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This is a small package, mainly intended for machine-learning researchers who want to take a look at potential-field estimation as is done in Molecular Dynamics (MD) or molecular simulations. The tool only generates a (negative) potential field, i.e., with peaks rather than valleys. None of the realistic geometric problems of molecular symmetry etc. are handled, just a 2D mountain landcape is generated using a randomly drawn Gaussian mixture. However, some structuring is present. A main peak is drawn randomly and is given the largest amplitude. Then, in its vicinity, secondary peaks are drawn, and so on, recursively. Standard deviations, number of levels and number of peaks per hierarchical level can be specified.

The Bash script 'demo' will generate 100 potential fields (parameters, samples, grid and plot), with each set or experiment containing 1000 samples. The data sets have a random name of the form potfield-[RANDNUM].par etc. Data are organized in four directories: ./Par ./Data ./Grid and ./Plot

Working environment is assumed to be Linux with bash, sed and gnuplot. Look at the bottom for an MLP training example. This tool was generated at the Lorentz Center, Leiden, 2018, during the workshop Molecular Simulations Meets Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence from 8 Oct 2018 through 12 Oct 2018.

See: potfield-example.png

Example image

Example image


Program to generate simple artificial force fields using a Gaussian mixture, around a number of hierarchically generated centers where the argument would be the radius r from this centers, for each pixel x,y.

Generating parameters:

genpotfield -generate [-s seedval|clock] [-h ] [-varfrac r]
-p lev1_nmeans lev1_sd lev1_ampl
-p lev2_nmeans lev2_sd lev2_ampl
. . >example.par

Sampling a distribution:

genpotfield -sample -parfile example.par -nsamples 1000 > example.samples

Creating a regular grid:

genpotfield -sample -parfile example.par -nsamples grid > example.samples

Options in -generate:

   -s <integer> or 'clock' Seed value for drand48()
   -h (hetereogeneity) is a random variation in npeaks (default = 0)
        as a proportion of a given nmean. The number of peaks
        will then uniformly vary from nmean -/+ heterogeneity*nmean,
        with the provision that the minimum number of members is 2.
        (all branches have the same length). Default value 0.0: 
        the given number of peaks for the level without random variation.

   -varfrac Proportion for sampling the sd value for a peak. It is
            based on varfrac times the sd of the mother peak in
            the hierarchical scheme. Default value 0.1

Options in -sample

    -nsamples i or 'grid'   Number of randomly drawn samples with
                            three columns in the output file:
		        x y f(x,y)  like so:
                            0.286470 0.483686 1.247119 
                           -0.660440 0.307425 0.042538 
                           -0.068826 0.930838 0.046059 
                            0.513680 0.822562 0.027226 

                    If instead of an integer the keyword 'grid'
                    is given, a full grid is generated, with
                    empty lines between rows such that 
                    gnuplot immediately can use splot to
                    show the field in 3D. See -ngrid.
   -ngrid <i> Number of grid points, one sided, per axis. 
              The range for x and y will be [-1:+1] in 2*ngrid points, 
              for both axes x and y, yielding (2*ngrid)^2 points.
              Example: ngrid=30 will generate 3600 points and the
              output file will have 3660 records, i.e., including
              the empty separator lines intended for gnuplot.

Application example

An MLP (2x20x5x1) with leaky ReLu was trained in 1000 epochs

Model,green, Trained field,purple Trained field Error curve in training

Author: Lambert Schomaker Revised: Oct 2018