CodeTuah is a compiled esolang based on brainfuck. Finally you can give your computer that "hawk tuah" and "spit on that thang" and by "that thang" I mean inefficent slow and bulky languages because codetuah is blazingly fast. Having a compiler written in C and a very minimal instruction set.
The repository even includes a python script (./tools/
) to help translate boring brainfuck code into sleek modern tuahcode.
brainfuck | codetuah |
+ | hawk |
- | tuah |
> | spit |
< | on |
, | that |
. | thang |
[] | [] |
- Linux
- GNU Make
- LD Linker
To install codetuah you must build the binary from source.
git clone
cd codetuah
make # generate binary
cp codetuah /usr/bin
make clean # get rid of build artifacts
codetuah <INFILE>
This will take a .tuah file as input and output a.out executable binary