- Project name and graphics
- 1-2 sentence project description
- Team information: team members
- [] project sponsor information
- [] link to sponsor's homepage
- []technical advisor information (?)
- Project roles
- picture of the team
- the overall problem
- general solution you are creating
- what's the problem that needs improving
- the way you're solving the problem
- how you've tackled it
- few words on outcome (later) or how it will save time for the sponsor (presto can review models more efficiently)
- solid idea of sponsor's business
- specific problems there are in the current arrangement
- [] what general functionality and/or solution might be needed
- [] graphics showing hardware, current system, diagrams etc
- [] spring 2021 schedule
- [] quick overview of major requirements
- [] sketching out development process
- [] describe the solution you are building
- [] overviewing what you're building in general (e.g, a comprehensive CLI with documentation)
- [] system architecture and how it plays together to address the problem
- [] implementation detail
- [] graphics
- [] outline the implemented modules in high level detail
- [] screenshots of your product to add in
- [] walk users through some of the key use cases
- [] convince readers of how nicely your solution solves the problem
- [] languages, frameworks, tools and other tech
- [] paragraph detailing why you chose that tool, and who it was used in the design
- [] TBA
- [] Add all deliverables
- [] make it look pretty