Overview of timing and ordering of events supported by the Astro binding plugin.
Multiple event types are supported. Each type has two events: start and end. In general, for all types their start and stop events coincide with a stop or start event of another type.
For the ordered list of the following 11 types, the start event is always equal to the end event of the next type. Except: morningNight is always at 0:00 of the current day and eveningNight is at 0:00 of the following day.
For astrological definitions, see here.
- morningNight
- astroDawn
- nauticDawn
- civilDawn
- rise
- daylight
- set
- civilDusk
- nauticDusk
- astroDusk
- eveningNight
Type noon lasts for only one minute and is during type daylight. Type night starts together with eveningNight and ends together with morningNight.