A collection of tools to help with running the FKZ CS2KZ servers.
These tools are WIP and wiki for them is missing/incomplete!!!
Shell script to check for new commits to CS2KZ, then merge those changes to local branch, build, and copy to gameserver folders.
Default folder is set for using with a server using LinuxGSM.
Install the following packages:
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y git dos2unix python3 python3-pip
sudo apt-get install lftp sshpass jq rsync tmux
pip3 install a2s
Create and fill out the configuration file.
cp config.example.json config.json && nano config.json
Example configuration file:
"cs2kz_autoupdate": {
"webhook_url": "https://discord.com/api/webhooks/id/token", # Discord webhook URL
"repo_dir": "/home/user/server-tools/cs2kz-metamod/", # Directory of CS2KZ repo
"upstream_repo": "git@github.com:KZGlobalTeam/cs2kz-metamod", # Upstream CS2KZ repo
"upstream_branch": "dev", # Upstream CS2KZ branch
"local_branch": "dev", # Local CS2KZ branch
"files_to_check": ["cs2kz-server-config.txt", "cs2kz.cfg"], # List of files to check for changes (relative to repo_dir)
"enable_logging": true, # Toggle logging
"log_file": "/home/user/server-tools/cs2kz-autoupdate.log", # Log file
"build_log_file": "/home/user/server-tools/cs2kz-autoupdate-build.log", # Build log file
"update_check_interval": 300, # Update check interval in seconds
"enable_builds": true, # Toggle builds
"auto_update": false, # Toggle auto updates
"servers_to_update": [ # List of servers to update, 4 types of servers are supported
# Local server
"folder": "/home/localuser/serverfiles/game/csgo/addons/cs2kz/",
"user": "localuser",
"address": "",
"type": "local"
# Remote server with SSH key
"folder": "/home/remoteuser1/serverfiles/game/csgo/addons/cs2kz/",
"user": "remoteuser1",
"address": "",
"type": "remote_key",
"ssh_key": "/path/to/private_key",
"ssh_port": "22",
"ssh_address": ""
# Remote server with SSH using password
"folder": "/home/remoteuser2/serverfiles/game/csgo/addons/cs2kz/",
"user": "remoteuser2",
"address": "",
"type": "remote_pass",
"ssh_port": "22",
"ssh_address": "",
"ssh_pass": "your_ssh_password"
# Remote server with FTP using password
"folder": "/addons/cs2kz/",
"user": "remoteuser3",
"address": "",
"type": "remote_ftp",
"ssh_port": "21",
"ssh_address": "",
"ssh_pass": "your_ssh_password"
Run the following commands to set up the script:
chmod +x cs2kz-autoupdate.sh # Make the script executable
dos2unix cs2kz-autoupdate.sh # Make sure the file is in Unix format
tmux new -d 'bash cs2kz-autoupdate.sh' # Run the script in the background
Shell script to check for CS2 updates and automatically update local and remote servers that use LGSM.
Install the following packages:
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y git dos2unix python3 python3-pip
sudo apt-get install lftp sshpass jq rsync tmux
pip3 install a2s
Create and fill out the configuration file.
cp config.example.json config.json && nano config.json
Example configuration file:
"lgsm_update": {
"webhook_url": "https://discord.com/api/webhooks/id/token", # Discord webhook URL
"enable_logging": true, # Toggle logging
"log_file": "/home/user/server-tools/cs2-lgsm-autoupdate.log", # Log file
"update_check_interval": 300, # Update check interval in seconds
"update_check_user": "localuser", # User to check for updates
"auto_update": true, # Toggle auto updates (false for log only)
"game": "cs2", # Game to update (only tested with cs2)
"servers_to_update": [ # List of servers to update
# Local server
"user": "localuser",
"address": "",
"type": "local"
# Remote server with SSH key
"user": "remoteuser1",
"address": "",
"type": "remote_key",
"ssh_key": "/path/to/private_key",
"ssh_port": "22",
"ssh_address": ""
# Remote server with SSH using password
"user": "remoteuser2",
"address": "",
"type": "remote_pass",
"ssh_port": "22",
"ssh_address": "",
"ssh_pass": "your_ssh_password"
Run the following commands to set up the script:
chmod +x lgsm-update.sh # Make the script executable
dos2unix lgsm-update.sh # Make sure the file is in Unix format
tmux new -d 'bash lgsm-update.sh' # Run the script in the background
Basic shell script to check if metamod entry exist and if not add into gameinfo.gi automatically.
Default folder is set for using with a server using LinuxGSM.
- Download and upload
to your Server. - Run
sudo apt-get install dos2unix
, incase you don't already have it. - Run
chmod +x gameinfo.sh
to make the file executable if already isn't. - Run
dos2unix gameinfo.sh
to make sure the file is in Unix format. - You can run the script with
You probably want it to run on a cronjob. Run crontab -e
to edit the cronjob. Then add the following line:
* * * * * su - user -c 'bash /home/user/gameinfo.sh' > /dev/null 2>&1 # run every minute, replace `user` with your server's username
Close and save the cronjob.
If you get an error with \r not being recognized, run dos2unix /path/to/script.sh