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Simple expression language designed to simplify tasks involving logic, calculation, value retrieval, and structural transformation, which are logically simple but often involve complex coding.
Main Application Scenarios: Dynamic rule calculation scenarios, type adaptation (message conversion).
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- JDK 1.8
- fastjson2 2.0.49
- slf4j 1.7.30
- Support hierarchical structures: Quickly operate and convert JSON or various types of POJOs, etc.
- Safe value retrieval: Say goodbye to frequent and tedious null checks.
- Branching logic: Support complex compound statements, including if-else/for and other related branching syntax.
- Method invocation: Directly call object methods, support custom utility methods.
- Convenient to use: No need to build additional context objects for calculations; directly calculate native objects through the API.
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- Simple expression calculation, placeholder calculation, four operations, regular matching.
- Support assignment operations, type conversion, and scenarios such as JSON format conversion.
- Support complex statements and the mixed use of multiple statements.
- Support calling Java object methods and custom function method calls.
- Support conditional branches, ternary expressions, and loops.
// Basic call example
boolean result = ELExecutor.eval(
// Expression string; separate compound statements with semicolons, return the result of the last executed statement
// Expected context or object for calculation, mainly supports Java beans, Map, strings, etc.
// Expected return type, supports generics
// Arithmetic operation example
int result = ELExecutor.eval("2 * a - (b + c) * d", "{'a':1,'b':2,'c':3,'d':4}", int.class);
// 2*1-(2+3)*4 = -18
Assertions.assertEquals(-18, result);
// Assignment & calculation example
Map<String, Object> context = new HashMap<>();
context.put("val", 10);
ELExecutor.eval("a=10;val=val+1;val++;result=a+val;", context);
// a=10;
Assertions.assertEquals(10, ElUtils.cast(context.get("a"), int.class));
// val=val+1;val++;
Assertions.assertEquals(12, ElUtils.cast(context.get("val"), int.class));
// result=a+val;
Assertions.assertEquals(22, ElUtils.cast(context.get("result"), int.class));
// Assigning values to sub-object properties in a POJO through an expression
TestReq req = new TestReq();
ELExecutor.eval("head.serialId='123456'", req);
// Calling Java methods
Map<String, Object> context = new HashMap<>();
context.put("val", "010");
// Convert the string "010" to int type, call the toString() method, and then call the length() method; expected return value is 2
Assertions.assertEquals(2, ELExecutor.eval("((int)val).toString().length()", context, int.class));
Map<String, Object> context = new HashMap<>();
context.put("flag", 100);
context.put("val", 10);
// If flag is greater than or equal to 100, return val*10; here the result is 100
Assertions.assertEquals(100, ELExecutor.eval("flag>=100?val*10:val/10", context, int.class));
// If flag is less than 100, return val/10; here the result is 1
Assertions.assertEquals(1, ELExecutor.eval("flag<100?val*10:val/10", context, int.class));
// Create a context for calculations
Map<String, Object> context = new HashMap<>();
// Branch 1 (IF) a=1
context.put("flag", 1);
ELExecutor.eval("if(flag==1){\n a=1;\n }", context);
Assertions.assertEquals(ElUtils.cast(context.get("a"), int.class), 1);
// Branch 2 (IF-ELSE-IF) a=3
context.put("flag", 2);
ELExecutor.eval("if(flag==1){a=1; }else if(flag==2){ a=2;a++; }", context);
Assertions.assertEquals(ElUtils.cast(context.get("a"), int.class), 3);
// Branch 3 (IF-ELSE-IF-ELSE) a=0
context.put("flag", 3);
ELExecutor.eval("if(flag==1){\n a=1;\n }else if(flag==2){ a=2;a++; }else{ a=0; }", context);
Assertions.assertEquals(ElUtils.cast(context.get("a"), int.class), 0);
// Reference group: Java code loop
int[] arr = new int[10];
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
arr[i] = 3 * (i + 1234) - i;
// Create a context for calculations
Map<String, Object> context = new HashMap<>();
// C-like mode
ELExecutor.eval("for(i=0;i<10;i++){arr[i]=3 * (i + 1234) - i}", context);
// Assertion of calculation result correctness
Assertions.assertArrayEquals(arr, ElUtils.cast(context.get("arr"), int[].class));
// Iterator mode, can iterate over arrays, List, Map, etc.
context.put("num", new int[]{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9});
ELExecutor.eval("for(i:num){arr[i]=3 * (i + 1234) - i}", context);
// Assertion of calculation result correctness
Assertions.assertArrayEquals(arr, ElUtils.cast(context.get("arr"), int[].class));
// Number mode, equivalent to i=0;i<10;i++
ELExecutor.eval("for(i:10){arr[i]=3 * (i + 1234) - i}", context);
// Assertion of calculation result correctness
Assertions.assertArrayEquals(arr, ElUtils.cast(context.get("arr"), int[].class));
- Support logging (or console output) and other built-in functions.
- Analyze Java's built-in library methods and consider integrating some frequently used methods into built-in functions.