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M3gaFr3ak edited this page Oct 22, 2013 · 13 revisions



Used to upgrade the Adjustable ME Storage.

ME Item Dropper

Works like a normal Dropper, but takes the Items directly from the ME Network. Set the Item by rightclicking the Dropper with the Item in your Hand, lock/unlock the Item by shift-rightclicking the dropper with an empty Hand.

ME Backup Battery

On Default it fills up with energy from the network. If you however attach a redstone signal (lever on the battery) it will spit out all the energy into the network. In the future it will also be able to fill the network automatically on demand. Depending on the energy contained, the texture has 3 different states.

Blast resistant ME Drive

An ME Drive, but blast resistant and with only 3 slots.

ME Fluid Import Bus

Imports the Liquid of the tank it is facing into the network as long as there's a valid Fluid Storage. Has phantom-slots for preformattation. Also connects to pipes and accepts fluids directly from the faucet of a TiC smeltery

ME Fluid Export Bus

Exports a Fluid defined by fluid-containing Items in his inventory into the tank it is facing. Has phantom-slots for preformattation.

ME Fluid Storage Bus

Links the facing tank to the network and uses it as Fluid Storage. Has phantom-slots for preformattation.

ME Fluid Terminal

Used to display all stored Fluids; Also used to add/remove a fluid manually with FluidContainers like Buckets, cells etc.

ME Fluid Transition Plane

Drains fluid blocks in front of it

Certus-Quartz Tank

It's a tank, what do you think?!

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