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File metadata and controls

3074 lines (2358 loc) · 113 KB


In this section, each of the preprocessor modules is described, roughly following the default order in which preprocessor functions are applied:

See :ref:`preprocessor_functions` for implementation details and the exact default order.


The ESMValCore preprocessor can be used to perform a broad range of operations on the input data before diagnostics or metrics are applied. The preprocessor performs these operations in a centralized, documented and efficient way, thus reducing the data processing load on the diagnostics side. For an overview of the preprocessor structure see the :ref:`Preprocessors`.

Each of the preprocessor operations is written in a dedicated python module and all of them receive and return an instance of :obj:`iris.cube.Cube`, working sequentially on the data with no interactions between them. The order in which the preprocessor operations is applied is set by default to minimize the loss of information due to, for example, temporal and spatial subsetting or multi-model averaging. Nevertheless, the user is free to change such order to address specific scientific requirements, but keeping in mind that some operations must be necessarily performed in a specific order. This is the case, for instance, for multi-model statistics, which required the model to be on a common grid and therefore has to be called after the regridding module.

Statistical preprocessors

Many preprocessors calculate statistics over data. Those preprocessors typically end with _statistics, e.g., :func:`~esmvalcore.preprocessor.area_statistics` or :func:`~esmvalcore.preprocessor.multi_model_statistics`. All these preprocessors support the options operator, which directly correspond to :class:`iris.analysis.Aggregator` objects used to perform the statistical calculations. In addition, arbitrary keyword arguments can be passed which are directly passed to the corresponding :class:`iris.analysis.Aggregator` object.


The preprocessors :func:`~esmvalcore.preprocessor.multi_model_statistics` and :func:`~esmvalcore.preprocessor.ensemble_statistics` support the computation of multiple statistics at the same time. In these cases, they are defined by the option statistics (instead of operator), which takes a list of possible operators. Each operator can be given as single string or as dictionary. In the latter case, the dictionary needs the keyword operator (corresponding to the operator as above). All other keywords are interpreted as keyword arguments for the given operator.

Some operators support weights for some preprocessors (see following table), which are used by default. The following operators are currently fully supported; other operators might be supported too if proper keyword arguments are specified:

operator Corresponding :class:`~iris.analysis.Aggregator` Weighted? [1]
gmean :const:`iris.analysis.GMEAN` no
hmean :const:`iris.analysis.HMEAN` no
max :const:`iris.analysis.MAX` no
mean :const:`iris.analysis.MEAN` yes
median :const:`iris.analysis.MEDIAN` [2] no
min :const:`iris.analysis.MIN` no
peak :const:`iris.analysis.PEAK` no
percentile :const:`iris.analysis.PERCENTILE` no
rms :const:`iris.analysis.RMS` yes
std_dev :const:`iris.analysis.STD_DEV` no
sum :const:`iris.analysis.SUM` yes
variance :const:`iris.analysis.VARIANCE` no
wpercentile :const:`iris.analysis.WPERCENTILE` yes
[1]The following preprocessor support weighted statistics by default: :func:`~esmvalcore.preprocessor.area_statistics`: weighted by grid cell areas (see also :ref:`preprocessors_using_supplementary_variables`); :func:`~esmvalcore.preprocessor.climate_statistics`: weighted by lengths of time intervals; :func:`~esmvalcore.preprocessor.volume_statistics`: weighted by grid cell volumes (see also :ref:`preprocessors_using_supplementary_variables`); :func:`~esmvalcore.preprocessor.axis_statistics`: weighted by corresponding coordinate bounds.
[2]:const:`iris.analysis.MEDIAN` is not lazy, but much faster than :const:`iris.analysis.PERCENTILE`. For a lazy median, use percentile with the keyword argument percent: 50.


Calculate the global (weighted) mean:

      operator: mean

Calculate zonal maximum.

      operator: max

Calculate the 95% percentile over each month separately (will result in 12 time steps, one for January, one for February, etc.):

      period: monthly
      operator: percentile
      percent: 95.0

Calculate multi-model median, 5%, and 95% percentiles:

      span: overlap
        - operator: percentile
          percent: 5
        - operator: median
        - operator: percentile
          percent: 95

Calculate the global non-weighted root mean square:

      operator: rms
      weights: false


The disabling of weights by specifying the keyword argument weights: false needs to be used with great care; from a scientific standpoint, we strongly recommend to not use it!

Variable derivation

The variable derivation module allows to derive variables which are not in the CMIP standard data request using standard variables as input. The typical use case of this operation is the evaluation of a variable which is only available in an observational dataset but not in the models. In this case a derivation function is provided by the ESMValCore in order to calculate the variable and perform the comparison. For example, several observational datasets deliver total column ozone as observed variable (toz), but CMIP models only provide the ozone 3D field. In this case, a derivation function is provided to vertically integrate the ozone and obtain total column ozone for direct comparison with the observations.

The tool will also look in other mip tables for the same project to find the definition of derived variables. To contribute a completely new derived variable, it is necessary to define a name for it and to provide the corresponding CMOR table. This is to guarantee the proper metadata definition is attached to the derived data. Such custom CMOR tables are collected as part of the ESMValCore package. By default, the variable derivation will be applied only if the variable is not already available in the input data, but the derivation can be forced by setting the force_derivation flag.

    derive: true
    force_derivation: false

The required arguments for this module are two boolean switches:

  • derive: activate variable derivation
  • force_derivation: force variable derivation even if the variable is directly available in the input data.

See also :func:`esmvalcore.preprocessor.derive`. To get an overview on derivation scripts and how to implement new ones, please go to :ref:`derivation`.

CMORization and dataset-specific fixes

Data checking

Data preprocessed by ESMValCore is automatically checked against its CMOR definition. To reduce the impact of this check while maintaining it as reliable as possible, it is split in two parts: one will check the metadata and will be done just after loading and concatenating the data and the other one will check the data itself and will be applied after all extracting operations are applied to reduce the amount of data to process.

Checks include, but are not limited to:

  • Requested coordinates are present and comply with their definition.
  • Correctness of variable names, units and other metadata.
  • Compliance with the valid minimum and maximum values allowed if defined.

The most relevant (i.e. a missing coordinate) will raise an error while others (i.e an incorrect long name) will be reported as a warning.

Some of those issues will be fixed automatically by the tool, including the following:

  • Incorrect standard or long names.
  • Incorrect units, if they can be converted to the correct ones.
  • Direction of coordinates.
  • Automatic clipping of longitude to 0 - 360 interval.
  • Minute differences between the required and actual vertical coordinate values

Dataset specific fixes

Sometimes, the checker will detect errors that it can not fix by itself. ESMValCore deals with those issues by applying specific fixes for those datasets that require them. Fixes are applied at three different preprocessor steps:

To get an overview on data fixes and how to implement new ones, please go to :ref:`fixing_data`.

Supplementary variables (ancillary variables and cell measures)

The following preprocessor functions either require or prefer using an ancillary variable or cell measure to perform their computations. In ESMValCore we call both types of variables "supplementary variables".

Preprocessor Variable short name Variable standard name
:ref:`area_statistics<area_statistics>` [4] areacella, areacello cell_area
:ref:`mask_landsea<land/sea/ice masking>` [4] sftlf, sftof land_area_fraction, sea_area_fraction
:ref:`mask_landseaice<ice masking>` [3] sftgif land_ice_area_fraction
:ref:`volume_statistics<volume_statistics>` [4] volcello, areacello ocean_volume, cell_area
:ref:`weighting_landsea_fraction<land/sea fraction weighting>` [3] sftlf, sftof land_area_fraction, sea_area_fraction
:ref:`distance_metric<distance_metric>` [5] areacella, areacello cell_area
:ref:`histogram<histogram>` [5] areacella, areacello cell_area
[3](1, 2) This preprocessor requires at least one of the mentioned supplementary variables. If none is defined in the recipe, automatically look for them. If none is found, an error will be raised.
[4](1, 2, 3) This preprocessor prefers at least one of the mentioned supplementary variables. If none is defined in the recipe, automatically look for them. If none is found, a warning will be raised (but no error).
[5](1, 2) This preprocessor optionally takes one of the mentioned supplementary variables. If none is defined in the recipe, none is added.

Only one of the listed variables is required. Supplementary variables can be defined in the recipe as described in :ref:`supplementary_variables`. If the automatic selection does not give the desired result, specify the supplementary variables in the recipe as described in :ref:`supplementary_variables`.

By default, supplementary variables will be removed from the variable before saving it to file because they can be as big as the main variable. To keep the supplementary variables, disable the preprocessor function :func:`esmvalcore.preprocessor.remove_supplementary_variables` that removes them by setting remove_supplementary_variables: false in the preprocessor in the recipe.


Compute the global mean surface air temperature, while :ref:`automatically selecting the best matching supplementary dataset <supplementary_dataset_wildcards>`:

  - dataset: BCC-ESM1
    project: CMIP6
    ensemble: r1i1p1f1
    grid: gn
  - dataset: MPI-ESM-MR
    project: CMIP5
    ensemble: r1i1p1,

      operator: mean

    description: Global mean temperature.
        mip: Amon
        preprocessor: global_mean
        exp: historical
        timerange: '1990/2000'
          - short_name: areacella
            mip: fx
            exp: '*'
            activity: '*'
            ensemble: '*'
    scripts: null

Attach the land area fraction as an ancillary variable to surface air temperature and store both in the same file:

  - dataset: BCC-ESM1
    ensemble: r1i1p1f1
    grid: gn

    remove_supplementary_variables: false

    description: Attach land area fraction.
        mip: Amon
        project: CMIP6
        preprocessor: keep_land_area_fraction
        exp: historical
        timerange: '1990/2000'
          - short_name: sftlf
            mip: fx
            exp: 1pctCO2
    scripts: null

Automatically define the required ancillary variable (sftlf in this case) and cell measure (areacella), but do not use areacella for dataset BCC-ESM1:

  - dataset: BCC-ESM1
    project: CMIP6
    ensemble: r1i1p1f1
    grid: gn
      - short_name: areacella
        skip: true
  - dataset: MPI-ESM-MR
    project: CMIP5
    ensemble: r1i1p1

      mask_out: sea
      operator: mean

    description: Global mean temperature.
        mip: Amon
        preprocessor: global_land_mean
        exp: historical
        timerange: '1990/2000'
    scripts: null

Vertical interpolation

Vertical level selection is an important aspect of data preprocessing since it allows the scientist to perform a number of metrics specific to certain levels (whether it be air pressure or depth, e.g. the Quasi-Biennial-Oscillation (QBO) u30 is computed at 30 hPa). Dataset native vertical grids may not come with the desired set of levels, so an interpolation operation will be needed to regrid the data vertically. ESMValCore can perform this vertical interpolation via the extract_levels preprocessor. Level extraction may be done in a number of ways.

Level extraction can be done at specific values passed to extract_levels as levels: with its value a list of levels (note that the units are CMOR-standard, Pascals (Pa)):

      levels: [100000., 50000., 3000., 1000.]
      scheme: linear

It is also possible to extract the CMIP-specific, CMOR levels as they appear in the CMOR table, e.g. plev10 or plev17 or plev19 etc:

      levels: {cmor_table: CMIP6, coordinate: plev10}
      scheme: nearest

Of good use is also the level extraction with values specific to a certain dataset, without the user actually polling the dataset of interest to find out the specific levels: e.g. in the example below we offer two alternatives to extract the levels and vertically regrid onto the vertical levels of ERA-Interim:

      levels: ERA-Interim
      # This also works, but allows specifying the pressure coordinate name
      # levels: {dataset: ERA-Interim, coordinate: air_pressure}
      scheme: linear_extrapolate

By default, vertical interpolation is performed in the dimension coordinate of the z axis. If you want to explicitly declare the z axis coordinate to use (for example, air_pressure' in variables that are provided in model levels and not pressure levels) you can override that automatic choice by providing the name of the desired coordinate:

      levels: ERA-Interim
      scheme: linear_extrapolate
      coordinate: air_pressure

If coordinate is specified, pressure levels (if present) can be converted to height levels and vice versa using the US standard atmosphere. E.g. coordinate = altitude will convert existing pressure levels (air_pressure) to height levels (altitude); coordinate = air_pressure will convert existing height levels (altitude) to pressure levels (air_pressure).

If the requested levels are very close to the values in the input data, the function will just select the available levels instead of interpolating. The meaning of 'very close' can be changed by providing the parameters:

  • rtol
    Relative tolerance for comparing the levels in the input data to the requested levels. If the levels are sufficiently close, the requested levels will be assigned to the vertical coordinate and no interpolation will take place. The default value is 10^-7.
  • atol
    Absolute tolerance for comparing the levels in the input data to the requested levels. If the levels are sufficiently close, the requested levels will be assigned to the vertical coordinate and no interpolation will take place. By default, atol will be set to 10^-7 times the mean value of of the available levels.

Schemes for vertical interpolation and extrapolation

The vertical interpolation currently supports the following schemes:

  • linear: Linear interpolation without extrapolation, i.e., extrapolation points will be masked even if the source data is not a masked array.
  • linear_extrapolate: Linear interpolation with nearest-neighbour extrapolation, i.e., extrapolation points will take their value from the nearest source point.
  • nearest: Nearest-neighbour interpolation without extrapolation, i.e., extrapolation points will be masked even if the source data is not a masked array.
  • nearest_extrapolate: Nearest-neighbour interpolation with nearest-neighbour extrapolation, i.e., extrapolation points will take their value from the nearest source point.
  • See also :func:`esmvalcore.preprocessor.extract_levels`.
  • See also :func:`esmvalcore.preprocessor.get_cmor_levels`.


Controlling the extrapolation mode allows us to avoid situations where extrapolating values makes little physical sense (e.g. extrapolating beyond the last data point).


Land/sea fraction weighting

This preprocessor allows weighting of data by land or sea fractions. In other words, this function multiplies the given input field by a fraction in the range 0-1 to account for the fact that not all grid points are completely land- or sea-covered.

The application of this preprocessor is very important for most carbon cycle variables (and other land surface outputs), which are e.g. reported in units of kgC~m^{-2}. Here, the surface unit actually refers to 'square meter of land/sea' and NOT 'square meter of gridbox'. In order to integrate these globally or regionally one has to weight by both the surface quantity and the land/sea fraction.

For example, to weight an input field with the land fraction, the following preprocessor can be used:

      area_type: land
      exclude: ['CanESM2', 'reference_dataset']

Allowed arguments for the keyword area_type are land (fraction is 1 for grid cells with only land surface, 0 for grid cells with only sea surface and values in between 0 and 1 for coastal regions) and sea (1 for sea, 0 for land, in between for coastal regions). The optional argument exclude allows to exclude specific datasets from this preprocessor, which is for example useful for climate models which do not offer land/sea fraction files. This arguments also accepts the special dataset specifiers reference_dataset and alternative_dataset.

This function requires a land or sea area fraction ancillary variable. This supplementary variable, either sftlf or sftof, should be attached to the main dataset as described in :ref:`supplementary_variables`.

See also :func:`esmvalcore.preprocessor.weighting_landsea_fraction`.


Introduction to masking

Certain metrics and diagnostics need to be computed and performed on specific domains on the globe. The preprocessor supports filtering the input data on continents, oceans/seas and ice. This is achieved by masking the model data and keeping only the values associated with grid points that correspond to, e.g., land, ocean or ice surfaces, as specified by the user. Where possible, the masking is realized using the standard mask files provided together with the model data as part of the CMIP data request (the so-called ancillary variable). In the absence of these files, the Natural Earth masks are used: although these are not model-specific, they represent a good approximation since they have a much higher resolution than most of the models and they are regularly updated with changing geographical features.

Land-sea masking

To mask out a certain domain (e.g., sea) in the preprocessor, mask_landsea can be used:

      mask_out: sea

and requires only one argument: mask_out: either land or sea.

This function prefers using a land or sea area fraction ancillary variable, but if it is not available it will compute a mask based on Natural Earth shapefiles. This supplementary variable, either sftlf or sftof, can be attached to the main dataset as described in :ref:`supplementary_variables`.

If the corresponding ancillary variable is not available (which is the case for some models and almost all observational datasets), the preprocessor attempts to mask the data using Natural Earth mask files (that are vectorized rasters). As mentioned above, the spatial resolution of the the Natural Earth masks are much higher than any typical global model (10m for land and glaciated areas and 50m for ocean masks).

See also :func:`esmvalcore.preprocessor.mask_landsea`.

Ice masking

For masking out ice sheets, the preprocessor uses a different function, to ensure that both land and sea or ice can be masked out without losing generality. To mask ice out, mask_landseaice can be used:

      mask_out: ice

and requires only one argument: mask_out: either landsea or ice.

This function requires a land ice area fraction ancillary variable. This supplementary variable sftgif should be attached to the main dataset as described in :ref:`supplementary_variables`.

See also :func:`esmvalcore.preprocessor.mask_landseaice`.

Glaciated masking

For masking out glaciated areas a Natural Earth shapefile is used. To mask glaciated areas out, mask_glaciated can be used:

      mask_out: glaciated

and it requires only one argument: mask_out: only glaciated.

See also :func:`esmvalcore.preprocessor.mask_landseaice`.

Missing values masks

Missing (masked) values can be a nuisance especially when dealing with multi-model ensembles and having to compute multi-model statistics; different numbers of missing data from dataset to dataset may introduce biases and artificially assign more weight to the datasets that have less missing data. This is handled via the missing values masks: two types of such masks are available, one for the multi-model case and another for the single model case.

The multi-model missing values mask (mask_fillvalues) is a preprocessor step that usually comes after all the single-model steps (regridding, area selection etc) have been performed; in a nutshell, it combines missing values masks from individual models into a multi-model missing values mask; the individual model masks are built according to common criteria: the user chooses a time window in which missing data points are counted, and if the number of missing data points relative to the number of total data points in a window is less than a chosen fractional threshold, the window is discarded i.e. all the points in the window are masked (set to missing).

      threshold_fraction: 0.95
      min_value: 19.0
      time_window: 10.0

In the example above, the fractional threshold for missing data vs. total data is set to 95% and the time window is set to 10.0 (units of the time coordinate units). Optionally, a minimum value threshold can be applied, in this case it is set to 19.0 (in units of the variable units).

See also :func:`esmvalcore.preprocessor.mask_fillvalues`.

Common mask for multiple models

To create a combined multi-model mask (all the masks from all the analyzed datasets combined into a single mask using a logical OR), the preprocessor mask_multimodel can be used. In contrast to mask_fillvalues, mask_multimodel does not expect that the datasets have a time coordinate, but works on datasets with arbitrary (but identical) coordinates. After mask_multimodel, all involved datasets have an identical mask.

See also :func:`esmvalcore.preprocessor.mask_multimodel`.

Minimum, maximum and interval masking

Thresholding on minimum and maximum accepted data values can also be performed: masks are constructed based on the results of thresholding; inside and outside interval thresholding and masking can also be performed. These functions are mask_above_threshold, mask_below_threshold, mask_inside_range, and mask_outside_range.

These functions always take a cube as first argument and either threshold for threshold masking or the pair minimum, maximum for interval masking.

See also :func:`esmvalcore.preprocessor.mask_above_threshold` and related functions.

Horizontal regridding

Regridding is necessary when various datasets are available on a variety of lat-lon grids and they need to be brought together on a common grid (for various statistical operations e.g. multi-model statistics or for e.g. direct inter-comparison or comparison with observational datasets). Regridding is conceptually a very similar process to interpolation (in fact, the regridder engine uses interpolation and extrapolation, with various schemes). The primary difference is that interpolation is based on sample data points, while regridding is based on the horizontal grid of another cube (the reference grid). If the horizontal grids of a cube and its reference grid are sufficiently the same, regridding is automatically and silently skipped for performance reasons.

The use of the horizontal regridding functionality is flexible depending on what type of reference grid and what interpolation scheme is preferred. Below we show a few examples.

Regridding on a reference dataset grid

The example below shows how to regrid on the reference dataset ERA-Interim (observational data, but just as well CMIP, obs4MIPs, or ana4mips datasets can be used); in this case the scheme is linear.

      target_grid: ERA-Interim
      scheme: linear

Regridding on an MxN grid specification

The example below shows how to regrid on a reference grid with a cell specification of 2.5x2.5 degrees. This is similar to regridding on reference datasets, but in the previous case the reference dataset grid cell specifications are not necessarily known a priori. Regridding on an MxN cell specification is oftentimes used when operating on localized data.

      target_grid: 2.5x2.5
      scheme: nearest

In this case the nearest-neighbor interpolation scheme is used (see below for scheme definitions).

When using a MxN type of grid it is possible to offset the grid cell centrepoints using the lat_offset and lon_offset arguments:

  • lat_offset: offsets the grid centers of the latitude coordinate w.r.t. the pole by half a grid step;
  • lon_offset: offsets the grid centers of the longitude coordinate w.r.t. Greenwich meridian by half a grid step.
      target_grid: 2.5x2.5
      lon_offset: True
      lat_offset: True
      scheme: nearest

Regridding to a regional target grid specification

This example shows how to regrid to a regional target grid specification. This is useful if both a regrid and extract_region step are necessary.

        start_longitude: 40
        end_longitude: 60
        step_longitude: 2
        start_latitude: -10
        end_latitude: 30
        step_latitude: 2
      scheme: nearest

This defines a grid ranging from 40° to 60° longitude with 2° steps, and -10° to 30° latitude with 2° steps. If end_longitude or end_latitude do not fall on the grid (e.g., end_longitude: 61), it cuts off at the nearest previous value (e.g. 60).

The longitude coordinates will wrap around the globe if necessary, i.e. start_longitude: 350, end_longitude: 370 is valid input.

The arguments are defined below:

  • start_latitude: Latitude value of the first grid cell center (start point). The grid includes this value.
  • end_latitude: Latitude value of the last grid cell center (end point). The grid includes this value only if it falls on a grid point. Otherwise, it cuts off at the previous value.
  • step_latitude: Latitude distance between the centers of two neighbouring cells.
  • start_longitude: Latitude value of the first grid cell center (start point). The grid includes this value.
  • end_longitude: Longitude value of the last grid cell center (end point). The grid includes this value only if it falls on a grid point. Otherwise, it cuts off at the previous value.
  • step_longitude: Longitude distance between the centers of two neighbouring cells.

Regridding input data with multiple horizontal coordinates

When there are multiple horizontal coordinates available in the input data, the standard names of the coordinates to use need to be specified. By default, these are [latitude, longitude]. To use the coordinates from a rotated pole grid, one would specify:

      target_grid: 1x1
      scheme: linear
      use_src_coords: [grid_latitude, grid_longitude]

Regridding (interpolation, extrapolation) schemes

ESMValCore provides three default regridding schemes, which are presented in :ref:`default regridding schemes`. Additionally, it is also possible to use third party regridding schemes designed for use with :meth:`iris.cube.Cube.regrid`. This is explained in :ref:`generic regridding schemes`.

Grid types

In ESMValCore, we distinguish between various grid types (note that these might differ from other definitions):

  • Regular grid: A rectilinear grid with 1D latitude and 1D longitude coordinates which are orthogonal to each other.
  • Irregular grid: A general curvilinear grid with 2D latitude and 2D longitude coordinates with common dimensions.
  • Unstructured grid: A grid with 1D latitude and 1D longitude coordinates with common dimensions (i.e., a simple list of points).
  • Mesh: A mesh as supported by Iris and described in :ref:`iris:ugrid`.

Default regridding schemes

Generic regridding schemes

:ref:`Iris' regridding <iris:interpolation_and_regridding>` is based around the flexible use of so-called regridding schemes. These are classes that know how to transform a source cube with a given grid into the grid defined by a given target cube. Iris itself provides a number of useful schemes, but they are largely limited to work with simple, regular grids. Other schemes can be provided independently. This is interesting when special regridding-needs arise or when more involved grids need to be considered. Furthermore, it may be desirable to have finer control over the parameters of the scheme than is afforded by the built-in schemes described above.

To facilitate this, the :func:`~esmvalcore.preprocessor.regrid` preprocessor allows the use of any scheme designed for Iris. The scheme must be installed and importable. Several such schemes are provided by :mod:`iris.analysis` and :mod:`esmvalcore.preprocessor.regrid_schemes`. To use this feature, the scheme key passed to the preprocessor must be a dictionary instead of a simple string that contains all necessary information. That includes a reference to the desired scheme itself, as well as any arguments that should be passed through to the scheme. For example, the following shows the use of the built-in scheme :class:`iris.analysis.AreaWeighted` with a custom threshold for missing data tolerance.

      target_grid: 2.5x2.5
        reference: iris.analysis:AreaWeighted
        mdtol: 0.7

Another example is bilinear regridding with extrapolation. This can be achieved with the :class:`iris.analysis.Linear` scheme and the extrapolation_mode keyword. Extrapolation points will be calculated by extending the gradient of the closest two points.

      target_grid: 2.5x2.5
        reference: iris.analysis:Linear
        extrapolation_mode: extrapolate


Controlling the extrapolation mode allows us to avoid situations where extrapolating values makes little physical sense (e.g. extrapolating beyond the last data point).

The value of the reference key has two parts that are separated by a : with no surrounding spaces. The first part is an importable Python module, the second refers to the scheme, i.e. some callable that will be called with the remaining entries of the scheme dictionary passed as keyword arguments.

One package that aims to capitalize on the :ref:`support for meshes introduced in Iris 3.2 <iris:ugrid>` is :doc:`esmf_regrid:index`. It aims to provide lazy regridding for structured regular and irregular grids, as well as meshes. It is recommended to use these schemes through the :obj:`esmvalcore.preprocessor.regrid_schemes.IrisESMFRegrid` scheme though, as that provides more efficient handling of masks.

An example of its usage in a preprocessor is:

      target_grid: 2.5x2.5
        reference: esmvalcore.preprocessor.regrid_schemes:IrisESMFRegrid
        method: conservative
        mdtol: 0.7
        use_src_mask: true
        collapse_src_mask_along: ZT

Additionally, the use of generic schemes that take source and target grid cubes as arguments is also supported. The call function for such schemes must be defined as (src_cube, grid_cube, **kwargs) and they must return iris.cube.Cube objects. The regrid module will automatically pass the source and grid cubes as inputs of the scheme. An example of this usage is the :func:`~esmf_regrid.schemes.regrid_rectilinear_to_rectilinear` scheme available in :doc:`esmf_regrid:index`:

      target_grid: 2.5x2.5
        reference: esmf_regrid.schemes:regrid_rectilinear_to_rectilinear
        mdtol: 0.7

Reusing regridding weights

If desired, regridding weights can be cached to reduce run times (see here for technical details on this). This can speed up the regridding of different datasets with similar source and target grids massively, but may take up a lot of memory for extremely high-resolution data. By default, this feature is disabled; to enable it, use the option cache_weights: true in the preprocessor definition:

      target_grid: 0.1x0.1
      scheme: linear
      cache_weights: true

Not all regridding schemes support weights caching. An overview of those that do is given here and in the docstrings :ref:`here <regridding_schemes>`.

See also :func:`esmvalcore.preprocessor.regrid`

Ensemble statistics

For certain use cases it may be desirable to compute ensemble statistics. For example to prevent models with many ensemble members getting excessive weight in the multi-model statistics functions.

Theoretically, ensemble statistics are a special case (grouped) multi-model statistics. This grouping is performed taking into account the dataset tags project, dataset, experiment, and (if present) sub_experiment. However, they should typically be computed earlier in the workflow. Moreover, because multiple ensemble members of the same model are typically more consistent/homogeneous than datasets from different models, the implementation is more straightforward and can benefit from lazy evaluation and more efficient computation.

The preprocessor takes a list of statistics as input:

      statistics: [mean, median]

Additional keyword arguments can be given by using a dictionary:

        - operator: percentile
          percent: 20
        - operator: median

This preprocessor function exposes the iris analysis package, and works with all (capitalized) statistics from the :mod:`iris.analysis` package that can be executed without additional arguments. See :ref:`stat_preprocs` for more details on supported statistics.

Note that ensemble_statistics will not return the single model and ensemble files, only the requested ensemble statistics results.

In case of wanting to save both individual ensemble members as well as the statistic results, the preprocessor chains could be defined as:

  everything_else: &everything_else
    area_statistics: ...
    regrid_time: ...
    <<: *everything_else

    short_name: tas
    preprocessor: everything_else
    short_name: tas
    preprocessor: multimodel

See also :func:`esmvalcore.preprocessor.ensemble_statistics`.

Multi-model statistics

Computing multi-model statistics is an integral part of model analysis and evaluation: individual models display a variety of biases depending on model set-up, initial conditions, forcings and implementation; comparing model data to observational data, these biases have a significantly lower statistical impact when using a multi-model ensemble. ESMValCore has the capability of computing a number of multi-model statistical measures: using the preprocessor module multi_model_statistics will enable the user for example to ask for either a multi-model mean, median, max, min, std_dev, and / or percentile with a set of argument parameters passed to multi_model_statistics. See :ref:`stat_preprocs` for more details on supported statistics. Percentiles can be specified with additional keyword arguments using the syntax statistics: [{operator: percentile, percent: xx}].

Restrictive computation is also available by excluding any set of models that the user will not want to include in the statistics (by setting exclude: [excluded models list] argument).

Input datasets may have different time coordinates. Apart from that, all dimensions must match. Statistics can be computed across overlapping times only (span: overlap) or across the full time span of the combined models (span: full). The preprocessor sets a common time coordinate on all datasets. As the number of days in a year may vary between calendars, (sub-)daily data with different calendars are not supported. The preprocessor saves both the input single model files as well as the multi-model results. In case you do not want to keep the single model files, set the parameter keep_input_datasets to false (default value is true). To remove scalar coordinates before merging input datasets into the multi-dataset cube, use the option ignore_scalar_coords: true. The resulting multi-dataset cube will not have scalar coordinates in this case. This ensures that differences in scalar coordinates in the input datasets are ignored, which is helpful if you encounter a ValueError: Multi-model statistics failed to merge input cubes into a single array with Coordinates in cube.aux_coords (scalar) differ. Some special scalar coordinates which are expected to differ across cubes (p0 and ptop) are always removed.

      span: overlap
      statistics: [mean, median]
      exclude: [NCEP-NCAR-R1]
      span: overlap
      statistics: [mean, median]
      exclude: [NCEP-NCAR-R1]
      keep_input_datasets: false
      ignore_scalar_coords: true
      span: overlap
        - operator: percentile
          percent: 5
        - operator: percentile
          percent: 95

Multi-model statistics also supports a groupby argument. You can group by any dataset key (project, experiment, etc.) or a combination of keys in a list. You can also add an arbitrary tag to a dataset definition and then group by that tag. When using this preprocessor in conjunction with ensemble statistics preprocessor, you can group by ensemble_statistics as well. For example:

  - {dataset: CanESM2, exp: historical, ensemble: "r(1:2)i1p1"}
  - {dataset: CCSM4, exp: historical, ensemble: "r(1:2)i1p1"}

      statistics: [median, mean]
      span: overlap
      statistics: [min, max]
      groupby: [ensemble_statistics]
      exclude: [NCEP-NCAR-R1]

This will first compute ensemble mean and median, and then compute the multi-model min and max separately for the ensemble means and medians. Note that this combination will not save the individual ensemble members, only the ensemble and multimodel statistics results.

When grouping by a tag not defined in all datasets, the datasets missing the tag will be grouped together. In the example below, datasets UKESM and ERA5 would belong to the same group, while the other datasets would belong to either group1 or group2

  - {dataset: CanESM2, exp: historical, ensemble: "r(1:2)i1p1", tag: 'group1'}
  - {dataset: CanESM5, exp: historical, ensemble: "r(1:2)i1p1", tag: 'group2'}
  - {dataset: CCSM4, exp: historical, ensemble: "r(1:2)i1p1", tag: 'group2'}
  - {dataset: UKESM, exp: historical, ensemble: "r(1:2)i1p1"}
  - {dataset: ERA5}

      span: overlap
      statistics: [min, max]
      groupby: [tag]

Note that those datasets can be excluded if listed in the exclude option.

See also :func:`esmvalcore.preprocessor.multi_model_statistics`.

Time manipulation

The module contains the following preprocessor functions:

Statistics functions are applied by default in the order they appear in the list. For example, the following example applied to hourly data will retrieve the minimum values for the full period (by season) of the monthly mean of the daily maximum of any given variable.

  operator: max

  operator: mean

  operator: min
  period: season


This function extracts data within specific time criteria. The preprocessor removes all times which fall outside the specified time range. The required arguments are relatively self explanatory:

  • start_year
  • start_month
  • start_day
  • end_year
  • end_month
  • end_day

The start and end points are set using the datasets native calendar. start_month, start_day, end_month, and end_day should be given as integers - the named month string will not be accepted. start_year and end_year should both be either integers or null. If start_year and end_year are null, the date ranges (start_month-start_day to end_month-end_day) are selected in each year. For example, ranges Feb 3 - Apr 6 in each year are selected with the following preprocessor:

  start_year: null
  start_month: 2
  start_day: 3
  end_year: null
  end_month: 4
  end_day: 6

And the period between Feb 3, 2001 - Apr 6, 2004 is selected as follows:

  start_year: 2001
  start_month: 2
  start_day: 3
  end_year: 2004
  end_month: 4
  end_day: 6

See also :func:`esmvalcore.preprocessor.extract_time`.


Extract only the times that occur within a specific season.

This function only has one argument: season. This is the named season to extract, i.e. DJF, MAM, JJA, SON, but also all other sequentially correct combinations, e.g. JJAS.

Note that this function does not change the time resolution. If your original data is in monthly time resolution, then this function will return three monthly datapoints per year.

If you want the seasonal average, then this function needs to be combined with the seasonal_mean function, below.

See also :func:`esmvalcore.preprocessor.extract_season`.


The function extracts the times that occur within a specific month. This function only has one argument: month. This value should be an integer between 1 and 12 as the named month string will not be accepted.

See also :func:`esmvalcore.preprocessor.extract_month`.


This function produces statistics at a x-hourly frequency.

  • hour: Number of hours per period. Must be a divisor of 24, i.e., (1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12).
  • operator: Operation to apply. See :ref:`stat_preprocs` for more details on supported statistics. Default is mean.
  • Other parameters are directly passed to the operator as keyword arguments. See :ref:`stat_preprocs` for more details.

See also :func:`esmvalcore.preprocessor.hourly_statistics`.


This function produces statistics for each day in the dataset.

  • operator: Operation to apply. See :ref:`stat_preprocs` for more details on supported statistics. Default is mean.
  • Other parameters are directly passed to the operator as keyword arguments. See :ref:`stat_preprocs` for more details.

See also :func:`esmvalcore.preprocessor.daily_statistics`.


This function produces statistics for each month in the dataset.

  • operator: Operation to apply. See :ref:`stat_preprocs` for more details on supported statistics. Default is mean.
  • Other parameters are directly passed to the operator as keyword arguments. See :ref:`stat_preprocs` for more details.

See also :func:`esmvalcore.preprocessor.monthly_statistics`.


This function produces statistics for each season (default: [DJF, MAM, JJA, SON] or custom seasons e.g. [JJAS, ONDJFMAM]) in the dataset. Note that this function will not check for missing time points. For instance, if you are looking at the DJF field, but your datasets starts on January 1st, the first DJF field will only contain data from January and February.

We recommend using the extract_time to start the dataset from the following December and remove such biased initial data points.

  • operator: Operation to apply. See :ref:`stat_preprocs` for more details on supported statistics. Default is mean.
  • seasons: Seasons to build statistics. Default is '[DJF, MAM, JJA, SON]'.
  • Other parameters are directly passed to the operator as keyword arguments. See :ref:`stat_preprocs` for more details.

See also :func:`esmvalcore.preprocessor.seasonal_statistics`.


This function produces statistics for each year.

  • operator: Operation to apply. See :ref:`stat_preprocs` for more details on supported statistics. Default is mean.
  • Other parameters are directly passed to the operator as keyword arguments. See :ref:`stat_preprocs` for more details.

See also :func:`esmvalcore.preprocessor.annual_statistics`.


This function produces statistics for each decade.

  • operator: Operation to apply. See :ref:`stat_preprocs` for more details on supported statistics. Default is mean.
  • Other parameters are directly passed to the operator as keyword arguments. See :ref:`stat_preprocs` for more details.

See also :func:`esmvalcore.preprocessor.decadal_statistics`.


This function produces statistics for the whole dataset. It can produce scalars (if the full period is chosen) or hourly, daily, monthly or seasonal statistics.

  • operator: Operation to apply. See :ref:`stat_preprocs` for more details on supported statistics. Default is mean.
  • period: Define the granularity of the statistics: get values for the full period, for each month, day of year or hour of day. Available periods: full, season, seasonal, monthly, month, mon, daily, day, hourly, hour, hr. Default is full.
  • seasons: if period 'seasonal' or 'season' allows to set custom seasons. Default is '[DJF, MAM, JJA, SON]'.
  • Other parameters are directly passed to the operator as keyword arguments. See :ref:`stat_preprocs` for more details.


Some operations are weighted by the time coordinate by default, i.e., the length of the time intervals. See :ref:`stat_preprocs` for more details on supported statistics. For sum, the units of the resulting cube are multiplied by the corresponding time units (e.g., days).

  • Monthly climatology:

      operator: mean
      period: month
  • Daily maximum for the full period:

      operator: max
      period: day
  • Minimum value in the period:

      operator: min
      period: full
  • 80% percentile for each month:

      period: month
      operator: percentile
      percent: 80

See also :func:`esmvalcore.preprocessor.climate_statistics`.


This function changes the frequency of the data in the cube by extracting the timesteps that meet the criteria. It is important to note that it is mainly meant to be used with instantaneous data.

  • month: Extract only timesteps from the given month or do nothing if None. Default is None
  • day: Extract only timesteps from the given day of month or do nothing if None. Default is None
  • hour: Extract only timesteps from the given hour or do nothing if None. Default is None
  • Hourly data to daily:

      hour: 12
  • Hourly data to monthly:

      hour: 12
      day: 15
  • Daily data to monthly:

      day: 15

See also :func:`esmvalcore.preprocessor.resample_time`.



Change the frequency of x-hourly data to y-hourly data by either eliminating extra time steps or interpolation. This is intended to be used with instantaneous data.

  • interval (:obj:`int`): New frequency of the data. Must be a divisor of 24.
  • offset (:obj:`int`): First hour of the desired output data (default: 0). Must be lower than the value of interval.
  • interpolate (None or :obj:`str`): If interpolate is None (default), convert x-hourly data to y-hourly (y > x) by eliminating extra time steps. If interpolate is 'nearest' or 'linear', use nearest-neighbor or bilinear interpolation to convert general x-hourly data to general y-hourly data.


  • Convert to 12-hourly data by getting time steps at 0:00 and 12:00:

      hours: 12
  • Convert to 12-hourly data by getting time steps at 6:00 and 18:00:

      hours: 12
      offset: 6
  • Convert to 3-hourly data using bilinear interpolation:

      hours: 3
      interpolate: linear

See also :func:`esmvalcore.preprocessor.resample_hours`.


This function computes the anomalies for the whole dataset. It can compute anomalies from the full, seasonal, monthly, daily and hourly climatologies. Optionally standardized anomalies can be calculated.

  • period: define the granularity of the climatology to use: full period, seasonal, monthly, daily or hourly. Available periods: 'full', 'season', 'seasonal', 'monthly', 'month', 'mon', 'daily', 'day', 'hourly', 'hour', 'hr'. Default is 'full'
  • reference: Time slice to use as the reference to compute the climatology on. Can be 'null' to use the full cube or a dictionary with the parameters from extract_time. Default is null
  • standardize: if true calculate standardized anomalies (default: false)
  • seasons: if period 'seasonal' or 'season' allows to set custom seasons. Default is '[DJF, MAM, JJA, SON]'
  • Anomalies from the full period climatology:

  • Anomalies from the full period monthly climatology:

      period: month
  • Standardized anomalies from the full period climatology:

      standardized: true
  • Standardized Anomalies from the 1979-2000 monthly climatology:

      period: month
        start_year: 1979
        start_month: 1
        start_day: 1
        end_year: 2000
        end_month: 12
        end_day: 31
      standardize: true

See also :func:`esmvalcore.preprocessor.anomalies`.


This function aligns the time points and bounds of an input dataset according to the following rules:

  • Decadal data: 1 January 00:00:00 for the given year. Example: 1 January 2005 00:00:00 for given year 2005 (decade 2000-2010).
  • Yearly data: 1 July 00:00:00 for each year. Example: 1 July 1993 00:00:00 for the year 1993.
  • Monthly data: 15th day 00:00:00 for each month. Example: 15 October 1993 00:00:00 for the month October 1993.
  • Daily data: 12:00:00 for each day. Example: 14 March 1996 12:00:00 for the day 14 March 1996.
  • n-hourly data where n is a divisor of 24: center of each time interval. Example: 03:00:00 for interval 00:00:00-06:00:00 (6-hourly data), 16:30:00 for interval 15:00:00-18:00:00 (3-hourly data), or 09:30:00 for interval 09:00:00-10:00:00 (hourly data).

The frequency of the input data is automatically determined from the CMOR table of the corresponding variable, but can be overwritten in the recipe if necessary. This function does not alter the data in any way.


By default, this preprocessor will not change the calendar of the input time coordinate. For decadal, yearly, and monthly data, it is possible to change the calendar using the optional calendar argument. Be aware that changing the calendar might introduce (small) errors to your data, especially for extensive quantities (those that depend on the period length).

  • frequency: Data frequency. If not given, use the one from the CMOR tables of the corresponding variable.
  • calendar: If given, transform the calendar to the one specified (examples: standard, 365_day, etc.). This only works for decadal, yearly and monthly data, and will raise an error for other frequencies. If not set, the calendar will not be changed.
  • units (default: days since 1850-01-01 00:00:00): Reference time units used if the calendar of the data is changed. Ignored if calendar is not set.


Change the input calendar to standard and use custom units:

  calendar: standard
  units: days since 2000-01-01

See also :func:`esmvalcore.preprocessor.regrid_time`.


This function allows the user to apply a filter to the timeseries data. This filter may be of the user's choice (currently only the low-pass Lanczos filter is implemented); the implementation is inspired by this iris example and uses aggregation via :obj:`iris.cube.Cube.rolling_window`.

  • window: the length of the filter window (in units of cube time coordinate).
  • span: period (number of months/days, depending on data frequency) on which weights should be computed e.g. for 2-yearly: span = 24 (2 x 12 months). Make sure span has the same units as the data cube time coordinate.
  • filter_type: the type of filter to be applied; default 'lowpass'. Available types: 'lowpass'.
  • filter_stats: the type of statistic to aggregate on the rolling window; default 'sum'. Available operators: 'mean', 'median', 'std_dev', 'sum', 'min', 'max', 'rms'.
  • Lowpass filter with a monthly mean as operator:

        window: 3  # 3-monthly filter window
        span: 12   # weights computed on the first year
        filter_type: lowpass  # low-pass filter
        filter_stats: mean    # 3-monthly mean lowpass filter

See also :func:`esmvalcore.preprocessor.timeseries_filter`.


Many variables in the Earth system show a strong diurnal cycle. The reason for that is of course Earth's rotation around its own axis, which leads to a diurnal cycle of the incoming solar radiation. While UTC time is a very good absolute time measure, it is not really suited to analyze diurnal cycles over larger regions. For example, diurnal cycles over Russia and the USA are phase-shifted by ~180° = 12 hr in UTC time.

This is where the local solar time (LST) comes into play: For a given location, 12:00 noon LST is defined as the moment when the sun reaches its highest point in the sky. By using this definition based on the origin of the diurnal cycle (the sun), we can directly compare diurnal cycles across the globe. LST is mainly determined by the longitude of a location, but due to the eccentricity of Earth's orbit, it also depends on the day of year (see equation of time). However, this correction is at most ~15 min, which is usually smaller than the highest frequency output of CMIP6 models (1 hr) and smaller than the time scale for diurnal evolution of meteorological phenomena (which is in the order of hours, not minutes). Thus, instead, we use the mean LST, which solely depends on longitude:

LST = UTC + 12 \cdot \frac{lon}{180°}

where the times are given in hours and lon in degrees in the interval [-180, 180]. To transform data from UTC to LST, this preprocessor shifts data along the time axis based on the longitude.

This preprocessor does not need any additional parameters.



See also :func:`esmvalcore.preprocessor.local_solar_time`.

Area manipulation

The area manipulation module contains the following preprocessor functions:


This function extracts points with given coordinates, following either a linear or a nearest interpolation scheme. The resulting point cube will match the respective coordinates to those of the input coordinates. If the input coordinate is a scalar, the dimension will be a scalar in the output cube.

If the point to be extracted has at least one of the coordinate point values outside the interval of the cube's same coordinate values, then no extrapolation will be performed, and the resulting extracted cube will have fully masked data.

  • Extract a point from coordinate grid_latitude with given coordinate value 26.0:

        grid_latitude: 26.
      scheme: nearest

See also :func:`esmvalcore.preprocessor.extract_coordinate_points`.


This function returns a subset of the data on the rectangular region requested. The boundaries of the region are provided as latitude and longitude coordinates in the arguments:

  • start_longitude
  • end_longitude
  • start_latitude
  • end_latitude

Note that this function can only be used to extract a rectangular region. Use extract_shape to extract any other shaped region from a shapefile.

If the grid is irregular, the returned region retains the original coordinates, but is cropped to a rectangular bounding box defined by the start/end coordinates. The deselected area inside the region is masked.

See also :func:`esmvalcore.preprocessor.extract_region`.


This function extracts a specific named region from the data. This function takes the following argument: regions which is either a string or a list of strings of named regions. Note that the dataset must have a region coordinate which includes a list of strings as values. This function then matches the named regions against the requested string.

See also :func:`esmvalcore.preprocessor.extract_named_regions`.


Extract a shape or a representative point for this shape from the data.

  • shapefile: path to the shapefile containing the geometry of the region to be extracted. If the file contains multiple shapes behaviour depends on the decomposed parameter. This path can be relative to the directory specified via the :ref:`configuration option <config_options>` auxiliary_data_dir or relative to esmvalcore/preprocessor/shapefiles (in that priority order). Alternatively, a string (see "Shapefile name" below) can be given to load one of the following shapefiles that are shipped with ESMValCore:

    Shapefile name




    IPCC WG1 reference regions (v4) used in Assessment Report 6

  • method: the method to select the region, selecting either all points contained by the shape or a single representative point. Choose either 'contains' or 'representative'. If not a single grid point is contained in the shape, a representative point will be selected.

  • crop: by default extract_region will be used to crop the data to a minimal rectangular region containing the shape. Set to false to only mask data outside the shape. Data on irregular grids will not be cropped.

  • decomposed: by default false; in this case the union of all the regions in the shapefile is masked out. If set to true, the regions in the shapefiles are masked out separately and the output cube will have an additional dimension shape_id describing the requested regions.

  • ids: Shapes to be read from the shapefile. Can be given as:

    • :obj:`list`: IDs are assigned from the attributes name, NAME, Name, id, or ID (in that priority order; the first one available is used). If none of these attributes are available in the shapefile, assume that the given ids correspond to the reading order of the individual shapes. So, for example, if a file has both name and id attributes, the ids will be assigned from name. If the file only has the id attribute, it will be taken from it and if no name nor id attributes are present, an integer ID starting from 0 will be assigned automatically when reading the shapes. We discourage to rely on this last behaviour as we can not assure that the reading order will be the same on different platforms, so we encourage you to specify a custom attribute using a :obj:`dict` (see below) instead. Note: An empty list is interpreted as ids=None (see below).
    • :obj:`dict`: IDs (dictionary value; :obj:`list` of :obj:`str`) are assigned from attribute given as dictionary key (:obj:`str`). Only dictionaries with length 1 are supported. Example: ids={'Acronym': ['GIC', 'WNA']}.
    • None: select all available regions from the shapefile.
  • Extract the shape of the river Elbe from a shapefile:

      shapefile: Elbe.shp
      method: contains
  • Extract the shape of several countries:

    shapefile: NaturalEarth/Countries/ne_110m_admin_0_countries.shp
    decomposed: True
    method: contains
      - Spain
      - France
      - Italy
      - United Kingdom
      - Taiwan
  • Extract European AR6 regions:

      shapefile: ar6
      method: contains
          - NEU
          - WCE
          - MED

See also :func:`esmvalcore.preprocessor.extract_shape`.


Extract a single point from the data. This is done using either nearest or linear interpolation.

Returns a cube with the extracted point(s), and with adjusted latitude and longitude coordinates (see below).

Multiple points can also be extracted, by supplying an array of latitude and/or longitude coordinates. The resulting point cube will match the respective latitude and longitude coordinate to those of the input coordinates. If the input coordinate is a scalar, the dimension will be missing in the output cube (that is, it will be a scalar).

If the point to be extracted has at least one of the coordinate point values outside the interval of the cube's same coordinate values, then no extrapolation will be performed, and the resulting extracted cube will have fully masked data.

  • cube: the input dataset cube.
  • latitude, longitude: coordinates (as floating point values) of the point to be extracted. Either (or both) can also be an array of floating point values.
  • scheme: interpolation scheme: either 'linear' or 'nearest'. There is no default.

See also :func:`esmvalcore.preprocessor.extract_point`.


Extract a single point using a location name, with interpolation (either linear or nearest). This preprocessor extracts a single location point from a cube, according to the given interpolation scheme scheme. The function retrieves the coordinates of the location and then calls the :func:`esmvalcore.preprocessor.extract_point` preprocessor. It can be used to locate cities and villages, but also mountains or other geographical locations.


Note that this function's geolocator application needs a working internet connection.

  • cube: the input dataset cube to extract a point from.
  • location: the reference location. Examples: 'mount everest', 'romania', 'new york, usa'. Raises ValueError if none supplied.
  • scheme : interpolation scheme. linear or nearest. There is no default, raises ValueError if none supplied.

See also :func:`esmvalcore.preprocessor.extract_location`.


The function calculates the zonal statistics by applying an operator along the longitude coordinate.

  • operator: Operation to apply. See :ref:`stat_preprocs` for more details on supported statistics.
  • normalize: If given, do not return the statistics cube itself, but rather, the input cube, normalized with the statistics cube. Can either be subtract (statistics cube is subtracted from the input cube) or divide (input cube is divided by the statistics cube).
  • Other parameters are directly passed to the operator as keyword arguments. See :ref:`stat_preprocs` for more details.

See also :func:`esmvalcore.preprocessor.zonal_statistics`.


The function calculates the meridional statistics by applying an operator along the latitude coordinate. This function takes one argument:

  • operator: Operation to apply. See :ref:`stat_preprocs` for more details on supported statistics.
  • normalize: If given, do not return the statistics cube itself, but rather, the input cube, normalized with the statistics cube. Can either be subtract (statistics cube is subtracted from the input cube) or divide (input cube is divided by the statistics cube).
  • Other parameters are directly passed to the operator as keyword arguments. See :ref:`stat_preprocs` for more details.

See also :func:`esmvalcore.preprocessor.meridional_statistics`.


This function can be used to apply several different operations in the horizontal plane: for example, mean, sum, standard deviation, median, variance, minimum, maximum and root mean square. Some operations are grid cell area weighted by default. For sums, the units of the resulting cubes are multiplied by m ^2. See :ref:`stat_preprocs` for more details on supported statistics.

Note that this function is applied over the entire dataset. If only a specific region, depth layer or time period is required, then those regions need to be removed using other preprocessor operations in advance.

For weighted statistics, this function requires a cell area cell measure, unless the coordinates of the input data are regular 1D latitude and longitude coordinates so the cell areas can be computed internally. The required supplementary variable, either areacella for atmospheric variables or areacello for ocean variables, can be attached to the main dataset as described in :ref:`supplementary_variables`.

  • operator: Operation to apply. See :ref:`stat_preprocs` for more details on supported statistics.
  • normalize: If given, do not return the statistics cube itself, but rather, the input cube, normalized with the statistics cube. Can either be subtract (statistics cube is subtracted from the input cube) or divide (input cube is divided by the statistics cube).
  • Other parameters are directly passed to the operator as keyword arguments. See :ref:`stat_preprocs` for more details.

Examples: * Calculate global mean:

  operator: mean
  • Subtract global mean from dataset:

      operator: mean
      normalize: subtract

See also :func:`esmvalcore.preprocessor.area_statistics`.

Volume manipulation

The module contains the following preprocessor functions:

  • axis_statistics: Perform operations along a given axis.
  • extract_volume: Extract a specific depth range from a cube.
  • volume_statistics: Calculate the volume-weighted average.
  • depth_integration: Integrate over the depth dimension.
  • extract_transect: Extract data along a line of constant latitude or longitude.
  • extract_trajectory: Extract data along a specified trajectory.


Extract a specific range in the z-direction from a cube. The range is given as an interval that can be:

  • open (z_min, z_max), in which the extracted range does not include z_min nor z_max.
  • closed [z_min, z_max], in which the extracted includes both z_min and z_max.
  • left closed [z_min, z_max), in which the extracted range includes z_min but not z_max.
  • right closed (z_min, z_max], in which the extracted range includes z_max but not z_min.

The extraction is performed by applying a constraint on the coordinate values, without any kind of interpolation.

This function takes four arguments:

  • z_min to define the minimum value of the range to extract in the z-direction.
  • z_max to define the maximum value of the range to extract in the z-direction.
  • interval_bounds to define whether the bounds of the interval are open, closed,
    left_closed or right_closed. Default is open.
  • nearest_value to extract a range taking into account the values of the z-coordinate that
    are closest to z_min and z_max. Default is False.

As the coordinate points are likely to vary depending on the dataset, sometimes it might be useful to adjust the given z_min and z_max values to the values of the coordinate points before performing an extraction. This behaviour can be achieved by setting the nearest_value argument to True.

For example, in a cube with z_coord = [0., 1.5, 2.6., 3.8., 5.4], the preprocessor below:

    z_min: 1.
    z_max: 5.
    interval_bounds: 'closed'

would return a cube with a z_coord defined as z_coord = [1.5, 2.6., 3.8.], since these are the values that strictly fall into the range given by [z_min=1, z_max=5].

Whereas setting ǹearest_value: True:

    z_min: 1.
    z_max: 5.
    interval_bounds: 'closed'
    nearest_value: True

would return a cube with a z_coord defined as z_coord = [1.5, 2.6., 3.8., 5.4], since z_max = 5 is closest to the coordinate point z = 5.4 than it is to z = 3.8.

Note that this preprocessor requires the requested z-coordinate range to be the same sign as the Iris cube. That is, if the cube has z-coordinate as negative, then z_min and z_max need to be negative numbers.

See also :func:`esmvalcore.preprocessor.extract_volume`.


This function calculates the volume-weighted average across three dimensions, but maintains the time dimension.

By default, the mean operation is weighted by the grid cell volumes.

For weighted statistics, this function requires a cell volume cell measure, unless it has a cell_area cell measure or the coordinates of the input data are regular 1D latitude and longitude coordinates so the cell volumes can be computed internally. The required supplementary variable volcello, or areacello in its absence, can be attached to the main dataset as described in :ref:`supplementary_variables`.

No depth coordinate is required as this is determined by Iris. However, to compute the volume automatically when volcello is not provided, the depth coordinate units should be convertible to meters.

  • operator: Operation to apply. At the moment, only mean is supported. See :ref:`stat_preprocs` for more details on supported statistics.
  • normalize: If given, do not return the statistics cube itself, but rather, the input cube, normalized with the statistics cube. Can either be subtract (statistics cube is subtracted from the input cube) or divide (input cube is divided by the statistics cube).
  • Other parameters are directly passed to the operator as keyword arguments. See :ref:`stat_preprocs` for more details.

See also :func:`esmvalcore.preprocessor.volume_statistics`.


This function operates over a given axis, and removes it from the output cube.

Takes arguments:
  • axis: direction over which the statistics will be performed. Possible values for the axis are x, y, z, t.
  • operator: Operation to apply. See :ref:`stat_preprocs` for more details on supported statistics.
  • normalize: If given, do not return the statistics cube itself, but rather, the input cube, normalized with the statistics cube. Can either be subtract (statistics cube is subtracted from the input cube) or divide (input cube is divided by the statistics cube).
  • Other parameters are directly passed to the operator as keyword arguments. See :ref:`stat_preprocs` for more details.


The coordinate associated to the axis over which the operation will be performed must be one-dimensional, as multidimensional coordinates are not supported in this preprocessor.

Some operations are weighted by the corresponding coordinate bounds by default. For sums, the units of the resulting cubes are multiplied by the corresponding coordinate units. See :ref:`stat_preprocs` for more details on supported statistics.

See also :func:`esmvalcore.preprocessor.axis_statistics`.


This function integrates over the depth dimension. This function does a weighted sum along the z-coordinate, and removes the z direction of the output cube. This preprocessor takes no arguments. The units of the resulting cube are multiplied by the z-coordinate units.

See also :func:`esmvalcore.preprocessor.depth_integration`.


This function extracts data along a line of constant latitude or longitude. This function takes two arguments, although only one is strictly required. The two arguments are latitude and longitude. One of these arguments needs to be set to a float, and the other can then be either ignored or set to a minimum or maximum value.

For example, if we set latitude to 0 N and leave longitude blank, it would produce a cube along the Equator. On the other hand, if we set latitude to 0 and then set longitude to [40., 100.] this will produce a transect of the Equator in the Indian Ocean.

See also :func:`esmvalcore.preprocessor.extract_transect`.


This function extract data along a specified trajectory. The three arguments are: latitudes, longitudes and number of point needed for extrapolation number_points.

If two points are provided, the number_points argument is used to set a the number of places to extract between the two end points.

If more than two points are provided, then extract_trajectory will produce a cube which has extrapolated the data of the cube to those points, and number_points is not needed.

Note that this function uses the expensive interpolate method from Iris.analysis.trajectory, but it may be necessary for irregular grids.

See also :func:`esmvalcore.preprocessor.extract_trajectory`.


The module contains the following preprocessor functions:

  • amplitude: Extract the peak-to-peak amplitude of a cycle aggregated over specified coordinates.


This function extracts the peak-to-peak amplitude (maximum value minus minimum value) of a field aggregated over specified coordinates. Its only argument is coords, which can either be a single coordinate (given as :obj:`str`) or multiple coordinates (given as :obj:`list` of :obj:`str`). Usually, these coordinates refer to temporal categorised coordinates :obj:`iris.coord_categorisation` like year, month, day of year, etc. For example, to extract the amplitude of the annual cycle for every single year in the data, use coords: year; to extract the amplitude of the diurnal cycle for every single day in the data, use coords: [year, day_of_year].

See also :func:`esmvalcore.preprocessor.amplitude`.


The trend module contains the following preprocessor functions:

  • linear_trend: Calculate linear trend along a specified coordinate.
  • linear_trend_stderr: Calculate standard error of linear trend along a specified coordinate.


This function calculates the linear trend of a dataset (defined as slope of an ordinary linear regression) along a specified coordinate. The only argument of this preprocessor is coordinate (given as :obj:`str`; default value is 'time').

See also :func:`esmvalcore.preprocessor.linear_trend`.


This function calculates the standard error of the linear trend of a dataset (defined as the standard error of the slope in an ordinary linear regression) along a specified coordinate. The only argument of this preprocessor is coordinate (given as :obj:`str`; default value is 'time'). Note that the standard error is not identical to a confidence interval.

See also :func:`esmvalcore.preprocessor.linear_trend_stderr`.


ESMValCore also supports detrending along any dimension using the preprocessor function 'detrend'. This function has two parameters:

  • dimension: dimension to apply detrend on. Default: "time"
  • method: It can be linear or constant. Default: linear

If method is linear, detrend will calculate the linear trend along the selected axis and subtract it to the data. For example, this can be used to remove the linear trend caused by climate change on some variables is selected dimension is time.

If method is constant, detrend will compute the mean along that dimension and subtract it from the data

See also :func:`esmvalcore.preprocessor.detrend`.

Rolling window statistics

One can calculate rolling window statistics using the preprocessor function rolling_window_statistics. This function takes three parameters:

  • coordinate: Coordinate over which the rolling-window statistics is calculated.
  • operator: Operation to apply. See :ref:`stat_preprocs` for more details on supported statistics.
  • window_length: size of the rolling window to use (number of points).
  • Other parameters are directly passed to the operator as keyword arguments. See :ref:`stat_preprocs` for more details.

This example applied on daily precipitation data calculates two-day rolling precipitation sum.

    coordinate: time
    operator: sum
    window_length: 2

See also :func:`esmvalcore.preprocessor.rolling_window_statistics`.

Unit conversion


Converting units is also supported. This is particularly useful in cases where different datasets might have different units, for example when comparing CMIP5 and CMIP6 variables where the units have changed or in case of observational datasets that are delivered in different units.

In these cases, having a unit conversion at the end of the processing will guarantee homogeneous input for the diagnostics.

Conversion is only supported between compatible units! In other words, converting temperature units from degC to Kelvin works fine, while changing units from kg to m will not work.

However, there are some well-defined exceptions from this rule in order to transform one quantity to another (physically related) quantity. These quantities are identified via their standard_name and their units (units convertible to the ones defined are also supported). For example, this enables conversions between precipitation fluxes measured in kg m-2 s-1 and precipitation rates measured in mm day-1 (and vice versa). Currently, the following special conversions are supported:

  • precipitation_flux (kg m-2 s-1) -- lwe_precipitation_rate (mm day-1)
  • equivalent_thickness_at_stp_of_atmosphere_ozone_content (m) -- equivalent_thickness_at_stp_of_atmosphere_ozone_content (DU)


Names in the list correspond to standard_names of the input data. Conversions are allowed from each quantity to any other quantity given in a bullet point. The corresponding target quantity is inferred from the desired target units. In addition, any other units convertible to the ones given are also supported (e.g., instead of mm day-1, m s-1 is also supported).


For the transformation between the different precipitation variables, a water density of 1000 kg m-3 is assumed.

See also :func:`esmvalcore.preprocessor.convert_units`.


This function can be used to weight data using the bounds from a given coordinate. The resulting cube will then have units given by cube_units * coordinate_units.

For instance, if a variable has units such as X s-1, using accumulate_coordinate on the time coordinate would result on a cube where the data would be multiplied by the time bounds and the resulting units for the variable would be converted to X. In this case, weighting the data with the time coordinate would allow to cancel the time units in the variable.


The coordinate used to weight the data must be one-dimensional, as multidimensional coordinates are not supported in this preprocessor.

See also :func:`esmvalcore.preprocessor.accumulate_coordinate.`

Comparison with reference dataset

This module contains the following preprocessor functions:

  • bias: Calculate absolute or relative biases with respect to a reference dataset.
  • distance_metric: Calculate absolute or relative biases with respect to a reference dataset.


This function calculates biases with respect to a given reference dataset. For this, exactly one input dataset needs to be declared as reference_for_bias: true in the recipe, e.g.,

  - {dataset: CanESM5, project: CMIP6, ensemble: r1i1p1f1, grid: gn}
  - {dataset: CESM2,   project: CMIP6, ensemble: r1i1p1f1, grid: gn}
  - {dataset: MIROC6,  project: CMIP6, ensemble: r1i1p1f1, grid: gn}
  - {dataset: ERA-Interim, project: OBS6, tier: 3, type: reanaly, version: 1,
     reference_for_bias: true}

In the example above, ERA-Interim is used as reference dataset for the bias calculation.

It is also possible to use the output from the :ref:`multi-model statistics` or :ref:`ensemble statistics` preprocessor as reference dataset. In this case, make sure to use reference_for_bias: true for each dataset that will be used to create the reference dataset and use the option keep_input_datasets: false for the multi-dataset preprocessor. For example:

  - {dataset: CanESM5, group: ref, reference_for_bias: true}
  - {dataset: CESM2,   group: ref, reference_for_bias: true}
  - {dataset: MIROC6,  group: notref}

    custom_order: true
      statistics: [mean]
      span: overlap
      groupby: [group]
      keep_input_datasets: false
      bias_type: relative

Here, the bias of MIROC6 is calculated relative to the multi-model mean from the models CanESM5 and CESM2.

The reference dataset needs to be broadcastable to all other datasets. This supports iris' rich broadcasting abilities. To ensure this, the preprocessors :func:`esmvalcore.preprocessor.regrid` and/or :func:`esmvalcore.preprocessor.regrid_time` might be helpful.

The bias preprocessor supports 4 optional arguments in the recipe:

  • bias_type (:obj:`str`, default: 'absolute'): Bias type that is calculated. Can be 'absolute' (i.e., calculate bias for dataset X and reference R as X - R) or relative (i.e., calculate bias as \frac{X - R}{R}).
  • denominator_mask_threshold (:obj:`float`, default: 1e-3): Threshold to mask values close to zero in the denominator (i.e., the reference dataset) during the calculation of relative biases. All values in the reference dataset with absolute value less than the given threshold are masked out. This setting is ignored when bias_type is set to 'absolute'. Please note that for some variables with very small absolute values (e.g., carbon cycle fluxes, which are usually < 10^{-6} kg m ^{-2} s ^{-1}) it is absolutely essential to change the default value in order to get reasonable results.
  • keep_reference_dataset (:obj:`bool`, default: False): If True, keep the reference dataset in the output. If False, drop the reference dataset.
  • exclude (:obj:`list` of :obj:`str`): Exclude specific datasets from this preprocessor. Note that this option is only available in the recipe, not when using :func:`esmvalcore.preprocessor.bias` directly (e.g., in another python script). If the reference dataset has been excluded, an error is raised.


      bias_type: relative
      denominator_mask_threshold: 1e-8
      keep_reference_dataset: true
      exclude: [CanESM2]

See also :func:`esmvalcore.preprocessor.bias`.


This function calculates a distance metric with respect to a given reference dataset. For this, exactly one input dataset needs to be declared as reference_for_metric: true in the recipe, e.g.,

  - {dataset: CanESM5, project: CMIP6, ensemble: r1i1p1f1, grid: gn}
  - {dataset: CESM2,   project: CMIP6, ensemble: r1i1p1f1, grid: gn}
  - {dataset: MIROC6,  project: CMIP6, ensemble: r1i1p1f1, grid: gn}
  - {dataset: ERA-Interim, project: OBS6, tier: 3, type: reanaly, version: 1,
     reference_for_metric: true}

In the example above, ERA-Interim is used as reference dataset for the distance metric calculation.

It is also possible to use the output from the :ref:`multi-model statistics` or :ref:`ensemble statistics` preprocessor as reference dataset. In this case, make sure to use reference_for_metric: true for each dataset that will be used to create the reference dataset and use the option keep_input_datasets: false for the multi-dataset preprocessor. For example:

  - {dataset: CanESM5, group: ref, reference_for_metric: true}
  - {dataset: CESM2,   group: ref, reference_for_metric: true}
  - {dataset: MIROC6,  group: notref}

    custom_order: true
      statistics: [mean]
      span: overlap
      groupby: [group]
      keep_input_datasets: false
      metric: emd

Here, the EMD metric of MIROC6 is calculated relative to the the multi-model mean from the models CanESM5 and CESM2.

All datasets need to have the same shape and coordinates. To ensure this, the preprocessors :func:`esmvalcore.preprocessor.regrid` and/or :func:`esmvalcore.preprocessor.regrid_time` might be helpful.

The distance_metric preprocessor supports the following arguments in the recipe:

  • metric (:obj:`str`): Distance metric that is calculated. Must be one of

    RMSE = \sqrt{\frac{1}{N} \sum_{i=1}^N \left( x_i - r_i \right)^2}
    WRMSE = \sqrt{\sum_{i=1}^N w_i \left( x_i - r_i \right)^2}
    r = \frac{
      \left( x_i - \bar{x} \right) \left( r_i - \bar{r} \right)
      \sqrt{\sum_{i=1}^N \left( x_i - \bar{x} \right)^2}
      \sqrt{\sum_{i=1}^N \left( r_i - \bar{r} \right)^2}
    r = \frac{
      w_i \left( x_i - \bar{x} \right) \left( r_i - \bar{r} \right)
      \sqrt{\sum_{i=1}^N w_i \left( x_i - \bar{x} \right)^2}
      \sqrt{\sum_{i=1}^N w_i \left( r_i - \bar{r} \right)^2}
    • 'emd': Unweighted Earth mover's distance (EMD). The EMD is also known as first Wasserstein metric W1, which is a metric that measures distance between two probability distributions. For this, discrete probability distributions of the input data are created through binning, which are then used as input for the Wasserstein metric. The metric is also known as Earth mover's distance since, intuitively, it can be seen as the minimum "cost" of turning one pile of earth into another one (pile of earth = probability distribution). This is also known as optimal transport problem. Formally, this can be described with a joint probability distribution (or optimal transport matrix) γ (whose marginals are the input distributions) that minimizes the "transportation cost":
    W_1 = \min_{\gamma \in \mathbb{R}^{n \times n}_{+}} \sum_{i,j}^{n}
    \gamma_{ij} \lvert X_i - R_i \rvert \\ \textrm{with} ~~ \sum_{j}^{n}
    \gamma_{ij} = p_X(X_i);~ \sum_{i}^{n} \gamma_{ij} = p_R(R_j)
    • 'weighted_emd': Weighted Earth mover's distance. Similar to the unweighted EMD (see above), but here weights are considered when calculating the probability distributions (i.e., instead of 1, each element provides a weight in the bin count; see also weights argument of :func:`numpy.histogram`).

    Here, xi and ri are samples of a variable of interest and a corresponding reference, respectively (a bar over a variable denotes its arithmetic/weighted mean [the latter for weighted metrics]). Capital letters (Xi and Ri) refer to bin centers of a discrete probability distribution with values pX(Xi) or pR(Ri) and a number of bins n (see the argument n_bins below) that has been derived for the variables x and r through binning. The bins range from the minimum to the maximum value calculated over both the variable of interest and the reference; thus, Xi = Ri) for all i. wi are weights that sum to one (see note below) and N is the total number of samples.


    Metrics starting with weighted_ will calculate weighted distance metrics if possible. Currently, the following coords (or any combinations that include them) will trigger weighting: time (will use lengths of time intervals as weights) and latitude (will use cell area weights). Time weights are always calculated from the input data. Area weights can be given as supplementary variables to the recipe (areacella or areacello, see :ref:`supplementary_variables`) or calculated from the input data (this only works for regular grids). By default, NO supplementary variables will be used; they need to be explicitly requested in the recipe.

  • coords (:obj:`list` of :obj:`str`, default: None): Coordinates over which the distance metric is calculated. If None, calculate the metric over all coordinates, which results in a scalar cube.

  • keep_reference_dataset (:obj:`bool`, default: True): If True, also calculate the distance of the reference dataset with itself. If False, drop the reference dataset.

  • exclude (:obj:`list` of :obj:`str`): Exclude specific datasets from this preprocessor. Note that this option is only available in the recipe, not when using :func:`esmvalcore.preprocessor.distance_metric` directly (e.g., in another python script). If the reference dataset has been excluded, an error is raised.

  • Other parameters are directly used for the metric calculation. The following keyword arguments are supported:

    • rmse and weighted_rmse: none.
    • pearsonr and weighted_pearsonr: mdtol, common_mask (all keyword arguments are passed to :func:`iris.analysis.stats.pearsonr`, see that link for more details on these arguments). Note: in contrast to :func:`~iris.analysis.stats.pearsonr`, common_mask=True by default.
    • emd and weighted_emd: n_bins = number of bins used to create discrete probability distribution of data before calculating the EMD (:obj:`int`, default: 100).


      metric: weighted_pearsonr
      coords: [latitude, longitude]
      keep_reference_dataset: true
      exclude: [CanESM2]
      common_mask: true

See also :func:`esmvalcore.preprocessor.distance_metric`.

Information on maximum memory required

In the most general case, we can set upper limits on the maximum memory the analysis will require:

Ms = (R + N) x F_eff - F_eff - when no multi-model analysis is performed;

Mm = (2R + N) x F_eff - 2F_eff - when multi-model analysis is performed;


  • Ms: maximum memory for non-multimodel module
  • Mm: maximum memory for multi-model module
  • R: computational efficiency of module; R is typically 2-3
  • N: number of datasets
  • F_eff: average size of data per dataset where F_eff = e x f x F where e is the factor that describes how lazy the data is (e = 1 for fully realized data) and f describes how much the data was shrunk by the immediately previous module, e.g. time extraction, area selection or level extraction; note that for fix_data f relates only to the time extraction, if data is exact in time (no time selection) f = 1 for fix_data so for cases when we deal with a lot of datasets R + N \approx N, data is fully realized, assuming an average size of 1.5GB for 10 years of 3D netCDF data, N datasets will require:

Ms = 1.5 x (N - 1) GB

Mm = 1.5 x (N - 2) GB

As a rule of thumb, the maximum required memory at a certain time for multi-model analysis could be estimated by multiplying the number of datasets by the average file size of all the datasets; this memory intake is high but also assumes that all data is fully realized in memory; this aspect will gradually change and the amount of realized data will decrease with the increase of dask use.


Miscellaneous functions that do not belong to any of the other categories.


This function calculates cumulative sums along a given coordinate.

The cumulative_sum preprocessor supports the following arguments in the recipe:

  • coord (:obj:`str`): Coordinate over which the cumulative sum is calculated. Must be 0D or 1D.
  • weights (array-like, :obj:`bool`, or None, default: None): Weights for the calculation of the cumulative sum. Each element in the data is multiplied by the corresponding weight before summing. Can be an array of the same shape as the input data, False or None (no weighting), or True (calculate the weights from the coordinate bounds; only works if each coordinate point has exactly 2 bounds).
  • method (:obj:`str`, default: "sequential"): Method used to perform the cumulative sum. Only relevant if the cube has lazy data. See :func:`dask.array.cumsum` for details.


      coord: time
      weights: true

See also :func:`esmvalcore.preprocessor.cumulative_sum`.


This function clips data values to a certain minimum, maximum or range. The function takes two arguments:

  • minimum: Lower bound of range. Default: None
  • maximum: Upper bound of range. Default: None

The example below shows how to set all values below zero to zero.

    minimum: 0
    maximum: null


This function calculates histograms.

The histogram preprocessor supports the following arguments in the recipe:

  • coords (:obj:`list` of :obj:`str`, default: None): Coordinates over which the histogram is calculated. If None, calculate the histogram over all coordinates. The shape of the output cube will be (x1, x2, ..., n_bins), where xi are the dimensions of the input cube not appearing in coords and n_bins is the number of bins.
  • bins (:obj:`int` or sequence of :obj:`float`, default: 10): If bins is an :obj:`int`, it defines the number of equal-width bins in the given bin_range. If bins is a sequence, it defines a monotonically increasing array of bin edges, including the rightmost edge, allowing for non-uniform bin widths.
  • bin_range (:obj:`tuple` of :obj:`float` or None, default: None): The lower and upper range of the bins. If None, bin_range is simply (cube.core_data().min(), cube.core_data().max()). Values outside the range are ignored. The first element of the range must be less than or equal to the second. bin_range affects the automatic bin computation as well if bins is an :obj:`int` (see description for bins above).
  • weights (array-like, :obj:`bool`, or None, default: None): Weights for the histogram calculation. Each value in the input data only contributes its associated weight towards the bin count (instead of 1). Weights are normalized before entering the calculation if normalization is 'integral' or 'sum'. Can be an array of the same shape as the input data, False or None (no weighting), or True. In the latter case, weighting will depend on coords, and the following coordinates will trigger weighting: time (will use lengths of time intervals as weights) and latitude (will use cell area weights). Time weights are always calculated from the input data. Area weights can be given as supplementary variables in the recipe (areacella or areacello, see :ref:`supplementary_variables`) or calculated from the input data (this only works for regular grids). By default, NO supplementary variables will be used; they need to be explicitly requested in the recipe.
  • normalization (None, 'sum', or 'integral', default: None): If None, the result will contain the number of samples in each bin. If 'integral', the result is the value of the probability density function at the bin, normalized such that the integral over the range is 1. If 'sum', the result is the value of the probability mass function at the bin, normalized such that the sum over the whole range is 1. Normalization will be applied across coords, not the entire cube.


      coords: [latitude, longitude]
      bins: 12
      bin_range: [100.0, 150.0]
      weights: true
      normalization: sum

See also :func:`esmvalcore.preprocessor.histogram`.