WhiteNoise is a privacy network protocol like Tor but with more attractive features. You can learn more details about WhiteNoise protocol in this Specification.
We implement the WhiteNoise protocol in Rust and integrate it with Substrate RPC to better protect Substrate node and user's privacy.
In the following, We will introduce how to use Substrate RPC with WhiteNoise network.
WhiteNoise network is a decentralized network consists of multiply nodes, they can be divided into two categories, namely Bootstrap Node and Routing Node.
Bootstrap node is used for node discovery and Routing node is used to relay messages.
Follow these steps to startup a local WhiteNoise network with one bootstrap node and 4 routing nodes.
Building requires Rust toolchain. First complete the basic Rust setup instructions. Then clone WhiteNoise.rs to your local device.
Use the following command to build the WhiteNoise node:
cargo build --release
After building success, you can see a new executable file whitenoisers
in directory ./target/release
Make 5 new directories and copy whitenoisers
into these directories.
mkdir boot node1 node2 node3 node4
cp ./target/release/whitenoisers boot
cp ./target/release/whitenoisers node1
cp ./target/release/whitenoisers node2
cp ./target/release/whitenoisers node3
cp ./target/release/whitenoisers node4
This command will start a WhiteNoise node as a Bootstrap, listening to port "3331":
cd boot
./whitenoisers start --port 3331
After running this command, the local MultiAddress of Bootstrap is shown in log like the following:
2021-08-23T07:41:34.207Z INFO whitenoisers] [WhiteNoise] bootstrap_addr:None
[2021-08-23T07:41:34.207Z INFO whitenoisers] [WhiteNoise] port str:Some("3331")
[2021-08-23T07:41:34.209Z INFO libp2p_gossipsub::behaviour] Subscribed to topic: noise_topic
[2021-08-23T07:41:34.210Z INFO whitenoisers::sdk::host] [WhiteNoise] local Multiaddress: /ip4/
Remember the value of bootstrap node's MultiAddress printed in log, in this example /ip4/
. We need this MultiAddress to startup the routing nodes.
Start another terminal and run the following command in node1 directory.
This command will start a WhiteNoise node as routing node, which listens to port "3332". Make sure the port is
available and fill in the bootstrap node's MultiAddress in the --bootstrap
./whitenoisers start --port 3332 --bootstrap /ip4/
Log will show like the following:
[2021-08-23T07:46:37.554Z INFO whitenoisers] [WhiteNoise] bootstrap_addr:Some("/ip4/")
[2021-08-23T07:46:37.554Z INFO whitenoisers] [WhiteNoise] port str:Some("3332")
[2021-08-23T07:46:37.557Z INFO libp2p_gossipsub::behaviour] Subscribed to topic: noise_topic
[2021-08-23T07:46:37.557Z INFO whitenoisers::sdk::host] [WhiteNoise] local Multiaddress: /ip4/
[2021-08-23T07:46:37.558Z INFO whitenoisers::network::whitenoise_behaviour] [WhiteNoise] routing updated,peer:PeerId("12D3KooWRcCCUorgKZqAaJwKAYQbdEk3AiseXTcmZMzmhPkJyiZF"),addresses:["/ip4/"]
[2021-08-23T07:46:37.560Z INFO libp2p_gossipsub::behaviour] New peer connected: 12D3KooWRcCCUorgKZqAaJwKAYQbdEk3AiseXTcmZMzmhPkJyiZF
[2021-08-23T07:46:37.561Z INFO whitenoisers::network::whitenoise_behaviour] [WhiteNoise] routing updated,peer:PeerId("12D3KooWRcCCUorgKZqAaJwKAYQbdEk3AiseXTcmZMzmhPkJyiZF"),addresses:["/ip4/", "/ip4/"]
Like node1, go to the other routing node directories and run the same command, but with a new --port
parameter each.
Don't close the terminals running bootstrap node and four terminals running routing nodes, when continue the next steps.
First, clone our Substrate fork. Use the following command to build the node without launching it:
cargo build --release
After building success, you can see a new executable file node-template
in directory ./target/release
Generate a new directory and copy node-template into this directory with this command:
mkdir rpctest
cp ./target/release/node-template ./rpctest/
Start a node-template with WhiteNoise based rpc, with the following command. Fill in the bootstrap node's MultiAddress in the --whitenoise-bootstrap
./rpctest/node-template \
--base-path /tmp/bob \
--chain local \
--bob \
--port 30333 \
--ws-port 9945 \
--rpc-port 9933 \
--validator \
--whitenoise-bootstrap /ip4/
Log prints like the following:
2021-08-23 16:01:28 [WhiteNoise] local whitenoise id:039YdNbebFWZBGYE2DNsE21MRHFqLgUsXheL6xj7e2Bmk
2021-08-23 16:01:28 [WhiteNoise] finished get mainnets this turn:5MUeAz3UwWjkreXzL8seC87dJwb3qv4NgeabouMyHq3U
2021-08-23 16:01:28 [WhiteNoise] mainnets address:["/ip4/", "/ip4/"],peer_id:PeerId("12D3KooWKLSRXB1tKTRDnUZUiQQw7tWSGNXeEBDjqHaUiCdiRodn")
2021-08-23 16:01:28 choose id:PeerId("12D3KooWKLSRXB1tKTRDnUZUiQQw7tWSGNXeEBDjqHaUiCdiRodn") to register
2021-08-23 16:01:28 [WhiteNoise] finished register proxy this turn:Ack { command_id: "E1TzYuBSQozgkEVPUCAa4m2JhbDtku8juP7JFHLQrWhk", result: true, data: [] }
2021-08-23 16:01:28 Listening for new connections on
The identity of this WhiteNoise rpc server is called WhiteNoiseID, and it is shown in log.
Remember this WhiteNoiseID printed in your log, rpc client have to dial this ID to send request.
In this example the WhiteNoiseID is 039YdNbebFWZBGYE2DNsE21MRHFqLgUsXheL6xj7e2Bmk
Notice that if you what to start multiple node-templates do not use the same node key or account.
Also don't close the terminal running node-template, when continue the next steps.
First clone WhiteNoise-RPC. Use the following command to build the WhiteNoise RPC client:
cargo build --release
After building success, you can see a new executable file whitenoise-rpc
in directory ./target/release
Make a new directory rpc-client
and copy whitenoise-rpc
into this directory:
mkdir rpc-client
cp ./target/release/whitenoise-rpc ./rpc-client
cd ./rpc-client
Here we will try two substrate rpc requests through WhiteNoise network as an example. We will make two json files for each request.
In directory rpc-client
, make new json file named insert_request.json
and copy the following to this file.
This request will call the insertKey
method of node-template.
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 1,
"method": "author_insertKey",
"params": [
"clip organ olive upper oak void inject side suit toilet stick narrow",
Make another json file named has_request.json
and copy the following to this file.
This request will call the hasKey
method of node-template.
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 1,
"method": "author_hasKey",
"params": [
Send the hasKey request with the following command. Fill in the boostrap MultiAddress in the --bootstrap
flag, and the node-template's WhiteNoiseID in the --id
./whitenoise-rpc --bootstrap /ip4/ --id 039YdNbebFWZBGYE2DNsE21MRHFqLgUsXheL6xj7e2Bmk --json ./has_request.json
As there is no such key, the response will be printed as the following:
Then call the insertKey method with this command:
./whitenoise-rpc --bootstrap /ip4/ --id 039YdNbebFWZBGYE2DNsE21MRHFqLgUsXheL6xj7e2Bmk --json ./insert_request.json
The response will be printed as the following:
response: {"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":null,"id":1}
Finally call the hasKey method again to check if insert succeed:
./whitenoise-rpc --bootstrap /ip4/ --id 039YdNbebFWZBGYE2DNsE21MRHFqLgUsXheL6xj7e2Bmk --json ./has_request.json
Finally this response will be printed:
response: {"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":true,"id":1}
Instead of starting your local WhiteNoise network to try and test, you can also use WhiteNoise Testnet.
WhiteNoise Testnet is a remote WhiteNoise network with multiple nodes.
The bootnode MultiAddress of WhiteNoise testnet is /ip4/
You can use this testnet bootstrap MultiAddress to replace your local bootstrap MultiAddress and try step three and four again.