- iOS 15.0
- Xcode 13 Beta 5
- Swfit 5.5
- MacOS (Monterey) - Optional
- Display pre-defined categories with budget and current total expense in current month
- Highlight category if total expense of it exceed its budget
- Display transaction list with local currency(NZD)
- Support Add / Edit Transaction on title, amount, currency, category, date and time.
- Support deleting one transaction
- Fetch latest USDNZD rate from Currency Layer
- Support ** Datalayer** to save app data to the local database (CoreData)
Each category has monthly budget, if the current expense of it exceeds this value, the total expense text will be highlighted in red, like below screenshot:
Transaction list shows all transactions with title, category, amount in NZD and occurOn date. All transaction records with USD currency will be converted to NZD automatically on this page.
User can click "+" button(top right) to add a new transaction or tap on existing transaction to edit it.
User can delete one transaction by swipe item to left.
Datalayer is responsible for fetching lastest USD to NZD currency rate and save it in @AppStorage.
This is for keeping user's transaction records into local database by using CoreData with Repository Pattern