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Merge branch 'halldm2000/homme/dcmip12_test1.x' PR #1100
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Added DCMIP tracer transport tests 1-1, 1-2, and 1-3
moved prescribed_velocity code into its own subroutine in prim_advance
verified that all tests 1.x work on Edison
verified the HOMME stand-alone tests pass (12/12)
verified ACME Aquaplanet test builds, runs, and looks normal
  • Loading branch information
mt5555 committed Nov 4, 2016
2 parents a67523f + 9e99c99 commit f9f67c6
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Showing 46 changed files with 2,063 additions and 720 deletions.
10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions components/homme/README.cmake
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
03/2013 BFJ
02/2016 MT

10/2016 DMH

Please see the HOMME wiki for information on how to build HOMME using the CMake build system.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -29,10 +29,13 @@ $WDIR/test_execs/swtcB directory for swtcB executable
$WDIR/utils cprnc utility, and PIO and timing libraries
$WDIR/tests directory containing all the HOMME regression tests

HOMME has a large regression test suite. For instructions on running and adding
new tests, see homme/test/reg_test/README

DCMIP tests provide a standard means for testing and comparing the ACME HOMME dycore with other dycores
both hydrostatic and nonhydrostatic. They have been placed in their own dcmip_test directory for now.
To run a DCMIP tests, navigate to the appropriate directory and type make install to install test scripts and namelists.

The CMAKE code could use some cleanup.
- user configured variables should not need to be prefixed by the exectuable name
(i.e. -DNP=4, instead of -DPREQX_NP=4). This will make the cmake code a lot simpler
Expand All @@ -41,9 +44,6 @@ The CMAKE code could use some cleanup.
with cmake's tree-like directory approach, the tests should be associated with their


Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
file(GLOB NCL_SCRIPTS "*.ncl") # get ncl-scripts
file(GLOB SHELL_SCRIPTS "*.sh") # get shell-scripts
file(GLOB NAMELISTS "*.nl") # get namelists
file(GLOB PYTHON_SCRIPTS "*.py") # get python scripts
file(GLOB M_FILES "*.m") # get matlab scripts

# Copy test files to build

# Create a symbolic link to the vertical coordinate directory
execute_process(COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E create_symlink ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/test/vcoord ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/vcoord )

# Add subdirectory for results
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@

Passive 3d advection with prescribed winds.

Velocities reversed at the midpoint, returning tracers to initial position.
Wind velocities prescribed. Dynamic updates of v, T, p disabled.

Test 1-1: 3D Deformational Flow

Five tracer fields transported simultaneously:

1. q1 = two cosine bells
2. q2 = inverse squared cosine bells
3. q3 = a slotted ellipse
4. q4 = 1 - 0.3(q1+q2+q3)
5. q5 = 1

test resolution:
1 degree horizontal, 60 uniformly-spaced vertical levels, duration 12 days

Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
cd ../..
echo "make preqx-nlev60-interp"
make -j4 preqx-nlev60-interp
cd $cwd
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
# Jobscript for launching dcmip2012 test1-1 on a mac running Darwin
# usage: ./jobscript-...

EXEC=../../test_execs/preqx-nlev60-interp/preqx-nlev60-interp # set name of executable
openmpiexec -n 6 $EXEC < ./ # launch simulation
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
# Jobscript for launching dcmip2012 test1-1 on the NERSC Edison machine
# usage: sbatch jobscript-...

#SBATCH -J dcmip1-1 # job name
#SBATCH -o out_dcmip1-1.o%j # output and error file name (%j expands to jobID)
#SBATCH -n 768 # total number of mpi tasks requested
#SBATCH -p debug # queue (partition) -- normal, development, etc.
#SBATCH -t 00:15:00 # run time (hh:mm:ss)
#SBATCH -A acme # charge hours to account 1

EXEC=../../test_execs/preqx-nlev60-interp/preqx-nlev60-interp # set name of executable
srun -n 768 $EXEC < ./ # launch simulation

Empty file.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
! namelist for dcmip2012 test1-1: 3d deformational flow
nthreads = 1
partmethod = 4 ! mesh parition method: 4 = space filling curve
topology = "cube" ! mesh type: cubed sphere
test_case = "dcmip2012_test1_1" ! test identifier
ne = 30 ! number of elements per cube face
qsize = 4 ! num tracer fields
ndays = 12 ! num simulation days: 0 = use nmax steps
statefreq = 200 ! number of steps between screen dumps
restartfreq = -1 ! don't write restart files if < 0
runtype = 0 ! 0 = new run
tstep = 33 ! largest timestep in seconds
integration = 'explicit' ! explicit time integration
tstep_type = 1 ! 1 => default method
smooth = 0 ! timestep smooting
nu = 1.585e13 ! hyperviscosity minimum L2 error at 10^13.2
nu_s = 1.585e13
hypervis_order = 2 ! 2 = hyperviscosity
hypervis_subcycle = 1 ! 1 = no hyperviz subcycling
prescribed_wind = 1
precon_method = "identity"
maxits = 50
tol = 1.e-7
vform = "ccm" ! vertical coordinate type "ccm"=hybrid pressure/terrain
vanalytic = 1 ! set vcoords in initialization routine
vtop = 0.2549944 ! vertical coordinate at top of atm 254.9 hPa (12km)
output_dir = "./movies/" ! destination dir for netcdf file
output_timeunits = 1, ! 1=days, 2=hours, 0=timesteps
output_frequency = 1, ! output every 4 hours
output_varnames1 ='u','geo','Q','Q2','Q3','Q4' ! variables to write to file
interp_type = 0 ! 0=native grid, 1=bilinear
output_type ='netcdf' ! netcdf or pnetcdf
num_io_procs = 16
interp_nlat = 256
interp_nlon = 512
profile_outpe_num = 100
profile_single_file = .true.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
! namelist for dcmip2012 test1-1: 3d deformational flow
nthreads = 1
partmethod = 4 ! mesh parition method: 4 = space filling curve
topology = "cube" ! mesh type: cubed sphere
test_case = "dcmip2012_test1_1" ! test identifier
ne = 7 ! number of elements per cube face
qsize = 4 ! num tracer fields
ndays = 12 ! num simulation days: 0 = use nmax steps
statefreq = 10 !50 ! number of steps between screen dumps
restartfreq = -1 ! don't write restart files if < 0
runtype = 0 ! 0 = new run
tstep = 100 !33 ! largest timestep in seconds
integration = 'explicit' ! explicit time integration
tstep_type = 1 ! 1 => default method
smooth = 0 ! timestep smooting
nu = 1.585e13 ! hyperviscosity minimum L2 error at 10^13.2
nu_s = 1.585e13
hypervis_order = 2 ! 2 = hyperviscosity
hypervis_subcycle = 1 ! 1 = no hyperviz subcycling
prescribed_wind = 1
precon_method = "identity"
maxits = 50
tol = 1.e-7
vform = "ccm" ! vertical coordinate type "ccm"=hybrid pressure/terrain
vanalytic = 1 ! set vcoords in initialization routine
vtop = 0.2549944 ! vertical coordinate at top of atm 254.9 hPa (12km)
output_dir = "./movies/" ! destination dir for netcdf file
output_timeunits = 2, ! 1=days, 2=hours, 0=timesteps
output_frequency = 4, ! output every 4 hours
output_varnames1 ='u','geo','Q','Q2','Q3','Q4' ! variables to write to file
interp_type = 0 ! 0=native grid, 1=bilinear
output_type ='netcdf' ! netcdf or pnetcdf
num_io_procs = 16
interp_nlat = 256
interp_nlon = 512
profile_outpe_num = 100
profile_single_file = .true.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
; plot-q-lat-lon
; plot lattitude-longitude cross section of tracer q
; at time_index t
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl"
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_csm.ncl"
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl"
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/shea_util.ncl"
; ================================================;


f = addfile("movies/","r")
lat = f->lat
lon = f->lon
lev = f->lev
time = f->time
nlat = getfilevardimsizes(f, "lat" )
nlon = getfilevardimsizes(f, "lon" )
nlev = getfilevardimsizes(f, "lev" )
nt = dimsizes(time)

; get time_index t from command line

t_index = nt-1
if(isvar("t")) then
t_index = t
end if

; get tracer_id q from command line

if(isvar("q")) then
tracer_id = q ; use q from command line if possible
end if

; get zoom factor from command line

zoom_factor = 1.0
zoom_factor = zoom
end if

; find level closest to 4900 m

g = 9.80616d0; Gravity (m s^2)
heights = f->geo(0,:,0,0)/g
; level = (nlev-1) - closest_val(4900,heights(::-1))
level = (nlev-1) - closest_val(5100,heights(::-1))

; use level index from command line if specified
level = l
end if

print("height = "+heights(level))
z = round( heights(level), 3)

print ("tracer_id: q = " + tracer_id)
print ("t_index: t = " + t_index)
print ("zoom_factor: zoom = " + zoom_factor)
print ("level: l = " + level)
print ("eta: = " + lev(level) )
print ("z: = " + z )

; load chosen field

if(tracer_id .eq. 1) then
q_i = f->Q (t_index,level,:,:)

else if (tracer_id .eq. 2) then
q_i = f->Q2(t_index,level,:,:)

else if (tracer_id .eq. 3) then
q_i = f->Q3(t_index,level,:,:)

else if (tracer_id .eq. 4) then
q_i = f->Q4(t_index,level,:,:)

end if
end if
end if
end if

; delete units and long names

q_i@units = " "
q_i@long_name = " "

; display min and max values
minval = min(q_i)
maxval = max(q_i)
print("minval="+minval+" maxval="+maxval)

; round to two decimal places?
;q_i = decimalPlaces(q_i,2,True)

; Setup the plot

res1 = True
res1@gsnDraw = False ; panel plot
res1@gsnFrame = False ; don't draw yet
res1@gsnCenterString = ""
res1@vpWidthF = 2
res1@vpHeightF = 1
res1@sfXArray = lon ; uses lon as plot x-axis
res1@sfYArray = lat ; uses lat for y axis
res1@tiYAxisString = "latitiude" ; y-axis title
res1@tiXAxisString = "longitude" ; x-axis title
res1@lbLabelBarOn = False ; label bar

res1@cnLinesOn = False ;True
res1@cnFillOn = True
res1@cnInfoLabelOn = False ; don't give each
res1@cnLineLabelsOn = False ; panel its own
res1@cnMonoLineColor = True ; single color lines
res1@cnLineColor = "black" ; black lines
res1@cnLineDrawOrder = "PreDraw"
res1@cnLineThicknessF = 0.1
res1@cnFillOpacityF = 1.0
res1@cnLevelSelectionMode = "ManualLevels"
res1@cnMaxLevelValF = 1.00 ; max contour color label
res1@cnMinLevelValF = 0.00 ; min contour color label
res1@cnLevelSpacingF = 0.10 ; contour color spacing

; text properties

res1@tmXBMajorLengthF = 0.03
res1@txFont = 22 ; helvetica-bold
res1@tiMainFont = 22 ; helvetica-bold
res1@tiMainFontHeightF = 0.045 ; set font sizes
res1@tiXAxisFontHeightF = 0.05
res1@tiYAxisFontHeightF = 0.05
res1@tmXBLabelFontHeightF = 0.04
res1@tiXAxisOffsetYF = 0.010 ; shift x label
res1@tiYAxisOffsetXF = 0.010 ; shift y label
res1@tiMainString = "DCMIP 1-1 q"+tracer_id+" t="+sprintf("%3.1f", time(t_index))+" days"+ " z="+z+"m range=("+sprintf("%5.4f", minval)+","+sprintf("%5.4f", maxval)+")"

; zoom in on the center of the plot

res1@trXMinF = 180.0 - 180.0/zoom_factor
res1@trXMaxF = 180.0 + 180.0/zoom_factor
res1@trYMinF = 0.0 - 90.0/zoom_factor
res1@trYMaxF = 0.0 + 90.0/zoom_factor

; panel properties

pres = True ; Panel resource
pres@gsnMaximize = True ; maximize panel size
pres@gsnFrame = False ; don't advance yet
pres@gsnPaperOrientation = "portrait" ; paper orientation
pres@gsnPanelLabelBar = True ; add common label bar
pres@lbLabelFontHeightF = 0.020 ; set labelbar font height

; set output type and name

wks_type = "pdf"
wks_type@wkPaperHeightF = 8
wks_type@wkPaperWidthF = 11
filename ="dcmip2012_test1-1_q"+tracer_id+"_t"+t_index
wks = gsn_open_wks(wks_type,filename)
print("writing "+filename)

; use rainbow colormap with a few of color substitutions

gsn_define_colormap(wks,"WhiteBlueGreenYellowRed") ; choose default colormap
colors = gsn_retrieve_colormap(wks) ; retrieve color map for editing
colors(25 ,:)= (/ 1, 1, 1/) ; white for tracer-free region
colors(2 ,:)= (/ 0.95, 0.95, 0.95 /) ; gray for undershoots
colors(255,:)= (/ 0.4, 0.0, 0.0 /) ; brick-red for overshoots

; plot countours and label bar

plot = new (1, graphic) ; define plot - need 4 panels
plot(0) = gsn_csm_contour(wks,q_i(:,:),res1) ; plot Q1
gsn_panel(wks,plot,(/1,1/),pres) ; 2x2 plot



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