diff --git a/__tests__/ExpensiMark-HTML-test.js b/__tests__/ExpensiMark-HTML-test.js
index b18aecca..3266ce07 100644
--- a/__tests__/ExpensiMark-HTML-test.js
+++ b/__tests__/ExpensiMark-HTML-test.js
@@ -693,11 +693,10 @@ test('Test url replacements', () => {
'http://example.com/foo/*/bar/*/test.txt ' +
'test-.com ' +
'-test.com ' +
- '@test.com ' +
- '@test.com test.com ' +
- '@test.com @test.com ';
+ '@test.com ' +
+ '@test.com test.com ' +
+ '@test.com @test.com ';
- // Fixme [short-mention] this errors on "test.com @test.com @test.com {
testString: 'expensify.com -expensify.com @expensify.com',
- 'expensify.com -expensify.com @expensify.com',
+ 'expensify.com -expensify.com @expensify.com',
testString: 'https//www.expensify.com',
@@ -932,7 +931,6 @@ test('Test urls autolinks correctly', () => {
- // Fixme [short-mention] @expensify.com should now be considered a short-mention "candidate"
testCases.forEach((testCase) => {
@@ -1327,12 +1325,6 @@ test('Test for user mention with @username@domain.com', () => {
-test('Test for short mention mention with @username', () => {
- const testString = '@john.doe';
- const resultString = '@john.doe';
- expect(parser.replace(testString)).toBe(resultString);
test('Test for user mention with @@username@domain.com', () => {
const testString = '@@username@expensify.com';
const resultString = '@@username@expensify.com';
@@ -1460,6 +1452,26 @@ test('Test for @here mention with inlineCodeBlock style', () => {
+describe('Tests for short mentions', () => {
+ test('short mentions should work for @username', () => {
+ const testString = '@johnny';
+ const resultString = '@johnny';
+ expect(parser.replace(testString)).toBe(resultString);
+ });
+ test('short mentions should work for @firstname.lastname', () => {
+ const testString = '@john.doe';
+ const resultString = '@john.doe';
+ expect(parser.replace(testString)).toBe(resultString);
+ });
+ test('short mentions should work and not break @here after mention', () => {
+ const testString = '@john.doe@here';
+ const resultString = '@john.doe@here';
+ expect(parser.replace(testString)).toBe(resultString);
+ });
// Examples that should match for here mentions:
test('Test for here mention with @here', () => {
const testString = '@here';
@@ -1516,7 +1528,6 @@ test('Test for @here mention with italic, bold and strikethrough styles', () =>
' @here!' +
' @here?';
- // Fixme [short-mention] these should now be short-mention candidates
const resultString =
'@here' +
' @here' +
@@ -1659,13 +1670,13 @@ test('Skip rendering invalid markdown', () => {
test('Test for email with test+1@gmail.com@gmail.com', () => {
const testString = 'test+1@gmail.com@gmail.com';
- const resultString = 'test+1@gmail.com@gmail.com';
+ const resultString = 'test+1@gmail.com@gmail.com';
test('Test for email with test@gmail.com@gmail.com', () => {
const testString = 'test@gmail.com@gmail.com';
- const resultString = 'test@gmail.com@gmail.com';
+ const resultString = 'test@gmail.com@gmail.com';
diff --git a/lib/CONST.ts b/lib/CONST.ts
index 431b7b4b..7c920706 100644
--- a/lib/CONST.ts
+++ b/lib/CONST.ts
@@ -419,6 +419,11 @@ const CONST = {
+ /**
+ * Regex to match a piece of text or @here, needed for both shortMention and userMention
+ */
+ PRE_MENTION_TEXT_PART: '(@here|[a-zA-Z0-9.!$%&+=?^\\`{|}-]?)',
diff --git a/lib/ExpensiMark.ts b/lib/ExpensiMark.ts
index d468f936..f7d52aef 100644
--- a/lib/ExpensiMark.ts
+++ b/lib/ExpensiMark.ts
@@ -484,11 +484,22 @@ export default class ExpensiMark {
rawInputReplacement: '$1$2',
+ /**
+ * This regex matches a short user mention in a string.
+ * A short-mention is a string that starts with the '@' symbol and is followed by a valid user's primary login without the email domain part
+ * Ex: @john.doe, @user12345, but NOT @user@email.com
+ *
+ * Notes: phone is not a valid short mention
+ * In reality these "short-mentions" are really just candidates, because the parser has no way of verifying if there exists a user named ex: @john.examplename
+ * The actual verification if these mentions are pointing to real users is done in specific projects using this Parser.
+ * Nevertheless, "@john.examplename" is a correct possible short-mention, and so would be parsed.
+ * This regex will correctly preserve any @here mentions, just like "userMention" rule.
+ */
name: 'shortMentions',
regex: new RegExp(
- "(@here|[a-zA-Z0-9.!$%&+=?^\\`{|}-]?)(@(?=((?=[\\w]+[\\w'#%+-]+(?:\\.[\\w'#%+-]+)*)[\\w\\.'#%+-]{1,64}(?= |_|\\b))(?!([:\\/\\\\]))(?.*))\\S{3,254}(?=\\k$))(?!((?:(?!|[^<]*(<\\/pre>|<\\/code>|<\\/mention-user>|<\\/mention-here>))",
+ `${Constants.CONST.REG_EXP.PRE_MENTION_TEXT_PART}(@(?=((?=[\\w]+[\\w'#%+-]+(?:\\.[\\w'#%+-]+)*)[\\w\\.'#%+-]{1,64}(?= |_|\\b))(?!([:\\/\\\\]))(?.*))(?!here)\\S{3,254}(?=\\k$))(?!((?:(?!|[^<]*(<\\/pre>|<\\/code>|<\\/mention-user>|<\\/mention-here>))`,
replacement: (_extras, match, g1, g2) => {
@@ -497,15 +508,12 @@ export default class ExpensiMark {
return `${g1}${g2}`;
- // rawInputReplacement: (_extras, match, g1, g2) => {
- // const phoneNumberRegex = new RegExp(`^${Constants.CONST.REG_EXP.PHONE_PART}$`);
- // const mention = g2.slice(1);
- // const mentionWithoutSMSDomain = str_1.default.removeSMSDomain(mention);
- // if (!str_1.default.isValidMention(match) || (phoneNumberRegex.test(mentionWithoutSMSDomain) && !str_1.default.isValidPhoneNumber(mentionWithoutSMSDomain))) {
- // return match;
- // }
- // return `${g1}${g2}`;
- // },
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'hereMentionAfterShortMentions',
+ regex: /(<\/mention-short>)(@here)(?=\b)/gm,
+ replacement: '$1$2',