diff --git a/icons/manual-images/abilities-saving-throws-misc.jpg b/icons/manual-images/abilities-saving-throws-misc.jpg new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2f9fa6c3 Binary files /dev/null and b/icons/manual-images/abilities-saving-throws-misc.jpg differ diff --git a/icons/manual-images/consumable-use.jpg b/icons/manual-images/consumable-use.jpg new file mode 100644 index 00000000..fc13cc25 Binary files /dev/null and b/icons/manual-images/consumable-use.jpg differ diff --git a/icons/manual-images/effects.jpg b/icons/manual-images/effects.jpg new file mode 100644 index 00000000..4d62b908 Binary files /dev/null and b/icons/manual-images/effects.jpg differ diff --git a/icons/manual-images/equipment.jpg b/icons/manual-images/equipment.jpg new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b9508a3f Binary files /dev/null and b/icons/manual-images/equipment.jpg differ diff --git a/icons/manual-images/hp-defences-healing.jpg b/icons/manual-images/hp-defences-healing.jpg new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6c832c8c Binary files /dev/null and b/icons/manual-images/hp-defences-healing.jpg differ diff --git a/icons/manual-images/power-attack.jpg b/icons/manual-images/power-attack.jpg new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3d75892b Binary files /dev/null and b/icons/manual-images/power-attack.jpg differ diff --git a/icons/manual-images/power-details.jpg b/icons/manual-images/power-details.jpg new file mode 100644 index 00000000..eff969a0 Binary files /dev/null and b/icons/manual-images/power-details.jpg differ diff --git a/icons/manual-images/power-effects.jpg b/icons/manual-images/power-effects.jpg new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c2ec4d91 Binary files /dev/null and b/icons/manual-images/power-effects.jpg differ diff --git a/icons/manual-images/skills.jpg b/icons/manual-images/skills.jpg new file mode 100644 index 00000000..4679bbbb Binary files /dev/null and b/icons/manual-images/skills.jpg differ diff --git a/icons/manual-images/weapon-damage.jpg b/icons/manual-images/weapon-damage.jpg new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f0261b27 Binary files /dev/null and b/icons/manual-images/weapon-damage.jpg differ diff --git a/icons/manual-images/weapon-details.jpg b/icons/manual-images/weapon-details.jpg new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1088f6e1 Binary files /dev/null and b/icons/manual-images/weapon-details.jpg differ diff --git a/icons/manual-images/weapon-properties.jpg b/icons/manual-images/weapon-properties.jpg new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e0d1020b Binary files /dev/null and b/icons/manual-images/weapon-properties.jpg differ diff --git a/icons/manual-images/weapon-stats.jpg b/icons/manual-images/weapon-stats.jpg new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1af7d650 Binary files /dev/null and b/icons/manual-images/weapon-stats.jpg differ diff --git a/packs/manual.db b/packs/manual.db new file mode 100644 index 00000000..917fb44a --- /dev/null +++ b/packs/manual.db @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{"_id":"7xUl9R8aWuK1RX6L","name":"FAQ","content":"

Is this official?


No, it is not official, or endorsed by Wizards of the Coast.  




Who makes it?


The system owner is known as EndlesNights and there are several others who contribute.  You can see the license and changelog on the github.  




How can I make suggestions / report bugs?


You can raise issues on the project github here: https://github.com/EndlesNights/dnd4eBeta


You can chat and ask questions on the #dnd-other channel on the foundry discord: https://discord.gg/foundryvtt


A reminder that the people who work on the system are volunteers who are doing it in their spare time because they love playing 4E.  




Why don't you have more powers/classes/feats/gear?


We are not allowed to.  The 4E SRD is much more restrictive on what we can distribute than 3.5/5th.  It allows a certain number of things to be distributed as references to the relevant D&D sourcebook.  It allows very few things (primarily the weapon, armour and basic equipment in the PHB and class and race mechanics) to have their mechanical details exactly distributed (at least as is found in certain tables).  


Where we can reproduce things exactly, we have, in addition we have created a number of example items and powers in compendiums and referenced their inspiring D&D item.  The names, descriptions and flavour text are all slightly different to avoid reproducing WotC content.  




Surely WotC don't care?


Maybe not, but Foundry VTT very much does and insists that its platform is not used to distribute infringing or potentially infringing content.




There is an “Import Data” button, where can I get JSON to import Powers from?


Not from us, sorry!  - See the bits above.   


The import / export lets you easily share powers with the rest of your game without needing to be the GM, and lets you easily send us powers that are bugged / have errors.  




What About Monsters?  I’ve heard there is an importer?


Drac has written a tool to convert data from Masterplan into Foundry data which lets GM’s who are set up with masterplan to easily convert their encounters to Foundry.    Have a look at Drac's Tool's in @Compendium[dnd4e.manual.pSOFSTYYchdZ0rZB]{Module Integrations}


For GM’s who are curious about how Masterplan can help setting up encounters quickly and easily we suggest joining the 4E discord and seeing their resources section:  https://discord.gg/sNM4x37Dap   






Steve is the example character, you can find him here:  @Compendium[dnd4e.example_character.BF5aEE8y1e3bh7Jc]{Steve, The Example Character} in the Example Character compendium entry.  


Steve demonstrates many useful things and is well worth a look:





These manuals will either describe or link to things on Steve for examples. 



","folder":null,"sort":0,"permission":{"default":0,"MZbxT6Tw0ZjDJstw":3},"flags":{"core":{"sourceId":"JournalEntry.ecphoBZTzqGu6vGA"}}} +{"_id":"DhBBGBmhy5k3hXNz","name":"Creating Powers","content":"

The sheet attempts to set as many sensible defaults as possible for powers.  Also if you have grouped powers by Action and create a new one in the correct category, it will have its limited uses set appropreately.


As always, @Compendium[dnd4e.example_character.BF5aEE8y1e3bh7Jc]{Steve, The Example Character} has a good selection of example powers.  


What may be onterest to advanced users, is Steves \"Twin Strike (Primary)\" power has a macro that automatically rolls the \"Twin Strike (Off Hand)\" power.




Power Details



Most of these should be familar from the 4E power card.


Auto Generate Power Card Details:  If this is checked, then when output to the chat all of the various details will be output, like a power card.  If unchecked only the description will be output.  


Weapon Required:  These determine if a weapon is to be used with the power.   


We will refer to the left hand dropdown (\"Melee Weapon\" in the image) as \"Weapon Type\" and the right hand dropdown as \"Weapon Use\".  


Weapon Type: determines the type of weapon the power requires. 


If the type is set to Melee, Ranged, Either or Any then the character must have a weapon equipped to use with the power in order to make the attack roll. 


Further if this is set to any weapon option or \"Implement\" then it will set the \"Weapon\" or \"Implement\" keyword on the power.  


Weapon Use: determines which weapon is to be used to satisfy the Weapon Type requirement.  


Powers Range: If you select an area range you will gt an option to place a template of the right size.  


Limited Uses:  For encounter or daily powers set this as appropreate and the sheet will flag if you try to use it again.  Short Rest and Long rest will refresh these powers as appropreate.  


Recharge On Condition: Primarily for Monster recharge powers.  If the recharge is based on some non-dice condition (e.g. \"when first bloodied\") enter it here.  If you click to roll a used recharge power with only recharge on condition set, then the sheet will assume the condition ha been met and re-enable the power with a chat message.


Recharge on Roll: Primarily for Monster recharge powers. If the recharge is based on a d6 roll, enter the minimum number required for a recharge here.  (e.g. 5-6: enter 5).  If you click to roll a used recharge power with a recharge roll set, then a roll will be made for you in chat and the power re-enabled if it recharges.  


Resource Consumption: If the power directly consumes resources.  If you have selected ammunition for a ranged weapon in the weapon, do not add it again here or you will double count your ammo!




Attack Details



Attack Formula: this is a sensible default that works for most powers.  If you are not using a weapon then @wepAttack will be automatically set to 0.  If Weapon Type is set to \"implement\" then @wepAttack will automatically read the \"Implement Damage Formula\" from the weapon instead of the \"Weapon Damage Formula\"


@atkMod here is the global attack modifer specified in the \"effects\" tab of the character sheet.  




Base Damage:  


Damage Formula: This is a sensible default for many powers.  @powBase refers to the \"Base Damage\" field above. 


@wepDamage is \"Bonus to Primary Damage Formula\" on the selected weapon, or \"Implement Attack Formula\" if the Weapon Type is implement, or 0 if it is a no wepaon power.  


@dmgMod is the global damage modifier specified in the \"effects\" tab of the character sheet.  


Secondary Damage Formula: If the power always does some form of secondary damage on hit (e.g. 1d6 fire damage), you can enter it in a line here.  It will be automatically added to damage when you hit.


Critical Damage Formula: @powMax is the maximum value posible from \"Base Damage\".


Secondary Critical Damage Formula: this will be used instead of secondary damage formula on a crit (so from our above fire example, would just be 6 assuming that the secondary damage was also maximised on crit.


Miss Damage Formula: Entering anything here will cause an additional damage roll button to be shown for a miss.  If the miss is \"half damage\" you can leave this blank and use the damage application buttons to apply half damage.  (See the Attacks and Rolls Compendium).


Primary Damage Type: Will be used to compare against resistances if using the damage application buttons.  \"Physical\" refers to weapon damage.  \"Damage\" refers to damage of no type.  




Effect Details



These are text fields that will appear on the power card in chat and correespond to the fields on a 4E power card.  Describe your damage formula in words, and here it's good to put that \"half damage\" on a miss, so you know to apply it.  


Effect Details: You can toggle to a rich text editor for complex effects, it will take up a lot of vertical room and punt the rest down.  After you are done you can toggle the rich text editor off again, and it will save your formatting. 


Effect Types and Keywords: These are used for certain conditional effects, as well as appearing in the relevant place on the power card

","folder":null,"sort":0,"permission":{"default":0,"MZbxT6Tw0ZjDJstw":3},"flags":{"core":{"sourceId":"JournalEntry.R7mE1WmdmrhdfNkD"}}} +{"_id":"SRci8uvEuqYNDsZ5","name":"Attacks and Rolls","content":"

Rolling Multiple D20’s


The roll dialog gives you an option of how many D20’s to roll.  1 is the normal number.


However the setting also supports rolling multiple and keeping the highest (similar to 5th edition's Advantage mechanic): simply increase the number of dice to roll.  


It also supports rolling multiple and keeping the lowest (similar to 5E’s disadvantage), to do that set the number of d20’s to roll to a negative number.  


User may be able to quickly swap between setting up the dice to rolling two dice by holding down CTRL + Left Clicking either the plus or minus buttons which will immoderately set the value to either -2 or +2


With a value of zero begin set for the number of D20's to be rolled, no D20's will be rolled, and the results will derive from whatever other bonus where associated with the roll.




General roll bonuses


The bonus dialog appears for almost all rolls and allows you to enter a formula for a situational bonus.  This can be a full formula - e.g. “1d6 -2 + 5 + 1d10” but should not include other @variable’s.  It is referred to in formula as @bonus


Despite what the sample text shows, you do not need to prefix with a +, the system will do that for you (it won’t hurt if you do but you will get a double + + in the display)




Quick rolls


If you hold shift, ctrl or alt when clicking the “attack roll” or “damage roll” button it will just make the roll for you, without popping up the circumstance modifier window.  



Multi-Target Powers


If your power can target multiple enemies, make sure you target them first using either the Select Targets selection box, double-right-clicking, or mousing over the token & pressing the 'T' key and selecting the target option on them.  (Note you must Target the tokens, merely selecting them is not sufficient).




The Easy Target Module can help with with targeting everything in your AOE templates. (See @Compendium[dnd4e.manual.pSOFSTYYchdZ0rZB]{Module Integrations})




Then when you roll to attack you will automatically get one attack for each target.  Via the attack roll dialog you can opt to either have all of them use the same situational modifiers or select individual modifiers for each one.  (the @bonus is shared between all of them)




Taking Damage


If you right click on a damage result whilst having a token you control selected.  (Note: selected, not targeted) you will get a little dropdown to apply that result as damage:


Apply Damage


Applies the value as damage, this accounts for the selected actors resistances (compared to the powers damage types) and reduces temp HP before reducing actual HP.  


Apply Healing


Applies the value as healing.  This respects the actor's max HP.  


Apply Temporary HP


Applies the value as temporary HP.  This respects that temp HP don’t stack and so sets the actors temp HP to this value only if it is larger than their current temp HP


Apply double damage


As apply damage, but with double damage - ouch!


Apply half damage


As apply damage, but with half damage - useful as many On Miss powers apply half damage


True Damage


As apply damage, but this bypasses the actors' resistances.  



","folder":null,"sort":0,"permission":{"default":0,"MZbxT6Tw0ZjDJstw":3},"flags":{"core":{"sourceId":"JournalEntry.XI49NyO2zH1obF8Z"}}} +{"_id":"XA1tSBZUa7Zr9I2M","name":"Effects","content":"

You can use effects to add to any of the characters attributes in the same way you normally would for foundry.  @Compendium[dnd4e.example_character.BF5aEE8y1e3bh7Jc]{Steve, The Example Character} has a whole set of examples about effects adding bonuses to account for his class, race and feat selection.  


Effects can use formula and @variables that refer to the actor as their values, see @Compendium[dnd4e.manual.hQDBZ35uwrhlw1jH]{Possible Variables in Formula} for the listing of what variables they can refer to and as ever, Steve has some examples (his fighter class features uses @level to calculate his hitpoints)




As well as the standard foundry effects,  the system incorporates a way for effects to add bonuses to power attacks and damage rolls from different sources, often feats or class / race features.  These are not effects per say, they are not processed by the foundry effects engine, in practice this should not matter to you, but does mean they work slightly differently.  




It is highly recommended to install and configure Autocomplete Inline Properties for creating effects.  It supports all of the attributes on the actors, and all of the possible weapon and damage properties. 




\"Effects\" for Powers and Weapons


It is possible to add conditional effects to power attack and damage based on the powers keywords, the damage type, the power source and the properties of any weapon or implement that is used.




These require creating an effect that adds to:












power.attack will add to the attack roll of matching powers, weapon.attack will add to the attack roll of any power that uses the matching weapon.  


power.damage will add to all damage rolls of matching powers, weapon.damage will add to all damage rolls of any power that uses the matching weapon.




[Property] is the filter property that the power/weapon must have in order to qualify for this boost.  It is the sheets internal key, not the localised name.  See list below




[BonusType] is the D&D 4 bonus type, so that stacking rules between multiple types can be correctly applied.  This is the only place in the effects system that respects 4E bonus types (because it is all custom code, everywhere else is internal foundry code).  


All bonuses must have a type here, untyped bonuses should use the type “untyped” and they will stack, all others will only take the highest bonus.  (This is due to an internal implemental detail of effects, I wanted to make it so you did not have to put a type on untyped bonuses, but that is not possible in Foundry).


If using Auto-completer, autocomplete has been populated with a selection of the most common bonuses types, but there is nothing stopping you using your own.  Only untyped is treated any differently.  




Your bonus values can use @variables that would apply to roll formula, e.g. @tier or @level for bonuses that depend on level.  You can also use custom @variables (see @Compendium[dnd4e.manual.hQDBZ35uwrhlw1jH]{Possible Variables in Formula}), however custom @variables can only be used in these power/weapon effects.  They do not work in effects that modify the actors main values. 


Similarly, because these effects are only applied to attacks and damage rolls, they have access to all the Power and Weapon @variables as well as the actor ones, though I would caution using them as it will probably get confusing.






Weapon Focus: Heavy Blade


weapon.damage.bladeh.feat = @tier




Feat that gives untyped bonus to attack and damage rolls with fire powers


power.attack.fire.untyped = 1


power.damage.fire.untyped = 1




They will show in formula when rolls are made as @[BonusType]EffectBonus e.g. @FeatEffectBonus.  If you do not see one of these in the formula of a roll when you make it, then the effect has not been applied.





There is a system configuration option that you can enable where the effect application will log a lot of information to the console whenever you roll attack or damage so you can debug why a value is being applied / is not applied.  




Suitable Properties


Power Source

Effect KeyPower Source



Power Effect Types

Effect KeyPower Keyword
beastFormBeast Form
channelDivChannel Divinity
fullDisFull Discipline



Damage Types (Weapon and Power)

Effect KeyDamage Type



Weapon Types

Effect KeyWeapon Type
cbowCross Bow
dragonDragon Shard
bladeHHeavy Blade
bladeLLight Blade



Implement Types

Effect KeyImplement Type
holySHoly Symbol
kiKi Focus



Weapon Properties

Effect KeyWeapon Property
","folder":null,"sort":0,"permission":{"default":0,"MZbxT6Tw0ZjDJstw":3},"flags":{"core":{"sourceId":"JournalEntry.4A120iRFgarY1sVD"}}} +{"_id":"cLxXhBPWAvr4sfgn","name":"Inventory","content":"

Provided Equipment Compendiums


SRD ...


The SRD Weapons, SRD Armour and SRD Equipment are direct copies of the tables in the PHB, as per the SRD.  




Example ...


Example Alchemical Items & Potions & Poisons contain items with the mechanical effects of items published in the SRD, but do not contain the same names, descriptions or flavour text, as the SRD does not permit them to be reproduced verbatim. 






Currency and Ritual components track your various currencies and can be accessed as character sheet attributes.  This lets you tie ritual casting to the relevant component.  






Creating weapons is detailed enough to warrant its own manual: @Compendium[dnd4e.manual.g255Uq1L2bdmBKQx]{Creating Weapons} 


Clicking on a weapon picture will get its description output to chat.  







This is stuff you are wearing / that has a specific body slot. They have a specific detail section for the bonuses they give to defences.   


Equipment only gives its benefit if it is set to equipped and proficient. 


When assigning armour penalties to skills and movement speed, it does not matter if you specify a positive or negative value, it will be applied as a penalty.  


If the equipment gives damage resistance than you can add it on here by clicking the + icon.  Specify the value (positive for resistance, negative for vulnerability) and select the damage type from the dropdown.


Clicking on the equipment picture will get its description output to chat. 






Everything from food, to ammo, to potions and alchemicals.  Consumables differ from most other inventory in that they have activation effects - they can roll like a power.  They also, as the name implies, get consumed.


If you click a consumables icon in the table you will get a consumption dialog before the relevant chat messages are output and resources consumed.


Consumable Use



Probably the most important section.  This determines how a consumable gets used up.  The most common setting is for charges - aka each consumable has a number of charges that once they are gone, are gone.  When you run out of charges, one of that consumable is used up and the number you have is decreased. 


This makes the most common setting to be 1/1 charges - so 1 consumable is used up on each use.  


Resource consumption is for if a consumable uses something else up when it is activated, for example Healing Potions usually burn a healing surge.  @Compendium[dnd4e.example_potions.oIAaA0Mcdp3SxAFx]{Potion of Minor Healing} on @Compendium[dnd4e.example_character.BF5aEE8y1e3bh7Jc]{Steve} shows this example.




For most ammunition this is all you need to set - you don't generally activate ammunition by itself, you specify it as a consumed resource by your bow.  See the Shortbow on @Compendium[dnd4e.example_character.BF5aEE8y1e3bh7Jc]{Steve} for an example of using ammunition.  




Consumable Activation


Consumables can also be activated to roll like a power.  With check boxes to select what kind of roll is required - attack, damage, healing or other.  This all function the same as the matching roll types in a Power, so will not be covered here.  @Compendium[dnd4e.example_alchemy.EWq55lKGj6mkOAu8]{Alchemical Fire Bomb (lvl 1)} is a good example of a consumable that makes an attack and damage roll.  






Tools are designed to work with skills or abilities, and the details tab lets you specify which one you would like.  


Clicking on a tools icon in the table will roll the check with the tool bonus.  






Loot is the catchall for items that do not have any mechanical effects and are description only. 


Clicking the icon will output its description to the chat.






Currently function like loot, you cannot yet add items to a container.  

","folder":null,"sort":0,"permission":{"default":0,"MZbxT6Tw0ZjDJstw":3},"flags":{"core":{"sourceId":"JournalEntry.wJViekWKkPsNFz4b"}}} +{"_id":"g255Uq1L2bdmBKQx","name":"Creating Weapons","content":"

When modelling implements in 4E, model them as weapons.  Foundry supports weapon, implements and weapons that are also implements. 


@Compendium[dnd4e.example_character.BF5aEE8y1e3bh7Jc]{Steve, The Example Character} has several weapons to see as examples, his Longsword is an example of a +1 magic item, and his bow automatically uses +1 arrows.  




Weapon Details



These options are mostly used for powers selecting an appropriate weapon. 


A Weapon Type of \"Implement\" will set the implement property in properties (below)


For Weapon Hand select the hand(s) you are using the weapon in.  


For the Weapon Status, select how you are proficient - either as a weapon or as an implement or both.  These are checked by some of the attack formula.  




Weapon Stats



Proficiency Bonus: A weapons proficiency bonus.    Referred to in formula as @profbonus 


Implement Proficiency Bonus: If the weapon has a separate proficiency bonus when used as an implement.  (This is only shown if the weapon has the implement property).  Most implements do not have a proficiency bonus anyway, though it is a good place to put the bonus for the Accurate Wand.  Referred to in formula as @profImpBonus


Enhancement Bonus: The weapons magical enhancement bonus.  Can be referred to using @enhance, or @enhanceImp which only returns the value if \"Implement Proficient\" has been ticked, otherwise will be 0.


Limited Uses: can generally be left blank, there are very few weapons that have limited uses


Resource Consumption: Mostly for ranged weapons, select your ammunition here and it will be automatically consumed (and add bonuses if applicable) when the weapon is used.  


Weapon Damage Dice:  These form the core weapon damage (referred to as \"W\" in power cards).  They are not referenced by a variable but have their own dropdown when creating Powers.


Extra Modifiers: These will be inserted into the Foundry dice roll expression directly after the weapon dice, so you can modify the dice roll using Foundry's additional dice commands.  It is very rare that you will ever want to do this, so it is safe to leave this blank.  (The only thing I can think of is for Brutal weapons, which are handled separately).


Brutal Dice Value: This only appears if the Brutal property has been selected, and is the brutal number of the weapon, if left blank it defaults to 1 as most brutal weapons are Brutal 1.  


Critical Hit: The number that must be rolled on the attack roll to get a critical hit.  Usually 20.


Implement Critical Hit: The number that must be rolled on the attack roll of an implement attack with this weapon to get a critical hit.  Usually 20.




Weapon Formula  



Bonus to Attack Formula: This is what goes into @wepAttack in power formula.  The default (proficiency bonus + enhancement bonus) is correct for most cases.


Bonus to Primary Damage Formula: This is what goes into @wepDamage in power formula.  The default (enhancement bonus) is correct for most cases.


Secondary Damage Formula: If the weapon always does some form of secondary damage on hit (e.g. 1d6 fire damage), you can enter it in a line here.  It will be automatically added to damage when you hit.


Bonus to Critical Damage Formula: This is what goes into @wepCritBonus in power formula - the bonus damage you get on a critical.  This defaults to 1d6 per level of magical enhancement which is correct for most weapons.  Weapons with the High Crit property, or certain magical weapons (normally \"Brutal\" ones, not to be confused with the Brutal weapon property) will want to tweak this.


Secondary Critical Damage Formula: this will be used instead of secondary damage formula on a crit (so from our above fire example, would just be 6 assuming that the secondary damage was also maximised on crit.




Weapon Properties



Here you check relevant damage types, properties and groups.  Most of these are just used as markers for certain conditional effects. 


Implement: enables the implement input boxes above and the implement group below.


Brutal: enables the brutal range box.


Versatile: if wielded in 2 hands get bonus to damage.




Creating Magic Weapons


The easiest way is to take a base weapon, give it a nice new name, set the enhancement bonus and price as appropriate and if it has a daily power that does something make said power separately as an Item Power.  

","folder":null,"sort":0,"permission":{"default":0,"MZbxT6Tw0ZjDJstw":3},"flags":{"core":{"sourceId":"JournalEntry.vzFwC8pGRawxROVN"}}} +{"_id":"hQDBZ35uwrhlw1jH","name":"Possible Variables in Formula","content":"

The following values can be used in various rolls, most are applicable to the various formula fields in powers and apply based on the power itself, or refer to the weapon that the power is using.




Ones related directly to an actor can also be used in effects.






What is it?




The modifier of the selected attribute for a power (on valid in Power rolls).  




The check modifier for the selected attribute or skill in a tool or ritual roll.  (Only valid in tool and ritual rolls)




Actors strength modifier




Actors dexterity modifier




Actors intelligence modifier




Actors wisdom modifier




Actors charisma modifier




Actors level




Actors level/2




Actors tier (Heroic = 1, paragon = 2, epic = 3)




Actors global attack modifier, specified in the Modifiers section at the top of the Effects tab.  




Actors global damage modifier, specified in the Modifiers section at the top of the Effects tab. 




The ability modifier of whatever ability has been selected in the Attack dropdown.




If the power “Weapon Required” field is set to Implement it is the “Implement Attack Formula” entry in a Weapon


If the power “Weapon Required” field is set to anything else it is the “Bonus to Attack Formula” entry in a Weapon




If the power “Weapon Required” field is set to Implement : The “Bonus to Implement Damage Formula” entry in a Weapon


If the power “Weapon Required” field is set to anything else: The “Bonus to Primary Damage Formula” entry in a Weapon




If the power “Weapon Required” field is set to Implement: The “Bonus to Implement Critical Damage Formula” entry in a Weapon


If the power “Weapon Required” field is set to anything else : The “Bonus to Critical Damage Formula” entry in a Weapon




“Implement Attack Formula” entry in a Weapon




“Bonus to Implement Damage Formula” entry in a Weapon




If the user is proficient in the implement (“Implement Proficient” checkbox in the Weapon Details section of the weapon) then “Implement Attack Formula” entry in a Weapon, otherwise 0




If the user is proficient in the implement (“Implement Proficient” checkbox in the Weapon Details section of the weapon) then “Bonus to Implement Damage Formula” entry in a Weapon, otherwise 0




The weapons “Bonus to Implement Critical Damage Formula”




The weapons “Proficiency Bonus” 




The weapons “Implement Proficiency Bonus” 




If the user is proficient in the implement (“Implement Proficient” checkbox in the Weapon Details section of the weapon) then the weapons “Implement Proficiency Bonus”, otherwise 0




If the user is proficient in the weapon (“Weapon Proficient” checkbox in the Weapon Details section of the weapon) then the weapons “Proficiency Bonus”, otherwise 0




If the user is proficient in the implement (“Implement Proficient” checkbox in the Weapon Details section of the weapon) then the weapons “Enhancement Bonus”, otherwise 0




The weapons “Enhancement Bonus”




The “Base Damage” specified by a power.  (which may be a multiplier around @wepDamage)




A value for if a weapon's “Damage Dice” entry had rolled maximum.  




A value for if a powers “Base Damage” entry had rolled maximum




Only valid in Miss Damage formula.  The entire primary damage of the power.


(Mostly redundant as you can easily apply half damage by clicking on the damage output and selecting half damage from the resulting menu)




Only valid in Miss Damage formula.  The entire primary damage of the power divided by 2


(Mostly redundant as you can easily apply half damage by clicking on the damage output and selecting half damage from the resulting menu)




Any attribute in the Actor’s inner data object, referenced from that object as root.  (e.g. referenced from actor.data.data, so the actors current hp could be referenced as @attributes.hp.value).  


Using these is recommended only for power users




Custom Variables


It is possible to create a custom @variable that can be referenced in powers attack and damage rolls and other roll formula.




To do this create an effect with a change that begins with @, so @MyCoolBonus


Note if using auto complete for inline properties you will need to close the auto-complete dialog.




You can then reference @MyCoolBonus in powers and in custom power/weapon effects (see @Compendium[dnd4e.manual.XA1tSBZUa7Zr9I2M]{Effects}), you cannot reference these variables in standard effects that modify an actors stats.

","folder":null,"sort":0,"permission":{"default":0,"MZbxT6Tw0ZjDJstw":3},"flags":{"core":{"sourceId":"JournalEntry.mbqnnD7ebfmik0U6"}}} +{"_id":"lwtgbtXqSAqAmVIU","name":"Character Sheet","content":"

Top Row: Basic Character Data


Should be self explanatory.  The sheet does not enforce XP and level matching.




Row 2: Hits, Defences and Healing



Hit Points


Instead of manually inputting your total hitpoints, you can click the Hitpoints Title and it will bring up a dialog to auto-calculate your hitpoints based on your class.  


Auto-hit calculation can also be done using effects, which have been configured for all the classes in the SRD Classes Compendium, letting you drag and drop that feature in to your character and it will sort hitpoints for you.   


@Compendium[dnd4e.srd_classes.XfAFMjbcaQ09mAVN]{Fighter Class} is used on @Compendium[dnd4e.example_character.BF5aEE8y1e3bh7Jc]{Steve} and sets the hits for a Fighter. Along with further modification from the @Compendium[dnd4e.example_feats.QifwVUaX7Mkq54eL]{Tough} feat which grants an additional 5 hits per character tier level.






There sheet performs a fair amount of auto-calculation to help you:


AC is auto calculated based on the armour you are wearing and the relevant ability modifier (if applicable).  Only the best armour applies and it must be set as equipped.  


Defenses are auto calculated based on equipment + relevant ability modifier. 


If you click on the number for AC or defence you can change the ability that is used to add to that defence and you can add additional bonuses. 


You can also specify effects to add bonuses that are attached to feats and features.  @Compendium[dnd4e.srd_classes.XfAFMjbcaQ09mAVN]{Fighter Class} is used on @Compendium[dnd4e.example_character.BF5aEE8y1e3bh7Jc]{Steve} and shows how to add the fighters +2 bonus to Fortitude.




Healing Surges


Surge Value is auto-calculated based on your Max HP.   @Compendium[dnd4e.srd_races.nxtaBjHPMzbihCIr]{Dragonborn} has an example of an effect that gives a bonus to this number


Surges per day can be entered manually, or you can specify it with an effect.  @Compendium[dnd4e.srd_classes.XfAFMjbcaQ09mAVN]{Fighter Class} is used on @Compendium[dnd4e.example_character.BF5aEE8y1e3bh7Jc]{Steve} and shows how to set the max surge value. 


Clicking on the heading under the number lets you specify bonuses to these values without using effects.  


S. Rest and Long. Rest bring up options for your character taking a short or long rest.  These will automatically process rules for these rests : short rests will refresh encounter powers, long rests will refresh all powers and return hitpoints and surges etc...


Second Wind applies the effects of the second wind action in combat - e.g. spending a healing surge and regaining hits and pops a message to the chat about its effects so you can remember that you have a round of bonus defences.  The SW checkbox is to indicate when you have used second wind for that encounter.  


Heal brings up a generic healing dialog that should easily let you resolve most healing powers.




Action Points


Lets you track your action point spend and milestones.  You'll get a little chat message when you spend one and it checks the box.  






Row 3: Abilities, Saving Throws, Passives, Speed and Initiative





Click the number to edit it


Click the ability name to make a check for that ability.  




Saving Throws


Click \"Saving Throw\" or \"Death\" to add a bonus to your regular save or death save.  Click the dice icon to roll one.  The Death save keeps a track on your failed saving throws.






You can specify a bonus to passive perception/insight by clicking on the value. 




Speed and Initiative


You can click either \"Speed\" or the value to bring up a dialog with the different movement speeds, you can manually adjust them, and if you click on the \"bonus\" text you can apply bonuses and penalties. Mouse-Hovering over the either the \"Speed value\" or \"Speed button\" will reveal a tooltip that indicates all of a characters calculated speed values for common movement actions they can take.


You can also specify speeds with effects.  @Compendium[dnd4e.srd_races.9PmyZASo811YrcxS]{Dwarf} shows how to set a base speed.  Note that for dwarves there is not an elegant way to automatically apply their racial package of not being slowed, so we would suggest that you tweak the speed formula to not include the armour penalty.  


@Compendium[dnd4e.example_feats.TttS7Cq90Z1mfhob]{Run Faster} is used on @Compendium[dnd4e.example_character.BF5aEE8y1e3bh7Jc]{Steve} and shows how to add bonuses to certain movement modes.


Clicking on the Initiative Value to bring up a dialog window which will let users be able to adjust bonus to your initiative roll, as well as which Ability Mod is used in association with the roll. By default, this is set to Dexterity.


By clicking on \"Initiative\" while their is currently an active encounter. You will roll initiative and your character will be added to the Combat Tracker. You may also notice that a decimal value is added to your Initiative Roll, this is equal to 1/100th of your Initiative bonus, and is used as a quick way to resolve ties in the Initiative Roll results.




Bottom Left: Skills


Click the circle to set that skill as trained


Click the circle again if you have the skill focus (you will see a double tick)


Right Clicking the check marks will revert them to the previous training levels.


Click the skills name to roll a skill check


Click the skill value to add a bonus.


Skills can also get bonuses from effects @Compendium[dnd4e.srd_races.y257KtPJ1TEVFIzc]{Tiefling} is used on @Compendium[dnd4e.example_character.BF5aEE8y1e3bh7Jc]{Steve} and shows how to add skill bonuses.


At the bottom of the skill list, you will see a button labeled \"Edit Skill & Ability Custom Descriptions.\" Clicking this will open up a window where you may edit what the default flavor text is for your Ability and Skill rolls. The default text is \"@name uses @label.\" Where @name is replaced by the name of your character, and @label is replaced by the name of the corresponding Ability or Skill.




Bottom right: Character stuff tabs


Biography should be pretty self explanatory




Details - Aka misc character information


Resource 1, 2 & 3 are there are custom tracking resources for you to use however you wish.  The SR and LR checkboxes determine if they refresh on a short or long rest.  


Your Size is used to set the appropreate size for your token.






Get their own manual doc, this one is long enough already! @Compendium[dnd4e.manual.DhBBGBmhy5k3hXNz]{Creating Powers}






Get's its own manual doc.  @Compendium[dnd4e.manual.cLxXhBPWAvr4sfgn]{Inventory} and @Compendium[dnd4e.manual.g255Uq1L2bdmBKQx]{Creating Weapons}




Feats (Also contains Features and Rituals)


This is where you can specify feats and the features you get from class/race/paragon path


Almost all of these are the same and are different types for ease of sorting only.  You have some description text and can set effects that are attached to them.  Clicking on the image in the table will output their description to chat.


Class Features - unlike Gear the details tab for class features does not have any mechanical effect on the sheet and exists simply as a convenient place to enter that class information. 




Backgrounds and Themes


If you are using a characer background, or a theme, then we recommend making a class feature for them.






As well as their description, rituals have a details panel where you can specify the ritual mechanical details.  If the ritual requires a roll check you can select it here.  If you leave the formula box blank the roll will be 1d20 + the relevant ability/skill.  


To track component costs automatically set the first dropdown in Resource Consumption to Attribute, and then you are looking for attributes starting with \"ritualcomp.\" which are usually at the bottom.  @Compendium[dnd4e.example_character.BF5aEE8y1e3bh7Jc]{Steve, The Example Character} has a Homebrew ritual, @Compendium[dnd4e.example_powers.Nr5yUBr0Rzd5EuxY]{Summon Badgers}, which demonstrates this.  




Effects (Also Contains Damage Resistances)



Attack modifier and Damage modifer are global bonsues to attack and damage that you can reference using @atkMod and @damMod in powers.  


Click on \"Bonus\" to set bonsues to those values.  




Resistances and Weaknesses


This lets you track your various damage resistances, which are automatically applied if you use the \"Apply Damage\" feature in chat.  


The values are from the point fo view of a resistance, so a positive value resists damage, a negative value means a vulnerability to damage. 


\"Physical\" respresents weapon damage (the 4E rules do not specify it explicitly, but reference it as \"weapon damage\" any time it is relevant).


\"Damage\" represents all damage types.  So a resistance to \"Damage\" will apply to every type.


Clicking on Bonus lets you specify a bonus to that type of damage, and the checkbox lets you specify immune to that damage type.


Resistances can be granted by effects  @Compendium[dnd4e.srd_races.y257KtPJ1TEVFIzc]{Tiefling} is used on @Compendium[dnd4e.example_character.BF5aEE8y1e3bh7Jc]{Steve} and shows how to add a tieflings fire resistance.

","folder":null,"sort":0,"permission":{"default":0,"MZbxT6Tw0ZjDJstw":3},"flags":{"core":{"sourceId":"JournalEntry.XWhdCGg5hRTk8Czt"}}} +{"_id":"pSOFSTYYchdZ0rZB","name":"Module Integrations","content":"

There are several modules that work well with 4E and generally enhance your game.


Most of these modules can be found in the Foundry module browser.  




Autocomplete Inline Properties




We highly recommend Autocomplete Inline Properties if you are using effects in 4E


Drac’s Foundry 4E Tools includes an integration with Autocomplete properties for effects. 


Provided Drac’s tools is active you will get an auto-complete selection when creating effects.  Further integration in other fields may happen later.






Drac’s Foundry 4E Tools


This is an enhancement module for the D&D 4E Setting.   It is currently not available in Foundry Module Browser.  


Can be installed as a module from here: https://github.com/draconas1/foundry-4e-tools 


Currently not in the Foundry Module Browser, must be installed direct from github.  


Has 2 primary uses at time of writing:




Auto-bloodied / dead status:  


If a token is reduced to bloodied HP it gets the bloodied icon.  Similarly if it gets killed, it gets a dead icon.  PC’s get dying icons initially.  




Creature Importer from Masterplan


Allows the GM to import creatures from the Masterplan application.  Creatures import with all stats, powers, auras and ready to go chat descriptions for knowledges






Drag Ruler




Drac’s Foundry 4E Tools includes an integration with Drag ruler.  Provided Drac’s tools is active the ruler will show walk, run, double walk and double run.  




Easy Target




Lets you quickly target counters under Measured Templates for AOE




Party Overview




Has built in 4E integration




Token Action HUD




Has an inbuilt integration written by Draconas


For rolling checks you can shift-click on the token action button to get a quick roll.  


Right clicking on conditions get the condition as a big icon


Right clicking on powers and features gets the popup, left click rolls.  




There are many settings to configure your D&D 4E Token Action HUD experience.  They are hard to spot as token Action HUD does not separate its settings.   Under module settings, look for:

\n","folder":null,"sort":0,"permission":{"default":0,"MZbxT6Tw0ZjDJstw":3},"flags":{"core":{"sourceId":"JournalEntry.Hyx67GZiWAK171pU"}}} diff --git a/system.json b/system.json index 468d9645..b58df593 100644 --- a/system.json +++ b/system.json @@ -107,6 +107,13 @@ "system": "dnd4e", "path": "./packs/srd_rules.db", "entity": "JournalEntry" + }, + { + "name": "manual", + "label": "Manual & Help", + "system": "dnd4e", + "path": "./packs/manual.db", + "entity": "JournalEntry" } ], "languages": [