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h1:v+OssWQX+hTHEmOBgwxdZxK4zHq3yOs8F9J7mk0PY8E= golang.org/x/term v0.0.0-20201126162022-7de9c90e9dd1/go.mod h1:bj7SfCRtBDWHUb9snDiAeCFNEtKQo2Wmx5Cou7ajbmo= golang.org/x/text v0.0.0-20170915032832-14c0d48ead0c/go.mod h1:NqM8EUOU14njkJ3fqMW+pc6Ldnwhi/IjpwHt7yyuwOQ= golang.org/x/text v0.3.0/go.mod h1:NqM8EUOU14njkJ3fqMW+pc6Ldnwhi/IjpwHt7yyuwOQ= @@ -824,7 +776,6 @@ google.golang.org/api v0.56.0/go.mod h1:38yMfeP1kfjsl8isn0tliTjIb1rJXcQi4UXlbqiv google.golang.org/api v0.57.0/go.mod h1:dVPlbZyBo2/OjBpmvNdpn2GRm6rPy75jyU7bmhdrMgI= google.golang.org/api v0.59.0/go.mod h1:sT2boj7M9YJxZzgeZqXogmhfmRWDtPzT31xkieUbuZU= google.golang.org/api v0.61.0/go.mod h1:xQRti5UdCmoCEqFxcz93fTl338AVqDgyaDRuOZ3hg9I= -google.golang.org/api v0.62.0 h1:PhGymJMXfGBzc4lBRmrx9+1w4w2wEzURHNGF/sD/xGc= google.golang.org/api v0.62.0/go.mod h1:dKmwPCydfsad4qCH08MSdgWjfHOyfpd4VtDGgRFdavw= google.golang.org/appengine v1.1.0/go.mod h1:EbEs0AVv82hx2wNQdGPgUI5lhzA/G0D9YwlJXL52JkM= google.golang.org/appengine v1.4.0/go.mod h1:xpcJRLb0r/rnEns0DIKYYv+WjYCduHsrkT7/EB5XEv4= @@ -958,7 +909,6 @@ gopkg.in/ini.v1 v1.66.2 h1:XfR1dOYubytKy4Shzc2LHrrGhU0lDCfDGG1yLPmpgsI= gopkg.in/ini.v1 v1.66.2/go.mod h1:pNLf8WUiyNEtQjuu5G5vTm06TEv9tsIgeAvK8hOrP4k= gopkg.in/square/go-jose.v2 v2.6.0 h1:NGk74WTnPKBNUhNzQX7PYcTLUjoq7mzKk2OKbvwk2iI= gopkg.in/square/go-jose.v2 v2.6.0/go.mod h1:M9dMgbHiYLoDGQrXy7OpJDJWiKiU//h+vD76mk0e1AI= -gopkg.in/warnings.v0 v0.1.2 h1:wFXVbFY8DY5/xOe1ECiWdKCzZlxgshcYVNkBHstARME= gopkg.in/warnings.v0 v0.1.2/go.mod h1:jksf8JmL6Qr/oQM2OXTHunEvvTAsrWBLb6OOjuVWRNI= gopkg.in/yaml.v2 v2.2.1/go.mod h1:hI93XBmqTisBFMUTm0b8Fm+jr3Dg1NNxqwp+5A1VGuI= gopkg.in/yaml.v2 v2.2.2/go.mod h1:hI93XBmqTisBFMUTm0b8Fm+jr3Dg1NNxqwp+5A1VGuI= diff --git a/pkg/atf/README.md b/pkg/atf/README.md deleted file mode 100644 index 961c482..0000000 --- a/pkg/atf/README.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,182 +0,0 @@ -# Running and Writing Acceptance Tests for VMaaS -- [Running an Acceptance Test](#running-an-acceptance-test) -- [Writing an Acceptance Test](#writing-an-acceptance-test) - - [Writing Acceptance Test for New Resource/Datasource](#writing-acceptance-test-for-new-resource-datasource) -- [Writing Acceptance Test Suite](#writing-acceptance-test-suite) - - [Acceptance Test Suite folder Structure](#acceptance-test-suite-folder-structure) - -## Running an Acceptance Test - -Acceptance tests can be run using the `acceptance` target in the Terraform -`Makefile`. Prior to running acceptance test you may need to set provider -IAM configuration as environment. - -```bash -export HPEGL_IAM_SERVICE_URL= -export HPEGL_TENANT_ID= -export HPEGL_USER_SECRET= -export HPEGL_USER_ID= -export HPEGL_VMAAS_LOCATION= -export HPEGL_VMAAS_SPACE_NAME= -``` - -By Default acceptance test will run test cases from folder `acc-testcases`. -If you need to specify different test suite or folder, please set environment -`TF_ACC_TEST_PATH` - -For example: -```bash -export TF_ACC_TEST_PATH=$PWD/mytestcases -make acceptance -``` -above script will run acceptance test from specified folder and it is expected that -you will cover all the test cases there. - - -## Writing an Acceptance Test - -Acceptance test should be written using vmaas acceptance test framework or `atf`. This -framework supports writing test suites for both resources and data sources. - -### Writing Acceptance Test for New Resource/Datasource - -Create new test file wil the format `__test.go`. -Exmaple: -- `resource_instance_test.go` (for resource `hpegl_vmaas_instance`). -- `data_source_network_test.go` (for data source `hpegl_vmaas_network`) -You only need to create a new file if there is no test file exists. Otherwise you can use the existing file -and add your test suite there. - -If you need to create entire new test suite then create new Test function as well. -Please follow the naming convention for function name as `TestAcc`. - -General example to create acceptance test -```go -// This example is for acceptance test for plan data source -func TestAccResourceMyResourceCreate(t *testing.T) { - acc := &atf.Acc{ - PreCheck: testAccPreCheck, - Providers: testAccProviders, - ResourceName: "hpegl_vmaas_plan", - Version: "case_2", // Use version if you need to run multiple step cases, if not then skip this field - // Version field should also be unique - GetAPI: func(attr map[string]string) (interface{}, error) { - cl, cfg := getAPIClient() - iClient := api_client.PlansAPIService{ - Client: cl, - Cfg: cfg, - } - id := toInt(attr["id"]) - - return iClient.GetSpecificMyResource(context.Background(), id) - }, - - ValidateResourceDestroy: func(attr map[string]string) error{ - // validate resource is deleted - } - } - - acc.RunDataSourceTests(t) -} -``` - -`GetAPI` function should contains Get Specific API for the a resource/Data source. This is -used for validation of the specific resource/data source. - -## Writing Acceptance Test Suite - -Acceptance test suite should be written over default location `acc-testcases` if default acceptance -test suite is used, or else add test case in `TF_ACC_TEST_PATH` folder. - -### Acceptance Test Suite folder Structure - -TF_ACC_TEST_PATH folder structure as follows - - . - ├── resource - │ ├─ my_resource.yaml - │ ├─ my_resource-case_2.yaml - │ ├─ ... - │ └─ . - └── data-sources - ├─ my_datasource.yaml - ├─ ... - └─ . - -The filename of the test should be the resource/data_source name without "hpegl_vmaas_" string. -for example, resource `hpegl_vmaas_instance` filename will be `instance.yaml`. - -Also you may needto append `Version` (if you specified one in the test case on corresponding resource test go file) -prepended with `-`. -for example, resource `hpegl_vmaas_instance` with `Version: "case2"` will be `instance-case2.yaml`. - -### Creating new test suite - -To create entire new test suite, where you need to create a resource (or run new Plan for data source/Resource), -optionally apply updates on resource, create new file with appended `Version`(if a test suite already presented) -along with filename (In this case you also need to create new test function in corresponding go test file with `Version`), - -Structure of the test suite yaml file will be -```yml -acc: # this should be parent field for every test suite - - name: # you can specify name of the test suite here, Apart from the readability - # there are no real world use for the 'name' field - vars: # Variable decleration, this is can be used to generate random values and store in it - rand_name: "%rand_int{0,100}" - rand_size: "%rand_int" - data: 235 - config: |- # Config holds the terraform actual configuration. - < - First configuration in test suite will create the resource and rest will update the resource. - If `expect_error` is specified in first config, then second configuration will be used to - create a new resource. - terraform configuration. Here you don't want to - specify resource name or local name, but only the fields under it. - for example: - ``` - resource "hpegl_vmaas_my_resource" "tf_resource" { - name = "resource_name" - tag { - tag_name = "test" - } - } - ``` - above configuration in test case should represent as follows - - config: - name = "resource_name" - tag { - tag_name = "test" - } - - Acceptance test framework will prepend the resource name and local name along - with this - - To use variable name in configuration give $(variable_name), atf will resolve and replace - with proper value > - - validation: # validation can contains n number of child validations - json.instance.status: "running" # Currently json or tf validations are supported - # in json validation, atf framework will call get API for instance with ID of the created instance - # and get instance.status field from response json and check equality to "running" - tf.network.0.is_primary: true # in tf validation corresponding field in state field is compared to RHS - expect_error: - - - name: - config: |- - < this configuration will result into update operation. - Here you need to provide entire configuration with updated fields - For example, to change name of the resource from "resource_name" to "resource_name_2" - the config looks as follows - - config: - name = "resource_name_2" - tag { - tag_name = "test" - } - validation: # here you can validate updated fields as well as existing fields - ... - ... - -ignore: -``` diff --git a/pkg/atf/acc.go b/pkg/atf/acc.go deleted file mode 100644 index 30307f9..0000000 --- a/pkg/atf/acc.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,124 +0,0 @@ -// (C) Copyright 2021 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP - -package atf - -import ( - "fmt" - "os" - "strings" - "testing" - - "github.com/hashicorp/terraform-plugin-sdk/v2/helper/resource" - "github.com/hashicorp/terraform-plugin-sdk/v2/helper/schema" - "github.com/hashicorp/terraform-plugin-sdk/v2/terraform" -) - -// GetAPIFunc accepts terraform states attribures as params and -// expects response and error as return values -type GetAPIFunc func(attr map[string]string) (interface{}, error) -type ValidateResourceDestroyFunc func(attr map[string]string) error -type Acc struct { - // in PreCheck each service team should provides validation which done - // beforehand (before running the configurations). For example valildate - // paritcular env is set or not. - PreCheck func(t *testing.T) - // Providers used in testing - Providers map[string]*schema.Provider - // GetAPI used to check the truth and do the validation purpose after the - // configuration applied on the test. GetAPI expected to be an API call - // and get the specific resource from the infrastructure. - GetAPI GetAPIFunc - // Name of the resource/Data source - ResourceName string - // Version indicates the version of test case. This should be unique accross - // all the test cases for a specific resource/data source. Version helps to - // write different and independent test cases of same resource/ data source - Version string - ValidateResourceDestroy ValidateResourceDestroyFunc -} - -// RunResourcePlanTest to run resource plan only test case. This will take first -// config from specific resource. -func (a *Acc) RunResourcePlanTest(t *testing.T) { - checkSkip(t) - a.runPlanTest(t, true) -} - -// RunDataSourceTests to run data source plan only test case. This will take first -// config from specific data source -func (a *Acc) RunDataSourceTests(t *testing.T) { - checkSkip(t) - r := newReader(t, false, a.ResourceName) - testSteps := r.getTestCases(a.Version, a.GetAPI) - - resource.ParallelTest(t, resource.TestCase{ - IsUnitTest: false, - PreCheck: func() { a.PreCheck(t) }, - Providers: a.Providers, - Steps: testSteps, - }) -} - -// RunResourceTests creates test cases and run tests which includes create/update/delete/read -func (a *Acc) RunResourceTests(t *testing.T) { - checkSkip(t) - // skip resource create/update/delete operation in short mode - if testing.Short() { - t.Skipf("Skipping %s resource testing in short mode", a.ResourceName) - } - - // populate test cases - r := newReader(t, true, a.ResourceName) - testSteps := r.getTestCases(a.Version, a.GetAPI) - - resource.ParallelTest(t, resource.TestCase{ - PreCheck: func() { a.PreCheck(t) }, - Providers: a.Providers, - CheckDestroy: resource.ComposeTestCheckFunc( - a.checkResourceDestroy, - ), - Steps: testSteps, - }) -} - -// checkResourceDestroy checks resource destroy conditions. This will check the resource actually exists -// and then run user validation if any -func (a *Acc) checkResourceDestroy(s *terraform.State) error { - rs, ok := s.RootModule().Resources[fmt.Sprintf("%s.tf_%s", a.ResourceName, getLocalName(a.ResourceName))] - if !ok { - return fmt.Errorf("[Check Destroy] resource %s not found", a.ResourceName) - } - // skip destroy validation if developer doesn't specify - if a.ValidateResourceDestroy == nil { - return nil - } - - return a.ValidateResourceDestroy(rs.Primary.Attributes) -} - -// runs plan test for resource or data source. only first config from test case -// will considered on plan test -func (a *Acc) runPlanTest(t *testing.T, isResource bool) { - // populate test cases - r := newReader(t, isResource, a.ResourceName) - testSteps := r.getTestCases(a.Version, a.GetAPI) - resource.ParallelTest(t, resource.TestCase{ - PreCheck: func() { a.PreCheck(t) }, - Providers: a.Providers, - Steps: []resource.TestStep{ - { - Config: testSteps[0].Config, - PlanOnly: true, - ExpectNonEmptyPlan: true, - Check: testSteps[0].Check, - }, - }, - }) -} - -// checkSkip ensure to exclude acceptance test while running UTs. -func checkSkip(t *testing.T) { - if strings.ToLower(os.Getenv("TF_ACC")) != "true" && os.Getenv("TF_ACC") != "1" { - t.Skip("acceptance test is skipped since TF_ACC is not set") - } -} diff --git a/pkg/atf/constants.go b/pkg/atf/constants.go deleted file mode 100644 index 53640a5..0000000 --- a/pkg/atf/constants.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,21 +0,0 @@ -// (C) Copyright 2021 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP - -package atf - -const providerStanza = ` - provider hpegl { - vmaas {} - } -` - -var accTestPath = "../../acc-testcases" - -const ( - accKey = "acc" - jsonKey = "json" - tfKey = "tf" - - randMaxLimit = 9999999 - testFuncPrefix = "Test" - AccTestPathKey = "TF_ACC_TEST_PATH" -) diff --git a/pkg/atf/helper.go b/pkg/atf/helper.go deleted file mode 100644 index bf0d76a..0000000 --- a/pkg/atf/helper.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,160 +0,0 @@ -// (C) Copyright 2021 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP - -package atf - -import ( - "crypto/md5" - "encoding/json" - "fmt" - "math/rand" - "reflect" - "runtime" - "strconv" - "time" - - "github.com/hashicorp/terraform-plugin-sdk/v2/helper/resource" - "github.com/hashicorp/terraform-plugin-sdk/v2/terraform" - "github.com/tidwall/gjson" -) - -// validateResource validates the resource exists in state file -func validateResource(name string, validations []validation, getAPI GetAPIFunc) resource.TestCheckFunc { - return func(s *terraform.State) error { - rs, ok := s.RootModule().Resources[name] - if !ok { - return fmt.Errorf("[Validate Resource] resource %s not found", name) - } - - id := rs.Primary.Attributes["id"] - if id == "" { - return fmt.Errorf("resource %s ID is not set", name) - } - - resp, err := getAPI(rs.Primary.Attributes) - if err != nil { - return err - } - - jsonBody, err := json.Marshal(resp) - if err != nil { - return err - } - jsonStr := string(jsonBody) - for _, v := range validations { - var result string - if v.isJSON { - result = gjson.Get(jsonStr, v.key).String() - } else { - result = rs.Primary.Attributes[v.key] - } - if result != fmt.Sprint(v.value) { - return fmt.Errorf("validation failed for %s. On API response, expected %s = %s, but got %v", - name, v.key, result, v.value) - } - } - - return nil - } -} - -// getLocalName truncates hpegl_serviceName_ and returns back remaining. -func getLocalName(res string) string { - count := 0 - for i, r := range res { - if count == 2 { - return res[i:] - } - if r == '_' { - count++ - } - } - - panic("invalid resource name") -} - -func getTag(isResource bool) string { - if isResource { - return "resources" - } - - return "data-sources" -} - -func getType(isResource bool) string { - if isResource { - return "resource" - } - - return "data" -} - -func toInt(str string) int { - i, _ := strconv.Atoi(str) - - return i -} - -// newRand will create different random number if it is called from different -// go routine. This will ensure there will be no collision in random number and -// Parallel testing is possible -func newRand() *rand.Rand { - // get the parent test function name - s := myCaller() - // hash the test - m := md5.New() - m.Write([]byte(s)) - sourceStr := m.Sum(nil) - var sourceInt int64 - for _, i := range sourceStr { - sourceInt += int64(i) - } - - return rand.New(rand.NewSource(sourceInt + time.Now().Unix())) -} - -func getFrame(skipFrames int) string { - // We need the frame at index skipFrames+2, since we never want runtime.Callers and getFrame - targetFrameIndex := skipFrames + 2 - - // Set size to targetFrameIndex+2 to ensure we have room for one more caller than we need - programCounters := make([]uintptr, targetFrameIndex+2) - n := runtime.Callers(0, programCounters) - - pkgName := reflect.TypeOf(reader{}).PkgPath() - - if n > 0 { - frames := runtime.CallersFrames(programCounters[:n]) - for more, frameIndex := true, 0; more && frameIndex <= targetFrameIndex; frameIndex++ { - var frameCandidate runtime.Frame - frameCandidate, more = frames.Next() - - frameName := frameCandidate.Function - if len(frameName) > len(pkgName)+5 && frameName[len(pkgName)+1:len(pkgName)+5] == testFuncPrefix { - return frameName - } - } - } - - return "unknown" -} - -// MyCaller returns the caller of the function that called it :), that is -// the parent test case function name -func myCaller() string { - // Skip GetCallerFunctionName and the function to get the caller of - return getFrame(15) -} - -// join strings wih '.' -func path(v ...interface{}) string { - if len(v) == 0 { - return "" - } - - var p string - for _, val := range v { - p += "." + fmt.Sprint(val) - } - - return p[1:] -} diff --git a/pkg/atf/helper_test.go b/pkg/atf/helper_test.go deleted file mode 100644 index b1e17de..0000000 --- a/pkg/atf/helper_test.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,185 +0,0 @@ -// (C) Copyright 2021 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP - -package atf - -import ( - "strings" - "testing" -) - -func Test_path(t *testing.T) { - tests := []struct { - name string - args []interface{} - want string - }{ - { - name: "2 value", - args: []interface{}{"acc", 0}, - want: "acc.0", - }, - { - name: "1 value", - args: []interface{}{"acc"}, - want: "acc", - }, - } - for _, tt := range tests { - t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) { - if got := path(tt.args...); got != tt.want { - t.Errorf("path() = %v, want %v", got, tt.want) - } - }) - } -} - -func Test_getLocalName(t *testing.T) { - type args struct { - res string - } - tests := []struct { - name string - args args - want string - }{ - { - name: "Test case 1: hpegl_vmaas_instance", - args: args{ - res: "hpegl_vmaas_instance", - }, - want: "instance", - }, - } - for _, tt := range tests { - t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) { - if got := getLocalName(tt.args.res); got != tt.want { - t.Errorf("getLocalName() = %v, want %v", got, tt.want) - } - }) - } -} - -func Test_getTag(t *testing.T) { - type args struct { - isResource bool - } - tests := []struct { - name string - args args - want string - }{ - { - name: "Test case 1- resource", - args: args{ - isResource: true, - }, - want: "resources", - }, - { - name: "Test case 2- data source", - args: args{ - isResource: false, - }, - want: "data-sources", - }, - } - for _, tt := range tests { - t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) { - if got := getTag(tt.args.isResource); got != tt.want { - t.Errorf("getTag() = %v, want %v", got, tt.want) - } - }) - } -} - -func Test_getType(t *testing.T) { - type args struct { - isResource bool - } - tests := []struct { - name string - args args - want string - }{ - { - name: "Test case 1, resource", - args: args{ - isResource: true, - }, - want: "resource", - }, - { - name: "Test case 2, data source", - args: args{ - isResource: false, - }, - want: "data", - }, - } - for _, tt := range tests { - t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) { - if got := getType(tt.args.isResource); got != tt.want { - t.Errorf("getType() = %v, want %v", got, tt.want) - } - }) - } -} - -func Test_toInt(t *testing.T) { - type args struct { - str string - } - tests := []struct { - name string - args args - want int - }{ - { - name: "Test 1", - args: args{ - str: "12", - }, - want: 12, - }, - { - name: "Test 2, invalid data", - args: args{ - str: "abc", - }, - want: 0, - }, - } - for _, tt := range tests { - t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) { - if got := toInt(tt.args.str); got != tt.want { - t.Errorf("toInt() = %v, want %v", got, tt.want) - } - }) - } -} - -func Test_getFrame(t *testing.T) { - type args struct { - skipFrames int - } - tests := []struct { - name string - args args - want string - }{ - { - name: "Test case 1", - args: args{ - skipFrames: 10, - }, - want: "Test_getFrame", - }, - } - for _, tt := range tests { - t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) { - if got := getFrame(tt.args.skipFrames); !strings.Contains(got, tt.want) { - t.Errorf("getFrame() = %v, should cotains %v", got, tt.want) - } - }) - } -} diff --git a/pkg/atf/reader.go b/pkg/atf/reader.go deleted file mode 100644 index d71ccfa..0000000 --- a/pkg/atf/reader.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,255 +0,0 @@ -// (C) Copyright 2021 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP - -// package atf or acceptance-test-framework consists of helper files to parse, -// validate and run acceptance test with vmaas specified terraform acceptance -// test case format -package atf - -import ( - "fmt" - "os" - "regexp" - "strconv" - "strings" - "testing" - - "github.com/hashicorp/terraform-plugin-sdk/v2/helper/resource" - "github.com/spf13/viper" -) - -// accConfig struct holds terraform configuration of a resource/data source -// along with parsed validations -type accConfig struct { - // terraform configuration - config string - validations []validation -} - -// validation holds parsed validation -type validation struct { - // isJSON denotes whether this validate against Get API or - // terraform state file - isJSON bool - // json field key or state file attribute key - key string - // value is a singleton data which we will validate against - value interface{} -} - -// reader encapsulate all the reading and parsing test files -type reader struct { - t *testing.T - // denotes whether this is resource or data source - isResource bool - // resource/data source name - name string - // expectError - expectError *regexp.Regexp - // all the parsed variables stored in vars map - vars map[string]interface{} -} - -// newReader retun new reader instance -func newReader(t *testing.T, isResource bool, name string) *reader { - return &reader{ - t: t, - isResource: isResource, - name: name, - vars: make(map[string]interface{}), - } -} - -func (r *reader) fatalf(format string, v ...interface{}) { - r.t.Fatalf("[acc-test] test case for resource "+r.name+" failed. "+format, v...) -} - -func (r *reader) skipf(format string, v ...interface{}) { - r.t.Skipf("[acc-test] test case for resource "+r.name+" is skipped. "+format, v...) -} - -// parse variable decleration in 'vars:' field -func (r *reader) readVars(v *viper.Viper) { - vars, ok := v.Get("vars").(map[string]interface{}) - if !ok { - return - } - - for key, val := range vars { - r.vars[key] = parseMeta(fmt.Sprint(val)) - } -} - -// getViperConfig read a file using viper. The filepath to the test will determin by following logic -// ${TF_ACC_TEST_PATH}/(resource/data-sources)/ -func (r *reader) getViperConfig(version string) *viper.Viper { - tfName := getLocalName(r.name) - if path := os.Getenv(AccTestPathKey); path != "" { - accTestPath = path - } - var postfix string - if version != "" { - postfix = fmt.Sprintf("-%s", version) - } - v := viper.New() - v.SetConfigFile(fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s/%s%s.yaml", accTestPath, getTag(r.isResource), tfName, postfix)) - err := v.ReadInConfig() - if err != nil { - r.skipf("error while reading config, %v", err) - } - - return v -} - -// replaceVar replaces with varaibles with thier definition -func (r *reader) replaceVar(vars map[string]interface{}, config string) string { - exp := `\$\([a-zA-Z_0-9]+\)` - reg := regexp.MustCompile(exp) - - // loop through all the variables on the configuration and replace with appropriate - // values - matches := reg.FindAllString(config, -1) - for _, m := range matches { - varName, ok := vars[m[2:len(m)-1]] - // check variable definition exists - if !ok { - r.fatalf("variable definition for %s not found", varName) - } - config = strings.Replace(config, m, fmt.Sprint(varName), 1) - } - - return config -} - -// parseMeta currently supports generating of random string. But in future this -// can enhance to support random string or any other data types. -// %rand_int will generate random number under randMaxLimit -// %rand_int{a,b} will generate random number in between a and b. -func parseMeta(data string) string { - exp := `%(rand_int)(\{[0-9]+,[0-9]+\})?` - reg := regexp.MustCompile(exp) - - matches := reg.FindAllString(data, -1) - var randInt int - r := newRand() - for _, m := range matches { - offReg := regexp.MustCompile(`[0-9]+,[0-9]`) - numStr := offReg.FindString(m) - if numStr != "" { - intSplit := strings.Split(numStr, ",") - n1 := toInt(intSplit[0]) - n2 := toInt(intSplit[1]) - randInt = r.Intn(n2-n1) + n1 - } else { - randInt = r.Intn(randMaxLimit) - } - data = strings.Replace(data, m, strconv.Itoa(randInt), 1) - } - - return data -} - -// parseValidations take care parsing the validation and populate validation struct -// currently we are only supporting json/tf validation. Here we can't use any -// meta function (such as len() or greatedThan() etc) on validation, but can be included -// in near future -func (r *reader) parseValidations(vip *viper.Viper, i int) []validation { - vls, ok := vip.Get(fmt.Sprintf("%s.%d.validations", accKey, i)).(map[interface{}]interface{}) - if !ok { - return nil - } - m := make([]validation, 0, len(vls)) - for k, v := range vls { - kStr := k.(string) - kSplit := strings.Split(kStr, ".") - if len(kSplit) > 1 && (kSplit[0] == jsonKey || kSplit[0] == tfKey) { - isJSON := false - if kSplit[0] == jsonKey { - isJSON = true - } - - m = append(m, validation{ - isJSON: isJSON, - key: kStr[len(kSplit[0])+1:], - value: v, - }) - } else { - r.fatalf("invalid validation format. validation format should be '[json|tf].key1.key2....keyn: value'") - } - } - - return m -} - -// parseExpectErr converts string parsed by user to regex object -func (r *reader) parseExpectErr(v *viper.Viper, i int) { - if expectErrStr := v.GetString(path(accKey, i, "expect_error")); expectErrStr != "" { - var err error - r.expectError, err = regexp.Compile(expectErrStr) - if err != nil { - r.fatalf("error while compiling regex %s, got error %v", expectErrStr, err) - } - } -} - -// parseConfig populates terraform configuration and parse to accConfig -func (r *reader) parseConfig(v *viper.Viper) []accConfig { - tfKey := getLocalName(r.name) - - testCases := v.Get(accKey).([]interface{}) - configs := make([]accConfig, len(testCases)) - // loop each test case in a file and append following line - // tf_ { - // At the end of loop we will have a complete configuration along - // with provider config as well - for i := range testCases { - tfConfig := r.replaceVar(r.vars, v.GetString(path(accKey, i, "config"))) - configs[i].config = fmt.Sprintf(` - %s - %s "%s" "tf_%s" { - %s - } - `, - providerStanza, getType(r.isResource), r.name, tfKey, tfConfig, - ) - // parse expect error and validation as well - r.parseExpectErr(v, i) - configs[i].validations = r.parseValidations(v, i) - } - - return configs -} - -// getTestCases populate TestSteps -func (r *reader) getTestCases(version string, getAPI GetAPIFunc) []resource.TestStep { - v := r.getViperConfig(version) - // ignore field in test suite can be used to skip specific test file altogather without - // actually deleting it - if v.GetBool("ignore") { - r.t.Skip("ignoring tests for resource ", r.name) - } - - r.readVars(v) - configs := r.parseConfig(v) - testSteps := make([]resource.TestStep, 0, len(configs)) - - tag := "" - if !r.isResource { - tag = "data." - } - - for _, c := range configs { - testSteps = append(testSteps, resource.TestStep{ - Config: c.config, - Check: resource.ComposeTestCheckFunc( - validateResource( - fmt.Sprintf("%s%s.tf_%s", tag, r.name, getLocalName(r.name)), - c.validations, - getAPI, - ), - ), - ExpectError: r.expectError, - }) - } - - return testSteps -} diff --git a/pkg/utils/utils.go b/pkg/utils/utils.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8d20a4f --- /dev/null +++ b/pkg/utils/utils.go @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +// (C) Copyright 2021 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP +package utils + +import ( + "os" + + "github.com/spf13/viper" +) + +func ReadAccConfig(path string) { + if os.Getenv("TF_ACC") == "true" { + viper.AddConfigPath(path) + viper.SetConfigType("yaml") + viper.SetConfigName(os.Getenv("TF_ACC_CONFIG")) + err := viper.ReadInConfig() + if err != nil { + panic("fatal error config file: " + err.Error()) + } + } +}