Welcome to the Conway's Game of Life project! This document will guide you on how to run the project and provide additional resources to learn more about the game.
If you haven't already, install a live server extension for your code editor. Some popular choices include:
- Live Server for Visual Studio Code
- Live Server for Chrome
Once the extension is installed, navigate to the root directory of the project in your code editor.
Find the
file and right-click on it. -
Select the option to "Open with Live Server" or a similar option provided by your extension.
Your default web browser should automatically open, displaying the Conway's Game of Life project.
Click on the cells to toggle them between alive and dead states.
Use the buttons at the bottom to control the game:
- Start: Begin the simulation.
- Pause: Pause the simulation.
- Clear: Clear the board.
- Random: Randomly set cells to alive or dead.
For a detailed walkthrough, check the Step by Step Guide
For managing commits in this project, we follow the conventional commit specification. You can find more information about the conventions at Conventional Commits. Following these conventions helps maintain a clean and structured commit history.
Explore these resources to dive deeper into Conway's Game of Life and enhance your understanding of the game's principles, patterns, and applications.