If you want to get started with OAP quickly and have set up Hadoop clusters, we also provide pre-built OAP jar and Spark-2.3.2 to you, then you can directly skip to Configuration.
We suppose you have set Hadoop clusters which have Yarn, Hive and Spark, and the clusters have configured appropriately according to Apache Hadoop docs. We recommend you install Spark-2.3.2 and refer to guidance for building Spark details. You will need to install required packages on the build system:
- autoconf
- automake
- gcc-c++
- libnuma-devel
- libtool
- numactl-devel
- numactl
- memkind
Build OAP with Maven
git clone -b branch-0.6-spark-2.3.x https://github.com/Intel-bigdata/OAP.git
cd OAP && mvn clean -q -DskipTests package
You can find the OAP jar-- “oap-0.6-with-spark-2.3.2.jar” in “./target/”.
When Spark runs on clusters, we list corresponding OAP configurations in “$SPARK_HOME/conf/spark-defaults.conf” to different deployment modes of Spark.
spark.master yarn
spark.deploy-mode client
spark.sql.extensions org.apache.spark.sql.OapExtensions
spark.files /<PATH_TO_OAP_JAR>/oap-0.6-with-spark-2.3.2.jar # absolute path
spark.executor.extraClassPath ./oap-0.6-with-spark-2.3.2.jar # relative path
spark.driver.extraClassPath /<PATH_TO_OAP_JAR>/oap-0.6-with-spark-2.3.2.jar # absolute path
spark.master yarn
spark.deploy-mode cluster
spark.sql.extensions org.apache.spark.sql.OapExtensions
spark.files /<PATH_TO_OAP_JAR>/oap-0.6-with-spark-2.3.2.jar # absolute path
spark.executor.extraClassPath ./oap-0.6-with-spark-2.3.2.jar # relative path
spark.driver.extraClassPath ./oap-0.6-with-spark-2.3.2.jar # relative path
spark.sql.extensions org.apache.spark.sql.OapExtensions
spark.executor.extraClassPath /<PATH_TO_OAP_JAR>/oap-0.6-with-spark-2.3.2.jar # absolute path
spark.driver.extraClassPath /<PATH_TO_OAP_JAR>/oap-0.6-with-spark-2.3.2.jar # absolute path
NOTE: For spark standalone mode, you have to put oap-0.6-with-2.3.2.jar to both driver and executors since spark.files is not working, also don't forget to update corresponding extraClassPath.
In the following part, we will take Spark on Yarn with Client Mode for example to introduce you more configuration details to deploy Spark with OAP correctly.
With Yarn, you need to set the following properties to ensure all the available resources (CPU cores, memory) can be fully utilized and not be exceeded by the Spark executors with OAP.
yarn.nodemanager.resource.memory-mb # total available memory size of each worker
yarn.scheduler.maximum-allocation-mb # no more than yarn.nodemanager.resource.memory-mb
yarn.scheduler.minimum-allocation-mb # less than yarn.scheduler.maximum-allocation-mb
yarn.nodemanager.resource.cpu-vcores # total available CPU cores of each worker
yarn.scheduler.maximum-allocation-vcores # no more than yarn.nodemanager.resource.cpu-vcores, the default number is 32
yarn.scheduler.minimum-allocation-vcores # less than yarn.scheduler.maximum-allocation-vcore
You need to ensure that the above properties are consistent among the master and all the workers, so we recommend you copyhdfs-site.xml, mapred-site.xml, yarn-site.xml
of master to your workers to keep consistent among all nodes.
Next you also need add the following configurations to $SPARK_HOME/conf/spark-defaults.conf.
spark.executor.cores # less than yarn.scheduler.maximum-allocation-vcores
spark.executor.memory # less than yarn.scheduler.maximum-allocation-mb
spark.yarn.executor.memoryOverhead # close to spark.memory.offHeap.size
spark.executor.instances # 1~2X of worker nodes
Executor instances can be 1~2X of worker nodes. Considering the count of executor instances (N) on each node, executor memory can be around 1/N of each worker total available memory. Usually each worker has one or two executor instances. However, considering the cache utilization, one executor per worker node is recommended. Always enable offHeap memory and set a reasonable (the larger the better) size, as long as OAP's fine-grained cache takes advantage of offHeap memory, otherwise user might encounter weird circumstances.
After deployment and configuration, you can run bybin/spark-sql, bin/spark-shell, bin/spark-submit, sbin/start-thriftserver or bin/pyspark.
If failed to launch Spark with OAP, you need to check the logs to find the reason.
You can run Spark with the following example to try OAP index function.
. $SPARK_HOME/bin/spark-shell
> spark.sql(s"""CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE oap_test (a INT, b STRING)
| USING parquet)
| OPTIONS (path 'hdfs:///<oap-data-dir>')""".stripMargin)
> val data = (1 to 300).map { i => (i, s"this is test $i") }.toDF().createOrReplaceTempView("t")
> spark.sql("insert overwrite table oap_test select * from t")
> spark.sql("create oindex index1 on oap_test (a)")
> spark.sql("show oindex from oap_test").show()
> spark.sql("SELECT * FROM oap_test WHERE a = 1").show()
> spark.sql("drop oindex index1 on oap_test")
For more detailed examples on OAP performance comparation, you can refer to this page for further instructions.
If you want to run OAP with cache function, firstly you should add some configurations into $SPARK_HOME/conf/spark-defaults.conf
. OAP provides two media types to cache hot data: DRAM and DCPMM.
spark.memory.offHeap.enabled true
spark.memory.offHeap.size <set a suitable size>
spark.sql.oap.parquet.data.cache.enable true #for parquet fileformat
spark.sql.oap.orc.data.cache.enable true #for orc fileformat
You can run Spark with the following example to try OAP cache function with DRAM, then you can find the cache metric with OAP TAB in the spark history Web UI.
. $SPARK_HOME/bin/spark-shell
> spark.sql(s"""CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE oap_test (a INT, b STRING)
| USING parquet)
| OPTIONS (path 'hdfs:///<oap-data-dir>')""".stripMargin)
> val data = (1 to 30000).map { i => (i, s"this is test $i") }.toDF().createOrReplaceTempView("t")
> spark.sql("insert overwrite table oap_test select * from t")
> spark.sql("SELECT * FROM oap_test WHERE a = 1").show()
When you want to use DCPMM to cache hot data, firstly you need have DCPMM formatted and mounted on your clusters, and have installed the following requied packages like numactl numactl-devel memkind autoconf automake libtool m4
Then you need to rebuild OAP with "persistent-memory", and set the “initialPath” of numa node in “persistent-memory.xml”.For more details, please refer to development docs
spark.executor.instances <2X of worker nodes>
spark.yarn.numa.enabled true # enable numa
spark.executorEnv.MEMKIND_ARENA_NUM_PER_KIND 1
spark.memory.offHeap.enabled false
spark.speculation false
spark.sql.oap.fiberCache.memory.manager pm # use DCPMM as cache media
spark.sql.oap.fiberCache.persistent.memory.initial.size # ~total available DCPMM per executor
spark.sql.oap.fiberCache.persistent.memory.reserved.size # the left DCPMM per executor
spark.sql.oap.parquet.data.cache.enable true # for parquet fileformat
spark.sql.oap.orc.data.cache.enable true # for orc fileformat
You can also run Spark with the same following example to try OAP cache function with DCPMM, then you can find the cache metric with OAP TAB in the spark history Web UI.
. $SPARK_HOME/bin/spark-shell
> spark.sql(s"""CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE oap_test (a INT, b STRING)
| USING parquet)
| OPTIONS (path 'hdfs:///<oap-data-dir>')""".stripMargin)
> val data = (1 to 30000).map { i => (i, s"this is test $i") }.toDF().createOrReplaceTempView("t")
> spark.sql("insert overwrite table oap_test select * from t")
> spark.sql("SELECT * FROM oap_test WHERE a = 1").show()