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Linux Installation Step by Step

Ana Cristina Franco da Silva edited this page Mar 13, 2021 · 5 revisions

Please checkout the MBP GitHub repository and run the installation script. Alternatively, you can just download the installation script and run it.

The installation script provides a fully automated installation of the MBP. It requires systemd as the running init system. It installs Java, Mosquitto, MongoDB and Tomcat8 to run the MBP. Moreover, it installs git and maven to build the necessary files.

Once the installation is completed, the MBP UI will be accessible through your browser on the URL http://[MBP-Host]:8080/MBP.

$ git checkout
$ cd MBP/
$ sh

To update the version of your already installed MBP, fetch changes from the MBP GitHub repository and run the update script. Once this is completed, the MBP UI will be accessible as before on the URL http://[MBP-Host]:8080/MBP.

$ cd MBP/
$ git pull
$ sh