearGauge.scaleStartExtent = 0.05;
+ this.linearGauge.scaleEndExtent = 0.95;
+ // setting appearance of backing fill and outline
+ this.linearGauge.backingBrush = "#ffffff";
+ this.linearGauge.backingOutline = "#d1d1d1";
+ this.linearGauge.backingStrokeThickness = 0;
+ public AnimateToGauge2(): void {
+ // linear gauge requires settings for these properties:
+ this.linearGauge.minimumValue = 100;
+ this.linearGauge.maximumValue = 200;
+ this.linearGauge.value = 150;
+ this.linearGauge.interval = 20;
+ // setting custom appearance of labels
+ this.linearGauge.labelInterval = 20;
+ this.linearGauge.labelExtent = 0.05;
+ // setting custom appearance of needle
+ this.linearGauge.isNeedleDraggingEnabled = true;
+ this.linearGauge.needleShape = LinearGraphNeedleShape.Triangle;
+ this.linearGauge.needleBrush = "#79797a";
+ this.linearGauge.needleOutline = "#ffffffff";
+ this.linearGauge.needleStrokeThickness = 1;
+ this.linearGauge.needleOuterExtent = 0.9;
+ this.linearGauge.needleInnerExtent = 0.3;
+ // setting custom appearance of major/minor ticks
+ this.linearGauge.minorTickCount = 4;
+ this.linearGauge.minorTickEndExtent = 0.10;
+ this.linearGauge.minorTickStartExtent = 0.20;
+ this.linearGauge.minorTickStrokeThickness = 1;
+ this.linearGauge.tickStartExtent = 0.25;
+ this.linearGauge.tickEndExtent = 0.05;
+ this.linearGauge.tickStrokeThickness = 2;
+ // setting custom gauge ranges
+ const range1 = new IgxLinearGraphRangeComponent();
+ range1.startValue = 100;
+ range1.endValue = 125;
+ const range2 = new IgxLinearGraphRangeComponent();
+ range2.startValue = 125;
+ range2.endValue = 150;
+ const range3 = new IgxLinearGraphRangeComponent();
+ range3.startValue = 150;
+ range3.endValue = 175;
+ const range4 = new IgxLinearGraphRangeComponent();
+ range4.startValue = 175;
+ range4.endValue = 200;
+ this.linearGauge.rangeBrushes = [ "#0078C8", "#0099FF", "#21A7FF", "#4FB9FF"];
+ this.linearGauge.rangeOutlines = [ "#0078C8", "#0099FF", "#21A7FF", "#4FB9FF"];
+ this.linearGauge.ranges.clear();
+ this.linearGauge.ranges.add(range1);
+ this.linearGauge.ranges.add(range2);
+ this.linearGauge.ranges.add(range3);
+ this.linearGauge.ranges.add(range4);
+ // setting extent of all gauge ranges
+ for (let i = 0; i < this.linearGauge.ranges.count; i++) {
+ const range = this.linearGauge.ranges.item(i);
+ range.innerStartExtent = 0.075;
+ range.innerEndExtent = 0.075;
+ range.outerStartExtent = 0.65;
+ range.outerEndExtent = 0.65;
+ }
+ // setting extent of gauge scale
+ this.linearGauge.scaleStrokeThickness = 0;
+ this.linearGauge.scaleBrush = "#ffffff";
+ this.linearGauge.scaleOutline = "#dbdbdb";
+ this.linearGauge.scaleInnerExtent = 0.075;
+ this.linearGauge.scaleOuterExtent = 0.85;
+ this.linearGauge.scaleStartExtent = 0.05;
+ this.linearGauge.scaleEndExtent = 0.95;
+ // setting appearance of backing fill and outline
+ this.linearGauge.backingBrush = "#ffffff";
+ this.linearGauge.backingOutline = "#d1d1d1";
+ this.linearGauge.backingStrokeThickness = 0;
+ }
+ public AnimateToGauge1(): void {
+ // linear gauge requires settings for these properties:
+ this.linearGauge.minimumValue = 0;
+ this.linearGauge.maximumValue = 80;
+ this.linearGauge.value = 60;
+ this.linearGauge.interval = 20;
+ // setting custom appearance of labels
+ this.linearGauge.labelInterval = 20;
+ this.linearGauge.labelExtent = 0.05;
+ // setting custom appearance of needle
+ this.linearGauge.isNeedleDraggingEnabled = true;
+ this.linearGauge.needleShape = LinearGraphNeedleShape.Trapezoid;
+ this.linearGauge.needleBrush = "#79797a";
+ this.linearGauge.needleOutline = "#ffffffff";
+ this.linearGauge.needleStrokeThickness = 1;
+ this.linearGauge.needleOuterExtent = 0.9;
+ this.linearGauge.needleInnerExtent = 0.3;
+ // setting custom appearance of major/minor ticks
+ this.linearGauge.minorTickCount = 5;
+ this.linearGauge.minorTickEndExtent = 0.10;
+ this.linearGauge.minorTickStartExtent = 0.20;
+ this.linearGauge.minorTickStrokeThickness = 1;
+ this.linearGauge.tickStartExtent = 0.25;
+ this.linearGauge.tickEndExtent = 0.05;
+ this.linearGauge.tickStrokeThickness = 2;
+ // setting custom gauge ranges
+ const range1 = new IgxLinearGraphRangeComponent();
+ range1.startValue = 0;
+ range1.endValue = 40;
+ const range2 = new IgxLinearGraphRangeComponent();
+ range2.startValue = 40;
+ range2.endValue = 80;
+ this.linearGauge.rangeBrushes = [ "#a4bd29", "#F86232" ];
+ this.linearGauge.rangeOutlines = [ "#a4bd29", "#F86232" ];
+ this.linearGauge.ranges.clear();
+ this.linearGauge.ranges.add(range1);
+ this.linearGauge.ranges.add(range2);
+ // setting extent of all gauge ranges
+ for (let i = 0; i < this.linearGauge.ranges.count; i++) {
+ const range = this.linearGauge.ranges.item(i);
+ range.innerStartExtent = 0.075;
+ range.innerEndExtent = 0.075;
+ range.outerStartExtent = 0.65;
+ range.outerEndExtent = 0.65;
+ }
+ // setting extent of gauge scale
+ this.linearGauge.scaleStrokeThickness = 0;
+ this.linearGauge.scaleBrush = "#ffffff";
+ this.linearGauge.scaleOutline = "#dbdbdb";
+ this.linearGauge.scaleInnerExtent = 0.075;
+ this.linearGauge.scaleOuterExtent = 0.85;
+ this.linearGauge.scaleStartExtent = 0.05;
+ this.linearGauge.scaleEndExtent = 0.95;
+ // setting appearance of backing fill and outline
+ this.linearGauge.backingBrush = "#ffffff";
+ this.linearGauge.backingOutline = "#d1d1d1";
+ this.linearGauge.backingStrokeThickness = 0;
+ }
diff --git a/templates/angular/igx-ts/linear-gauge/default/index.ts b/templates/angular/igx-ts/linear-gauge/default/index.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7e5457cc8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/angular/igx-ts/linear-gauge/default/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+import { IgniteUIForAngularTemplate } from "../../../../../lib/templates/IgniteUIForAngularTemplate";
+class IgxLinearGaugeTemplate extends IgniteUIForAngularTemplate {
+ constructor() {
+ super(__dirname);
+ this.components = ["Linear Gauge"];
+ this.controlGroup = "Gauges";
+ this.listInComponentTemplates = true;
+ this.id = "linear-gauge";
+ this.projectType = "igx-ts";
+ this.name = "Linear Gauge";
+ this.description = "IgxLinearGauge with different animations.";
+ this.dependencies = [
+ {
+ from: "igniteui-angular-gauges/ES5/igx-linear-gauge-module",
+ import: ["IgxLinearGaugeModule"]}
+ ];
+ this.packages = ["tslib@1.7.1", "igniteui-angular-core@6.1.1", "igniteui-angular-gauges@6.1.1"];
+ }
+module.exports = new IgxLinearGaugeTemplate();
diff --git a/templates/angular/igx-ts/linear-gauge/index.ts b/templates/angular/igx-ts/linear-gauge/index.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cef278069
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/angular/igx-ts/linear-gauge/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+import { BaseComponent } from "../../../../lib/BaseComponent";
+class IgxLinearGaugeComponent extends BaseComponent {
+ /**
+ *
+ */
+ constructor() {
+ super(__dirname);
+ this.name = "Linear Gauge";
+ this.group = "Gauges";
+ }
+module.exports = new IgxLinearGaugeComponent();
diff --git a/templates/angular/igx-ts/radial-gauge/default/files/src/app/__path__/__name__.component.css b/templates/angular/igx-ts/radial-gauge/default/files/src/app/__path__/__name__.component.css
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d5afcebec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/angular/igx-ts/radial-gauge/default/files/src/app/__path__/__name__.component.css
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+.sample-container {
+ display: flex;
+ flex-direction: column;
+.buttons-container {
+ display: flex;
+ margin-bottom: 5px;
+.sample-button {
+ margin: 3px;
+ flex-grow: 1;
+ height: 30px;
+ font: 12px Titillium Web, sans-serif;
+ min-width:5.5rem;
+ height:2.25rem;
+ font-size:.875rem;
+ font-weight:600;
+ line-height:1;
+ text-align:center;
+ border:none;
+ border-radius:2px;
+ text-transform:uppercase;
+ cursor:pointer;
diff --git a/templates/angular/igx-ts/radial-gauge/default/files/src/app/__path__/__name__.component.html b/templates/angular/igx-ts/radial-gauge/default/files/src/app/__path__/__name__.component.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a549306a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/angular/igx-ts/radial-gauge/default/files/src/app/__path__/__name__.component.html
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
You can read more about configuring the radial gauge component in the
+ official documentation page
+ .
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/templates/angular/igx-ts/radial-gauge/default/files/src/app/__path__/__name__.component.spec.ts b/templates/angular/igx-ts/radial-gauge/default/files/src/app/__path__/__name__.component.spec.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..298215b86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/angular/igx-ts/radial-gauge/default/files/src/app/__path__/__name__.component.spec.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+import { async, ComponentFixture, TestBed } from '@angular/core/testing';
+import { $(ClassName)Component } from './$(filePrefix).component';
+import { NoopAnimationsModule } from '@angular/platform-browser/animations';
+import { IgxRadialGaugeModule } from 'igniteui-angular-gauges/ES5/igx-radial-gauge-module';
+describe('$(ClassName)Component', () => {
+ let component: $(ClassName)Component;
+ let fixture: ComponentFixture<$(ClassName)Component>;
+ beforeEach(async(() => {
+ TestBed.configureTestingModule({
+ declarations: [$(ClassName)Component],
+ imports: [IgxRadialGaugeModule, NoopAnimationsModule]
+ })
+ .compileComponents();
+ }));
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ fixture = TestBed.createComponent($(ClassName)Component);
+ component = fixture.componentInstance;
+ fixture.detectChanges();
+ });
+ it('should create', () => {
+ expect(component).toBeTruthy();
+ });
diff --git a/templates/angular/igx-ts/radial-gauge/default/files/src/app/__path__/__name__.component.ts b/templates/angular/igx-ts/radial-gauge/default/files/src/app/__path__/__name__.component.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b1c1fa714
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/angular/igx-ts/radial-gauge/default/files/src/app/__path__/__name__.component.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,284 @@
+import { Component, AfterViewInit, ViewEncapsulation, ViewChild } from '@angular/core';
+// radial gauge imports
+import { SweepDirection } from 'igniteui-angular-core/ES5/SweepDirection';
+import { IgxRadialGaugeComponent } from 'igniteui-angular-gauges/ES5/igx-radial-gauge-component';
+import { IgxRadialGaugeRangeComponent } from 'igniteui-angular-gauges/ES5/igx-radial-gauge-range-component';
+import { RadialGaugeBackingShape } from 'igniteui-angular-gauges/ES5/RadialGaugeBackingShape';
+import { RadialGaugeNeedleShape } from 'igniteui-angular-gauges/ES5/RadialGaugeNeedleShape';
+import { RadialGaugePivotShape } from 'igniteui-angular-gauges/ES5/RadialGaugePivotShape';
+import { RadialGaugeScaleOversweepShape } from 'igniteui-angular-gauges/ES5/RadialGaugeScaleOversweepShape';
+ selector: 'app-$(filePrefix)',
+ templateUrl: './$(filePrefix).component.html',
+ styleUrls: ['./$(filePrefix).component.css'],
+ encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None
+export class $(ClassName)Component implements AfterViewInit {
+ @ViewChild("radialGauge")
+ public radialGauge: IgxRadialGaugeComponent;
+ public ngAfterViewInit(): void {
+ // enabling animation duration (in milliseconds)
+ this.radialGauge.transitionDuration = 500;
+ this.AnimateToGauge3();
+ }
+ public AnimateToGauge4(): void {
+ this.radialGauge.height = "330px";
+ this.radialGauge.width = "100%";
+ this.radialGauge.minimumValue = 0;
+ this.radialGauge.maximumValue = 80;
+ this.radialGauge.value = 10;
+ this.radialGauge.interval = 10;
+ // Label Settings
+ this.radialGauge.labelExtent = 0.6;
+ this.radialGauge.labelInterval = 10;
+ this.radialGauge.font = "10px Verdana,Arial";
+ // Scale Settings
+ this.radialGauge.scaleStartAngle = 150;
+ this.radialGauge.scaleEndAngle = 30;
+ this.radialGauge.scaleBrush = "#0b8fed";
+ this.radialGauge.scaleOversweepShape = RadialGaugeScaleOversweepShape.Auto;
+ this.radialGauge.scaleSweepDirection = SweepDirection.Clockwise;
+ this.radialGauge.scaleEndExtent = 0.825;
+ this.radialGauge.scaleStartExtent = 0.775;
+ this.radialGauge.minorTickStartExtent = 0.7;
+ this.radialGauge.minorTickEndExtent = 0.75;
+ this.radialGauge.tickStartExtent = 0.675;
+ this.radialGauge.tickEndExtent = 0.75;
+ // Backing Settings
+ this.radialGauge.backingShape = RadialGaugeBackingShape.Fitted;
+ this.radialGauge.backingBrush = "#fcfcfc";
+ this.radialGauge.backingOutline = "#d6d6d6";
+ this.radialGauge.backingOversweep = 5;
+ this.radialGauge.backingCornerRadius = 10;
+ this.radialGauge.backingOuterExtent = 0.9;
+ // Needle Settings
+ this.radialGauge.needleShape = RadialGaugeNeedleShape.NeedleWithBulb;
+ this.radialGauge.needlePivotShape = RadialGaugePivotShape.CircleOverlay;
+ this.radialGauge.needleEndExtent = 0.5;
+ this.radialGauge.needlePointFeatureExtent = 0.3;
+ this.radialGauge.needlePivotWidthRatio = 0.2;
+ this.radialGauge.needleBrush = "#9f9fa0";
+ this.radialGauge.needleOutline = "#9f9fa0";
+ this.radialGauge.needlePivotBrush = "#9f9fa0";
+ this.radialGauge.needlePivotOutline = "#9f9fa0";
+ // TickMark Settings
+ this.radialGauge.tickBrush = "rgba(51, 51, 51, 1)";
+ this.radialGauge.minorTickBrush = "rgba(73, 73, 73, 1)";
+ this.radialGauge.minorTickCount = 6;
+ this.radialGauge.ranges.clear();
+ }
+ public AnimateToGauge3(): void {
+ this.radialGauge.height = "330px";
+ this.radialGauge.width = "100%";
+ this.radialGauge.minimumValue = 0;
+ this.radialGauge.maximumValue = 50;
+ this.radialGauge.value = 25;
+ this.radialGauge.interval = 5;
+ // setting appearance of labels
+ this.radialGauge.labelInterval = 5;
+ this.radialGauge.labelExtent = 0.71;
+ this.radialGauge.font = "10px Verdana,Arial";
+ // setting custom needle
+ this.radialGauge.isNeedleDraggingEnabled = true;
+ this.radialGauge.needleEndExtent = 0.5;
+ this.radialGauge.needleShape = RadialGaugeNeedleShape.Triangle;
+ this.radialGauge.needleEndWidthRatio = 0.03;
+ this.radialGauge.needleStartWidthRatio = 0.05;
+ this.radialGauge.needlePivotShape = RadialGaugePivotShape.CircleOverlay;
+ this.radialGauge.needlePivotWidthRatio = 0.15;
+ this.radialGauge.needleBaseFeatureWidthRatio = 0.15;
+ this.radialGauge.needleBrush = "#79797a";
+ this.radialGauge.needleOutline = "#79797a";
+ this.radialGauge.needlePivotBrush = "#79797a";
+ this.radialGauge.needlePivotOutline = "#79797a";
+ // setting appearance of major/minor ticks
+ this.radialGauge.minorTickCount = 4;
+ this.radialGauge.minorTickEndExtent = 0.625;
+ this.radialGauge.minorTickStartExtent = 0.6;
+ this.radialGauge.minorTickStrokeThickness = 1;
+ this.radialGauge.minorTickBrush = "#79797a";
+ this.radialGauge.tickStartExtent = 0.6;
+ this.radialGauge.tickEndExtent = 0.65;
+ this.radialGauge.tickStrokeThickness = 2;
+ this.radialGauge.tickBrush = "#79797a";
+ // setting extent of gauge scale
+ this.radialGauge.scaleStartAngle = 120;
+ this.radialGauge.scaleEndAngle = 60;
+ this.radialGauge.scaleBrush = "#d6d6d6";
+ this.radialGauge.scaleOversweepShape = RadialGaugeScaleOversweepShape.Fitted;
+ this.radialGauge.scaleSweepDirection = SweepDirection.Clockwise;
+ this.radialGauge.scaleEndExtent = 0.57;
+ this.radialGauge.scaleStartExtent = 0.5;
+ // setting appearance of backing dial
+ this.radialGauge.backingBrush = "#fcfcfc";
+ this.radialGauge.backingOutline = "#d6d6d6";
+ this.radialGauge.backingStrokeThickness = 5;
+ this.radialGauge.backingShape = RadialGaugeBackingShape.Circular;
+ // setting custom gauge ranges
+ const range1 = new IgxRadialGaugeRangeComponent();
+ range1.startValue = 5;
+ range1.endValue = 15;
+ const range2 = new IgxRadialGaugeRangeComponent();
+ range2.startValue = 15;
+ range2.endValue = 35;
+ const range3 = new IgxRadialGaugeRangeComponent();
+ range3.startValue = 35;
+ range3.endValue = 45;
+ this.radialGauge.rangeBrushes = [ "#F86232", "#DC3F76", "#7446B9"];
+ this.radialGauge.rangeOutlines = [ "#F86232", "#DC3F76", "#7446B9"];
+ this.radialGauge.ranges.clear();
+ this.radialGauge.ranges.add(range1);
+ this.radialGauge.ranges.add(range2);
+ this.radialGauge.ranges.add(range3);
+ // setting extent of all gauge ranges
+ for (let i = 0; i < this.radialGauge.ranges.count; i++) {
+ const range = this.radialGauge.ranges.item(i);
+ range.innerStartExtent = 0.5;
+ range.innerEndExtent = 0.5;
+ range.outerStartExtent = 0.57;
+ range.outerEndExtent = 0.57;
+ }
+ }
+ public AnimateToGauge2(): void {
+ this.radialGauge.height = "330px";
+ this.radialGauge.width = "100%";
+ this.radialGauge.minimumValue = 100;
+ this.radialGauge.maximumValue = 200;
+ this.radialGauge.value = 125;
+ // Scale Settings
+ this.radialGauge.scaleStartAngle = 135;
+ this.radialGauge.scaleEndAngle = 45;
+ this.radialGauge.scaleBrush = "transparent";
+ this.radialGauge.scaleSweepDirection = SweepDirection.Clockwise;
+ // Backing Settings
+ this.radialGauge.backingOutline = "white";
+ this.radialGauge.backingBrush = "white";
+ // Needle Settings
+ this.radialGauge.needleEndExtent = 0.8;
+ this.radialGauge.needleShape = RadialGaugeNeedleShape.Triangle;
+ this.radialGauge.needlePivotShape = RadialGaugePivotShape.Circle;
+ this.radialGauge.needlePivotWidthRatio = 0.1;
+ this.radialGauge.needleBrush = "#79797a";
+ this.radialGauge.needleOutline = "#79797a";
+ // TickMark Settings
+ this.radialGauge.tickBrush = "transparent";
+ this.radialGauge.minorTickBrush = "transparent";
+ // Label Settings
+ this.radialGauge.labelInterval = 100;
+ this.radialGauge.labelExtent = 1;
+ this.radialGauge.font = "15px Verdana,Arial";
+ // setting custom gauge ranges
+ const range1 = new IgxRadialGaugeRangeComponent();
+ range1.startValue = 100;
+ range1.endValue = 150;
+ const range2 = new IgxRadialGaugeRangeComponent();
+ range2.startValue = 150;
+ range2.endValue = 200;
+ this.radialGauge.rangeBrushes = [ "#32f845", "#bf32f8" ];
+ this.radialGauge.rangeOutlines = [ "#32f845", "#bf32f8" ];
+ this.radialGauge.ranges.clear();
+ this.radialGauge.ranges.add(range1);
+ this.radialGauge.ranges.add(range2);
+ // setting extent of all gauge ranges
+ for (let i = 0; i < this.radialGauge.ranges.count; i++) {
+ const range = this.radialGauge.ranges.item(i);
+ range.innerStartExtent = 0.3;
+ range.innerEndExtent = 0.3;
+ range.outerStartExtent = 0.9;
+ range.outerEndExtent = 0.9;
+ }
+ }
+ public AnimateToGauge1(): void {
+ this.radialGauge.height = "330px";
+ this.radialGauge.width = "100%";
+ this.radialGauge.minimumValue = 0;
+ this.radialGauge.maximumValue = 10;
+ this.radialGauge.value = 7.5;
+ // Scale Settings
+ this.radialGauge.scaleStartAngle = 200;
+ this.radialGauge.scaleEndAngle = -20;
+ this.radialGauge.scaleBrush = "transparent";
+ this.radialGauge.scaleSweepDirection = SweepDirection.Clockwise;
+ // Backing Settings
+ this.radialGauge.backingOutline = "white";
+ this.radialGauge.backingBrush = "white";
+ // Needle Settings
+ this.radialGauge.needleEndExtent = 0.8;
+ this.radialGauge.needleShape = RadialGaugeNeedleShape.Triangle;
+ this.radialGauge.needlePivotShape = RadialGaugePivotShape.Circle;
+ this.radialGauge.needlePivotWidthRatio = 0.1;
+ this.radialGauge.needleBrush = "#79797a";
+ this.radialGauge.needleOutline = "#79797a";
+ // TickMark Settings
+ this.radialGauge.tickBrush = "transparent";
+ this.radialGauge.minorTickBrush = "transparent";
+ // Label Settings
+ this.radialGauge.labelInterval = 10;
+ this.radialGauge.labelExtent = 1;
+ this.radialGauge.font = "15px Verdana,Arial";
+ // setting custom gauge ranges
+ const range1 = new IgxRadialGaugeRangeComponent();
+ range1.startValue = 0;
+ range1.endValue = 5;
+ const range2 = new IgxRadialGaugeRangeComponent();
+ range2.startValue = 5;
+ range2.endValue = 10;
+ this.radialGauge.rangeBrushes = [ "#a4bd29", "#F86232" ];
+ this.radialGauge.rangeOutlines = [ "#a4bd29", "#F86232" ];
+ this.radialGauge.ranges.clear();
+ this.radialGauge.ranges.add(range1);
+ this.radialGauge.ranges.add(range2);
+ // setting extent of all gauge ranges
+ for (let i = 0; i < this.radialGauge.ranges.count; i++) {
+ const range = this.radialGauge.ranges.item(i);
+ range.innerStartExtent = 0.3;
+ range.innerEndExtent = 0.3;
+ range.outerStartExtent = 0.9;
+ range.outerEndExtent = 0.9;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/templates/angular/igx-ts/radial-gauge/default/index.ts b/templates/angular/igx-ts/radial-gauge/default/index.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bc34acd25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/angular/igx-ts/radial-gauge/default/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+import { IgniteUIForAngularTemplate } from "../../../../../lib/templates/IgniteUIForAngularTemplate";
+class IgxRadialGaugeTemplate extends IgniteUIForAngularTemplate {
+ constructor() {
+ super(__dirname);
+ this.components = ["Radial Gauge"];
+ this.controlGroup = "Gauges";
+ this.listInComponentTemplates = true;
+ this.id = "radial-gauge";
+ this.projectType = "igx-ts";
+ this.name = "Radial Gauge";
+ this.description = "IgxRadialGauge with different animations";
+ this.dependencies = [
+ {
+ from: "igniteui-angular-gauges/ES5/igx-radial-gauge-module",
+ import: ["IgxRadialGaugeModule"]
+ }
+ ];
+ this.packages = ["tslib@1.7.1", "igniteui-angular-core@6.1.1", "igniteui-angular-gauges@6.1.1"];
+ }
+module.exports = new IgxRadialGaugeTemplate();
diff --git a/templates/angular/igx-ts/radial-gauge/index.ts b/templates/angular/igx-ts/radial-gauge/index.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..429c919b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/angular/igx-ts/radial-gauge/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+import { BaseComponent } from "../../../../lib/BaseComponent";
+class IgxRadialGaugeComponent extends BaseComponent {
+ /**
+ *
+ */
+ constructor() {
+ super(__dirname);
+ this.name = "Radial Gauge";
+ this.group = "Gauges";
+ }
+module.exports = new IgxRadialGaugeComponent();