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Christoph Mueller edited this page Mar 20, 2016 · 22 revisions


#Get FUSEE (clone it)

  • Open Chrome or Firefox (Edge will not work). Login with your GitHub account and browse to

  • Open the GitHub Desktop application.

  • From your browser's URL-Address line, drag the small greenish icon with the lock symbol next to the URL to the empty GitHub Desktop Window. Drag-From area in Chrome Drag-From area in Firefox

  • The GitHub Desktop window will show a message like "Drop to clone FUSEE". Drop it!

  • Specify a local directory on your hard disk where FUSEE will be installed.

  • Create a system variable named FuseeBuildRoot and set it to the directory chosen above

    Create a system variable FuseeBuildRoot

  • Alternative for ADVANCED Users: If you are planning to contribute to the FUSEE engine (and not try using it) consider to fork the repository instead of cloning it as described above.

#Build FUSEE

  • Identify your local FUSEE installation directory. Will be called [FuseeRoot] from now on.

  • Open [FuseeRoot]\src\Fusee.Engine.Simple.sln in Visual Studio (e.g. by double-clicking it).

  • Set the following Configuration to be "Active":

    • Active Solution Configuration: "Debug"
    • Active Solution Platform: "x86"
    • Startup Project: "Fusee.Engine.Examples.Simple.Desktop" Visual Studio Active Settings
  • Build the solution (Menu: Build -> Build Solution) or directly start the Example (Start button) FUSEE and the Simple Desktop application will build and run.

    Fusee Simple Desktop Screenshot

  • You may also want to try building the Simple Example for Web and for Android


  • Select the Startup Project to be "Fusee.Engine.Examples.Simple.Web"
  • Build the solution (Menu: Build -> Build Solution) or directly start the Example (Start button). FUSEE and the simple example will be built as a web application and started in your default browser (Chrome works best).

Fusee Simple Web Screenshot


  • Connect an appropriate Android Device (Android 4.4 or higher, OpenGL ES 2.0 or higher) or configure a local Android emulator with the appropriate capabilities.
  • Select the Startup Project to be "Fusee.Engine.Examples.Simple.Android"
  • Build the solution (Menu: Build -> Build Solution) or directly start the Example Fusee Simple Android Screenshot
  • Select the Android device (or emulator) to start using the options given under the Start button. FUSEE and the simple example will be built for Android and started on the specified device.

Fusee Simple Android Screenshot

#Prepare for Custom Projects

Clone this wiki locally