GEOSadas v5.29.4.4
Release based on tag GEOSadas-5.29.4-p4
What's Changed
- updates for running C90C_ens and C90C_replay test cases by @rtodling in #93
- Feature/jstassi/#75 #76 updates by @rtodling in #94
- Feature/jstassi/#73 integrate radmon into adas 2 by @gmao-jstassi in #107
- Update components to be in line with GCM by @mathomp4 in #103
- Update by @mathomp4 in #110
- Fixed bug in fvsetup by @gmao-jstassi in #109
- Logic was added to pass the ARCHIVE location from GEOSadas to the Pyr… by @gmao-jstassi in #112
- Update LICENSE to Apache, other license changes by @mathomp4 in #113
- Merging Feature/saraqzhang/ladasdev w/ latest branch of DAS - before going to develop by @rtodling in #114
- These are mild modifications of the work of Sara and Rolf for LDAS. by @rtodling in #115
- now using parallel tar to get ensemble by @rtodling in #116
- Properly finalize GEOSgcmPert.x by @bena-nasa in #120
- bug fix for ADAS checking on LDAS job by @gmao-rreichle in #117
- fixing suggestion of $fvhome as top-level LDAS dir by @gmao-rreichle in #122
- Feature/rtodling/geo sadas 5 29 3 by @rtodling in #121
- incorrect perl statement from LDAS update by @rtodling in #123
- Feature/rtodling/geo sadas 5 29 3 config by @rtodling in #124
- small bug; fixed by @rtodling in #125
- bug added when adding feature to address QFED change by @rtodling in #126
- fcst and das (run) should use the same land setup by @rtodling in #127
- update ana_gridcomp; trivial but needed fix by @rtodling in #128
- Feature/rtodling/geo sadas 5 29 3 config5 by @rtodling in #130
- add ability to interpolate horizontally by @rtodling in #131
- fix for error in passing compiler directives in CMakefile.txt; by @rtodling in #132
- Feature/msienkie/acft bc cleanup tails by @gmao-msienkie in #139
- add member information to name template of land forcing … by @saraqzhang in #136
- Feature/msienkie/#33 implement nrl acqc by @gmao-msienkie in #138
- Feature/jstassi/#83/#119/aod parallel and runjob consistency check by @gmao-jstassi in #137
- Fix uncovered CMake path by @mathomp4 in #141
- ADAS Gatekeepers should be notified of all changes by @mathomp4 in #142
- Feature/rtodling/berror flip fix by @rtodling in #140
- fix in gsi CMakefile - from Matt by @rtodling in #143
- Feature/rtodling/nodeflg fix by @rtodling in #144
- minor by @rtodling in #146
- Add checking for prior calculation of virtual temperture before running 'prevents' by @gmao-msienkie in #133
- (1) add ldas anal increments to fcst script by @saraqzhang in #147
- all in support of GEOS-IT; update to Henry-s Law will cause non-zero … by @rtodling in #148
- revise obs sys for GEOS-IT and proper GOCART/emissions by @rtodling in #149
- update GSI for GEOS-IT config; minor script adjustments merging 5.27.… by @rtodling in #150
- Update for FPP (5.29.4) by @rtodling in #152
- minor fix to mapl; increase arrays size handling acft bias correction by @rtodling in #154
- bug fix in ens setup; sync of HISTORY w/ what FP uses by @rtodling in #156
- fix for TSKINI (surf export) and MAPL file specs by @rtodling in #157
- GitHub Actions for MAPLv3 development by @mathomp4 in #155
- TKSINICE, GEOSIT history, ManipulateTime fixes by @rtodling in #159
- Modified in GEOSdas_App: and monthly_tarandclean.j.tmpl by @gmao-jstassi in #162
- but fixes to monthly mean progs by @rtodling in #164
- bug fix to handle traj_lcv_rst correctly by @gmao-jstassi in #167
- update atmos_eldas.csh corresponding to ldas FIRST_ENS_ID=1 by @saraqzhang in #170
- fix for roundoff issue in MAPL; fix for gridname in stoch-pert by @rtodling in #172
- adds updates to handle GEOS-IT and GEOS-R21C system configurations by @elakkraoui in #176
- The script was modified to add an hourtype value for the traj_lcv_rst… by @gmao-jstassi in #178
- Update the readme file with a note about the 'generic' configuration by @gmao-msienkie in #175
- Updates for GEOS-IT: still not final by @rtodling in #181
- Feature/msienkie/prep qc modifications by @gmao-msienkie in #174
- Modify prepqc script to check for pre-qc data and skip if no data is present by @gmao-msienkie in #184
- Bugfixes/jstassi/#185/fvsetup by @gmao-jstassi in #186
- Update various reanalysis-related resource files for GEOSIT and R21C by @elakkraoui in #189
- reconfig RO top by @rtodling in #192
- More for GEOS-IT by @rtodling in #194
- updates to fix aerosol assimilation of AVHRR data for GEOSIT/R21C by @elakkraoui in #196
- Feature/jstassi/#198/local acquire gaas obs by @gmao-jstassi in #199
- Feature/rtodling/geosit 15aug2022 by @rtodling in #201
- Add fixes to pre-2000 gocart emissions and fvsetup + fix to SBUV n19… by @elakkraoui in #203
- Second round of fixes to GEOSIT resource files by @elakkraoui in #207
- Feature/karpob/omplp g rename by @karpob in #206
- Orbit params and others by @rtodling in #209
- add geosit_prep_bufr by @rtodling in #211
- version numbers now to all repos by @rtodling in #213
- minor fixes for GEOSIT - one fix for FP (EnKF) by @rtodling in #217
- vb:update ana_aod.F code to handle both AOD and LAOD obs at the same … by @vbuchard in #216
- minor fixes for GEOSIT by @rtodling in #220
- Merge GEOSadas-5.29.4-p4 into main by @mathomp4 in #225
New Contributors
- @gmao-rreichle made their first contribution in #117
- @elakkraoui made their first contribution in #176
- @karpob made their first contribution in #206
- @vbuchard made their first contribution in #216
Full Changelog: v5.29.0.1...v5.29.4.4