In order to write this guide, Debian 9 (Desktop image) was downloaded from here, and installed as a virtual machine under VMWare.
What's missing is stuff about postgres and prometheus-client-c. Well, and a general cleanup to follow the new "design" of the Ubuntu guides. For now, no further work on this installation guide is planned - unless we receive complaints. If so, time will be allocated for an update. Anyway, Ubuntu and Debian are related, so, it shouldn't be too hard to use an Ubuntu guide and some googling to finish the installation.
In many of the following steps, commands need to be executed as superuser (root). To be able to use the sudo command in Debian, do the following:
apt-get update
apt-get install sudo
adduser <USERNAME> sudo
# Restart the OS
To be installed via package manager:
- boost (plenty of libraries) v1.62
- libssl1.0
- libcurl4
- libsasl2
- libgcrypt
- libuuid
Now, a whole bunch of packages are to be installed. Personally I prefer aptitude over apt-get, so the first thing I do is to install aptitude:
sudo apt-get install aptitude
Tools needed for compilation and testing:
sudo aptitude install build-essential cmake scons curl
Libraries that aren't built from source code:
sudo aptitude install libssl1.0-dev libssl-dev gnutls-dev libcurl4-gnutls-dev libsasl2-dev libgcrypt-dev uuid-dev libboost-dev libboost-regex-dev libboost-thread-dev libboost-filesystem-dev
Some libraries are built from source code and those sources must be downloaded and compiled.
- Mongo Driver: legacy-1.1.2
- libmicrohttpd: 0.9.72
- rapidjson: 1.0.2
- kbase: 0.5
- klog: 0.5
- kalloc: 0.5
- kjson: 0.5
- khash: 0.5
- gtest: 1.5 (needed for unit testing only)
- gmock: 1.5 (needed for unit testing only)
For those libraries that are cloned repositories, I myself keep all repositories in a directory I call git directly under my home directory: ~/git
For this guide to work, you will need to do the same.
So, let's start by creating the directory for repositories:
mkdir ~/git
And, as git
will be used, we might as well install it:
sudo aptitude install git
As Orion-LD is based on Orion, and Orion uses the old Legacy C++ driver of the mongo client library, Orion-LD also uses that old library. Plans are to migrate, at least all the NGSI-LD requests to the newest C driver of the mongo client, but that work has still not commenced.
To download, build and install:
sudo mkdir /opt/mongoclient
sudo chown $USER:$GROUP /opt/mongoclient # (1)
cd /opt/mongoclient
tar xfvz legacy-1.1.2.tar.gz
cd mongo-cxx-driver-legacy-1.1.2
scons --disable-warnings-as-errors --ssl --use-sasl-client
sudo scons install --prefix=/usr/local --disable-warnings-as-errors --ssl --use-sasl-client
(1) To make you the owner of a file, you need to state your username and group. The env var USER already exists, but if you want to cut 'n paste this "sudo chown" command, you'll need to create the env var GROUP, to reflect your group. In my case, I do this:
export GROUP=kz
After this, you should have the library libmongoclient.a under /usr/local/lib/
and the header directory mongo under /usr/local/include/
libmicrohttpd is the library that takes care of incoming connections and http/https. This is how you install libmicrohttpd from source code:
sudo mkdir /opt/libmicrohttpd
sudo chown $USER:$GROUP /opt/libmicrohttpd
cd /opt/libmicrohttpd
tar xvf libmicrohttpd-0.9.72.tar.gz
cd libmicrohttpd-0.9.72
./configure --disable-messages --disable-postprocessor --disable-dauth
sudo make install
rapidjson is the JSON parser used by the NGSI APIv2 implementation. AS Orion-LD includes NGSI APIv2 as well, we need this library. We use an older version of the library. This is how to install it from source code:
sudo mkdir /opt/rapidjson
sudo chown $USER:$GROUP /opt/rapidjson
cd /opt/rapidjson
tar xfvz v1.0.2.tar.gz
sudo mv rapidjson-1.0.2/include/rapidjson/ /usr/local/include
kbase is a collection of basic functionality, like string handling, that is used by the rest of the "K-libs". To download, build and install:
cd ~/git
git clone
cd kbase
git checkout release/0.5
make install
klog is a library for logging, used by the rest of the "K-libs". To download, build and install:
cd ~/git
git clone
cd klog
git checkout release/0.5
make install
kalloc is a library that provides faster allocation by avoiding calls to malloc
The library allocates big buffers by calling malloc
and then gives out portions of this big allocated buffer.
The portions cannot be freed, only the big buffers allocated via malloc
and that is done when the kalloc instance dies.
For a context broker, that treats every request in a separate thread, this is ideal from a performance point of view.
To download, build and install:
cd ~/git
git clone
cd kalloc
git checkout release/0.5
make install
kjson is a JSON parser that builds a simple-to-use KjNode tree from the textual JSON input.
It is very easy to use (linked lists) and many times faster than rapidjson, which APIv2 uses.
The new implementation for NGSI-LD uses kjson
instead of rapidjson.
To download, build and install:
cd ~/git
git clone
cd kjson
git checkout release/0.5
make install
khash is a library that provides a hash table implementation. This hash table is used for the Context Cache of Orion-LD.
To download, build and install:
cd ~/git
git clone
cd khash
git checkout release/0.5
make install
MQTT is a machine-to-machine (M2M)/"Internet of Things" connectivity protocol. It was designed as an extremely lightweight publish/subscribe messaging transport. It is useful for connections with remote locations where a small code footprint is required and/or network bandwidth is at a premium. Source:
To download, build and install:
The Eclipse Paho project provides open-source client implementations of MQTT and MQTT-SN messaging protocols aimed at new, existing, and emerging applications for the Internet of Things (IoT). Source:
aptitude -y install doxygen
aptitude -y install graphviz
rm -f /usr/local/lib/libpaho*
cd ~/git
git clone
cd paho.mqtt.c
git fetch -a
git checkout tags/v1.3.1
make html
sudo make install
# Python library
# If you don't have pip installed:
sudo aptitude update
sudo aptitude install python-pip
pip install paho-mqtt
Eclipse Mosquitto is an open source (EPL/EDL licensed) message broker that implements the MQTT protocol versions 5.0, 3.1.1 and 3.1. Mosquitto is lightweight and is suitable for use on all devices from low power single board computers to full servers. Source:
sudo aptitude install mosquitto
sudo systemctl start mosquitto
# If you wish to enable `mosquitto` to have it start automatically on system reboot:
# [ If you prefer to use another MQTT broker, that's fine too. But, bear in mind that only mosquitto has been tested ]
sudo systemctl enable mosquitto
Now that we have all the dependencies installed, it's time to clone the Orion-LD repository:
cd ~/git
git clone
cd context.Orion-LD
make install
At the end of make install
, the makefile wants to copy the executable (orionld) to /usr/bin, and more files under /usr.
As the compilation hasn't been (and shouldn't be) run as root (sudo), these copies will fail.
So, you have two options here:
1. Create the files by hand, using sudo
and then set yourself as owner of the files:
sudo touch /usr/bin/orionld
sudo chown $USER:$GROUP /usr/bin/orionld
sudo touch /etc/init.d/orionld
sudo chown $USER:$GROUP /etc/init.d/orionld
sudo touch /etc/default/orionld
sudo chown $USER:$GROUP /etc/default/orionld
2. Run sudo make install
and let the files be owned by root.
Personally I prefer option 1. I really dislike to use sudo
You now have orionld, the NGSI-LD Context Broker compiled, installed and ready to work!
Except, of course, you need to install the MongoDB server as well. So far, we have only installed the mongo client library, so that orionld can speak to the MongoDB server.
If using a docker image, the MongoDB server comes as part of the docker, but if docker is not used, then the MongoDB server must be installed. For this, please refer to the MongoDB documentation. The version 4.0 is recommended, but both older and newer should work just fine.
This is what the MongoDB documentation tells us to do to install MongoDB server 4.2 under Debian 9. The version 4.2 has been tested to work just fine in debian 9.
wget -qO - | sudo apt-key add -
sudo apt-get install gnupg
wget -qO - | sudo apt-key add -
echo "deb stretch/mongodb-org/4.2 main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mongodb-org-4.2.list
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y mongodb-org
echo "mongodb-org hold" | sudo dpkg --set-selections
echo "mongodb-org-server hold" | sudo dpkg --set-selections
echo "mongodb-org-shell hold" | sudo dpkg --set-selections
echo "mongodb-org-mongos hold" | sudo dpkg --set-selections
echo "mongodb-org-tools hold" | sudo dpkg --set-selections
sudo systemctl start mongod
sudo systemctl status mongod
sudo systemctl enable mongod
For more detail on the MongoDB installation process, or if something goes wrong, please refer to the MongoDB documentation