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ICML (International Conference on Machine Learning)

  • Archer, A., Fahrbach, M., Liu, K. and Prabhu, P., 2024. Practical performance guarantees for pipelined DNN inference. In International Conference on Machine Learning.
    • Google + MIT
    • "We give a fast and practical pipeline partitioning algorithm called SliceGraph that combines dynamic programming with a biased random-key GA."
  • Baluja, S. and Caruana, R., 1995. Removing the genetics from the standard genetic algorithm. In International Conference on Machine Learning (pp. 38-46). Morgan Kaufmann.
    • This is a landmark paper for EDA from Carnegie Mellon University.
  • Miconi, T., 2023, July. Learning to acquire novel cognitive tasks with evolution, plasticity and meta-meta-learning. In International Conference on Machine Learning (pp. 24756-24774). PMLR. [ www | pdf | openreview | Python ] ( ES | Continuous Optimization #)
  • Real, E., Liang, C., So, D. and Le, Q., 2020, November. AutoML-zero: Evolving machine learning algorithms from scratch. In International Conference on Machine Learning (pp. 8007-8019). PMLR. [ www | pdf | C++ ] ( GP | AutoML )
  • Wang, R., Lehman, J., Rawal, A., Zhi, J., Li, Y., Clune, J. and Stanley, K., 2020, November. Enhanced POET: Open-ended reinforcement learning through unbounded invention of learning challenges and their solutions. In International Conference on Machine Learning (pp. 9940-9951). PMLR. [ www | pdf ] ( ERL )
  • Majumdar, S., Khadka, S., Miret, S., Mcaleer, S. and Tumer, K., 2020, November. Evolutionary reinforcement learning for sample-efficient multiagent coordination. In International Conference on Machine Learning (pp. 6651-6660). PMLR. [ www | pdf | Python ] ( ERL )
  • Khadka, S., Majumdar, S., Nassar, T., Dwiel, Z., Tumer, E., Miret, S., Liu, Y. and Tumer, K., 2019, May. Collaborative evolutionary reinforcement learning. In International Conference on Machine Learning (pp. 3341-3350). PMLR. [ www | pdf | Python ] ( ERL )
  • Metz, L., Maheswaranathan, N., Nixon, J., Freeman, D. and Sohl-Dickstein, J., 2019, May. Understanding and correcting pathologies in the training of learned optimizers. In International Conference on Machine Learning (pp. 4556-4565). PMLR. ( ES | Continuous Optimization #)
  • Ilyas, A., Engstrom, L., Athalye, A. and Lin, J., 2018, July. Black-box adversarial attacks with limited queries and information. In International Conference on Machine Learning (pp. 2137-2146). PMLR.
  • Real, E., Moore, S., Selle, A., Saxena, S., Suematsu, Y.L., Tan, J., Le, Q.V. and Kurakin, A., 2017, July. Large-scale evolution of image classifiers. In International Conference on Machine Learning (pp. 2902-2911). PMLR. [ www | pdf ] ( NE )
  • Akrour, R., Schoenauer, M., Souplet, J.C. and Sebag, M., 2014, June. Programming by feedback. In Proceedings of International Conference on Machine Learning (pp. 1503-1511). [ www ] ( CMA-ES | Continuous Optimization )
  • Stulp, F. and Sigaud, O., 2012, June. Path integral policy improvement with covariance matrix adaptation. In Proceedings of International Coference on International Conference on Machine Learning (pp. 1547-1554). [ www | pdf ] ( CMA-ES | Continuous Optimization )
  • Yi, S., Wierstra, D., Schaul, T. and Schmidhuber, J., 2009, June. Stochastic search using the natural gradient. In International Conference on Machine Learning (pp. 1161-1168). ACM. [ www ] ( NES )
  • Heidrich-Meisner, V. and Igel, C., 2009, June. Hoeffding and Bernstein races for selecting policies in evolutionary direct policy search. In International Conference on Machine Learning (pp. 401-408). ACM. [ www ] ( CMA-ES )
  • Strens, M., 2003. Evolutionary MCMC sampling and optimization in discrete spaces. In International Conference on Machine Learning (pp. 736-743). AAAI. [ www | pdf ] ( GA )
  • Krawiec, K. and Bhanu, B., 2003, August. Visual learning by evolutionary feature synthesis. In International Conference on Machine Learning (pp. 376-383). AAAI. [ www | pdf ] ( GP + COEA )
  • Johnson, J., Tsioutsiouliklis, K. and Giles, C.L., 2003. Evolving strategies for focused web crawling. In International Conference on Machine Learning (pp. 298-305). AAAI. [ www | pdf ] ( GA )
  • Fan, J., Lau, R. and Miikkulainen, R., 2003. Utilizing domain knowledge in neuroevolution. In International Conference on Machine Learning (pp. 170-177). AAAI. [ www | pdf ] ( NE )
  • Moriarty, D.E. and Miikkulainen, R., 1995. Efficient learning from delayed rewards through symbiotic evolution. In International Conference on Machine Learning (pp. 396-404). Morgan Kaufmann. [ www ] ( NE )
  • Gambardella, L.M. and Dorigo, M., 1995. Ant-Q: A reinforcement learning approach to the traveling salesman problem. In International Conference on Machine Learning (pp. 252-260). Morgan Kaufmann. [ www ] ( ACO )
  • Lang, K.J., 1995. Hill climbing beats genetic search on a boolean circuit synthesis problem of koza's. In International Conference on Machine Learning (pp. 340-343). Morgan Kaufmann. [ www ] ( RHC )
  • Kimura, H., Yamamura, M. and Kobayashi, S., 1995. Reinforcement learning by stochastic hill climbing on discounted reward. In International Conference on Machine Learning (pp. 295-303). Morgan Kaufmann. [ www ] ( RHC )
  • Opitz, D.W. and Shavlik, J.W., 1994. Using genetic search to refine knowledge-based neural networks. In International Conference on Machine Learning (pp. 208-216). Morgan Kaufmann. [ www ] ( GA )
  • Rosca, J.P. and Ballard, D.H., 1994. Hierarchical self-organization in genetic programming. In International Conference on Machine Learning (pp. 251-258). Morgan Kaufmann. [ www ]
  • Baluja, S., 1993, July. The evolution of genetic algorithms: Towards massive parallelism. In International Conference on Machine Learning (pp. 1-8). Morgan Kaufmann. [ www ] ( GA | Parallel )
  • De Garis, H., 1990. Genetic programming: Building artificial nervous systems using genetically programmed neural network modules. In International Conference on Machine Learning 1990 (pp. 132-139). Morgan Kaufmann. [ www ] ( GP )
  • Quinlan, J.R., 1988. An empirical comparison of genetic and decision-tree classifiers. In International Conference on Machine Learning (pp. 135-141). Morgan Kaufmann. [ www ] ( GA )
  • Robertson, G.G., 1988. Population size in classifier systems. In International Conference on Machine Learning (pp. 142-152). Morgan Kaufmann. [ www ] ( GA )
  • Caruana, R.A. and Schaffer, J.D., 1988. Representation and hidden bias: Gray vs. binary coding for genetic algorithms. In International Conference on Machine Learning (pp. 153-161). Morgan Kaufmann. [ www ] ( GA )


Jiang, Y., Yan, R., Yao, X., Zhou, Y., Chen, B. and Yuan, B., HexGen: Generative Inference of Large Language Model over Heterogeneous Environment. In Forty-first International Conference on Machine Learning. [ www | pdf ]

Li, P., Zheng, Y., Tang, H., Fu, X. and Jianye, H.A.O., EvoRainbow: Combining Improvements in Evolutionary Reinforcement Learning for Policy Search. In Forty-first International Conference on Machine Learning. [ www | pdf ]

Liu, F., Xialiang, T., Yuan, M., Lin, X., Luo, F., Wang, Z., Lu, Z. and Zhang, Q., 2024, May. Evolution of Heuristics: Towards Efficient Automatic Algorithm Design Using Large Language Model. In Forty-first International Conference on Machine Learning. [ www | pdf ]

Dao, M.C., Le Nguyen, P., Truong, T.N. and Hoang, T.N., 2024. Boosting Offline Optimizers with Surrogate Sensitivity. In Forty-first International Conference on Machine Learning. [ www | pdf ]

Hoang, M., Fadhel, A., Deshwal, A., Doppa, J. and Hoang, T.N., 2024. Learning Surrogates for Offline Black-Box Optimization via Gradient Matching. In Forty-first International Conference on Machine Learning. [ www | pdf ]

Song, X., Tian, Y., Lange, R.T., Lee, C., Tang, Y. and Chen, Y., Position: Leverage Foundational Models for Black-Box Optimization. In Forty-first International Conference on Machine Learning. [ www | pdf ]

Zeng, J., Li, C., Sun, Z., Zhao, Q. and Zhou, G., tnGPS: Discovering Unknown Tensor Network Structure Search Algorithms via Large Language Models (LLMs). In Forty-first International Conference on Machine Learning. [ www | pdf ]

Ding, L., Zhang, J., Clune, J., Spector, L. and Lehman, J., Quality Diversity through Human Feedback: Towards Open-Ended Diversity-Driven Optimization. In Forty-first International Conference on Machine Learning. [ www | pdf ]


Angermueller, C., Belanger, D., Gane, A., Mariet, Z., Dohan, D., Murphy, K., Colwell, L. and Sculley, D., 2020, November. Population-based black-box optimization for biological sequence design. In International Conference on Machine Learning (pp. 324-334). PMLR. [ www | pdf ] (Ensemble)

Pacchiano, A., Parker-Holder, J., Tang, Y., Choromanski, K., Choromanska, A. and Jordan, M., 2020, November. Learning to score behaviors for guided policy optimization. In International Conference on Machine Learning (pp. 7445-7454). PMLR. [ www | pdf | Python ]

Goyal, A. and Deng, J., 2020, November. Packit: A virtual environment for geometric planning. In International Conference on Machine Learning (pp. 3700-3710). PMLR. [ www | pdf | Python ] (GA)

Li, C. and Sun, Z., 2020, November. Evolutionary topology search for tensor network decomposition. In International Conference on Machine Learning (pp. 5947-5957). PMLR. [ www | pdf | Python ] (Distributed GA on a Cluster of GPUs)

Xu, J., Tian, Y., Ma, P., Rus, D., Sueda, S. and Matusik, W., 2020, November. Prediction-guided multi-objective reinforcement learning for continuous robot control. In International Conference on Machine Learning (pp. 10607-10616). PMLR. [ www | pdf | Python ]


So, D., Le, Q. and Liang, C., 2019, May. The evolved transformer. In International Conference on Machine Learning (pp. 5877-5886). PMLR. [ www | pdf | Python ]

Brookes, D., Park, H. and Listgarten, J., 2019, May. Conditioning by adaptive sampling for robust design. In International Conference on Machine Learning (pp. 773-782). PMLR.

Balduzzi, D., Garnelo, M., Bachrach, Y., Czarnecki, W., Perolat, J., Jaderberg, M. and Graepel, T., 2019, May. Open-ended learning in symmetric zero-sum games. In International Conference on Machine Learning (pp. 434-443). PMLR. [ www | pdf ]

Maheswaranathan, N., Metz, L., Tucker, G., Choi, D. and Sohl-Dickstein, J., 2019, May. Guided evolutionary strategies: Augmenting random search with surrogate gradients. In International Conference on Machine Learning (pp. 4264-4273). PMLR. [ www | pdf | Python ]

Ho, D., Liang, E., Chen, X., Stoica, I. and Abbeel, P., 2019, May. Population based augmentation: Efficient learning of augmentation policy schedules. In International Conference on Machine Learning (pp. 2731-2741). PMLR. [ www | pdf | Python ]


Choromanski, K., Rowland, M., Sindhwani, V., Turner, R. and Weller, A., 2018, July. Structured evolution with compact architectures for scalable policy optimization. In International Conference on Machine Learning (pp. 970-978). PMLR. [ www | pdf ]

Miconi, T., Stanley, K. and Clune, J., 2018, July. Differentiable plasticity: Training plastic neural networks with backpropagation. In International Conference on Machine Learning (pp. 3559-3568). PMLR. [ www | pdf ]

Suganuma, M., Ozay, M. and Okatani, T., 2018, July. Exploiting the potential of standard convolutional autoencoders for image restoration by evolutionary search. In International Conference on Machine Learning (pp. 4771-4780). PMLR. [ www | pdf | Python ]

Pham, H., Guan, M., Zoph, B., Le, Q. and Dean, J., 2018, July. Efficient neural architecture search via parameters sharing. In International Conference on Machine Learning (pp. 4095-4104). PMLR. [ www | pdf ]

Colas, C., Sigaud, O. and Oudeyer, P.Y., 2018, July. Gep-pg: Decoupling exploration and exploitation in deep reinforcement learning algorithms. In International Conference on Machine Learning (pp. 1039-1048). PMLR. [ www | pdf | Python ]

Dai, H., Li, H., Tian, T., Huang, X., Wang, L., Zhu, J. and Song, L., 2018, July. Adversarial attack on graph structured data. In International Conference on Machine Learning (pp. 1115-1124). PMLR. [ www | pdf ]