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177 lines (135 loc) · 7.19 KB

Developing a Framework and Automating Live Project

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


  • Developing Software
    • Download Java JDK
    • Download Eclipse or IntelliJ IDEA
    • Download Apache Maven

Built With

Create a Maven Quick-start Project

Add the dependency tags for below:

  • WebDriverManger
  • Selenium Java
  • TestNG
  • Log4j (log4j-api and log4j-core)
  • Apache Commons IO
  • ExtentReports

Create a Base class

  • Create resources package under 'src/main/java'
  • Create Base class under this package
  • Create a method for initializeBrowser inside the Base class
  • Read the browser name from Properties file, instead of hardcoding it
    • Create file under Config File Folder
    • Add this property browser=chrome to the file
    • Modify the initializeBrowser code accordingly

Create a Class for 'LoginTest' under 'src/test/java' under 'testCases' package

  • Create a method say 'login' and annotate with @Test
  • Extend the LoginTest class with Base class
  • Write the code to initialize the browser and open the Application URL
  • Run the LoginTest to see, if this is executing so far.
  • Remove the URL hardcoding and read the URL from the properties file
  • Run the LoginTest to see, if this is executing after this change - Add this property url= to the properties file

Write the remaining code of LoginTest by creating Page Objects

  • Create a package under 'src/main/java' as 'pageObject'
  • Create a class say 'LandingPage' under this package with page objects
  • Create an object for LandingPage from LoginTest and perform required operations
  • Run the LoginTest to see, if this is executing so far.
  • Create a class say 'LoginPage' under this package with page objects
  • Create an object for LoginPage from LoginTest and perform required operations
  • Run the LoginTest to see, if this is executing so far.
  • Create a class say 'AccountPage' under this package with page objects
  • Create an object for AccountPage from LoginTest and perform required operations
  • Run the LoginTest to see, if this is executing so far.
  • Remove the email and password hardcoding and read them from the properties file
  • Write @AfterMethod to close the browser

Parameterize the Test by passing multiple sets of data from DataProvider annotated method

  • Create a DataProvider annotated method and pass the data to the Test annotated method

Create @BeforeMethod

  • Organize the code for opening the Application

Create some dummy Test Classes with simple SOP statements

  • TestTwo
  • TestThree
  • TestFour

Convert the Project to TestNG

  • Right click on the Project, Select TestNG > Convert to TestNG
  • Execute the Tests as a group using testng.xml file

Integrate with Maven to run the Project from the command line

  • Search for Maven TestNG configuration and add the plugin for Maven Surefire plugin having configuration tags
  • Run from the command prompt - mvn test

Configuring log4j for logs

  • Copy paste the log4j2.xml file here into the Config File Folder
  • Open the LoginTest and write the logs
  • Add the tags to pom.xml file to specify where exactly log4j file is available in the project
    • Search for 'Maven filtering' in google
    • Add the tags under tag
  • Run the code and observe that the logs will be printed in the logs file

Enable Parallel execution using TestNG

  • Adding sample automation code in all the Test Classes and Run them as a group to see whether they are running one after the other
  • Modify the testng.xml file as below:
    • Separate individual classes to separate tags
    • Add parallel=tests
  • Run the code and observe that all the tests will run in parallel

Taking screenshots for failing Tests

  • Create a listeners package under src/main/java
  • Create a Listeners class under it and make it implement ITestListener interface
    • Add TestNG library if unable to resolve the errors
  • Select 'Source' menu in Eclipse IDE < Override/Implement Methods and select all the check boxes of ITestListerner
  • Create reusable method for taking screenshots in Base class with two parameters
  • Extend the Listeners class with Base class
  • Update the onTestFailure() method of Listeners class
  • Add the Listeners tags in testng.xml file
  • Make the driver of the Test Classes to global and public
  • Intentionally fail a test and run the testng.xml file

Integrating ExtentReports to the framework

  • Create a package say 'utilities' under 'src/main/java'

  • Create a class under this package say 'ExtentReporter'

  • Create a method say 'getExtentReport'

  • Make the getExtentReport method static

  • Write extent report code into different Listeners methods ( onTestStart, onTestSuccess, onTestFailure and onFinish)

  • Remove parallel execution from testng.xml file and Run

  • Make ExtentReports thread-safe, by adding this code to Listeners class

    • Add parallel execution to testng.xml file
    • Add this line to the Listeners class
      • ThreadLocal extentTestThread = new ThreadLocal();
    • Add this line inside onTestStart
      • extentTestThread.set(extentTest);
    • Replace existing line with this line inside onTestSuccess
      • extentTestThread.get().log(Status.PASS,"Test Passed");
    • Replace existing line with this link inside onTestFailure
      • extentTestThread.get().fail(result.getThrowable());
  • Adding the screenshot to the ExtentReports

    • Make the takeScreenshot() method return the destination file path
    • Update the onTestFailure method
      • String screenshotFilePath = takeScreenshot(testMethodName,driver);
      • extentTestThread.get().addScreenCaptureFromPath(screenshotFilePath, testMethodName);
  • Run the testng.xml file

Applying Encapsulation in the framework

  • Make all the Page Objects as private

Integrating Cucumber BDD into this Framework

  • Add the dependencies for Cucumber
    • Cucumber-Java
    • Cucumber-testng
  • Verify whether the Cucumber Eclipse IDE plugin is installed
  • Create a package 'features' under 'src/test/java'
  • Create a feature file 'Login.feature' under this package
  • Create a package 'stepDefinitions' under 'src/test/java'
  • Create a Class '' under this package
  • Auto-generate the Step definitions using TinyGerkhin Chrome Plugin
  • Move the automation code to respective step definitions methods
  • Create a runner package
  • Create a Runner class under it
    • Extend AbstractTestNGCucumberTests
  • Generate a testng2.xml file and modify it
  • Run the testng2.xml file
  • Mention this testng2.xml file in maven surefire plugin of pom.xml and run using the Maven command (mvn test)


For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.



This project is not under any License - Open source