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Using DDC in Gyselalibxx

DDC is a library which aims to provide types which represent mathematical/physical concepts. Representing these concepts with types allows the compiler to enforce the mathematical validity of expressions.

The DDC library is based on templates. The template parameters are based on physical dimensions.

When using DDC the first step is therefore to create structures representing each of the physical dimensions, e.g. X. These objects should only contain one attribute, a static constexpr boolean called PERIODIC which indicates whether the dimension is periodic or not. The DDC types are then parametrised by this structure. The dimension is in real space and is continuous.

The following sections describe some of the DDC types used in Gyselalibxx.



A Coord in Gysela is an alias to the DDC type ddc::Coordinate. It is one of the only DDC types which represents a continuous data type. This means that it can take any value that can be represented by a double. It represents the position of a coordinate in the vector space.

Coordinates can have 1 or more dimension. E.g. the coordinate of a position on a $(r,\theta)$ slice should have the type Coord<R, Theta>, where R represents the radial dimension $r$, and Theta represents the poloidal dimension $\theta$.

If the value of the coordinate needs to be used in a mathematical expression, the scalar (double) quantity stored in one of the dimensions of a coordinate can be extracted using ddc::get<DimOfInterest>(my_coord).

It is also possible to extract a coordinate on a subset of the original dimensions using ddc::select<DimOfInterest>(my_coord). For example if we want to get the position of an object on a radial slice $(r,\theta)$, but we are given the coordinate in the full vector space $(r, \theta, \varphi, v_\parallel, \mu)$ then we can do:

Coord<R, Theta, Phi, Vpar, Mu> full_coord(...);
Coord<R, Theta> slice_coord = ddc::select<R, Theta>(full_coord);

Coordinates can be combined using operators. For example, let us consider three vectors $P$, $Q$, and $R$ defined on a cartesian space $(x,y)$:

Vector Image

The vector $Q$ can be written as $Q=R-P$. Similarly in the code, we would have:

Coord<X, Y> P(5.0, 2.0);
Coord<X, Y> R(7.0, 6.0);
Coord<X, Y> Q = R - P;

The Coord class also provides an addition operator, comparison operators, and an output operator for easy printing using cout.

In Gyselalibxx the alias CoordX is usually defined in geometry.hpp to describe the type Coord<X> more succinctly.

Indexing and associated concepts

The physical problems that our simulations describe are defined on a domain. The domain on which the problem is defined is continuous (e.g. a radial domain $[0,1)$). However a simulation evolves on a grid. This means that the value of the function is only known at a discrete set of points. In the case of a function $f(x)\rightarrow y \in \mathbb{R}$ with $x \in [0,1)$, we would usually discretise the domain $[0,1)$ as follows: $$ x_0, x_1, ..., x_i, ..., x_N $$

DDC provides multiple types to represent the concepts required to index elements of arrays defined on this grid or to get the coordinates of the grid.


The points $\{x_0, ..., x_N\}$ form the grid on which the simulation evolves. This sampling can either be uniform or non-uniform. Accordingly DDC provides 2 classes for which Gysela provides the following type aliases:

  • UniformGridBase (the type alias of ddc::UniformPointSampling)
  • NonUniformGridBase (the type alias of NonUniformPointSampling)

A uniform point sampling is a collection of points which are equidistant, it is therefore defined with an origin and a step or distance between consecutive points. In contrast the points found in a non-uniform point sampling are arbitrary. This kind of sampling must therefore be initialised from a list of points.

It is possible to have multiple grids defined on the same dimension (e.g. the grid points used for a Gauss-Legendre quadrature, the grid points on which the simulation evolves, the grid points which split a spline into polynomials, etc). In order for each grid that is defined to have a different type DDC requires that we define structures which inherit from UniformGridBase and NonUniformGridBase (these structures are then the base structures from which we inherit). In Gyselalibxx such structures have the keyword Grid in the name (e.g. GridX) and are usually defined in geometry.hpp.


struct GridX : UniformGridBase<X>

Although this seems like a useful type, you should not directly create instances of this class in the code. Instead you should call init_discrete_space and access the points using an Index. For more details see the section about Index.


In order to interact with most types in Gyselalibxx we need to use an Idx (a type alias for ddc::DiscreteElement). This type describes an index of a point in the grid. E.g. the point x_i in the grid GridX can be indexed using the object Idx<GridX>(i). An Idx is therefore roughly equivalent to an integer. Compared to an integer, it additionally contains information about the physical direction being examined. This allows the compiler to raise errors if typos/copy-paste errors lead to the wrong dimension being used.

In Gyselalibxx the alias IndexX is usually defined in geometry.hpp to describe the index of the grid along the dimension X on which the distribution function is discretised.

We can also create multi-dimensional indices. E.g. the point (x_i, y_j) can be indexed using the object Idx<GridX, GridY>(i, j)

It is also possible to extract an index on a subset of the original dimensions using ddc::select<GridOfInterest>(my_nd_index).

Once a grid has been initialised using the function ddc::init_discrete_space, an Idx defined on that grid can be used to obtain the coordinates of the points in the grid. This is done using the function ddc::coordinate.


Coord<R> r_min(0.0);
Coord<R> r_max(1.0);
IdxStep<R> r_ncells(10);
ddc::init_discrete_space<GridR>(r_min, r_max, r_ncells);
Idx<GridR> i(0); // The first point in the grid
std::cout << ddc::coordinate(i) << std::endl;

will output:


Index Step

An IdxStep (type alias for ddc::DiscreteVector) describes the number of steps to get from one point in a grid to another. E.g. x_3 and x_6 are separated by IdxStep<GridX>(3).

This type is useful when we have the index of a point and we need to get the next point. An IdxStep can be added or subtracted from an Idx as long as both objects are templated by the same dimension. Similarly an IdxStep is the result of subtracting 2 Idxs.


Idx<GridX> i(4);
Idx<GridX> j(6);
IdxStep<GridX> k = j-i;
i += k;

In Gyselalibxx the alias IdxStepX is usually defined in geometry.hpp to describe the step from one element of a grid along the dimension X to another.

As with Idxs, an IdxStep can be multi-dimensional and lower dimension IdxStep objects can be extracted using ddc::select<GridOfInterest>(my_nd_vector).

For a more concrete example of how this type is useful see Example.

Index Range

The last concept necessary to define the grid on which a simulation evolves is the concept of index ranges. The class IdxRange is designed to describe the indices on which a field is defined. This may be all or only a subset of the indices comprising the grid.

Each index range is described by:

  • An origin : This is the Idx which indicates the first point in the domain.
  • A size : This is a IdxStep indicating the number of elements in each dimension.

For example if we consider the 2D grid: $[x_0, ..., x_N] \times [y_0, ... y_M]$, the index range would be described as:

Idx<GridX, GridY> origin(0, 0);
IdxStep<GridX, GridY> size(N, M);
IdxRange<GridX, GridY> idx_range(origin, size);

Similarly the section of the grid: $[x_i, ..., x_j] \times [y_k, ... y_l]$ would be described as:

Idx<GridX> i_index(i);
Idx<GridX> j_index(j);
Idx<GridY> k_index(k);
Idx<GridY> l_index(l);
Idx<GridX, GridY> origin(i_index, k_index);
IdxStep<GridX, GridY> size((j_index-i_index), (l_index-k_index));
IdxRange<GridX, GridY> idx_range(origin, size);

When working with index ranges we do not usually know if we have access to all of the grid or just a subset. It is therefore important to use the get_index_range function to traverse fields rather than initialising elements manually as we don't know the index of the first element of a IdxRange at compile time.

There are multiple functions available for traversing an index range. Most of the time we will traverse the entire index range. This can be done simply as IdxRange implements the functions begin() and end(). These functions are called automatically using the modern C++ syntax for a for element in list, or using the ddc::for_each function. The latter is to be preferred as it will allow us to add parallelism later. The syntax is:

for (Idx<GridX> index : idx_range) {


ddc::for_each(idx_range, [&](Idx<GridX> index) {

In the case of a ddc::for_each the second argument is a lambda function. The [&] ensures that any variable defined outside the loop are captured by reference so they can be used inside the lamda function.

It is also common to need to iterate over a subset of grid points. Such a subset can be created using the syntax described above, however IdxRange also contains several helper functions which are designed to facilitate the creation of these sets:

  • take_first(IdxStep<..> n) : Returns an index range containing only the first n indices of the original range.
  • take_last(IdxStep<..> n) : Returns an index range containing only the last n indices of the original range.
  • remove_first(IdxStep<..> n) : Returns an index range containing all but the first n indicie of the original range.
  • remove_last(IdxStep<..> n) : Returns an index range containing all but the last n indices of the original range.
  • remove(IdxStep<..> n_first, IdxStep<..> n_last) : Returns an index range containing all indices of the original range except the first n_first indices and the last n_last indices.

It is also possible to extract a lower-dimensional index range from an ND index range using ddc::select<GridOfInterest>(my_nd_idx_range).

Finally it may not be possible to express the elements you want to iterate over as an index range. This is notably the case if you want to iterate over every j-th element. In this case it is necessary to fall back on IdxRangeIterator. The syntax in this case is:

for (IdxRangeIterator<GridX> it=idx_range.begin(); it < idx_range.end(); it += j) {
    Idx<GridX> index = *it;

In addition to the iteration functionalities, IdxRange also has other useful functions. The following is a non-exhaustive list of useful functions:

  • front() : Returns the first Idx in the domain.
  • back() : Returns the last Idx in the domain.
  • size() : Returns the total number of points in the domain (the product of the number of points in each dimension).
  • extents() : Returns the number of points in each dimension stored in an IdxStep.

In Gyselalibxx the alias IdxRangeX is usually defined in geometry.hpp to describe the index range containing points from GridX.

Data Storage

Data is allocated at the instantiation of a FieldMem (type alias for ddc::Chunk). This type is parametrised by the underlying data type (e.g. double), and the IdxRange on which the values are defined. By default in Gysela memory is allocated on the device (GPU).

In order to initialise the data storage to the correct size, a FieldMem is initailised by providing the IdxRange on which the values are defined.

In Gyselalibxx the alias FieldMemX is usually defined in geometry.hpp to describe the memory block for a field defined on the all or part of GridX.. E.g:

FieldMemXVx<double> distribution_function_2d_alloc(idx_range_x_vx);

In Gyselalibxx the functions are almost all defined using real numbers. The additional alias DFieldMemX is therefore defined to represent a real function defined on all or part of GridX. E.g:

DFieldMemRThetaPhiVparMu distribution_function_2d_alloc(idx_range_radial_poloidal_toroidal_velocity_mu);

As instantiating a FieldMem leads to data allocation using this type always has an associated cost. In order to avoid accidental copying DDC is structured such that the only way to copy data from one FieldMem to another is using the function ddc::deepcopy. Using an assignment or initialising from another FieldMem will result in a compiler error.

To avoid copying data unnecessarily, DDC provides the type Field (type alias for ddc::ChunkSpan). This can be thought of as a reference to a FieldMem. It may at first seem surprising that a new type is required for this as a more typical approach would be to use const&. However when code runs on a GPU a new instance of each variable must be created on the GPU. This is necessary to avoid race conditions and to ensure locality. We do not want all the data in the FieldMem to be copied to/from the GPU every time a kernel is started, so instead we use Field which only copies a pointer to the GPU memory to the new variable instance.

Unless you need to allocate data, you should always use Field rather than FieldMem. A Field can be obtained from a FieldMem using the constructor of Field or the global function get_field.

In Gyselalibxx the alias FieldX is usually defined in geometry.hpp to describe a reference to a function defined on the domain or sub-domain containing points from the point sampling GridX. E.g:

FieldMemXVx<double> distribution_function_2d_alloc(idx_range_x_vx);
FieldXVx<double> distribution_function_2d(distribution_function_2d_alloc);

As for FieldMem an additional alias DFieldX is defined to simplify the notation for doubles.

Finally we also define the aliases ConstFieldX and DConstFieldX to represent constant versions of FieldX and DFieldX. These objects are used for function arguments when the contents of the array must not be altered. As they are aliases, not new objects, all the same functions that work for Field can also be used for ConstField. A ConstField can be obtained from a field using the function get_const_field.

⚠️ Beware a DConstFieldX is not equivalent to a DFieldX const. The latter indicates only that the field will always be associated with the same FieldMem object. Its contents can still be modified.

A Field is indexed using either multiple 1D Idxs, or one ND Idx. As the Idxs contain information about the dimension on which they act it is not necessary to pass these arguments in a specific order. Thus the following two functions are equivalent:

double get_element_1(DFieldXVx my_chunk, IdxX i, IdxY j) {
    return my_chunk(i, j);

double get_element_2(DFieldXVx my_chunk, IdxX i, IdxY j) {
    return my_chunk(j, i);

This is particularly useful if we don't know the layout order of the data and will allow us to reorder this data without changing the way we interact with the chunk.

Finally a Field also implements a [] operator. A Field does not have to reference the entire memory block stored in the associated FieldMem. The [] operator can be passed an IdxRange to create a Field which only references part of the FieldMem. This is especially useful for accessing slices. In this case a simpler syntax exists, where we only need to pass the index of the slice. For example, if we wish to get a $(r, \theta)$ slice from a distribution function defined in $(r, \theta, \varphi, v_\parallel, \mu)$ we would do the following:

DFieldMem<IdxRange<GridR, GridTheta, GridPhi, GridVpar, GridMu>> distribution_function_alloc(idx_range);
DField<IdxRange<GridR, GridTheta, GridPhi, GridVpar, GridMu>> distribution_function(distribution_function_alloc);
Idx<GridPhi, GridVpar, GridMu> index;
DField<IdxRange<GridR, GridTheta>> distribution_function_slice = distribution_function[index];


Let us consider the following system of equations (a simple Vlasov-Poisson system): $$ \left[\partial_t + \frac{1}{\sqrt{m_s}} \left(v\partial_x - q_s \partial_x \phi(t,x)\partial_v\right)\right] f_s(t,x,v) = 0\ \partial_x^2\phi(t,x) = - \sum_s q_s \int f_s(t,x,v) dv\ f_s(0,x,v) = \frac{n_0}{2\pi T_0}\exp\left(-\frac{v^2}{T_0}\right)\cos(k_xx) $$

which evolves over a 2 dimensional domain defined by the dimensions $(x,v)$. The domain is $[0, 700]\times[-6,6]$. We can also consider the species s as a discrete dimension which is defined as [i, e].

The first thing which is necessary to define our system are types describing the continuous dimensions:

// Tag to represent the x-dimension
struct X {
    static bool constexpr PERIODIC = true;

// Tag to represent the v-dimension
struct Vx {
    static bool constexpr PERIODIC = false;

We also need types to define the grid on which the simulation will evolve. The domain is discretised on the following grid: $[i, e]\times[x_0,...,x_N]\times[v_0,...,v_{N_v}]$. Grid types are required to define the positions of the grid points in each of the three dimensions:

  • The object $[x_0,...,x_N]$ is defined with a grid and will be denoted $GridX$.
  • The object $[v_0,...,v_{N_v}]$ is defined with a grid and will be denoted $GridVx$.
  • The object $['i', 'e']$ is defined as a SpeciesInformation collection and will be denoted $Species$.

With these objects defined, the index range(s) can then be created. The index range for the distribution function has the type: IdxRange<Species, GridX, GridVx> however for simplicity it is denoted IdxRangeSpXVx. The electric potential $\phi$ has a smaller domain with the type IdxRange<GridX> denoted IdxRangeX.

Other index ranges may be useful to work on slices of data or on subdomains (e.g. if we distribute our function using MPI).

The data itself will be stored in FieldMems and accessed with Fields. For example the distribution function will be stored in a DFieldMem<IdxRange<Species, GridX, GridVx>>. To improve readability this type is denoted DFieldMemSpXVx. Similarly the electric potential will be stored in a DFieldMemX.

The other types will be useful when interacting with the data. For example, in order to initialise the distribution function we need to loop over the grid using the coordinates and an Idx<Species, GridX, GridVx> (denoted IdxSpXVx for simplicity) to fill the array:

IdxRangeSpXVx idx_range(..);
DFieldMemSpXVx distribution_function_alloc(idx_range);
DFieldSpXVx distribution_function(distribution_function_alloc);

ddc::for_each(idx_range, [&](IdxSpXVx index) {
    CoordXVx coord = ddc::coordinate(ddc::select<GridX, GridVx>(index));
    double v_pos = ddc::get<Vx>(coord);
    double x_pos = ddc::get<X>(coord);
    distribution_function(index) = n0 / (2 * M_PI * T0) * exp(-v_pos * v_pos / T0) * cos(kx * x_pos);

Continuous vs. discrete objects

The majority of the DDC types represent objects in or on a discrete vector space. It may not be immediately obvious why continous objects are also needed given that simulations are necessarily discrete. Backward semi-Lagrangian advection is a good example of where this is required. In backward semi-Lagrangian advection we work on a discrete grid (accessed via an IdxRange), for each point of the grid we trace the characteristic to find where a particle positioned at this grid point would have been located at the previous time step. This location, known as the foot of the characteristic can be located anywhere in the vector space, unlike the grid points, the foot of the characteristic is not restricted to a subset of valid positions. It must therefore be represented with a continuous object. In this case a Coord perfectly describes the position of the foot of the characteristic while also providing all pertinent information about the dimensions.

Example use of Index Step for Finite Differences

The class IdxStep is particularly useful in cases where we wish to express a stencil. Let us consider the case of a 2D finite differences scheme on uniform meshes expressed as follows: $$ \nabla^2 f(x,y) = \frac{f(x-h_x, y) + f(x+h_x, y) + f(x, y-h_y) + f(x, y+h_y) - 4f(x,y)}{h_x h_y} $$

This code can be written simply using Idx and IdxStep:

double get_laplacian_at_position(DFieldXY function_values, IndexXY position)
    IdxStepX x_step(1);
    IdxStepY y_step(1);

    // Get the uniform grid in the appropriate direction and use it to
    // extract the distance h.
    double h_x = ddc::discrete_space<X>().step();
    double h_y = ddc::discrete_space<Y>().step();

    return (function_values(position - x_step) + function_values(position + x_step)
            + function_values(position - y_step) function_values(position + y_step)
            - 4 * function_values(position))
           / (h_x * h_y);

As you can see DDC takes care of combining elements and vectors to ensure that the resulting IdxXY is in the correct position. This makes it simpler to write such stencils and easier to spot errors, especially in cases involving lots of dimensions.


When using DDC there are some things that you should be careful about. These are listed here.


In DDC and Kokkos the code runs asynchronously when an execution space is provided. When no execution space is provided the code runs synchronously surrounded by fences. In order to ensure that there is no danger coming from the asynchronicity we need to follow certain rules. In Gysela the chosen conventions are:

  • Always provide an execution space to ddc::parallel_for_each or ddc::parallel_transform_reduce (or similar Kokkos functions).
  • Only provide an execution space to create_mirror_view_and_copy when this is unavoidable (i.e. when copying to the DefaultExecutionSpace). The DefaultHostExecutionSpace should never be passed to create_mirror_view_and_copy.