Note : This repo is a staging ground of half-baked hacky code and different approaches to chessboard detection. Several different algorithms have been implemented each with varying tradeoffs.
More Tracking videos:
Desktop real-time demo (~30-200ms per frame) of the chessboard detector running, each frame is processed initially by the classifier, and once a match is found, Lucas-Kanade tracking is used to follow it onwards, occassionaly resetting if enough points are lost in the transition. It's written all in python (portions were written in C++/Halide but I've ended up not using them yet due to build issues).
The algorithm is a combination of opencv for video capture and several basic vision algorithms, finding saddle points in the image, which are then classified using a Tensorflow DNNClassifier. After that all potential chess tile quads are used to warp the points onto an ideal unity grid and they are scored for grid-i-ness, a kind of brutesac (ransac without the random). Lots of opportunities for optimization to be had.
Once the best scoring grid is found, we try and fit a chessboard to the points in unity grid space, then do one more refinement with opencv's findHomography and the final chessboard transform is shown as a red outline.
- Given a photo with a chess board in it, find the chessboard grid. The goal is to make this fast enough to run real-time on an android phone.
This is to be an evolution on Tensorflow Chessbot, working with real images.
Algorithm #4 CNN Classifier + Lucas-Kanade tracking for consistency through video frames (~50-200ms per frame)
Trained both a CNN and a DNN, found the CNN to work better. Trained with with ~12k tiles (6k each of true/false chess corners) gets us to roughly 96% success rate before over-training. Combining Algorithm #3 with a Lucas Kanade tracking of found chessboard points gives more consistent chessboards across frames.
More Tracking videos:
Notes: It does not yet track off-by-one errors, this is a reasonably simple fix (TODO).
One separate track is real-time chessboard classification on video feeds such as off of youtube videos. Using a combination of x-corner saddle detection and an ML DNN Classifier trained off of the previous algorithms on tiles of saddle points, we can find a triangle mesh for 'mostly' chessboard corners in realtime' (~20ms per 960x554 px frame). This is with python and opencv, the saddle point detection takes ~15ms, using a C++ Halide routine we've gotten this as low as 4ms, so there's lots of room for optimization in the future.
- Find potential quad contours within the image
- Grow out a grid of points from potential contours, vote for best match to saddle points
- Warp image to grid, find set of 7 hough lines that maximize alternating chess-tile gradients
- Build rectified chess image and overlay image with final transform
Here are several results, 36 successes and 3 failures, red lines overlay the board outline and internal saddle points.
Animation of several rectified boards that were found from images such as the one below
- Use Probabilistic Hough Transform to find lines
- Prune lines based on strong alternating normal gradient angle frequency (checkerboard pattern)
- Cluster line sets into segments, and choose top two corresponding to two axes of chessboard pattern
- Find set of line intersections to define grid points
- Take bounding corner grid points and perspective warp image
- Re-center tile-map and refine corner points with cornerSubpix
- Refine final transform with updated corners & rectify tile image
- Correlate chessboard with tiled pattern, rotate 90 deg if orientation of dark/light tiles is off (A1 of H8 tiles must always be black in legal games, turns out a lot of stock images online don't follow this)
We find the chessboard and warp the image
TODO, split warped image into tiles, predict chess pieces on tiles
- Chessboard can be populated with pieces, possibly partially occluded by hands etc. too
- Background can be crowded
- No user input besides the image taken
There exists checkerboard detection algorithms, but they assume no occlusions, consistent black/white pattern, and clean demarcation with the background. We may be dealing with textured/patterned surfaces, heavy occlusion due to pieces or people's hands, etc., and the background may interrupt to the edges of the chessboard.
A promising approach is Gradient Angle Informed Hough transforms to find chessboard lines, once again taking advantage of the alternating gradient angles of the internal chessboard tiles.