From 2e860559f95ce41e151a066ec943dbaee72c6417 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Jin-Sun-tts Date: Tue, 12 Mar 2024 18:43:57 -0400 Subject: [PATCH] add requirements.txt --- requirements.txt | 55 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--- 1 file changed, 52 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt index 9a48ebcc..77483aaf 100644 --- a/requirements.txt +++ b/requirements.txt @@ -1,3 +1,52 @@ -# poetry not supported by, use this file instead for manually push -# run this command to generate the file: -# poetry export -f requirements.txt --output requirements.txt --without-hashes +alembic==1.13.1 ; python_version >= "3.10" +attrs==23.2.0 ; python_version >= "3.10" +beautifulsoup4==4.12.3 ; python_version >= "3.10" +blinker==1.7.0 ; python_version >= "3.10" +boto3==1.34.54 ; python_version >= "3.10" +botocore==1.34.54 ; python_version >= "3.10" +certifi==2024.2.2 ; python_version >= "3.10" +charset-normalizer==3.3.2 ; python_version >= "3.10" +ckanapi==4.7 ; python_version >= "3.10" +click==8.1.7 ; python_version >= "3.10" +colorama==0.4.6 ; python_version >= "3.10" and sys_platform == "win32" or python_version >= "3.10" and platform_system == "Windows" +deepdiff==6.7.1 ; python_version >= "3.10" +docopt==0.6.2 ; python_version >= "3.10" +exceptiongroup==1.2.0 ; python_version < "3.11" and python_version >= "3.10" +flask-migrate==4.0.7 ; python_version >= "3.10" +flask-sqlalchemy==3.1.1 ; python_version >= "3.10" +flask-wtf==1.2.1 ; python_version >= "3.10" +flask==3.0.2 ; python_version >= "3.10" +greenlet==3.0.3 ; platform_machine == "aarch64" and python_version >= "3.10" or platform_machine == "ppc64le" and python_version >= "3.10" or platform_machine == "x86_64" and python_version >= "3.10" or platform_machine == "amd64" and python_version >= "3.10" or platform_machine == "AMD64" and python_version >= "3.10" or platform_machine == "win32" and python_version >= "3.10" or platform_machine == "WIN32" and python_version >= "3.10" +idna==3.6 ; python_version >= "3.10" +iniconfig==2.0.0 ; python_version >= "3.10" +itsdangerous==2.1.2 ; python_version >= "3.10" +jinja2==3.1.3 ; python_version >= "3.10" +jmespath==1.0.1 ; python_version >= "3.10" +jsonschema-specifications==2023.12.1 ; python_version >= "3.10" +jsonschema==4.21.1 ; python_version >= "3.10" +mako==1.3.2 ; python_version >= "3.10" +markupsafe==2.1.5 ; python_version >= "3.10" +ordered-set==4.1.0 ; python_version >= "3.10" +packaging==23.2 ; python_version >= "3.10" +pluggy==1.4.0 ; python_version >= "3.10" +psycopg2-binary==2.9.9 ; python_version >= "3.10" +pytest==7.4.4 ; python_version >= "3.10" +python-dateutil==2.9.0.post0 ; python_version >= "3.10" +python-dotenv==1.0.1 ; python_version >= "3.10" +python-slugify==8.0.4 ; python_version >= "3.10" +referencing==0.33.0 ; python_version >= "3.10" +requests==2.31.0 ; python_version >= "3.10" +rpds-py==0.18.0 ; python_version >= "3.10" +s3transfer==0.10.0 ; python_version >= "3.10" +sansjson==0.3.0 ; python_version >= "3.10" +setuptools==69.1.1 ; python_version >= "3.10" +simplejson==3.19.2 ; python_version >= "3.10" +six==1.16.0 ; python_version >= "3.10" +soupsieve==2.5 ; python_version >= "3.10" +sqlalchemy==2.0.28 ; python_version >= "3.10" +text-unidecode==1.3 ; python_version >= "3.10" +tomli==2.0.1 ; python_version < "3.11" and python_version >= "3.10" +typing-extensions==4.10.0 ; python_version >= "3.10" +urllib3==2.0.7 ; python_version >= "3.10" +werkzeug==3.0.1 ; python_version >= "3.10" +wtforms==3.1.2 ; python_version >= "3.10"