webClean.js is a code cleanup utility built on node.js and gulp.
###Features by Language
- remove comments
- remove unused css (and format)
- autoprefix for browsers with greater than 5% market share
- format CSS files (prettify)
- minify css (ie8 capable)
- concatenate css files (coming soon)
SASS/SCSS (coming soon)
- format HTML files (prettify)
- format JS files (prettify)
- parse and format JSON files (coming soon)
- wrap JS files (coming soon)
PHP (coming soon)
###Using webClean.js
The dependencies below are included in this repo in /node_modules, but you do need to install both node.js and gulp before using webClean.js.
- prerequisites: node.js, gulp
- dependencies:
- node extensions: inquirer, rx
- css gulp extensions: minify-css, autoprefixer, strip-css-comments, prompt, sourcemaps, uncss, run-sequence
- js gulp extensions: jsbeautifier
Open up terminal and navigate to the home directory. Make sure that the files you would like to work with are in their respective folders (/css, /html, etc.). You can run webClean.js with the command line tool, or you can run the gulp tasks individually.
To use the command line tool, type the following:
node webClean.js
Answer yes or no to the on-screen prompts. Once all prompts have been answered, webClean.js makes the appropriate changes to your file(s) and stores them in /dist.
If you prefer running the gulp tasks individually, you can use the following command. Just replace name of task with what you'd like to run:
gulp *name of task*
Below is a list of available gulp tasks, by language.
- uncomment-css
- uncss-css
- autoprefix-css
- minify-css
- all-css
- format-js
- format-html