Calcite Components, part of Esri's Calcite Design System, is a rich library of flexible, framework-agnostic web components for building applications. View the documentation for component descriptions, examples, and API reference, which includes properties, slots, styles, and themes.
The most common approach for loading Calcite Components is to use the version hosted on the CDN. The components can be loaded via <script>
and <link>
tags in the head of your HTML document:
Once these tags are added, components can be used like any other HTML element. Only components that are used in the application will be loaded.
Calcite Components is also provided as an NPM package. To get started, first install the package, then follow the steps below. Alternatively, you can find examples using different frameworks and build tools here.
npm install @esri/calcite-components
Choose one of the two builds provided by Calcite Components.
Custom Elements is the recommended build when leveraging a frontend framework. To use this build, you will need to set the path to Calcite Components' assets. You can either use local assets, which will be explained in a subsequent step, or assets hosted on the CDN.
import { setAssetPath } from "@esri/calcite-components/dist/components";
// CDN hosted assets
// Local assets
// setAssetPath(PATH); // PATH depends on framework, more info below
Next, you need to import each component you use from the custom elements build. This will automatically define the custom elements on the window.
import "@esri/calcite-components/dist/components/calcite-button";
import "@esri/calcite-components/dist/components/calcite-icon";
import "@esri/calcite-components/dist/components/calcite-slider";
When using the Distribution build, you'll need to define the custom elements on the window. You can also choose between local and CDN hosted assets.
import { defineCustomElements } from "@esri/calcite-components/dist/loader";
// CDN hosted assets
defineCustomElements(window, {
resourcesUrl: ""
// Local assets
// defineCustomElements(window);
Since you defined the custom elements on the window, you do not need to import individual components.
Some components, such as calcite-icon
and calcite-date-picker
, rely on assets being available at a particular path. As mentioned, with the NPM package you have the option to provide a local path or the URL to the assets hosted on the CDN. Using the CDN hosted assets can help decrease on disk build size.
To use the assets locally, they need to be copied using a build tool or NPM script. The directory for the local assets must be named assets
, which eases the copying process. For example, /public/calcite/assets
will work, however /public/calcite-assets
will not.
The Calcite Components examples repo demonstrates using local assets in a variety of JavaScript frameworks and build tools. Each example has a README with a framework or build tool specific explanation.
cp -r node_modules/@esri/calcite-components/dist/calcite/assets/* ./public/assets/
Finally, load the Cascading Style Sheet (CSS). This is also dependent on your framework or build tool, however in many cases it can be imported in JavaScript:
import "@esri/calcite-components/dist/calcite/calcite.css";
Stencil provides a full set of typings for all the components in this repo. To make TypeScript aware of these components, just import the library:
import "@esri/calcite-components";
This will provide autocomplete of component names/properties, as well as additional HTML element types:
// created elements will implicitly have the correct type already
const loader = document.createElement("calcite-loader");
document.body.appendChild(loader); = true;
// you can also explicitly type an element using the generated types
// the type name will always be formatted like HTML{CamelCaseComponentName}Element
const loader = document.querySelector(".my-loader-element") as HTMLCalciteLoaderElement; = true;
When using Stencil, make sure the @stencil/core
version in your project matches the one used by Calcite Components. You may run into type errors if the @stencil/core
versions are different. You can install the same Stencil version used by @esri/calcite-components
npm install @stencil/core@$(npm view @esri/calcite-components dependencies["@stencil/core"])
Last 2 versions ✔ |
We welcome contributions to this project. See for an overview of contribution guidelines.
COPYRIGHT © 2020 Esri
All rights reserved under the copyright laws of the United States and applicable international laws, treaties, and conventions.
This material is licensed for use under the Esri Master License Agreement (MLA), and is bound by the terms of that agreement. You may redistribute and use this code without modification, provided you adhere to the terms of the MLA and include this copyright notice.
See use restrictions at
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