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Ryan Dunlop edited this page Jan 20, 2015 · 14 revisions


To easily gain-match, you can use the TGainMatch class. A separate TGainMatch is created for each channel. You can create a TGainMatch by invoking:

TGainMatch *myGain = new TGainMatch; 

You can specifically set the channel of the TGainMatch using


#Coarse Gains To effectively use TGainMatch, we need to make sure the gains for each channel are set roughly to the correct value. If this isn't already the case, you can use the CoarseMatch method of TGainMatch. This method works best on sources with two very strong transitions such as 60Co. To gain match a specific channel, use:


where histogram is the TH1* to gain match, channel_number is used if you want to gain match a specific channel, low_energy is the lowest energy peak to gain match, and high_energy is the highest energy peak to gain match. low_energy and high_energy are defaulted to the 60Co values.

Once the gain-matching is complete, the energy coefficients can be written to the TChannel,


and the TChannels can all be written to a cal file using the normal TChannel::WriteCalFile("")

###Using CalManager You can add TGainMatch instances to a TCalManager. This can be done using:


If the channel has not been set for the TGainMatch, you can also call


To automate the gain-matching and filling of a cal manager, you can use the static function:

TGainMatch::CoarseMatchAll(myCalManager,energy_chan_mat, low_energy, high_energy);

where energy_chan_mat is the TH2* of Charge vs. ChannelNumber, low_energy is the lowest energy peak in the gain match, and high_energy is the highest energy peak in the gain match. low_energy and high_energy are defaulted to the 60Co peaks. Once the TGainMatch::CoarseMatchAll is finished, myCalManager will be filled with the gains of every channel fit. It should be noted that the cal manager is filled with a deep copy of the TGainMatch and not a reference to it. TCalManager explains how to access the various TGainMatches contained it. Finally, to write these gain coefficients to the Channels, use


This calls the WriteToChannel() function for each TGainMatch contained in the TCalManager.

#Fine Gain Matching

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