- Minimized Some Code
- Files re-organized
- Added Mushroom (You spawn in safezone and then drive down to mushroom. It was added like this because I think think mushroom is too small to have a fun time with people being spawned in it.)
- Kill Stats (Haven't set it to be seen yet.)
- Multi level earplugs
- Limited things you can get in virtual arsenal (To whitelist more items open 'sg_va.sqf' & add classnames under the set categories. Classnames: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_CfgVehicles_WEST )
- Added rebreather to SDAR Loadout
- Added GPS to all preset loadouts
- Healthbar (Dark green looks a bit bad on dark gray, will change later)
- Added Small Text Intro
- Test scripts which were un-needed
- Fixed Teleport Bug
- Fixed Jumpscript (Bound to arma vault key)
- Medikits Now Work
- God Mode In Spawn
- FAK Heals to 100%
- Added GPS, Map, etc to kits and autoassign
- Spawn Menu Opens On Death
- Vehicle Spawn Menu (Thanks To DNA's Public NMD Veh Spawner)
- Fixed God Mode Bug
- Added Earplugs
- Fixed Ammo Menu ( Shift + 1 )
- Lodout Save Script Shortened