Spark OAP Integration Guide
Background Although OAP (Optimized Analytical Package for Spark) acts as a plugin jar to Spark, there are still a few tricks to note when integration with Spark. The document gives you an overview of areas to check when integrating OAP with your Spark. Basically, OAP explored Spark extension & data source API to perform its core functionality. But there are other functionality aspects that cannot achieved by Spark extension and data source API. We made a few improvements or changes to the Spark internals to achieve the functionality. When you are doing an integration, you need to check whether you are running an unmodified up-stream version of Spark or a modified customized version of Spark. Integration an unmodified up-stream version of Spark If you are running an unmodified up-stream version of Spark, things will be much simple. We currently support Spark Spark 2.3.2 & Spark 2.4.1. In this case, you can follow the below steps to integrate OAP to Spark. Building Building the OAP version for the specific Spark version. For example, the following builds OAP 0.6 for Spark 2.3.2
git checkout -b branch-0.6-spark-2.3.2 origin/branch-0.6-spark-2.3.2 mvn clean -q -Ppersistent-memory -DskipTests package. Profile persistent-memory is Optional. Deploy
- Spark on Yarn with Client Mode In this mode, you need set the following three configurations in the “$SPARK_HOME/conf/sparkdefaults.conf” file. And then you can run by bin/spark-sql, bin/spark-shell, bin/spark-submit --deploymode client, sbin/start-thriftserver or bin/pyspark.
spark.files /{PATH_TO_OAP_JAR}/oap-0.6-with-spark-2.3.2.jar # absolute path spark.executor.extraClassPath ./ oap-0.6-with-spark-2.3.2.jar # relative path spark.driver.extraClassPath /{PATH_TO_OAP_JAR}/ oap-0.6-with-spark-2.3.2.jar # absolute path
- Spark on Yarn with Cluster Mode In this mode, you need set the following three configurations in “$SPARK_HOME/conf/sparkdefaults.conf” file. And then you can run with bin/spark-submit –deploy-mode cluster.
spark.files /{PATH_TO_OAP_JAR}/oap-0.6-with-spark-2.3.2.jar # absolute path spark.executor.extraClassPath ./ oap-0.6-with-spark-2.3.2.jar # relative path spark.driver.extraClassPath ./oap-0.6-with-spark-2.3.2.jar # relative path
- Index function You can run with the following example using spark shell for testing simple index case. And you need to replace the “namenode“ with your own cluster.
spark.sql(s"""CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE oap_test (a INT, b STRING) | USING oap) | OPTIONS (path 'hdfs://${namenode}:9000/path')""".stripMargin) val data = (1 to 300).map { i => (i, s"this is test $i") }.toDF().createOrReplaceTempView("t") spark.sql("insert overwrite table oap_test select * from t") spark.sql("create oindex index1 on oap_test (a)") spark.sql("show oindex from oap_test").show() spark.sql("SELECT * FROM oap_test WHERE a = 1").show() spark.sql("drop oindex index1 on oap_test")
- Cache function If you want to run OAP with cache function, you need add the following configurations in the “$SPARK_HOME/conf/spark-defaults.conf” file and then run by sbin/ After start the thriftserver service, you can find the cache metric with OAP tab in the spark history Web UI. OAP provide two medias to cache the hot data: DRAM and DCPMM.
DRAM Cache Configuration in $SPARK_HOME/conf/spark-defaults.conf spark.sql.extensions org.apache.spark.sql.OapExtensions spark.memory.offHeap.enabled true spark.memory.offHeap.size true (for parquet fileformat) true (for orc fileformat)
DCPMM Cache configuration in $SPARK_HOME/conf/spark-defaults.conf spark.sql.extensions org.apache.spark.sql.OapExtensions spark.sql.oap.fiberCache.memory.manager pm spark.sql.oap.fiberCache.persistent.memory.initial.size spark.sql.oap.fiberCache.persistent.memory.reserved.size true (for parquet fileformat) true (for orc fileformat) Integration a modified customized version of Spark It will be more complicated to integrate OAP with a customized version of Spark. Steps needed for this case is to check whether the OAP changes of Spark internals will conflict or override with your private changes. • If no conflicts or overrides happens, the steps are the same as the steps of unmodified version of Spark described above. • If conflicts or overrides happen, you need to have a merge plan of the source code to make sure the changes you made in a file appears in the corresponding file changed in OAP project. Once merged, the steps are the same as above.
The following file needs to be checked/compared:
• antlr4/org/apache/spark/sql/catalyst/parser/SqlBase.g4
Add index related command in this file, such as "create/show/drop oindex".
• org/apache/spark/scheduler/DAGScheduler.scala
Add the oap cache location to aware task scheduling.
• org/apache/spark/sql/execution/DataSourceScanExec.scala
Add the metrics info to OapMetricsManager and schedule the task to read from the cached hosts.
• org/apache/spark/sql/execution/datasources/FileFormatWriter.scala
Return the result of write task to driver.
• org/apache/spark/sql/execution/datasources/OutputWriter.scala
Add new API to support return the result of write task to driver.
• org/apache/spark/sql/hive/thriftserver/HiveThriftServer2.scala
Add OapEnv.init() and OapEnv.stop
• org/apache/spark/sql/hive/thriftserver/SparkSQLCLIDriver.scala
Add OapEnv.init() and OapEnv.stop in SparkSQLCLIDriver
• org/apache/spark/status/api/v1/OneApplicationResource.scala
Update the metric data to spark web UI.
• org/apache/spark/SparkEnv.scala
Add OapRuntime.stop() to stop OapRuntime instance.
• org/apache/spark/sql/execution/datasources/parquet/
Change the private access of variable to protected
• org/apache/spark/sql/execution/datasources/parquet/
Change the private access of variable to protected
• org/apache/spark/sql/execution/datasources/parquet/
Change the private access of variable to protected
• org/apache/spark/sql/execution/vectorized/
Add the get and set method for the changed protected variable.