IBC channels are added based on community consensus. Visit the Gravity Bridge Discord Server and the Gravity Commonwealth forum to participate.
If channel marked as frozen
, please, visit Gravity Bridge Discord Server, and ask about further interactions with it in #general or #ibc-relayers channels. It could be unfrozen via governance proposal.
Chain Name | Chain ID | Token | Gravity Bridge | Foreign |
BITCANNA | bitcanna-1 | BCNA | Channel-0 | Channel-8 |
JUNO | juno-1 | JUNO | Channel-8 | Channel-31 |
OSMOSIS | osmosis-1 | OSMO | Channel-10 | Channel-144 |
CERTIK | shentu-2.2 | CTK | Channel-12 (frozen) | Channel-6 (frozen) |
COSMOS | cosmoshub-4 | ATOM | Channel-17 | Channel-281 |
PERSISTENCE | core-1 | XPRT | Channel-24 | Channel-38 |
BOSTROM | bostrom | BOOT | channel-103 | channel-12 |
CHIHUAHUA | chihuahua-1 | HUAHUA | Channel-34 | Channel-15 |
OMNIFLIX | omniflixhub-1 | FLIX | Channel-51 | Channel-14 |
KI CHAIN | kichain-2 | XKI | Channel-37 | Channel-11 |
CHEQD | cheqd-mainnet-1 | CHEQ | Channel-43 | Channel-2 |
TERRA Classic | columbus-5 | LUNC, USTC | Channel-101 | Channel-64 |
UMEE | umee-1 | UMEE | Channel-28 | Channel-9 |
IXO | ixo-5 | IXO | channel-172 | Channel-28 |
COMDEX | comdex-1 | CMDX | channel-21 | channel-23 |
STARGAZE | stargaze-1 | STARS | channel-7 | channel-6 |
FETCH.AI | fetchhub-4 | FET | channel-61 | channel-13 |
IRIS | irishub-1 | IRIS | channel-47 | channel-29 |
RIZON | titan-1 | ATOLO | channel-53 | channel-4 |
LUM | lum-network-1 | LUM | channel-55 (frozen) | channel-6 (frozen) |
SIFCHAIN | sifchain-1 | ROWAN | channel-66 (frozen) | channel-60 |
Konstellation | darchub | DARC | channel-57 | channel-2 |
Crescent | crescent-1 | CRE/ bCRE | channel-62 | channel-2 |
Evmos | evmos_9001-2 | EVMOS | channel-65 | channel-8 |
TERRA | phoenix-1 | LUNA | Channel-77 | Channel-4 |
SECRET | secret-4 | SCRT | Channel-79 | Channel-17 |
NYX | nyx | NYX | Сhannel-18 | Сhannel-0 |
Assetmantle | mantle-1 | MNTL | Сhannel-82 | Сhannel-8 |
Canto | canto_7700-1 | CANTO | Channel-88 | Channel-0 |
Agoric | agoric-3 | BLD | Channel-91 | Channel-4 |
Regen | regen-1 | REGEN | channel-89 | channel-45 |
Injective | injective-1 | INJ | channel-113 | channel-100 |
KUJIRA | kaiyo-1 | KUJI, USK | channel-107 | channel-50 |
Planq | planq_7070-2 | PLQ | channel-102 | channel-0 |
FUND | FUND-MainNet-2 | FUND | channel-98 | channel-2 |
Chain Name | Chain ID | volunteers (discord ID) |
KI CHAIN | kichain-2 | goooodnes#8929, mzonder#5844, Alan | NodeStake.top#2237, Remi | Inter Blockchain Services#3616, Jay | Inter Blockchain Services#1653, |
feida | Blockscope#8484, Zak | EZStaking.io | FR#4931, Voynitskiy | AlxVoy#7896 | ||
TERRA Classic | columbus-5 | SW33|pro-nodes75#0534, PFC#0420 |
UMEE | umee-1 | SW33|pro-nodes75#0534, feida | Blockscope#8484, mzonder#5844, antropocosmist#5394 |
OMNIFLIX | omniflixhub-1 | goooodnes#8929, cyberomanov#7985, mzonder#5844, Mikhail#5221 |
Zak | EZStaking.io | FR#4931, Alan | NodeStake.top#2237, feida | Blockscope#8484, Voynitskiy | AlxVoy#7896 | ||
OSMOSIS | osmosis-1 | theBro#6092, secondary#2530, romadr#6137, Ramuchi#3020, |
Remi | Inter Blockchain Services#3616, Jay | Inter Blockchain Services#1653, feida | Blockscope#8484, StingRay |Mikhail#5221, plsr#1898 | ||
FETCH.AI | fetchhub-3 | Remi | Inter Blockchain Services#3616, Jay | Inter Blockchain Services#1653, feida | Blockscope#8484 |
BITCANNA | bitcanna-1 | Remi | Inter Blockchain Services#3616, Jay | Inter Blockchain Services#1653, feida | Blockscope#8484, Voynitskiy | AlxVoy#7896 |
IXO | impacthub-3 | Remi | Inter Blockchain Services#3616, Jay | Inter Blockchain Services#1653, feida | Blockscope#8484 |
EVMOS | evmos_9001-2 | secondary#2530, theBro#6092, SW33|pro-nodes75#0534, goooodnes#8929, mzonder#5844, alkadeta#2699 |
STARGAZE | stargaze-1 | secondary#2530, Ramuchi#3020, Remi | Inter Blockchain Services#3616, Jay | Inter Blockchain Services#1653, alkadeta#2699 |
Zak | EZStaking.io | FR#4931, goooodnes#8929, plsr#1898 | ||
COMDEX | comdex-1 | Zak | EZStaking.io | FR#4931 |
JUNO | juno-1 | theBro#6092, secondary#2530, Remi | Inter Blockchain Services#3616, Jay | Inter Blockchain Services#1653, Zak | EZStaking.io | FR#4931, goooodnes#8929 |
PERSISTENCE | core-1 | theBro#6092, Ramuchi#3020 |
BOSTROM | bostrom-? | mr_bro | cyber_devs#5691 |
COSMOS | cosmoshub-4 | theBro#6092, MT#5364, goooodnes#8929 |
CERTIK | shentu-2.2 | theBro#6092 |
CHIHUAHUA | chihuahua-1 | Zdeadex#3976, goooodnes#8929 |
LUM | lum-network-1 | goooodnes#8929, Voynitskiy | AlxVoy#7896 |
SIFCHAIN | sifchain-1 | goooodnes#8929, Remi | Inter Blockchain Services#3616, Jay | Inter Blockchain Services#1653 |
RIZON | titan-1 | Voynitskiy | AlxVoy#7896, goooodnes#8929,Remi | Inter Blockchain Services#3616, Jay | Inter Blockchain Services#1653 |
Konstellation | darchub | SW33|pro-nodes#0534, goooodnes#8929, mzonder#5844, Voynitskiy | AlxVoy#7896, Mikhail#5221 |
Crescent | crescent-1 | SW33|pro-nodes75#0534 |
TERRA | phoenix-1 | SW33|pro-nodes75#0534 |
SECRET | secret-4 | Zdeadex#3976, schultzie | Lavender.Five Nodes#3231 |
Assetmantle | mantle-1 | Zdeadex#3976, feida | Blockscope.net#8484 |
NYX | nyx | |
Canto | canto_7744-1 | jkilpatr (althea)#5838, mzonder#5844 |
Agoric | agoric-3 | alkadeta#2699, polkachu | polkachu.com#1249, kjnodes#8455, GOLDel | KalpaTech#0098 |