Here we have made a counter till 99 using 2 Seven segment displays. Additionally we have used 2 pnp transistors connected to each of the segment display.
The only catch in the following circuit to represent the numbers in the segment display is that we have defined an array where we have described each number's i.e., from 0-9 a,b,c,d,e,f,g values which you can see in the code represented in 1 or 0
Have Fun !
- 2x Seven Segment Display
- 2x PNP Transistor
- 2x Resistor 1k ohms
- Jumper Wires
- Arduino UNO
Important part of the Code and the rest of the code has been provided in the .ino file
Below we write the function to control the transistor which takes
the left/right counter as the input
void transistor_control(int left, int right)
digitalWrite(transistors[0], HIGH); //transistor=13
digitalWrite(transistors[1], LOW); //transistor=12
digitalWrite(transistors[0], LOW);
digitalWrite(transistors[1], HIGH);
Below we glow the led according to the left/right counter
updation which feeds in here where we used the arrays to glow
that specific bits of the number.
void write(int i){
digitalWrite(a, arr[i][0]);
digitalWrite(b, arr[i][1]);
digitalWrite(c, arr[i][2]);
digitalWrite(d, arr[i][3]);
digitalWrite(e, arr[i][4]);
digitalWrite(f, arr[i][5]);
digitalWrite(g, arr[i][6]);