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This Repository is used to develop Named Identifier Trees (NITrees). An NITree is a data structure which is derived from some plain text data object. A protocol to lookup the plain text data and verify its integrity from the NITree is developed alongside the NITree object definition in order to make the concept usable.

General Idea

NITrees make use of Named Identifiers (NIs, see RFC 6920 ) to hash a given data structure (e.g. in JSON) into a structure of hashes that can be shared without loosing fine grained data access control. Publishing this Named Identifier Tree root, e.g. on a distributed ledger, can be used to notarize the full data structure. RFC 6920 specifies which URL to query for the data behind the NI. The data owner being queried can then authorize the querying party and reveal parts or all of the data in the NITree. By checking the hashes, the querying party can be sure to receive authentic data.

Being more explicit, an NITree has the following defining properties:

  • The NITree contains a full commitment to the data object, i.e. given the NITree root and the data object, anyone can verify that the NITree was indeed derived from the data object. Furthermore, the commitment is one-way, i.e. it is not possible to derive the plain text from the NITree. Collisions are minimized, i.e. it is extremely unlikely that two different data objects yield the same NITree.
    • This means, that the NITree contains a cryptography hash of the plain text data.
  • The NITree root contains all information to derive a URL from which one can GET (https) the plain text data. The host may authorize the requesting party and grant or deny access to the plain text at his own discretion.
    • A NI that includes a domain (authority) has both properties. In fact, such a NI is the simplest form of an NITree consisting only of a root.
  • The NITree contains structural information about the plain text data. Some of the data may be contained in plain text while only some sensitive parts are concealed.
  • NITrees can be nested in order to implement fine grained access control to different parts of the plain text data.
  • It is possible to reveal only parts of the structure and plain text data and still being able to verify that this data is authentic following the general Merkle tree idea when building the NITree.


Data Objects

For simplicity, we consider only the following data types:

  • A String is an Object
  • An unordered List of Objects is an Object
  • An ordered n-tuple (e.g. a pair) of objects is an object
    • In particular, a list of pairs where the first elements of each pair are required to be unique, i.e. a map/dictionary, is an object

This means, that we treat all other data types (integer, floating point numbers, boolean, etc.) as strings. In practice, it is important to have a unique serialization to strings of all such data types. (E.g. dis ambiguities between "False" / "false" / "0" / "" / "None" / ... need to be avoided.)

NI Roots

A root of an NITree is a named identifier of the form ni://authority/alg;val?query-string where

  • alg is the name of a hashing algorithm, e.g. sha-256, see RFC 6920 for details. We will throughout use sha-256, but of course any other cryptography hash algorithm may be used in practice.
  • authority is a domain name, e.g. authority SHOULD be given for the main root in order to allow for data lookup. It MAY be omitted for roots of sub-trees, in which case it is assumed to be the same as for the main root.
  • val is the hash value of the NITree "growing from this root".
  • The ?query-string is optional. If given, the query-string is a & separated key=value list as used with HTTP URLs, see RFC2616.


According to RFC 6920, the tree below the root ni://authority/alg;val?query-string can be GET queried at https://authority/.well-known/ni/alg/val?query-string . The corresponding http:// URL SHOULD redirect to https but the client SHOULD query https directly. If authorization is required, the host MUST enforce TLS or reject the communication. The queried host SHOULD answer with one of the following status codes:

  • 200 OK and the body containing the tree that grows from the root
  • 401 Unauthorized in order to indicate that the requesting party needs to be authorized in order to get access.
  • 403 Forbidden in order to indicate that authorization was successful but the host denies to reveal further information to the requesting party.
  • 404 Not Found in order to indicate that the host does not know the tree growing form this root.

Revealing Trees

Wherever a root is expected, the pair of the root and its tree may be used instead. This saves one lookup in cases where no additional authorization/permission checks are required, i.e. if anyone with access to the root is also allowed to access the tree, the two can be directly send as a pair. For upstream hashing, the pair of root and tree is considered as if only the root string was given.

Growing NITrees

Trees for Strings

A string is converted into a root in two steps. First, compute ni:///alg;val by applying alg to the string to yield val. This yields the root of the tree consisting only of the original string. E.g. "Hello World!" yields

("ni:///sha-256;7f83b1657ff1fc53b92dc18148a1d65dfc2d4b1fa3d677284addd200126d9069", "Hello World!")

where we denote the tree and its root as a pair. If the original String already contains enough entropy, e.g. a large random number such as a serial, the following salting step MAY be omitted and the above be used as the tree and root.

To prevent rainbow table/guessing attacks on the hash, the result SHOULD be salted and hashed again as follows: A random salt is appended as a query parameter, e.g.


The length (entropy) of the salt can be adapted according to security needs. The resulting salted NI is considered a string and hashed again into the NIroot by again applying alg. The example yields:


The resulting NITree (revealing all sub trees) is

      "Hello World!"

In a typical use case,


would be published. If access is granted to an authorized query to , the host would typically answer with

  "Hello World!"

from where the querying party can verify the data integrity.

Trees for Lists

For an unordered list, compute the NITree for all elements. The authority parts for the elements MAY be omitted. If an authority is given for one element's NIRoot, it MUST be given for all. This yields a list of NIRoot-strings which is the NITree os the list. The NIRoot of is then generated by

  • lexicographic sorting and
  • concatenation of the elements' roots
  • applying alg to the resulting string

For Example ["Hello", "World"] yields the NITree


where salting has been omitted for simplicity in this example, but should be used for similar string values in practice. The root of this tree is


Trees for Tuples

Replacing each element of the tuple by its NIRoot yields the NITree for the tuple. The root is obtained by concatenating the element root strings in the given order and applying alg.

For example ("World", "Hello") yields the NIRoot (all sub trees revealed)

        ("ni:///sha-256;78ae647dc5544d227130a0682a51e30bc7777fbb6d8a8f17007463a3ecd1d524", "World"),
        ("ni:///sha-256;185f8db32271fe25f561a6fc938b2e264306ec304eda518007d1764826381969", "Hello")

References / Acknowledgment

Ideas for this algorithm are rooted in

An Algorithm with a more specific scope and a subset of the features of NITrees is developed in parallel at


Copyright 2020 Sebastian Schmittner

Creative Commons License
The algorithm description, documentation and other text documents in this work are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. You may use/adapt them as long as you share it under the same license and name "Sebastian Schmittner" as the original author.


All code published in this repository is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.