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TORO (Analysis TOol to evaluate the latencies and RObustness of cause-effect chains) can be used to determine end-to-end latencies as well perform robustness analyses on cause-effect chains.

For calculating of cause-effect chains comprised of BET or LET tasks a data propagation graph is the foundation of the analysis that was proposed by Becker et al. [1,2].

Köhler et al. [3] extended the latency analysis to also support task offsets and based up on the graph-based latency analysis added an additional robustness robustness analysis on top.

As part of [4] the existing TORO implementation has been rewritten to be implemented using open-source graph libraries (NetworkX and graph-tool) to improve comprehensibility and performance. In doing so the latency analysis has been changed to work using a longest (shortest) path search to find the end-to-end path in the data propagation graph that leads to the worst-case latency that can be exhibited for a given cause-effect chain. The Bellman-Ford algorithm is used for this purpose.

As input TORO accepts specifically constructed csv-files as well as Amalthea system models [APP4MC]. The csv-files construction is outlined in the sphinx documentation while Amalthea system model prerequisites have been presented as part of [4] .


A basic Python environment is required. On Linux installations Python should already be installed. If that's not the case check the internet for information on how to install Python for your current Linux distribution. The same goes for Windows.

The code is only verified to work with Python 3.6!

Later versions should also work but have not been verified to work properly.

TORO requires the following python packages:

  • argparse [docu]

    creates user-friendly command-line interfaces (automatically installed by setup script)

  • dill [link]

    storing and accessing static data (automatically installed by setup script)

  • NetworkX [link]

    python graph library (automatically installed by setup script)

  • matplotlib [link]

    visualization library for python (automatically installed by setup script)

  • graph-tool [link]

    python graph library

  • pyCPA [link]

    python graph library

  • Amalthea2PyCPA [link]

    Amalthea Parser (optional, only needed if Amalthea system models shall be used for analysis in TORO)

Note: argparse, dill and NetworkX will be installed automatically when following the installation procedure outline beneath. graph-tool andpyCPA need to be manually installed by the user before starting the installation procedure. Amalthea2PyCPA can be installed as an option but is not required for the tool's basic functionality.


Clone tool's repository:

$ git clone
$ cd Wirkketten_Tool

For general usage:

$ pip install --user .

For development work:

$ pip install --user -e .

Note: make sure to install the tool using the right pip version if multiple Python versions (e.g. v.2.7 and 3.x) are installed on the system.


The code documentation can be built using sphinx:

Install sphinx, recommonmark extension and the RTD theme prior to building the documentation.

$ cd documentation/sphinx
$ ./

or manually:

$ cd documentation/sphinx

# only needed if new modules have been added to TORO
$ sphinx-apidoc -o source/code/ ../../TORO/libs/toro

# symbolic link to README
$ cd source/contents
$ ln -s ../../../../
$ cd ../..

# always call make from /documentation/sphinx 
$ make html

Work Flow

TORO can be used by calling the main script

$ python3 -m <modelType>

The attribute behind -m is mandatory and defines the input data. So far csv and amalthea (optional parser required) are supported.

Other options include:

  • --disableWCRT: disables task WCRT calculation using pyCPA
  • --disableLat: disable end-to-end latency calculations
  • --disableRM: disable robustness analysis
  • --plot: plot data propagation graphs
  • --store: write results to csv files

As a reference for model and chain csv-descriptions check the examples in TORO\data\csv.

Reuse of existing functions outside of TORO

Only exemplary code snippets listed that do not work as stand-alone code.

from TORO.libs.toro import model
Task = model.extTask
Cec = model.extEffectChain 

from TORO.libs.toro import system_analysis
from TORO.libs.toro import chain_analysis
from TORO.libs.toro import model_parser

#example 1 - system analysis (mutliple chains):

system = None #create new or load existing (pycpa) system instead of None
chain = [None] #create new or load existing list of chains (extEffectChain) instead of None
args_tmp = system_analysis.argsDummy(lat=True, rm=True, wcrt=True, plot=False, test=False)

results = system_analysis.perform_analysis(args_tmp, system, chains)

#example 2 - chain analysis (single chain):

system = None #create new or load existing (pycpa) system instead of None
chain = None #create new or load existing chain (extEffectChain) instead of None

args_tmp = system_analysis.argsDummy(lat=True, rm=True, wcrt=True, plot=False, test=False)

# calculate miscellaneous attributes
task_results = system_analysis.calculate_wcrt(system)
lat, t_lat, rm, dlet, slack = system_analysis.analyse_chain(chain, previousChain=None, args=args_tmp)            
res = system_analysis.SystemAnalysisResults('system', { lat}, rm, dlet, slack=slack, task_results=task_results, system=system)


#example 3 - other parts:

parser = model_parser.CSVParser(<arguments dict needed by CSVParser>)
res = system_analysis.SystemAnalysisResults('name', dict(), dict(), dict())
analysis = chain_analysis.analysis_LET_BET.ChainAnalysis(Cec('name'), dict())

Code Structure

See sphinx documentation


See sphinx documentation


[1] M. Becker, D. Dasari, S. Mubeen, M. Behnam, and T. Nolte, “Synthesizing job-level dependencies for automotive multi-rate effect chains”, in 2016 IEEE 22nd International Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications (RTCSA), 2016,pp. 159–169.

[2] M. Becker, D. Dasari, S. Mubeen, M. Behnam, and T. Nolte, “End-to-end timing analysis of cause-effect chains in automotive embedded systems”, Journal of Systems Architecture, vol. 80, pp. 104 – 113, 2017.

[3] L. Köhler, P. Hertha, M. Beckert, A. Bendrick, R. Ernst, "Robust Cause-Effect Chains with Bounded Execution Time and System-Level Logical Execution Time"

[4] A. Bendrick, "Optimisation and improvement of graph analysis in connection with the TORO tool", Institute of Computer and Network Engineering, TU Braunschweig, Masterthesis, 2021.

[5] R. Ernst, L. Ahrendts, and K.-B. Gemlau, “System Level LET: Mastering cause-effect chains in distributed systems”, in IECON 2018-44th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society. IEEE, 2018, pp. 4084–4089.


Author Description Date
Alex Bendrick Updated TORO tool that utilizes NetworkX or graph-tool as graph libraries for implementing the latency analysis (Becker) and was extended to also feature new input data format (Amalthea) as well as theoretically support SL LET early 2021
Alex Bendrick Ready for release, removed chain decomposition from master branch December 2021
Alex Bendrick github release February 2022