diff --git a/src/OBO.NET/OboTerm.fs b/src/OBO.NET/OboTerm.fs
index 431c9db..df22d6a 100644
--- a/src/OBO.NET/OboTerm.fs
+++ b/src/OBO.NET/OboTerm.fs
@@ -496,7 +496,7 @@ type OboTerm =
if term.Definition = "" |> not then yield $"def: {term.Definition}"
if term.Comment = "" |> not then yield $"comment: {term.Comment}"
for subset in term.Subsets do yield $"subset: {subset}"
- for synonym in term.Synonyms do yield $"synonym: {synonym}"
+ for synonym in term.Synonyms do yield $"synonym: {synonym.ToLine()}"
for xref in term.Xrefs do yield $"xref: {xref.Name}"
if term.BuiltIn then yield "builtin"
for property_value in term.PropertyValues do yield $"property_value: {property_value}"
diff --git a/src/OBO.NET/TermSynonym.fs b/src/OBO.NET/TermSynonym.fs
index af5f99b..0ce83bd 100644
--- a/src/OBO.NET/TermSynonym.fs
+++ b/src/OBO.NET/TermSynonym.fs
@@ -4,14 +4,14 @@
open DBXref
-//The value consists of a quote enclosed synonym text, a scope identifier, an optional synonym type name, and an optional dbxref list, like this:
-//synonym: "The other white meat" EXACT MARKETING_SLOGAN [MEAT:00324, BACONBASE:03021]
-//The synonym scope may be one of four values: EXACT, BROAD, NARROW, RELATED. If the first form is used to specify a synonym, the scope is assumed to be RELATED.
-//The synonym type must be the id of a synonym type defined by a synonymtypedef line in the header. If the synonym type has a default scope, that scope is used regardless of any scope declaration given by a synonym tag.
-//The dbxref list is formatted as specified in dbxref formatting. A term may have any number of synonyms.
+///The value consists of a quote enclosed synonym text, a scope identifier, an optional synonym type name, and an optional dbxref list, like this:
+///synonym: "The other white meat" EXACT MARKETING_SLOGAN [MEAT:00324, BACONBASE:03021]
+///The synonym scope may be one of four values: EXACT, BROAD, NARROW, RELATED. If the first form is used to specify a synonym, the scope is assumed to be RELATED.
+///The synonym type must be the id of a synonym type defined by a synonymtypedef line in the header. If the synonym type has a default scope, that scope is used regardless of any scope declaration given by a synonym tag.
+///The dbxref list is formatted as specified in dbxref formatting. A term may have any number of synonyms.
type TermSynonymScope =
| Exact
| Broad
@@ -27,13 +27,28 @@ type TermSynonymScope =
| _ -> printfn "[WARNING@L %i]unable to recognize %s as synonym scope" line s
+ member this.ToOboString() =
+ match this with
+ | Exact -> "EXACT"
+ | Broad -> "BROAD"
+ | Narrow -> "NARROW"
+ | Related -> "RELATED"
type TermSynonym = {
Text : string
Scope : TermSynonymScope
TypeName : string
DBXrefs : DBXref list
+} with
+ static member create(text: string, scope: TermSynonymScope, typeName: string, dbxrefs: DBXref list) = {
+ Text = text
+ Scope = scope
+ TypeName = typeName
+ DBXrefs = dbxrefs
+ }
+ member this.ToLine() = $"{this.Text} {this.Scope.ToOboString()} {this.TypeName} {this.DBXrefs}"
module TermSynonym =
diff --git a/tests/OBO.NET.Tests/OBO.NET.Tests.fsproj b/tests/OBO.NET.Tests/OBO.NET.Tests.fsproj
index 8c20c74..158c8a4 100644
--- a/tests/OBO.NET.Tests/OBO.NET.Tests.fsproj
+++ b/tests/OBO.NET.Tests/OBO.NET.Tests.fsproj
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
@@ -24,4 +25,8 @@
diff --git a/tests/OBO.NET.Tests/OboTerm.Tests.fs b/tests/OBO.NET.Tests/OboTerm.Tests.fs
index cb60f80..3b401f1 100644
--- a/tests/OBO.NET.Tests/OboTerm.Tests.fs
+++ b/tests/OBO.NET.Tests/OboTerm.Tests.fs
@@ -22,4 +22,17 @@ module OboTermTests =
let expected = ["id:1", "related_to", "id:2"; "id:1", "unrelated_to", "id:3"]
Expect.sequenceEqual actual expected "is not equal"
+ testList "ToLines" [
+ testCase "synonym" <| fun _ ->
+ let actual =
+ OboTerm.Create("NCBITaxon:562", Name="Escherichia coli", Synonyms=[TermSynonym.create("\"Bacillus coli\"", Related, "synonym", [])])
+ |> OboTerm.toLines
+ |> List.ofSeq
+ let expected = [
+ "id: NCBITaxon:562"
+ "name: Escherichia coli"
+ "synonym: \"Bacillus coli\" RELATED synonym []"
+ ]
+ Expect.sequenceEqual actual expected ""
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/OBO.NET.Tests/TermSynonym.Tests.fs b/tests/OBO.NET.Tests/TermSynonym.Tests.fs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b439fd6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/OBO.NET.Tests/TermSynonym.Tests.fs
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+namespace OBO.NET.Tests
+open Expecto
+open OBO.NET
+module TermSynonymTests =
+ []
+ let main =
+ testList "TermSynonym" [
+ testCase "create" <| fun _ ->
+ let actual = TermSynonym.create("\"Bacillus coli\"", Related, "synonym", [])
+ Expect.equal actual.Text "\"Bacillus coli\"" "text"
+ Expect.equal actual.Scope Related "scope"
+ Expect.equal actual.TypeName "synonym" "typeName"
+ Expect.equal actual.DBXrefs [] "dbxrefs"
+ testCase "ToOboString" <| fun _ ->
+ let actual = TermSynonym.create("\"Bacillus coli\"", Related, "synonym", []).ToLine()
+ let expected = "\"Bacillus coli\" RELATED synonym []"
+ Expect.equal actual expected "is not equal"
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file