issues Search Results · repo:Glinkis/jslib language:TypeScript
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inGlinkis/jslib (press backspace or delete to remove)Right now the documentation is a bit of a mess, so any improvements would be welcome.
good first issue
help wanted
- Opened on Mar 7, 2018
- #8
The tests should be both more extensive and more descriptive. Any help is welcome.
help wanted
- Opened on Oct 14, 2017
- #4
Right now the spline modules are a bit disorganized, so we should figure out what the best pattern for those should be.
Also the catmullRom module is kind of unfinished, and needs proper tests.
help wanted
- Opened on Oct 14, 2017
- #3
It would be useful to add a vector4 module that is pretty much identical to the other vector modules in terms of
good first issue
help wanted
- Opened on Oct 14, 2017
- #2

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