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SMT GEOS LocalBuild

Christopher Kung edited this page Oct 3, 2024 · 26 revisions

Build & Run GEOS on desktop


  • tcsh for GEOS workflow
  • A gcc/g++/gfortran compiler (gcc-12 is our current workhorse)
  • If using MacOS, Homebrew is needed to install certain packages
# *** If building on Linux ***
sudo apt install g++ gcc gfortran
# If you have multiple installation, you might have to set the preferred
# compiler using the combo:
# sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/gcc gcc /usr/bin/gcc-12
# sudo update-alternatives --config gcc

# *** If building on MacOS, use Homebrew to install gcc-12 to access gfortran***
brew install gcc@12
sudo apt install -y lua5.3 lua-bit32 lua-posix lua-posix-dev liblua5.3-0 liblua5.3-dev tcl tcl-dev tcl8.6 tcl8.6-dev libtcl8.6
tar -xvf 8.7.37.tar.gz
cd Lmod-8.7.37/
sudo ./configure --prefix=/opt/apps
sudo make install
sudo ln -s /opt/apps/lmod/lmod/init/profile        /etc/profile.d/
sudo ln -s /opt/apps/lmod/lmod/init/cshrc          /etc/profile.d/z00_lmod.csh
sudo ln -s /opt/apps/lmod/lmod/init/   /etc/fish/conf.d/

# On MacOS, lmod can be installed via Homebrew
brew install lmod
  • For MacOS, install the following additional packages via Homebrew
    • brew install automake autoconf libtool texinfo m4
    • Examine brew info libtool and brew info m4 to access these binaries properly on MacOS

Build our software stack

  • Copy code from SMT-Nebulae from the main branch on the sw_stack/discover/sles15
  • Change all /discover path to local
  • In remove the --with-gdrcopy= line for UCX (you don't have it installed or/and it doesn't matter outside of HPCs)
  • Then run the pipeline

The stack will take some time to install, especially the baselibs part of it. To check that baselibs has been built and installed, you can run


which should output

Config | Install |  Check  |   Package
  ok   |   ok    |   --    | jpeg
  ok   |   ok    |   --    | zlib
  ok   |   ok    |   --    | szlib
  ok   |   ok    |   --    | hdf5
  ok   |   ok    |   --    | netcdf
  ok   |   ok    |   --    | netcdf-fortran
  ok   |   ok    |   --    | udunits2
  ok   |   ok    |   --    | fortran_udunits2
  ok   |   ok    |   --    | esmf
  ok   |   ok    |   --    | GFE

MacOS Notes on building Software stack

MacOS adjustments before running the above pipeline...

  • Adjust as follows

-export DSLSW_BASELIBS_VER=7.17.1
+export DSLSW_BASELIBS_VER=7.23.0


-export FC=gfortran
+export FC=gfortran-12
./configure --disable-wrapper-rpath --disable-wrapper-runpath \
  CC=clang CXX=clang++ FC=gfortran-12 \
  --with-hwloc=internal --with-libevent=internal --with-pmix=internal \
  • Use following make command to build Baselibs
make -j6 install ESMF_COMM=openmpi ESMF_COMPILER=gfortranclang prefix=$DSLSW_INSTALL_DIR/baselibs-$DSLSW_BASELIBS_VER/install/Darwin
  • In, remove the reference to cupy-cuda12x.
-pip install mpi4py cffi cupy-cuda12x
+pip install mpi4py cffi

Notes on building Software stack with Linux Kernel v6.8+

Make the following adjustments before running the above pipeline...

  • Adjust as follows

-export DSLSW_BASELIBS_VER=7.17.1
+export DSLSW_BASELIBS_VER=7.23.0

-export DSLSW_BOOST_VER=1.76.0
-export DSLSW_BOOST_VER_STR=1_76_0
+export DSLSW_BOOST_VER=1.86.0
+export DSLSW_BOOST_VER_STR=1_86_0


-export FC=gfortran
+export FC=gfortran-12
  • Use following command to configure OpenMPI
./configure --disable-wrapper-rpath --disable-wrapper-runpath \
	   CC=gcc-12 CXX=g++-12 FC=gfortran-12 \
           --with-hwloc=internal --with-libevent=internal --with-pmix=internal --prefix=$DSLSW_INSTALL_DIR/ompi

As of September 6th, 2024, there is a fix that needs to be applied to ESMF file ESMCI_Time.C to resolve a GEOS runtime issue.

diff --git a/src/Infrastructure/TimeMgr/src/ESMCI_Time.C b/src/Infrastructure/TimeMgr/src/ESMCI_Time.C
index 78c21bce04..ab40a39379 100644
--- a/src/Infrastructure/TimeMgr/src/ESMCI_Time.C
+++ b/src/Infrastructure/TimeMgr/src/ESMCI_Time.C
@@ -1479,7 +1479,10 @@ namespace ESMCI{
      if (sN != 0) {
         sprintf(timeString, "%s%02d:%lld/%lld", timeString, s, sN, sD);
       } else { // no fractional seconds, just append integer seconds
-        sprintf(timeString, "%s%02d", timeString, s);
+       char *tmpstr;
+       tmpstr = strdup(timeString);
+        sprintf(timeString, "%s%02d", tmpstr, s);
+       free(tmpstr);

Build GEOS

  • Get and setup mepo which is pre-installed on Discover
    • mepo stands for "Multiple rEPOsitory": a Python tool held by Matt T in the SI team that handles the GEOS multi-repository strategy. It can be installed using pip.
pip install mepo
  • Git clone the root of GEOS then using mepo, you clone the rest of the components which pull on the components.yaml at the root of GEOSgcm
    • There is two sources for a component the default and the develop source
    • v11.5.2 is our baseline, but we have dsl/develop branch where needed
    • We do not use develop for GEOSgcm_App or cmake since those have been setup for OpenACC but are not up-to-date for v11.5.2
git clone -b dsl/develop geos
cd geos
mepo clone --partial blobless
mepo develop env GEOSgcm GEOSgcm_GridComp FVdycoreCubed_GridComp pyFV3
  • CMake GEOS, using the stack, our custom build baselibs and turning on the interface to pyFV3 for the dynamical core
  • Then make install. Grab a coffee (or 2)
    • We override the compiler with their mpi counterpart to make sure libmpi is pulled properly. CMake should deal with that, but there's some failure floating around.
module use -a SW_STACK/modulefiles
ml SMTStack/2024.04.00
export BASEDIR=SW_STACK/src/2024.04.00/install/baselibs-7.17.1/install/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
# *** Note: Above BASEDIR path will be different for MacOS ***

mkdir -f build
cd build
export TMP=GEOS_DIR/geos/build/tmp
export TMPDIR=$TMP
export TEMP=$TMP
mkdir $TMP
echo $TMP

export FC=mpif90
export CC=mpicc
export CXX=mpic++

cmake .. -DBASEDIR=$BASEDIR/Linux \
         -DCMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER=mpif90 \
         -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug \
         -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../install \
         -DPython3_EXECUTABLE=`which python3`

# *** Note: For MacOS, set -DBUILD_PYFV3_INTERFACE=OFF and be mindful about setting -DBASEDIR ***

make -j48 install

Note: There may be an error that occurs when building GEOS on MacOS that refers to ./src/Shared/@GMAO_Shared/LANL_Shared/CICE4/bld/makdep.c. This error points out that the main routine in makdep.c is missing a type. Simply put int in front of main to resolve this problem (ex: int main).

⚠️ MKL Dependency⚠️

Some code in GEOS requires MKL. It's unclear which (apart from a random number generator in Radiation) and it seems to be an optional dependency. The cmake process will look for it. If you want to install it follow steps for the standalone OneAPI MKL installer

  • Get data (curtesy of Matt T.) in it's most compact form: TinyBC
    • WARNING: TinyBC is Matt way to move around a small example and/or develop on desktop, it's fragile and we shall treat it as a dev tool, offer help when needed.
    • Do not rename it
tar -xvf TinyBCs-GitV10.2024Apr04.tar.gz
rm TinyBCs-GitV10.2024Apr04.tar.gz
cd TinyBCs-GitV10
  • Make experiment, using TinyBC. First we will make our live easier by aliasing the relevant script. In your .bashrc (remember to re-bash)
alias tinybc_create_exp=PATH_TO/TinyBCs-GitV10/scripts/
alias tinybc_makeoneday=PATH_TO/TinyBCs-GitV10/scripts/makeoneday.bash
  • Then we can make experiment for c24
cd PATH_TO_GEOS/install/bin
tinybc_create_exp --horz c24 --vert 72 --nonhydro --nooserver --gocart C --moist GFDL --link --expdir /PATH_TO_EXPERIMENT/ TBC_C24_L72
tinybc_makeoneday noext # Temporary: we deactivate ExtData to go around a crash

⚠️ ⚠️ ⚠️ Bash might not work, if you see errors try to run under tcsh. Prefer a PATH_TO_EXPERIMENT outside of GEOS to not mix experiment data & code. ⚠️ ⚠️ ⚠️

  • The simulation is ready to run a 24h simulation (with the original Fortran) with
module load SMTStack/2024.04.04
  • To run the pyFV3 version, modification to the AGCM.rc and gcm_run.j needs to be done after the tinybc_makeoneday. This runs the numpy backend.


# dynamics options
# ----------------------------------------
+ RUN_PYFV3: 1
AdvCore_Advection: 0


setenv RUN_CMD "$GEOSBIN/esma_mpirun -np "


+setenv FV3_DACEMODE           Python
+setenv GEOS_PYFV3_BACKEND     numpy
+setenv PACE_CONSTANTS         GEOS
+setenv PYTHONOPTIMIZE         1
+setenv PACE_LOGLEVEL          Debug

+setenv FVCOMP_DIR PATH_TO_GEOS/src/Components/@GEOSgcm_GridComp/GEOSagcm_GridComp/GEOSsuperdyn_GridComp/@FVdycoreCubed_GridComp/
+setenv PYTHONPATH $FVCOMP_DIR/python/interface:$FVCOMP_DIR/python/@pyFV3

#             Experiment Specific Environment Variables
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