# TryHackMe Write-Up [TryHackMe](https://tryhackme.com/) is an online platform for learning and teaching cybersecurity, which is beginner-friendly and versatile in different topics. It consists of tons of rooms, which are virtual classrooms dedicated to particular cybersecurity topics, with different difficulties. ## Author - [Ee En Goh](https://tryhackme.com/p/vincentwu) ## TryHackMe Room(s) solved | Room Name | Topics | Difficulty | Description | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------- | ------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | [c4ptur3th3fl4g](https://github.com/GohEeEn/TryHackMe-Write-Up/tree/master/c4ptur3th3fl4g) | ctf, security, forensics, crypto | Easy | A beginner-level CTF challenge | | [OhSINT](https://github.com/GohEeEn/TryHackMe-Write-Up/tree/master/OhSINT) | OSINT, Internet, Dorks | Easy | Are you able to use open source intelligence to solve this challenge? | | [Crack the hash](https://github.com/GohEeEn/TryHackMe-Write-Up/tree/master/Crack%20the%20Hash) | hash, hashcat, cracking | Easy | Cracking hashes challenges | | [Simple CTF](https://github.com/GohEeEn/TryHackMe-Write-Up/tree/master/Simple%20CTF) | security, enumeration, privesc | Easy | Beginner level ctf | | [CC: Steganography](https://github.com/GohEeEn/TryHackMe-Write-Up/tree/master/ccstego) | security, steg, secret | Easy | A crash course on the topic of steganography | | [vulnversity](https://github.com/GohEeEn/TryHackMe-Write-Up/tree/master/vulnversity) | recon, privesc, webappsec | Easy | Learn about active recon, webapp attacks and privilege escalation | | [OWASP Top 10](https://github.com/GohEeEn/TryHackMe-Write-Up/tree/master/OWASP_TOP_10) | owasp, top 10, Injection, Broken Authentication | Easy | Learn one of the OWASP vulnerabilities every day for 10 days in a row | | [Searchlight - IMINT](https://github.com/GohEeEn/TryHackMe-Write-Up/tree/master/Searchlight-IMINT) | OSINT, geolocation | Easy | OSINT challenges in the imagery intelligence category | | [Musical Stegonography](https://github.com/GohEeEn/TryHackMe-Write-Up/tree/master/musicalstego) | steganography, audio, qr, morse | Intermediate | This audio file is hiding something. Are you able to extract enough data to reveal the flag ? | | [Injection](https://github.com/GohEeEn/TryHackMe-Write-Up/tree/master/Injection) | security, linux, web, os command injection | Intermediate | Walkthrough of OS Command Injection. Demonstrate OS Command Injection and explain how to prevent it on your servers | | [Mr Robot CTF](https://github.com/GohEeEn/TryHackMe-Write-Up/tree/master/Mr.RobotCTF) | mr robot, root, beginner | Intermediate | Based on the Mr. Robot show, can you root this box? |