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Anatomy of a MOVES RunSpec

This document describes each element found in a MOVES run specification (RunSpec) and how it is used. It is intended to help users read and interpret a RunSpec file outside of the MOVES GUI. The MOVES GUI provides layers of error checking to prevent users from creating non-functional RunSpecs. The details of this error checking are outside the scope of this document. Therefore this document should not be seen as a guide for how to write a RunSpec by hand.

MOVES RunSpecs are formatted as xml and follow standard xml conventions. Each heading in the rest of the document refers to a specific xml element in a RunSpec. Subelements are noted with subheadings, with element and subelement names indicated in bold text. Likewise, element attributes are indicated in italic text. Each element contains example text from a MOVES RunSpec. For better readability, attribute values are presented in plaintext, but all attribute values should be enclosed in quotation marks (eg. id="1") in a MOVES RunSpec.


<description><![CDATA[RunSpec description text goes here]]></description>

The description field is entered in the Description Panel of the MOVES GUI. The <![CDATA[...]]> is used to allow any character to be saved in this field.


    <model value="ONROAD"/>

The models element is a required element for a MOVES RunSpec. It has a single subelement of type model. The model subelement has only one attribute: value.

Valid entries for value are:

  • ONROAD - used to select an onroad model run
  • NONROAD - used to select a nonroad model run

Model scale

<modelscale value="Inv"/>

The modelscale element is a required element for a MOVES RunSpec. It has only one attribute: value.

Valid entries for value attribute are:

  • Inv - used to select inventory calculations and outputs from the MOVES run
  • Rates - used to select rates calculations and outputs from the MOVES run

Model domain

<modeldomain value="DEFAULT"/>

The modeldomain element is a required element for a MOVES RunSpec. It has only one attribute: value.

Valid entries for value are:

  • DEFAULT - used to select a Default Scale run. This is the only option for a Nonroad run.
  • SINGLE - used to select a County Scale run
  • PROJECT - used to select a Project Scale run

Geographic selections

        <geographicselection type="COUNTY" key="8101" description="COLORADO - Pueblo County"/>

The geographicselections element is a required element for a MOVES RunSpec. It has a single type of subelement: geographicselection. For this element there are three attributes: type, key, and description. For an onroad Default Scale run, more than one geographicselection may be added, indicating that the MOVES run will include more than one county.

Valid entries for type are:

  • COUNTY - this is the default value for most MOVES runs
  • NATION - this value is selected in the GUI by choosing "Nation" in the "Advanced Features" Panel under "Region Aggregation"

The value entered for key should be the countyID (which is the same as a county's FIPS code) associated with the specified geographic selection in the county table in the MOVES database. In the case where type="NATION", the value for key should be "0".

The description attribute is a user aid and is not used by MOVES at runtime.


    <year key="2014"/>
    <month id="1"/>
    <day id="2"/>
    <day id="5"/>
    <beginhour id="1"/>
    <endhour id="24"/>
    <aggregateBy key="Hour"/>

The timespan element is a required element for a MOVES RunSpec. It defines the time spans(s) covered by the MOVES run. When running MOVES at Project Scale, only one year, month, day, hour combination can be covered by the RunSpec. The timespan element has seven subelements: year, month, day, beginhour, endhour, and aggregateBy.


The year subelement indicates the calendar year for the model run. More than one calendar year can be chosen by including multiple year subelements. The year subelement has only one attribute: key. Entries for key are given as a four digit year.


The month subelement indicates the month of the year for the model to run. More than one month can be selected by including multiple month subelements. Each month chosen will be run for each of the years defined in the RunSpec. The month subelement has only one attribute: id. Entries for id are given as a one or two digit month (eg. id="2", or id="12") and match the MOVES monthID, which starts at 1 for January and ends at 12 for December.


The day subelement indicates the types of days for the model to run. Up to two day subelements can be included within timespan. Each type of day chosen will be run for every combination of year and month in the RunSpec. The day subelement has only one attribute: id.

Valid entries for id are:

  • 2 - this indicates weekday days

  • 5 - this indicates weekend days


The beginhour subelement indicates the first hour of the day to be included in the model run. Only one beginhour subelement can be included within timespan. The beginhour subelement has only one attribute: id. Entries for id are given as a one or two digit integer between 1 and 24 (eg. id="14").


The endhour subelement indicates the last hour of the day to be included in the model run. Only one endhour subelement can be included within timespan. The endhour subelement has only one attribute: id. Entries for id are given as a one or two digit integer between 1 and 24 (eg. id="14").


The aggregateBy subelement indicates the degree of temporal pre-aggregation that should be done to the input data before the model runs. In the MOVES GUI this is selected in the "Time Aggregation" box of the "Advanced Features" Panel. The aggregateBy subelement has only one attribute: key.

Valid entries for key are:

  • Hour - This is the default value, and the only value available for a Nonroad or Rates mode run.
  • Day - Pre-aggregate inputs by day of the week
  • Month - Pre-aggregate inputs by month of the year
  • Year - Pre-aggregate inputs by calendar year

Onroad vehicle selections

    <onroadvehicleselection fueltypeid="1" fueltypedesc="Gasoline" sourcetypeid="21" sourcetypename="Passenger Car"/>
    <onroadvehicleselection fueltypeid="2" fueltypedesc="Diesel Fuel" sourcetypeid="31" sourcetypename="Passenger Truck"/>

The onroadvehicleselections element selects the fuel type and source type combinations to be included in the MOVES run. This element and its subelements are only required for onroad MOVES runs.

The onroadvehicleselections element has a single type of subelement: onroadvehicleselection. Many onroadvehicleselection subelements may be included in the RunSpec. For onroadvehicleselection there are four attributes that should be entered: fueltypeid, fueltypedesc, sourcetypeid, and sourcetypename.

Values for fueltypeid and fueltypedesc should be taken from the fueltype table in the MOVES default database.

Values for sourcetypeid and sourcetypename should be taken from the sourceusetype table of the MOVES default database.

Offroad vehicle selections

        <offroadvehicleselection fueltypeid="3" fueltypedesc="Compressed Natural Gas (CNG)" sectorid="2" sectorname="Construction"/>
        <offroadvehicleselection fueltypeid="3" fueltypedesc="Compressed Natural Gas (CNG)" sectorid="3" sectorname="Industrial"/>

The offroadvehicleselections element selects the fuel type and sector combinations to be included in the MOVES run. This element and its subelements are only required for nonroad MOVES runs.

The offroadvehicleselections element has a single type of subelement: offroadvehicleselection. Many offroadvehicleselection subelements may be included in the RunSpec. For offroadvehicleselection there are four attributes that should be entered: fueltypeid, fueltypedesc, sectorid, and sectorname.

Values for fueltypeid and fueltypedesc should be taken from the nrfueltype table in the MOVES default database.

Values for sectorid and sectorname should be taken from the sector table of the MOVES default database.

Offroad vehicle sccs


The offroadvehiclesccs element is not necessary to complete a MOVES run and may be omitted from a RunSpec.

Road types

        <roadtype roadtypeid="1" roadtypename="Off-Network" modelCombination="M1"/>
        <roadtype roadtypeid="2" roadtypename="Rural Restricted Access" modelCombination="M1"/>
        <roadtype roadtypeid="3" roadtypename="Rural Unrestricted Access" modelCombination="M1"/>
        <roadtype roadtypeid="4" roadtypename="Urban Restricted Access" modelCombination="M1"/>
        <roadtype roadtypeid="5" roadtypename="Urban Unrestricted Access" modelCombination="M1"/>

The roadtypes element is a required element for a MOVES RunSpec. It defines the road types to be included in the MOVES run. Each included roadtype is specified by a roadtype subelement with the attributes: roadtypeid, roadtypename, and modelCombination. When creating a MOVES onroad RunSpec at the national or County Scale all road types except for "Nonroad" should be included in the RunSpec. Likewise, when creating a MOVES nonroad RunSpec only the nonroad roadtype (roadtypeID 100) should be selected.

Values for roadtypeid and roadtypename should be taken from the roadtype table of the MOVES default database.

Valid entries for modelCombination are:

  • M1 - this denotes an onroad run
  • M2 - this denotes a nonroad run

Pollutant process associations

    <pollutantprocessassociation pollutantkey="2" pollutantname="Carbon Monoxide (CO)" processkey="2" processname="Start Exhaust"/>
    <pollutantprocessassociation pollutantkey="3" pollutantname="Oxides of Nitrogen (NOx)" processkey="1" processname="Running Exhaust"/>

The pollutantprocessassociations element is is a required element for a MOVES RunSpec and is typically the largest part of a MOVES RunSpec. It details all of the combinations of pollutants and processes that should be included in the MOVES run. Many of these combinations have prerequisites that must also be included in this element. All of the pollutant and process combinations are enumerated in the pollutantprocessassoc table in the MOVES default database. More information on this table can be found in the MOVES database documentation.

The pollutantprocessassociations element is composed of pollutantprocessassociation subelements with the attributes: pollutantkey, pollutantname, processkey, and processname.

Values for pollutantkey and pollutantname should be taken from the pollutant table of the MOVES default database.

Values for processkey and processname should be taken from the emissionprocess table of the MOVES default database.

Database selections

        <databaseselection servername="" databasename="db_for_input" description=""/>

This element is populated by the "Input Data Sets" box in the "Advanced Features" Panel of the MOVES GUI. This element is used to specify input databases created by MOVES tools (e.g., the "Build LEV Input Database" Tool), or to specify optional input databases for Default Scale or Nonroad runs. MOVES uses values from these input database tables instead of those in the MOVES default database. Zero or more databaseselection elements may be used, and the data will be imported in the order specified (i.e., if multiple databases have the same tables, and the tables have the same key entries, the values from the last database specified will be used in the MOVES run). If no input databases are to be used, this element may be omitted from the RunSpec. The databaseselections element may contain several databaseselection attributes: servername, databasename, and description.

The value entered for servername should be the address of the SQL server that hosts the selected database. MOVES defaults to the same server that contains the default database if this attribute is empty.

The value for databasename should be the schema name for the input database.

The value for description is not used at runtime, but is helpful for identifying the inputs used for the MOVES run.

Internal control strategies


The internalcontrolstrategies element has been deprecated and may be omitted from the RunSpec.

Input database

<inputdatabase servername="" databasename="" description=""/>

The element inputdatabase indicates the version of the default MOVES database to use. This element has three attributes: servername, databasename, and description. The default value for each of these attributes is an empty string. If this element is omitted, MOVES will use the default database specified in MOVESConfiguration.txt.

The value entered for servername should be the address of the SQL server that hosts the selected database. MOVES defaults to the same server that contains the default database if this attribute is empty.

The value for databasename should be the schema name for the input database.

The value for description is not used at runtime, but is helpful for identifying the inputs used for the MOVES run.

Uncertainty parameters

<uncertaintyparameters uncertaintymodeenabled="false" numberofrunspersimulation="0" numberofsimulations="0"/>

The uncertaintyparameters element has been deprecated and may be omitted from the RunSpec.

Geographic output detail

<geographicoutputdetail description="NATION"/>

The geographicoutputdetail element is set in the "Output Aggregation" box in the "Output Emissions Detail" Panel of the MOVES GUI. This element has one attribute: description.

Valid entries for description are:

  • NATION - aggregate outputs over all geographical detail
  • STATE - aggregate outputs by state
  • COUNTY - aggregate outputs by county
  • ZONE - aggregate outputs by zone
  • LINK - aggregate outputs by link (Project mode only)

Output emissions breakdown selection

        <modelyear selected="false"/>
        <fueltype selected="false"/>
        <fuelsubtype selected="false"/>
        <emissionprocess selected="false"/>
        <onroadoffroad selected="false"/>
        <roadtype selected="false"/>
        <sourceusetype selected="false"/>
        <movesvehicletype selected="false"/>
        <onroadscc selected="false"/>
        <estimateuncertainty selected="false" numberOfIterations="2" keepSampledData="false" keepIterations="false"/>
        <sector selected="false"/>
        <engtechid selected="false"/>
        <hpclass selected="false"/>
        <regclassid selected="false"/>

The outputemissionsbreakdownselection element defines granularity of the MOVES run output. The outputemissionsbreakdownselection element has fourteen subelements: modelyear, fueltype, fuelsubtype, emissionprocess, onroadoffroad, roadtype, sourceusetype, movesvehicletype, onroadscc, estimateduncertainty, sector, engtechid, hpclass, and aggregateBy. These elements are summarized below, for brevity. All of these elements can be toggled by setting the selected attribute to "true". MOVES defaults to having none of the options selected if this element is omitted from the RunSpec.

subelement description
modelyear Allows output of results by model year. It is selectable for all MOVES runs.
fueltype Allows output of results by fuel type. It is selectable for all MOVES runs.
fuelsubtype Allows output of results by fuel subtype. It is selectable for nonroad MOVES runs, but requires that fuel type also be selected.
emissionprocess Allows output of results by emission process. It is selectable for all MOVES runs.
onroadoffroad Deprecated and should never be selected
roadtype Allows output of results by road type. It is only selectable for onroad MOVES runs.
sourceusetype Allows output of results by source use type. It is only selectable for onroad MOVES runs.
movesvehicletype Deprecated and should never be selected
onroadscc Allows output of results by SCC. It is selectable for all MOVES runs.
estimateduncertainty Deprecated and should never be selected
sector Allows output of results by nonroad sector. it is only selectable for nonroad MOVES runs.
engtechid Allows output of results by engine tech ID. It is only selectable for nonroad MOVES runs.
hpclass Allows output of results by horsepower class. It is only selectable for nonroad MOVES runs.
regclass Allows output of results by regulatory class. It is only selectable for onroad MOVES runs.

Output database

<outputdatabase servername="" databasename="demo_county_inv_mo" description=""/>

The element outputdatabase is a required element for a MOVES RunSpec. It identifies the database to store the MOVES output in. it contains the attributes: servername, databasename, and description.

The value entered for servername should be the address of the SQL server that hosts the selected database. MOVES defaults to the same server that contains the default database if this attribute is empty.

The value for databasename should be the schema name for the input database.

The value for description is not used at runtime, but is helpful for identifying the inputs used for the MOVES run.

Output time step

<outputtimestep value="Hour"/>

The element outputtimestep is a required element for a MOVES RunSpec. This element sets the degree of temporal aggregation of the model output. The outputtimestep element has only one attribute: value.

Valid entries for value are:

  • Hour - results are not aggregated and are reported for each hour in the RunSpec
  • 24-Hour Day - aggregate results over a full 24-hour day for a typical weekend day (dayID 2) or weekday day (dayID 5)
  • Portion of Week - aggregate results by weekday and weekend portions of the week. Specifically, results for dayID 2 will be emissions for a typical 2-day weekend and results for dayID 5 will be emissions for a typical 5-day work week. This is equivalent to selecting 24-Hour Day and multiplying the weekend day results by 2 and the weekday day results by 5.
  • Month - aggregate by month
  • Year - aggregate by calendar year

Output vmt data

<outputvmtdata value="false"/>

If set to true, include vehicle miles traveled (VMT) activity in the output database if calculated during the MOVES run. It can only be set to "true" for onroad runs. This element is not necessary to complete a MOVES run and may be omitted from a RunSpec.

Output sho

<outputsho value="false"/>

If set to true, include source hours operating (SHO) activity in the output database if calculated during the MOVES run. It can only be set to "true" for onroad runs. This element is not necessary to complete a MOVES run and may be omitted from a RunSpec.

Output sh

<outputsh value="false"/>

If set to true, include source hours (SH) activity in the output database if calculated during the MOVES run. It can only be set to "true" for onroad runs. This element is not necessary to complete a MOVES run and may be omitted from a RunSpec.

Output shp

<outputshp value="false"/>

If set to true, include source hours parked (SHP) activity in the output database if calculated during the MOVES run. It can only be set to "true" for onroad runs. This element is not necessary to complete a MOVES run and may be omitted from a RunSpec.

Output shidling

<outputshidling value="false"/>

If set to true, include source hours idling (shidling) activity in the output database if calculated during the MOVES run. It can only be set to "true" for onroad runs. This element is not necessary to complete a MOVES run and may be omitted from a RunSpec.

Output starts

<outputstarts value="false"/>

If set to true, include starts activity in the output database if calculated during the MOVES run. It can only be set to "true" for onroad runs. This element is not necessary to complete a MOVES run and may be omitted from a RunSpec.

Output population

<outputpopulation value="false"/>

If set to true, include vehicle population counts in the output database if calculated during the MOVES run. It can only be set to "true" for onroad runs. This element is not necessary to complete a MOVES run and may be omitted from a RunSpec.

Scale input database

<scaleinputdatabase servername="localhost" databasename="cdb_pueblo_mi" description=""/>

This selects the input database used by Project and County Scale runs. This element only needs to be included for MOVES runs at County Scale or Project Scale and is not used for Default Scale or Nonroad runs.

PM size

<pmsize value="0"/>

This element is deprecated. This element may be omitted from a RunSpec, or value must be set to 0 otherwise.

Output factors

    <timefactors selected="true" units="Portions of Week"/>
    <distancefactors selected="true" units="Miles"/>
    <massfactors selected="true" units="Grams" energyunits="Joules"/>

The outputfactors element sets the units presented in the model output. This element has three subelements: timefactors, distancefactors, massfactors. These subelements are summarized below:


The timefactors element indicates the output time units. and should match the setting in outputtimestep. The selected parameter should always equal true.

Valid entries for the units parameter are:

  • Hours - matching outputtimestep value: Hour
  • Days - matching outputtimestep value: 24-Hour Day
  • Portions of Week - matching outputtimestep value: Portion of Week
  • Month - matching outputtimestep value: Month
  • Years - matching outputtimestep value: Year


The distancefactors element indicates the output distance units. The selected parameter should always equal true.

Valid entries for the units parameter are:

  • Miles - output distance values in miles
  • Kilometers - output distance values in kilometers


The massfactors element indicates both the output mass and energy units. The selected parameter should always equal true.

Valid entries for the units parameter are:

  • Grams - output mass values in grams
  • Kilograms - output mass values in kilograms
  • Pounds - output mass values in pounds
  • U.S. Ton - output mass values in U.S. tons

Valid entries for the energyunits parameter are:

  • Joules - output energy values in joules
  • KiloJoules - output energy values in kilojoules
  • Million BTU - output energy values in million British Thermal Units BTUs.

Save data


The savedata element was intended to be an advanced performance feature available to speed up batch runs by allowing users to save intermediate output from one run and to reuse it for another run with identical activity or other characteristics. Checking the "Save Data" boxes in the "Masterloopable Components" box of the "Advanced Features" Panel of the MOVES GUI adds class subelements to savedata.

Valid name parameters for these class subelements are:

  • gov.epa.otaq.moves.master.framework.EmissionCalculator
  • gov.epa.otaq.moves.master.implementation.general.MeteorologyGenerator
  • gov.epa.otaq.moves.master.implementation.ghg.AverageSpeedOperatingModeDistributionGenerator
  • gov.epa.otaq.moves.master.implementation.ghg.EvaporativeEmissionsOperatingModeDistributionGenerator
  • gov.epa.otaq.moves.master.implementation.ghg.FuelEffectsGenerator
  • gov.epa.otaq.moves.master.implementation.ghg.internalcontrolstrategies.onroadretrofit.OnRoadRetrofitStrategy
  • gov.epa.otaq.moves.master.implementation.ghg.internalcontrolstrategies.rateofprogress.RateOfProgressStrategy
  • gov.epa.otaq.moves.master.implementation.ghg.LinkOperatingModeDistributionGenerator
  • gov.epa.otaq.moves.master.implementation.ghg.MesoscaleLookupOperatingModeDistributionGenerator
  • gov.epa.otaq.moves.master.implementation.ghg.ProjectTAG
  • gov.epa.otaq.moves.master.implementation.ghg.RatesOperatingModeDistributionGenerator
  • gov.epa.otaq.moves.master.implementation.ghg.SourceBinDistributionGenerator
  • gov.epa.otaq.moves.master.implementation.ghg.StartOperatingModeDistributionGenerator
  • gov.epa.otaq.moves.master.implementation.ghg.TankFuelGenerator
  • gov.epa.otaq.moves.master.implementation.ghg.TankTemperatureGenerator
  • gov.epa.otaq.moves.master.implementation.ghg.TotalActivityGenerator

When one or more of these options are selected, the generatordatabase tag should be utilized to specify where these data should be saved.

In a subsequent run, the modeler may choose to not execute the associated component (see the donotexecute element), and instead input the saved data using the "Input Data Sets" function of the Advanced Features panel (see the databaseselection element). This choice is only appropriate if the saved data and the data that would have been generated are the same.

However, these features were not updated or tested prior with the latest model release. Some of the listed components are no longer used as of MOVES3. Rather than using this feature to improve performance, we recommend using the strategies described Tips For Faster MOVES Runs.

As such, this element is typically empty in a RunSpec, is not necessary to complete a MOVES run, and may be omitted from a RunSpec.

Do not execute


The donotexecute element was intended to be an advanced performance feature available to speed up batch runs by allowing users to save intermediate output from one run and to reuse it for another run with identical activity or other characteristics. Checking the "Don't Execute" boxes in the "Masterloopable Components" box of the "Advanced Features" Panel of the MOVES GUI, adds class subelements to donotexecute.

Valid name parameters for these subelements are:

  • gov.epa.otaq.moves.master.framework.EmissionCalculator
  • gov.epa.otaq.moves.master.implementation.general.MeteorologyGenerator
  • gov.epa.otaq.moves.master.implementation.ghg.AverageSpeedOperatingModeDistributionGenerator
  • gov.epa.otaq.moves.master.implementation.ghg.EvaporativeEmissionsOperatingModeDistributionGenerator
  • gov.epa.otaq.moves.master.implementation.ghg.FuelEffectsGenerator
  • gov.epa.otaq.moves.master.implementation.ghg.internalcontrolstrategies.onroadretrofit.OnRoadRetrofitStrategy
  • gov.epa.otaq.moves.master.implementation.ghg.internalcontrolstrategies.rateofprogress.RateOfProgressStrategy
  • gov.epa.otaq.moves.master.implementation.ghg.LinkOperatingModeDistributionGenerator
  • gov.epa.otaq.moves.master.implementation.ghg.MesoscaleLookupOperatingModeDistributionGenerator
  • gov.epa.otaq.moves.master.implementation.ghg.ProjectTAG
  • gov.epa.otaq.moves.master.implementation.ghg.RatesOperatingModeDistributionGenerator
  • gov.epa.otaq.moves.master.implementation.ghg.SourceBinDistributionGenerator
  • gov.epa.otaq.moves.master.implementation.ghg.StartOperatingModeDistributionGenerator
  • gov.epa.otaq.moves.master.implementation.ghg.TankFuelGenerator
  • gov.epa.otaq.moves.master.implementation.ghg.TankTemperatureGenerator
  • gov.epa.otaq.moves.master.implementation.ghg.TotalActivityGenerator

In some runs, the modeler may choose to save the results of specific components (see the savedata element). In subsequent runs, those components can be skipped by specifying them using the donotexecute element, and instead input the saved data using the "Input Data Sets" function of the Advanced Features panel (see the databaseselection element). This choice is only appropriate if the saved data and the data that would have been generated are the same.

However, these features were not updated and not tested prior with the latest model release. Some of the listed components are no longer used as of MOVES3. Rather than using this feature to improve performance, we recommend using the strategies described Tips For Faster MOVES Runs.

As such, this element is typically empty in a RunSpec, is not necessary to complete a MOVES run, and may be omitted from a RunSpec.


<generatordatabase shouldsave="false" servername="" databasename="" description=""/>

The generatordatabase element specifies the database to save the outputs selected in the savedata element. Specifically, if the savedata element is used, the shouldsave attribute should be set to "true", and a database name should be given in the databasename attribute to specify where to save the data.

This element is not necessary to complete a MOVES run and may be omitted from a RunSpec.


<donotperformfinalaggregation selected="false"/>

This element can be used for debugging purposes. It is only meaningful for inventory mode runs (see modelscale element). If selected is set to "true", the unaggregated outputs from each bundle will be saved to the output database. It may result in rows with duplicate ID fields that MOVES would have normally summed together during final aggregation. This element is not necessary to complete a MOVES run and may be omitted from a RunSpec.


<lookuptableflags scenarioid="" truncateoutput="true" truncateactivity="true" truncatebaserates="true"/>

This element is used for rates mode runs (see modelscale element).

The value saved in the scenarioid attribute should not be blank in a rates mode run. It gets saved directly in the rates output tables as the MOVESScenarioID column, which can be used as a granular method to differentiate rates from different scenarios. This field has a 40-character limit.

The other attributes on this element instruct MOVES to delete interim data from various output database tables. These output tables are not intended to be used for rates mode output, so clearing the tables makes the output smaller:

  • truncateoutput instructs MOVES to clear the MOVESOutput table after rate calculations
  • truncateactivity instructs MOVES to clear the MOVESActivityOutput table after rate calculations
  • truncatebaserates instructs MOVES to clear the BaseRateOutput table after rate calculations

This element is not necessary for inventory mode runs and may be omitted from a RunSpec.


<skipdomaindatabasevalidation selected="false"/>

This element can be used for debugging purposes. If selected is set to "true", MOVES will skip the domain database validation step, allowing the model to be run without getting a green check on the Create Input Database Panel in the GUI. Caution: bypassing domain database validation can easily lead to invalid results. Do not use this setting for SIP or conformity analyses.

This element is not necessary to complete a MOVES run and may be omitted from a RunSpec.