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1253 lines (989 loc) · 25.7 KB

File metadata and controls

1253 lines (989 loc) · 25.7 KB




The tag {var:...} is used to access a value by its id/index or by its name/key. It can be a child value, like: ID1[ID2][ID3]... or key1[key2][key3], or both: ID1[Key1][ID2][Key3]....

Unordered array:

    "name": "Qentem",
    "version": 3.0

When rendered, the output will be:


If it's a nested list:

    "list1": {
        "item1": 5,
        "item2": {
            "subItem1": 10

Then every item can be reached using its key:

{var:list1[item1]}: 5
{var:list1[item2][subItem1]}: 10

In the case of ordered arrays, use a numeric id.

["a", "b", 1, ["x", [true]]]
{var:0}: a
{var:1}: b
{var:2}: 1
{var:3[0]}: X
{var:3[1][0]}: true

Mixed of both:

    "list1": [
            "name": "Qentem"
{var:list1[0]}: 1
{var:list1[1]}: true
{var:list1[2][name]}: Qentem

Variable Example

#include "Template.hpp"
#include "Value.hpp"

#include <iostream>

using Qentem::StringStream;
using Qentem::Template;
using Qentem::Value;

int main() {
    Value<char> value;

    value["name"]       = "Qentem";
    value["version"]    = 3.0;
    const char *content = R"({var:name}, {var:version})";

    StringStream<char> stream;

    Template::Render(content, value, stream);
    std::cout << stream << '\n';

            Qentem, 3

Variable Tag Note

Spaces after {var: or before } are considered part of the variable's name, and any string value will be made safe to be printed to the browser; by escaping HTML special chars (>, <, ", ' , &).

Raw Variable


Raw variable tag is the same as Variable tag, except it does not escape HTML special chars (>, <, ", ' , &).

Raw Variable Example

#include "Template.hpp"
#include "Value.hpp"

#include <iostream>

using Qentem::StringStream;
using Qentem::Template;
using Qentem::Value;

int main() {
    Value<char> value;

    value["name"]       = "<Qentem>";
    value["version"]    = 3.0;
    const char *content = R"({raw:name}, {raw:version})";

    StringStream<char> stream;

    Template::Render(content, value, stream);
    std::cout << stream << '\n';

            <Qentem>, 3

## Math

  • Logic operations:

    • & Bitwise and
    • | Bitwise or
    • && And
    • || Or
    • == Equal
    • != Not equal
    • > Greater than
    • >= Greater than or equal
    • < Less than
    • <= Less than or equal
  • Arithmetic operations:

    • ^ Exponent
    • % Remainder
    • * Multiplication
    • / Division
    • + Addition
    • - Subtraction

Math Example

#include "Template.hpp"
#include "Value.hpp"

#include <iostream>

using Qentem::StringStream;
using Qentem::Template;
using Qentem::Value;

int main() {
    Value<char> value;
    value["one"]   = "1";
    value["two"]   = "2";
    value["three"] = "3";
    value["four"]  = "4";

    const char *content = R"(
0.1+0.2 is: {math: 0.1  +   0.2 }
{var:one}+{var:four}*{var:two}+{var:one} = {math:{var:one}+{var:four}*{var:two}+{var:one}}; (1+8+1)
6^2 = {math:6^2}
{var:one}+{var:three} = {math:{var:one}+{var:three}}
9 % 5 = {math:9 % 5}

    StringStream<char> stream;

    Template::Render(content, value, stream);
    std::cout << stream << '\n';

            0.1+0.2 is: 0.3
            1+4*2+1 = 10; (1+8+1)
            6^2 = 36
            1+3 = 4
            9 % 5 = 4

Super Variable

{svar:var, sub_var_0, sub_var_1, sub_var_2, ... sub_var_9}

Super variable tag is like a tiny template engine engineered for basic text replacement inside a phrase; it can accept a variable tag, a raw variable tag, and a math tag. The maximum number of sub-variables is 10, starting at 0 and ending at 9.

svar_value: when {0} met with {1}, he saw {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}, {6}, {7} and {8} but not {9}.

The order of values does not matter, and every value can be reused at any time.

svar_value: when {5} met with {3}, he saw {2}, {1}, {4}, {0}, {6}, {7} and {8} but not {9}.
{3} and {5} were at the market when they met.

Super Variable Example

#include "Template.hpp"
#include "JSON.hpp"

#include <iostream>

using Qentem::JSON;
using Qentem::StringStream;
using Qentem::Template;
using Qentem::Value;

int main() {
    Value<char> value;

    value["phrase"] = "Welcome {0} to {1}. You have {2} points. "
                      "Your points will become {3} next month. "
                      "Your points will be here when you login to {1} every {4}.";

    value["username"]    = "X";
    value["site_name"]   = "Y";
    value["points"]      = 10U;
    value["points_html"] = R"(<span id="pid">10</span>)";
    value["time"]        = "week";

    const char *content =
        "{svar:phrase, {var:username}, {var:site_name}, {raw:points_html}, {math: {var:points} * 2}, {var:time}}";

    StringStream<char> stream;

    Template::Render(content, value, stream);
    std::cout << stream << '\n';
        Output: Welcome X to Y. You have <span id="pid">10</span> points. Your points will become 20 next month. Your
                points will be here when you login to Y every week.


    const char *json_data = R"(
            "phrase": "user {0} logged in {1}.\n",
            "list": [
                    "name": "X",
                    "last_seen": "today"
                    "name": "Y",
                    "last_seen": "yesterday"
                    "name": "Z",
                    "last_seen": "last week"

    value = JSON::Parse(json_data);

    content = R"(<loop set="list" value="val">{svar:phrase, {var:val[name]}, {var:val[last_seen]}}</loop>)";

    Template::Render(content, value, stream);
    std::cout << '\n' << stream << '\n';

        user User1 logged in today.
        user User2 logged in yesterday.
        user User3 logged in last week.

Inline If

  • Logic operations:

    • & Bitwise and
    • | Bitwise or
    • && And
    • || Or
    • == Equal
    • != Not equal
    • > Greater than
    • >= Greater than or equal
    • < Less than
    • <= Less than or equal
  • Arithmetic operations:

    • ^ Exponent
    • % Remainder
    • * Multiplication
    • / Division
    • + Addition
    • - Subtraction
{if case="..." true="..." false="..."}
{if case='...' true='...' false='...'}

Inline if condition uses the case value for evaluation, and if the returned value is a positive number, it will print the value inside true. Otherwise, false's value is used.

{if case="1" true="one" false="not one"} // Fine.
{if case="2!=1" false="not one"} // Fine.
{if case="1&&1" true="one"} // Fine.
{if true="one" case="1"} // OK.

{if true="one" false="not one"} // Wrong.
{if case="1"} // Wrong.
{if true="one"} // Wrong.
{if false="not one"} // Wrong.

With variables:

["Correct!", "WRONG!", 4, 5, 9]
{if case="{var:3} + {var:2} == {var:4}" true="{var:0}" false="{var:1}"}: Output "Correct!".
{if case="{var:3} + {var:2} == {var:4}" true="{var:0}"}: Same.
{if case="{var:3}" true="{var:0}"}: Same.

{if case="{var:3} + {var:2} == {var:4}" false="{var:1}"}: Output nothing.
{if case="{var:3} + {var:2} != {var:4}" true="{var:0}"}: Output nothing.
{if case="{var:3} == {var:2}" false="{var:1}"}: Output "WRONG!".

{if case="a==a" false="{var:1}" true="{var:0}"}: Output "Correct!".
{if case="a  ==  a" false="{var:1}" true="{var:0}"}: Output "Correct!".
{if case  =  "a  ==  a" false  =  "{var:1}" true   = "{var:0}"}: Same.

Inline If Tag Note

true and false only accept Variable tag, Raw variable tag and Math tag.

If Condition

  • Logic operations:

    • & Bitwise and
    • | Bitwise or
    • && And
    • || Or
    • == Equal
    • != Not equal
    • > Greater than
    • >= Greater than or equal
    • < Less than
    • <= Less than or equal
  • Arithmetic operations:

    • ^ Exponent
    • % Remainder
    • * Multiplication
    • / Division
    • + Addition
    • - Subtraction
<if case="...">...</if>
<if case='...'>...</if>
<if case="...">...<else />...</if>
<if case="...">...<elseif case="..." />...</if>
<if case="...">...<else if case="..." >...</if>
<if case='...'>...<elseif case='...' >...<else>...</if>
<if case='...'>...<else if case='...' >...<else>...</if>
<if case='...'>...<elseif case='...' /> <elseif case='...' />...<else />...</if>
<if case='...'>...<else if case='...' /> <else if case='...' />...<else>...</if>

Similar to {if case="..." ...}, but capable of branching and nesting.

If Example 1

#include "Template.hpp"
#include "Value.hpp"

#include <iostream>

using Qentem::StringStream;
using Qentem::Template;
using Qentem::Value;

int main() {
    Value<char> value;

    value += 0;
    value += 1;
    value += 2;
    value += 3;

    const char *content = R"(
<if case="{var:0} == 0">

<if case="{var:1} == 0">
<else />
Not {var:0} but {var:1}.

<if case="{var:2} == 0">
<else if case="{var:2} == 2">
<else />
Not zero or one.

<if case="{var:2} == 0">
<else if case="{var:2} == 5">
<else if case="{var:3} == 3">
<else />
Not zero or one or two.

    StringStream<char> stream;

    Template::Render(content, value, stream);
    std::cout << stream << '\n';


            Not 0 but 1.



If Example 2

#include "JSON.hpp"
#include "Template.hpp"

#include <iostream>

using Qentem::StringStream;
using Qentem::Template;
using Qentem::Value;
using Qentem::JSON;

int main() {
    auto value = JSON::Parse(R"([0,1,2,3])");

    const char *content = R"(
<if case="{var:0} == 0">
Zero!<if case="{var:1} == 1"> and one<if case="{var:2} == 2"> and two!</if></if>

<if case="({var:3} + 5) == 0">
<else />
<if case="{var:3} == 3">{var:3}+5 is 8 not {var:3}</if>

    StringStream<char> stream;

    Template::Render(content, value, stream);
    std::cout << stream << '\n';

        Zero! and one and two!

        3+5 is 8 not 3

Evaluation Note

Evaluate uses 1 for true, 0 for false. if the operation is equal ==, Template will try the following:

  • If one of the variables is a number, it will try to convert the other one to a number: ({var:one} == 1)
  • If none of the variables are numbers, it will try to convert them to strings: ({var:bool} == true)
  • However, it's better to use bool alone as it will be converted to number. {var:bool} is the same as ({var:bool}) == 1 and ({var:bool} == true) but {var:bool} alone is faster and less writing: {if case="{var:bool1}" true="bool1 is true" false="bool1 is false"}.
  • If case contains a variable only and the variable is string with length bigger than zero, the value inside true will be printed, otherwise, false content will be printed.
{if case="{var:string1}" true="string1 is not empty" false="null, empty or not a string"}

To force converting the variables to numbers, use parentheses: {math:({var:bool}) == 1}

Evaluation Order

  • Parentheses.
  • Exponent. Remainder.
  • Multiplication. Division.
  • Addition. Subtraction.
  • Bitwise and. Bitwise or.
  • Equal. Not Equal. Less than. Greater than.
  • And. Or.


<loop set="..." value="..." group="..." sort="...">...</loop>
<loop set='...' value='...' group='...' sort='...'>...</loop>
<loop value="...">...</loop>
<loop value='...'>...</loop>
<loop set="..." value="...">...</loop>
<loop set='...' value='...'>...</loop>
<loop set="..." value="..." group="...">...</loop>
<loop set="..." value="..." sort="...">...</loop>
<loop set="..." value="..." group="..." sort="...">...</loop>

Loops over a set and replaces the values with the string inside value. the set works like {var:...} and can be used to point to a sub-array. value accepts only strings for matching and replacing the values inside the loop. The group option groups the given array by a sub-value of an object. sort will sort the set in ascending or descending order.

Loop Example 1 (unordered set)

#include "JSON.hpp"
#include "Template.hpp"

#include <iostream>

using Qentem::StringStream;
using Qentem::Template;
using Qentem::Value;
using Qentem::JSON;

int main() {
    auto value = JSON::Parse(R"(
        "name": "a",
        "value": 1
        "name": "b",
        "value": 2
        "name": "c",
        "value": 3

    const char *content = R"(
<loop value="loop1-value">
{var:loop1-value[name]}: {var:loop1-value[value]}</loop>

    StringStream<char> stream;

    Template::Render(content, value, stream);
    std::cout << stream << '\n';

            a: 1
            b: 2
            c: 3

Loop Example 2 (unordered sub-set)

#include "Template.hpp"
#include "Value.hpp"

#include <iostream>

using Qentem::StringStream;
using Qentem::Template;
using Qentem::Value;

int main() {
    Value<char> value;

    value["some_set"]["a"] = 10;
    value["some_set"]["b"] = 20;
    value["some_set"]["c"] = 30;

    const char *content = R"(
<loop set="some_set" value="loop1-value">

    StringStream<char> stream;

    Template::Render(content, value, stream);
    std::cout << stream << '\n';


Loop Example 3 (ordered set)

#include "Template.hpp"
#include "Value.hpp"

#include <iostream>

using Qentem::StringStream;
using Qentem::Template;
using Qentem::Value;

int main() {
    Value<char> value;

    value[0] = 40;
    value[1] = 60;
    value[2] = 80;

    const char *content = R"(
<loop value="loop1-value">

    StringStream<char> stream;

    Template::Render(content, value, stream);
    std::cout << stream << '\n';


Loop Example 4 (nested sets)

#include "JSON.hpp"
#include "Template.hpp"

#include <iostream>

using Qentem::StringStream;
using Qentem::Template;
using Qentem::JSON;
using Qentem::Value;

int main() {
    auto value = JSON::Parse(R"(
    "Group-1": [["A","B","C"],["DD","EE","FF"],["GGG","HHH","Qentem"]],
    "Group-2": [[1,2,3],[10,20,30],[100,200,300]]

    const char *content = R"(
<loop value="loop1-val">
    <loop set="loop1-val" value="loop2-val">
        <loop set="loop2-val" value="loop3-val">{var:loop3-val}

    StringStream<char> stream;

    Template::Render(content, value, stream);
    std::cout << stream << '\n';







Loop Example 5

#include "Template.hpp"
#include "Value.hpp"

#include <iostream>

using Qentem::StringStream;
using Qentem::Template;
using Qentem::Value;

int main() {
    Value<char> value;

    value += 0;
    value += 1;

    const char *content =
        R"(<loop value="loop1-value"><loop value="loop2-value"><loop value="loop3-value">({var:loop1-value}: {var:loop2-value}: {var:loop3-value}) </loop></loop></loop>)";

    StringStream<char> stream;

    Template::Render(content, value, stream);
    std::cout << stream << '\n';

                (0: 0: 0) (0: 0: 1) (0: 1: 0) (0: 1: 1) (1: 0: 0) (1: 0: 1) (1: 1: 0) (1: 1: 1)

Loop Example 6

#include "Template.hpp"
#include "Value.hpp"

#include <iostream>

using Qentem::StringStream;
using Qentem::Template;
using Qentem::Value;

int main() {
    Value<char> value;

    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
        value["list"] += i;

    const char *content = R"(<loop set="list" value="loop1-value">{var:loop1-value}</loop>)";

    StringStream<char> stream;

    Template::Render(content, value, stream);
    std::cout << stream << '\n';


Loop Example 7 (sub value)

#include "JSON.hpp"
#include "Template.hpp"

#include <iostream>

using Qentem::StringStream;
using Qentem::Template;
using Qentem::Value;
using Qentem::JSON;

int main() {
    auto value = JSON::Parse(R"(
    "object": [
            "var1": "value1",
            "var2": "value2",
            "var3": "value3",
            "var4": "value4"
        },        {
            "var1": "value11",
            "var2": "value22",
            "var3": "value33",
            "var4": "value44"
    "array": [

    const char *content = R"(
<loop set="object" value="item">
{var:item[var1]} {var:item[var2]} {var:item[var3]} {var:item[var4]}</loop>

<loop set="array" value="item">
{var:item[0]} {var:item[1]} {var:item[2]} {var:item[3]}</loop>

    StringStream<char> stream;

    Template::Render(content, value, stream);
    std::cout << stream << '\n';

            value1 value2 value3 value4
            value11 value22 value33 value44

            value10 value20 value30 value40
            value100 value200 value300 value400

Loop Example 8 (Sorting)

#include "Template.hpp"
#include "Value.hpp"

#include <iostream>

using Qentem::StringStream;
using Qentem::Template;
using Qentem::Value;

int main() {
    Value<char> value;

    value += 4;
    value += 5;
    value += 1;
    value += 6;
    value += 2;
    value += 7;
    value += 3;

    const char *content = R"(
<loop value="val_1" sort="ascend">{var:val_1} </loop>

    StringStream<char> stream;

    Template::Render(content, value, stream);
    std::cout << stream << '\n';
        Output: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

    const char *content2 = R"( = R"(
<loop value="val_1" sort="descend">{var:val_1} </loop>


    Template::Render(content2, value, stream);
    std::cout << stream << '\n';
        Output: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Loop Example 9 (Grouping)

#include "JSON.hpp"
#include "Template.hpp"

#include <iostream>

using Qentem::StringStream;
using Qentem::Template;
using Qentem::Value;
using Qentem::JSON;

int main() {
    const Value<char> value = JSON::Parse(

    const char *content = R"(
<loop value="val_1" group="year" sort="ascend">Year({var:val_1}):
    <loop set="val_1" value="val_2">Month({var:val_2[month]})

    StringStream<char> stream;

    Template::Render(content, value, stream);
    std::cout << stream << '\n';




    // Without values names.
    const char *content2 = R"(
<loop value="val_1" group="year" sort="ascend">Year({var:val_1}):
    <loop set="val_1" value="val_2">Month(<loop set="val_2" value="val_3">{var:val_3}</loop>)

    std::cout << Template::Render<StringStream<char>>(content2, value) << '\n';

Template Example 1

#include "JSON.hpp"
#include "Template.hpp"

#include <iostream>

using Qentem::StringStream;
using Qentem::Template;
using Qentem::Value;
using Qentem::JSON;

int main() {
    auto value = JSON::Parse(R"(
        "major": "Computer Science",
        "students": [
            { "Name": "Student1", "GPA": 3.2 },
            { "Name": "Student2", "GPA": 3.8 },
            { "Name": "Student3", "GPA": 2.8 }
        "major": "Math",
        "students": [
            { "Name": "Student4", "GPA": 3.0 },
            { "Name": "Student5", "GPA": 2.5 },
            { "Name": "Student6", "GPA": 2.4 }

    const char *content = R"(
<!DOCTYPE html>

    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
    <title>Qentem Example</title>

        <h2>Students' list:</h2>
        <loop value="department_val">
            <h3>Major: {var:department_val[major]}</h3>
            <loop set="department_val[students]" value="student_val">
                    <span>Name: {var:student_val[Name]}</span>
                        GPA: {var:student_val[GPA]}
                        <if case="{var:student_val[GPA]} < 2.5"> (Inform adviser!)
                        <else if case="{var:student_val[GPA]} >= 3.5"> (President's List!)
                        <else if case="{var:student_val[GPA]} >= 3.0"> (Dean's List!)


    StringStream<char> stream;

    Template::Render(content, value, stream);
    std::cout << stream << '\n';

Template Example 2

#include "JSON.hpp"
#include "Template.hpp"

#include <iostream>

using Qentem::StringStream;
using Qentem::Template;
using Qentem::Value;
using Qentem::JSON;

int main() {
    auto value = JSON::Parse(R"data(
    "dir": "ltr",
    "title": "Wishful News",
    "dark_mode": 1,
    "body": {
        "bc": "rgb(17, 66, 61)",
        "color": "black",
        "dark_mode_color": "white",
        "H1": "Latest News"
    "news": [
            "name": "Tech",
            "list": [
                    "text": "The new modern operating system CoolOp is \"Cool\".",
                    "date": "1",
                    "options": ""
                    "text": "The Global Internet is now free.",
                    "date": "2",
                    "options": "v_span"
                    "text": "No more hackers after implementing NO-WAY-CRPT encryption.",
                    "date": "3",
                    "options": ""
            "name": "Health",
            "list": [
                    "text": "Free medicine are being given away.",
                    "date": "3011-1-28",
                    "options": ""
                    "text": "People are healthier now after using MakeMYMeds devices.",
                    "date": "3011-1-20",
                    "options": ""
                    "text": "TeraMedicine forced to shutdown.",
                    "date": "3011-1-16",
                    "options": "i_span"
            "name": "Energy",
            "list": [
                    "text": "No more Uranium.",
                    "date": "3011-1-19",
                    "options": "red_span"
                    "text": "The Global Internet is now free.",
                    "date": "3011-1-19",
                    "options": ""
                    "text": "Gasoline cars are now banned.",
                    "date": "3011-1-18",
                    "options": ""

    const char *content = R"HTML(
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html dir="{var:dir}">

        body {
            background-color: {raw:body[bc]};
            color: {if case="{var:dark_mode}" true="{var:body[dark_mode_color]}" false="{var:body[color]}"}

        .i_span {
            font-style: italic;

        .red_span {
            color: red;

        .v_span {
            color: violet;


    <loop set="news" value="value_s">
            <loop set="value_s[list]" value="value">
            <li><span class="{var:value[options]}">{var:value[text]}</span> -
                    <if case="{var:value[date]} == 1">
                    <else if case="{var:value[date]} == 2">
                    <else if case="{var:value[date]} == 3">
                    Two days ago


    StringStream<char> stream;

    Template::Render(content, value, stream);
    std::cout << stream << '\n';