Frontend library to handle EOSIO wallets.
Allows to connect/disconnect to Anchor/ScatterJS wallets and push transactions.
Optionally makes possible backend transaction cosigning to pay for user resources.
yarn add eosio-wallets
import Wallet from "eosio-wallets";
// basic usage
blockchain: "eos",
appId: "myapp",
// cosigner usage
rpcEndpoint: "", // EOSIO RPC endpoint
chainId: "aca376f206b8fc25a6ed44dbdc66547c36c6c33e3a119ffbeaef943642f0e906", // Chain ID
appId: "myapp", // App ID for wallets
cosignEndpoint: "", // optional: cosign endpoint
cosignReferrer: "myapp" // optional: referrer for cosign noop action must adhere to EOSIO name convention
// connect to wallet ("anchor"/"scatter" protocols allowed)
const account = await Wallet.login(protocol);
// define action
const action = {
account: 'eosio.token',
name: 'transfer',
authorization: [{ actor: 'sender', permission: 'active' }],
data: { from: 'sender', to: 'receiver', quantity: '0.0001 EOS', memo: 'hello' }
// push the action
const cosign = true;
const { transaction_id, processed } = await Wallet.pushTransaction( [action], protocol, cosign );
// disconnect
await Wallet.logout();