sudo apt update && sudo apt install xorg libxext-dev zlib1g-dev libbsd-dev
brew install Xquartz
Go to 'Managed Software Center'
Search for 'Xquartz'
Install 'Xquartz'
Reboot the IMac (or at least click on the Button and log in again)
Window handling must remain smooth
Display different wall textures based on which side the wall is facing
Different colors for Floor and Ceiling
Left and Right arrow keys for turning left and right
W, A, S, D to move the Player
Esc must close the Window
Red Cross on window frame must close the Window
Map can have 0, 1, N, S, E, W characters
Map must be surrounded by walls
Apart from the map the other information can be in arbitrary order
Map can have Spaces and non-rectangular shapes
Information preceded by their Identifier (NO, SO, WE, EA, F, C) and followed by the value
If there is any error in the file display Error and a newline followed by an explicit error message
BONUS: Wall collisions
BONUS: Minimap
BONUS: Doors which can open and close
BONUS: animated sprite
BONUS: Rotate POV with Mouse
: C Source Files (.c) and Private Header files (.h) sorted in subfolders
: Libraries (e.g. libft, minilibx)
: Folder for Object Files (.o) created by Makefile at buildtime
: External Data (e.g. Images)
: Example Files (e.g. Example Maps)
: Test Files