Below is a list of the column names used in the MOVES default database followed by brief definitions. Also see the MOVES Database Tables document for schema descriptions for each table in the MOVES default database
ageCategory A source age classification
ageGroup A group of vehicle ages grouped together for the purposes of modeling their emission rates as a unit
ageGroupID an integer indicator of an age group. Typically, the ageGroupID is the concatenation of the beginning and ending ages of the group. For example, ageGroupID 607 includes ages 6 and 7
ageID a single integer value indicating the age of a vehicle, defined as the current calendar year minus the model year. In MOVES, ages from 0 to 30 are used
altitude either "H" or "L" for high altitude or low altitude
atBaseEmissions Synonym for meanBaseRate. Used for some air toxics and some hydrocarbon groupings.
atRatio A fraction, or ratio, of emissions of a given toxic relative to Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC, or pollutantID ) emissions
avft Alternative Vehicle Fuels and Technologies, used for user input of alternate mix of vehicle fuels types.
avgSpeedBin a bin of average speeds
avgSpeedBinID an integer ID for an average speed bin
beginModelYearID always paired with endModelYearID. Together, they define a model year grouping for calculation purposes. They are inclusive
cmpID an integer ID given to a particular component of the Complex Model
countyID synonym for a county's FIPS code
countyTypeID a binary value where 0 indicates a county is not in an US Census Metropolitan Census Area and 1 indicates that it is in an MSA
countyYear One year in one county
dataSourceID an ID indicating the data source for the values in a given table. These IDs are matched to rows in the table
dayID an ID indicating type of day. It is either 5 (weekday) or 2 (weekend)
defaultFormulationID see fuelFormulationID. The default fuel formulation used by MOVES.
driveSchedule Also often referred to as a drive cycle. A speed vs time function indicating second-by-second vehicle speed vs time
driveScheduleID An ID integer used to refer to a specific pre-defined drive cycle used in MOVES
emissionProcess A unique emission pathway. Some examples are: Running Exhaust, Start Exhaust, Extended Idle, Crankcase, Evaporative Vapor Venting, Brake Wear, Tire Wear. The set of processes in the model is defined by this table
endModelYearID Always paired with beginModelYearID. Together, they define a model year grouping for calculation purposes. They are inclusive.
engineSize An engine size category.
engineTech An engine or power technology classification. e.g. Conventional, electric, "Phase 1 gas 2-stroke handheld Class III"
engSizeID an integer ID associated with an engine size or size category, which can be found in the enginesize table
engTechID an integer ID associated with an engine tech or tech category, which can be mapped using the enginetech table
ethanolLevelID an integer ID associated with an ethanol level or category of levels
etohThreshID an integer ID associated with an ethanol threshold or category of thresholds, which can be mapped to thresholds with the etohbin table
etohThreshID ID associated with an ethanol threshold or category of thresholds, which can be mapped to thresholds with the etohbin table
fractionLifeused the fraction of a vehicle useful life that has passed. It can be greater than 1
fuelAdjustment an adjustment to an emission rate (usually multiplicative) to account for different fuels
fuelFormulation Specific fuel formulation described by a given set of fuel properties.
fuelFormulationID An integer ID associated with a particular fuel formulation, which can be matched to specific fuel properties with the fuelformulation table
fuelModelID an integer ID referring to a specific fuel effects model
fuelMYGroupID an integer ID referring to a specific fuel model year group, which can be found in the fuelmodelyeargroup table
fuelParameterID an integer ID associated with a particular fuel parameter. These can be mapped to parameters with the fuelparameter table
fuelRegionID an integer ID for a specific fuel region, which can be mapped using the fuelSupply table
fuelSubtype A more detailed classification of a fuelType which may have nominal characteristics. Still not a physical batch or of fuel having measured characteristics. e.g. fuelSubtypes of Diesel Fuel might include: Fischer-Tropsch diesel (FTD100), Biodiesel, and Conventional diesel fuel
fuelSubtypeID an integer ID referring to a specific fuel sub type, which can be mapped using the fuelSubType table
fuelSupply Represents the Supply of Fuel of a given type at a given time and place in terms of fuel formulations.
fuelSupplyFuelTypeID an integer fuel type ID associated with a particular fuel supply, as distinguished from sourceBinFuelTypeID in FuelUsageFraction table
fuelSupplyYear A year for which fuel supply data has been entered in the fuelSupply table. May be used for multiple calendar years
fuelType A general type of fuel. Since fuelType is used as a source bin discriminator, distinctions must be avoided which would cause the source bin distributions to vary by time or location or which would cause different activity patterns. Therefore this will be a rather gross-level categorization based on what sourceTypes are made to consume, e.g., Gasoline, Diesel Fuel, LPG, Hydrogen, and Electricity. For E-85/gasoline flexible-fueled vehicles (FFVs), the input fueltype refers to the E-85 fuel the vehicle is capable of using, while the output fueltype refers to the fuel actually used. (See usageFraction)
fuelTypeID an integer id referring to a specific fuel type, which can be mapped using the fueltype table
fuelYearID an ID mapping from calendar years with unique fuels to all calendar years
grid A user-defined portion of a zone. Intended to represent a grid cell. Not used
gridID integer ID referring to a specific grid cell. Not used
gridZoneAssoc The association of one grid with one zone. Not used
growthPatternID an integer ID referring to a specific growth pattern, which can be mapped in nrgrowthpattern
hourDayID an integer ID mapping to a specific hour-day combination
hourID an integer ID referring to a specific hour of the day. It varies from 1 (midnight-1AM) to 24 (11 PM to midnight) based on the hour it represents
hpMax always paired with hpMin. Together, they define a horsepower window used for classification purposes. They are inclusive
hpMin always paired with hpMax. Together, they define a horsepower window used for classification purposes. They are inclusive
hpmsVtypeID an ID integer mapping to a specific HPMS vehicle type, which can be mapped using the hpmsvtype table
idleRegionID an integer ID used to refer to one of 5 idle regions, used for the purposes of calculating off-network idle (ONI). Each ID can be mapped to a specific region using the idleregion table
imCoverage This table contains the information about the existence and effectiveness of vehicle I/M programs at specific times and places
imModelYearGroup a group of model years which are grouped for the purposes of categorization in regards to IM programs
imModelYearGroupID an integer ID referring to a specific IM model year group, which can be mapped using the immodelyeargroup table
imProgramID an integer ID referring to a specific IM program
inspectFreq frequency of inspections for an I/M program. Can be annual, biennial, or continuous/monthly.
integratedspeciesset real chemical molecules for which MOVES produces emissions and are individually speciated into chemical mechanism species
integratedSpeciesSetID an ID referring to a specific set of integrated species, which can be mapped using the integratedspeciesset table
integratedspeciessetname name for a group of integrated species
isUserInput either "Y" if the data is provided by the user, or "N" if it is not
isAffectedByOnroad 1 (pollutant emissions are calculated for onroad runs), or 0 (pollutant is not considered in onroad runs)
isAffectedByNonroad nonroad equivalent of isAffectedByOnroad
iterationID an user-specified ID field used to identify MOVES outputs separate from the movesRunID
Link At the project scale, Links are user-defined roadway segments. They are also used to represent off-network activity
linkID an integer ID referring to a specific link
lumpedSpeciesID an integer ID referring to a specific lumped species for the purposes of speciation, which can be mapped using the lumpedspeciesname table
lumpedSpeciesName a name for a lumped species, used in chemical mechanism speciation
m6EmitterID an integer ID corresponding to an emitter level used in the M6 Sulfur Model. 1 corresponds to a normal emitter, while 2 corresponds to a high emitter
maxAgeID paired with a minAgeID. Together, they define a range of ages which are grouped together. They are inclusive
maxLevel paired with minLevel. Together, they define an interval of a continuous variable used
maxModelYearID synonym of endModelYearID
meanBaseRate base rate for calculating emissions purposes, before any adjustments. Typically, meanBaseRate is in units of g/start or g/hr, however this is not strictly true. Exceptions are noted in each table's documentation or in a table's column name "unit"
mechanismID an integer ID referring to a specific chemical mechanism, which can be mapped using the mechanismname table
mechanismName a name for a chemical mechanism that is used within MOVES
minAgeID paired with a maxAgeID. Together, the define a window of ages which are grouped together. They are inclusive
minLevel paired with maxLevel. Together, they define an interval of a continuous variable used
minModelYearID synonym of beginModelYearID
modelYearGroup A group of model years, which may be specific to particular pollutant-processes. The idea is that different vintages of Source Types have emissions rate differences which are not fully captured by other source bin discriminators
modelYearGroupID an integer ID referring to a group of model years, which can be mapped using the modelyeargroup table
modelYearID refers to a specific model year
monthGroupID synonym for a monthID
monthID an integer ID for each month, corresponding to their position in the year (for example, January is 1 and October is 10)
movesRunID an integer ID used by MOVES to refer to specific runs in the output database. MOVES increments this automatically and it should not be set by users
nrAgeCategory nonroad equivalent of ageCategory
nratratio nonroad equivalent of atRatio
nrEquipmentType A specific type of nonroad equipment, such as "snowmobile" or "forklift"
nrEquipTypeID an ID number for a specific nonroad equipment type
nrFuelSubtype nonroad equivalent of fuelSubType
nrFuelSupply nonroad equivalent of fuelSupply
nrFuelType nonroad equivalent of fuelType
nrGrowthPatternFinder Associates an appropriate growthPattern with each nonroad SCC and state.
nrHourAllocPatternID an integer id referring to a specific nonroad hour allocation pattern, which can be mapped using the nrhourallocation table
nrHPBinRangeID an integer ID referring to a specific horsepower range defined in nrHPBinRange
nrPollutantProcessModelYear the nonroad equivalent to pollutantProcessModelYear
nrScrappageCurve A set of fraction of median life used values with corresponding percent scrapped values for nonroad equipment. Only needed for equipment types that do not use defaultScrappage
nrSourceUseType Nonroad equipment descriptor including SCC (fuel type, equipment type) and Hp bin
operatingMode A category of Total Activity (for one or more pollutants and emission processes) having distinct emission rates
opModeDistribution A distribution of Total Activity of a sourceUseType into operatingModes (for a particular pollutant and process). Operating Modes Distributions are also allowed to vary by pollutant, e.g. exhaust running CO2 may necessitate fewer VHO categories than exhaust running NOx. These distributions may depend on time (Day Group and Hour Group) and location (Link)
opModeID an ID integer referring to a specific operating mode, defined in the operatingMode table
pollutantID an ID integer referring to a specific pollutant, defined in the pollutant table
pollutantProcessModelYear a distinct pollutant, process, and model year combination
polProcessID an ID referring to a specific pollutant and process combination, with their IDs concatenated together, accounting for leading 0s where necessary
processGroupID either a 1 or 2 for Exhaust or Evaporative processes respectively
processID an integer ID referring to a specific process, defined in the emissionProcess table
regClassID an integer ID referring to a specific regulatory class, defined in the regulatoryClass table
regionCodeID code is 1 if region is considered for onroad and 2 if the region is considered for nonroad
regionID a synonym for fuelRegionID
retrofitID an ID integer referring to a specific retrofit technology
roadTypeID an integer ID referring to a specific road type, defined in the roadType table
RVP Reid Vapor Pressure (units of psi)
scc Source Classification Code
secondID an ID integer referring to a specific second, usually of a drive cycle, which is more or less auto-incremented
sectorID an integer ID referring to a specific economic sector, defined in the sector table
sho Source Hours Operating
soakDayID an integer corresponding to the number of days a vehicle has been soaking
sourceBin sourceBin is an abstraction used to differentiate emission levels within source use types by discriminating characteristics such as weight class, fuel type, emission standard, etc. The categories are independent of the source use types to which they may apply (so a single source bin can represent parts of multiple source use types)
sourceBinDistribution The distribution of the total activity within a source use type to source bins used to calculate emissions
sourceBinFuelTypeID the fuel type ID associated with a particular sourceBin, as distinguished from fuelSupplyFuelTypeID in the FuelUsageFraction table
sourceBinID an integer ID used to identify a single source bin, which is usually a combination of several other IDs, such as regClassID, modelYearID, fuelTypeID, etc.
sourceUseTypeModelYear a combination of a source type and model year, which can be a useful abstraction for certain emission rate calculations and activity allocations
sourceType a synonym of sourceUseType
sourceTypeHour The combination of a sourceUseType and an hourGroup.
sourceTypeID a MOVES source type, which is commonly used to group like vehicles. The integer IDs are mapped to their physical interpretation in the sourceUseType table
sourceTypeModelYearID a concatenation of a sourceTypeID and modelYearID
sourceTypePolProcessID a concatenation of a sourceTypeID, pollutantID, and processID
sourceUseType a specific class of on-road vehicles or off-road equipment having distinct activity patterns. The on-road vehicle SourceUseTypes used in MOVES are elaborated from six HPMS vehicle classes. SourceUseTypes may be referred to more briefly as either SourceTypes or (rarely) UseTypes
stateID an integer ID referring to a specific state, based on its FIPS code
subjectToEvapCalculations a binary integer value where 1 indicates the fuel type has evaporative emissions, and 0 indicates it does not
sulfurFunctionID an ID integer referring to a specific sulfur function, defined in the sulfurModelName table
surrogateID an ID integer referring to a specific surrogate that is used to estimate nonroad activity
surrogateYearID yearID used to map nonroad county activity surrogate values to specific calendar years
tankTemperatureGroupID an integer ID referring to tank temperature group as defined in the tankTemperatureGroup table
testStandardsID an integer ID referring to a specific set of Inspection Maintenance program test standards, defined in the imTestStandards table
testTypeID an integer ID referring to a specific type of IM test, defined in the imTestType table
togSpeciationProfileID an integer ID referring to a specific speciation profile, defined in the togSpeciationProfileName table
tripID A specific trip made by a specific vehicle is the sample population used to calculate activity for evaporative emissions
units provides the units of the relevant column in the table, typically for emission rates or a type of activity
UsageFraction The fraction of E-85 use among E-85 capable vehicles
vehID an ID integer referring to a specific vehicle in the sample population used to calculate activity for evaporative emissions
weightClassID an integer ID referring to a specific weight class, defined in the weightClass table
yearID equivalent to calendar year to be modeled and selected in the Run Spec
zone An area within a County. At the default (national) scale there will be one Zone for each County, so at that scale Zones are equivalent to Counties
zoneID an integer ID referring to a specific zone