# ESMValTool # OM_recipe_ocean_example.yml --- documentation: description: | Recipe to demonstrate several simple plots based on the monthly ocean salinity. Please use this file as a template for adding additional fields into the ocean. This work based on the BGC-val toolkit GMD-2018-103. authors: - demora_lee maintainer: - demora_lee references: - demora2018gmd projects: - ukesm datasets: - {dataset: UKESM1-0-LL, project: CMIP6, exp: historical , ensemble: r1i1p1f2, grid: gn, start_year: 1994, end_year: 2014} preprocessors: # Transects preprocessors # -------------------------------------------------- prep_transect_Indian: # For extracting a transect regrid: target_grid: 2x2 scheme: linear extract_transect: # Indian latitude: [-90,90.] longitude: 90. extract_volume: z_min: 0 z_max: 1971 climate_statistics: operator: mean prep_transect_Pacific: # For extracting a transect regrid: target_grid: 2x2 scheme: linear extract_transect: # Pacific latitude: [-90.,90.] longitude: 190. extract_volume: z_min: 0 z_max: 1971 climate_statistics: operator: mean prep_transect_Atlantic: # For extracting a transect regrid: target_grid: 2x2 scheme: linear extract_transect: # Atlantic latitude: [-90.,90.] longitude: 330. extract_volume: z_min: 0 z_max: 1971 climate_statistics: operator: mean diagnostics: # -------------------------------------------------- # Transects diagnostics # -------------------------------------------------- diag_transect_Pacific: description: Extracting along a line with regridding and multimodel mean variables: so: # Temperature ocean 3D mip: Omon preprocessor: prep_transect_Pacific scripts: Regional_Ocean_DepthLayers_AMTslice_regrid_mmmean_trajectory: &Regional_Ocean_DepthLayers_AMTslice_regrid_mmmean_Indian script: ocean/OM_diagnostic_transects.py