- Dano
- Lauren
- Roopa
- Tuesday, 9:00-11:30 Homework
- Office Hours Signup (meet in adjunct office)
- Contact: roopa.vasudevan@nyu.edu
- Shawn
- Shiffman
Each section of ICM meets for 14 sessions. However, in order to stagger final presentations (one week before physical computing) as well as keep all sections (Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday) in sync each week, there will be some slight adjustments from the usual "once-per-week" meeting. The Tuesday sections have the most unorthodox schedule.
Also, note that Friday, October 2nd, all classes will meet together for one larger "synthesis" workshop. The class will meet from 11am to 2pm.
Bolded are classes that differ from normal ITP weekly schedule.
- Tues, 9/8
- Fri, 9/11
- Tues, 9/15
- Tues, 9/22
- Tues, 9/29
- Fri, 10/2 (11am-2pm!)
- Tues, 10/6
- Fri, 10/16
- Tues, 10/20
- Tues, 10/27
- tues, 11/3
- tues, 11/10
- tues, 11/17
- tues. 12/1 No meeting Thanksgiving week. 11/24
- Wed, 9/2
- Wed, 9/9
- Wed, 9/16
- Wed, 9/23
- Wed, 9/30
- Fri, 10/2 (11am-2pm!)
- Wed, 10/7
- Wed, 10/14
- Wed, 10/21
- Wed, 10/28
- Wed, 11/4
- Wed, 11/11
- Wed, 11/18
- Wed, 12/2
- Thurs, 9/3
- Thurs, 9/10
- Thurs, 9/17
- Thurs, 9/24
- Thurs, 10/1
- Fri, 10/2 (11am-2pm!)
- Thurs, 10/8
- Thurs, 10/15
- Mon, 10/26 (12:10pm or 3:20pm)
- Thurs, 10/29
- Thurs, 11/5
- Thurs, 11/12
- Thurs, 11/19
- Thurs, 12/3