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Deploy an ArcGIS Image Server site on one machine

Cameron Kroeker edited this page Apr 26, 2023 · 6 revisions

This workflow guides you through the first-time installation of an ArcGIS Image Server site on a single machine, for the purposes of raster analytics.

ArcGIS Image Server includes distributed raster analysis and distributed image processing. ArcGIS Image Server distributed analytics can work with a single large raster dataset, such as world elevation, or a high-resolution satellite image. It can also be applied to massive collections of imagery. Raster analysis provides scalable distributed processing for large image and raster collections, including your existing GIS and imagery data. With the ArcGIS Enterprise portal, you can use built-in raster analysis tools to process and create new persisted layers, which can be made available as images and feature web layers.

When the PowerShell DSC for ArcGIS module is finished, your machine will have the ArcGIS Server software installed, configured and licensed as a raster analytics Image Server, and federated with the ArcGIS Enterprise portal you specify. You need to have a network file share that will host the directories for this server.

Image Server diagram

Prepare your deployment

Before you run the command to the module in PowerShell DSC, you’ll need to obtain the necessary files and resources and add them to your local machine.

Note: We recommend you use WMF 5.x for the best experience.

Log in to the machine on which you'll be installing ArcGIS Server. You should have PowerShell DSC and administrative authority on each machine.

You can prepare the files either through GitHub or using the PowerShell Gallery:

Option 1: Prepare your deployment using GitHub

  1. Clone this repository to your local machine.
  2. Add the "ArcGIS" modules folder to your PsModulePath, or copy the modules into the default PowerShell Modules folder (e.g. C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules).
  3. Log in to My Esri. Download your ArcGIS Server software installation file and license to the machine.

Option 2: Prepare your deployment using the PowerShell Gallery

  1. Log in to Download your ArcGIS Server software installation file and license.
  2. Install the ArcGIS module using the command Install-Module ArcGIS.
  3. Download the SampleConfigs files from the GitHub repository.

Edit the configuration file

  1. Open the GISServer-RasterAnalytics-fileshare.json file from the SampleConfigs folder of the arcgis-powershell-dsc repository on your local machine.
  2. Replace the placeholder variables in brackets with your deployment properties and parameters. Refer to the Variables reference page for a full list.

Install your deployment

In PowerShell DSC, run the Invoke-ArcGISConfiguration cmdlet and provide the path to the configuration file as an input parameter. Mode, Credential, DebugSwitch and MappedDriveOverrideFlag are optional arguments.

Invoke-ArcGISConfiguration -ConfigurationParametersFile [[Path to Configuration JSON File]] -Mode [Install | InstallLicense | InstallLicenseConfigure | Uninstall | Upgrade] -Credential [Config RunAs - Optional] -MappedDriveOverrideFlag [$True | $False] -DebugSwitch


Invoke-ArcGISConfiguration [[Path to Configuration json File]] [Install | InstallLicense | InstallLicenseConfigure | Uninstall | Upgrade] -Credential [Config RunAs - Optional] -MappedDriveOverrideFlag [$True | $False] -DebugSwitch
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