diff --git a/module/roll/roll-with-expression.js b/module/roll/roll-with-expression.js
index 886957b8..ca60d7f8 100644
--- a/module/roll/roll-with-expression.js
+++ b/module/roll/roll-with-expression.js
@@ -80,7 +80,31 @@ export class RollWithOriginalExpression extends Roll {
// do not surround with more brackets if they haven't asked for highlighting as it looks gash
if (game.settings.get("dnd4e", "showRollExpression")) {
- tempExpression = tempExpression.map(x => `(${x})`)
+ // regex -> english = look for (ANYTHING)[ANYTHING] - basically it must start with a term in brackets and end with a term in square brackets.
+ // The bracketed term and the square bracketed term can only be separated by 0 or more spaces
+ const regex = new RegExp('\\(.+\\)[ ]*\\[.+\\]')
+ tempExpression = tempExpression.map(part => {
+ /*
+ This is for damage rolls primarily, where we rely on the roll flavour to give us damage types
+ and from damage types work out resistances. - e.g. (1d6 + 5)[fire]
+ However Foundry's formula parser does not like flavour inside brackets. e.g. ((1d6 + 5)[fire])
+ And the flavour is dropped entirely, which breaks the resistance calculation.
+ So perform a check to try and determine if the part is entirely a flavoured damage expression.
+ First basic check:
+ - If the part starts with a ( and ends with a ] it is probably a flavoured damage expression.
+ - then perform that godawful regex to make sure that it is the right shape and not someone using [] for random flavouring/clarity
+ There are probably edge-cases here that I am not covering, but worst that happens is the highlighting looks a little weird / doesn't work.
+ */
+ const trimmedPart = "" + part.trim() // remember part may be a number. Very occasionally not everything is a string!
+ if (trimmedPart.indexOf("(") === 0 && trimmedPart.indexOf(']') === trimmedPart.length - 1) {
+ if (regex.test(trimmedPart)) {
+ return part
+ }
+ }
+ return `(${part})`
+ })
const expression = tempExpression.join(" + ")
options.parts = parts
@@ -199,6 +223,10 @@ export class RollWithOriginalExpression extends Roll {
// it is time to append the formula and expression we have been actively working on to the return results, wrapping them in the appropreate spans.
// call the secondary replacer for if the expression was itself multiple variables (e.g. the inital formula)
const formData = this.replaceInnerVariables(workingFormula, expressionParts[expressionIdx], spanId)
+ // check to see if this was a synthetic bracket or a bracket around a damage type term that functioned like a synthetic bracket for us
+ formData.formula = this.includeOuterBracketsIfFormulaIsFlavoured(formula, i, formData.formula)
// if the helper has done a load of work to the expression and formula, just use that
if (formData.changed) {
newFormula += formData.formula
@@ -216,7 +244,7 @@ export class RollWithOriginalExpression extends Roll {
// reset things because we have completed a part of this formula
newExpression += " + "
- workingFormula = '' // note we are not including the ) for a synthetic bracket that only denotes pression-parts
+ workingFormula = '' // note we are not including the ) for a synthetic bracket that only denotes expression-parts
else {
@@ -243,6 +271,20 @@ export class RollWithOriginalExpression extends Roll {
+ /**
+ * Out brackets should be included iff the next term is a [flavour] term. Otherwise they were purely synthetic
+ * @param fullFormula The full formula expression
+ * @param currentIndex The index we are currently processing (the index of the closing bracket)
+ * @param currentWorkingFormula The piece of the formula that is currently being processed for display
+ * @return {string} A new currentWorkingFormula which will be bracketed if it's a flavour part, and not otherwise.
+ */
+ includeOuterBracketsIfFormulaIsFlavoured(fullFormula, currentIndex, currentWorkingFormula) {
+ if (currentIndex < fullFormula.length && fullFormula.charAt(currentIndex + 1) === '[') {
+ return '(' + currentWorkingFormula + ')'
+ }
+ return currentWorkingFormula
+ }
* Deals with an inner string that may contain several variables.
@@ -269,9 +311,11 @@ export class RollWithOriginalExpression extends Roll {
replaceInnerVariables(formula, expression, mainIndex) {
- // are there multiple variables in here
- // expression may be a number that doesn't match
- if ((("" + expression).match(/@/g) || []).length > 1) {
+ // expression may be a number - do not try to call string methods on a number
+ // Check that there is at least 1 variable.
+ // edge cases checking here:
+ // expression = "12 + @bonus" <-- perform a substitution around @bonus
+ if ((("" + expression).match(/@/g) || []).length > 0) {
try {
const regex = Helper.variableRegex
let newFormula = ""
@@ -279,46 +323,51 @@ export class RollWithOriginalExpression extends Roll {
let activeFormula = formula
let activeExpression = expression
const vars = expression.match(regex)
- for (let innerIndex = 0; innerIndex < vars.length; innerIndex++) {
- const variable = vars[innerIndex]
- const spanId = mainIndex + "." + innerIndex
- if (!this.options.formulaInnerData) {
- throw `D&D4eBeta | Roll did not have formulaInnerData set in its options, so cannot substitute and will fall back to expression parts level replacement`
- }
- let replacementStr = this.options.formulaInnerData[variable.substring(1)]
- if (!replacementStr) {
- // may be a complex replacement: e.g. details.level
- replacementStr = Helper.replaceData(variable, this.options.formulaInnerData)
+ // if the entire expression is just a variable - e.g. "@bonus" then don't bother faffing about here, the top level replacer will solve it
+ // edge case check:
+ // expression = "@bonus" <-- don't substitute
+ if (!(vars.length === 1 && vars[0] === expression)) {
+ for (let innerIndex = 0; innerIndex < vars.length; innerIndex++) {
+ const variable = vars[innerIndex]
+ const spanId = mainIndex + "." + innerIndex
+ if (!this.options.formulaInnerData) {
+ throw `D&D4eBeta | Roll did not have formulaInnerData set in its options, so cannot substitute and will fall back to expression parts level replacement`
+ }
+ let replacementStr = this.options.formulaInnerData[variable.substring(1)]
if (!replacementStr) {
- throw `D&D4eBeta | Unable to find a value for variable '${variable}' that was part of the formula expression. It was not added to the rolls data object`
+ // may be a complex replacement: e.g. details.level
+ replacementStr = Helper.replaceData(variable, this.options.formulaInnerData)
+ if (!replacementStr) {
+ throw `D&D4eBeta | Unable to find a value for variable '${variable}' that was part of the formula expression. It was not added to the rolls data object`
+ }
- }
- // replace the expression variable with the span and mouseover tags
- activeExpression = activeExpression.replace(variable, `${variable}`)
- // find the value
- const indexOfReplacement = activeFormula.indexOf(replacementStr)
- if (indexOfReplacement === -1) {
- // could not find, error out and fall back to default
- throw `D&D4eBeta | Unable to find the variable value '${replacementStr}' for variable '${variable}' in remaining part '${activeFormula}' of formula ${formula}`
- }
+ // replace the expression variable with the span and mouseover tags
+ activeExpression = activeExpression.replace(variable, `${variable}`)
- // add in everything prior to the variable
- newFormula += activeFormula.substring(0, indexOfReplacement)
- // add in the variable span-et-ised
- newFormula += `${replacementStr}`
+ // find the value
+ const indexOfReplacement = activeFormula.indexOf(replacementStr)
+ if (indexOfReplacement === -1) {
+ // could not find, error out and fall back to default
+ throw `D&D4eBeta | Unable to find the variable value '${replacementStr}' for variable '${variable}' in remaining part '${activeFormula}' of formula ${formula}`
+ }
- // remove everything up to the end of the replacement from our working string
- // if the replacement is just a number javascript makes it a number and refuses to length it so force it back to a string
- activeFormula = activeFormula.substring(indexOfReplacement + ("" + replacementStr).length)
- }
- // get the rest
- newFormula += activeFormula
+ // add in everything prior to the variable
+ newFormula += activeFormula.substring(0, indexOfReplacement)
+ // add in the variable span-et-ised
+ newFormula += `${replacementStr}`
- return {
- formula: newFormula,
- expression: activeExpression,
- changed: true
+ // remove everything up to the end of the replacement from our working string
+ // if the replacement is just a number javascript makes it a number and refuses to length it so force it back to a string
+ activeFormula = activeFormula.substring(indexOfReplacement + ("" + replacementStr).length)
+ }
+ // get the rest
+ newFormula += activeFormula
+ return {
+ formula: newFormula,
+ expression: activeExpression,
+ changed: true
+ }
catch (e) {