# Maximum number of time steps max_step = 1000 # number of grid points amr.n_cell = 64 64 1024 # Maximum allowable size of each subdomain in the problem domain; # this is used to decompose the domain for parallel calculations. amr.max_grid_size = 256 # Maximum level in hierarchy (for now must be 0, i.e., one level in total) amr.max_level = 0 # Geometry geometry.coord_sys = 0 # 0: Cartesian boundary.field_lo = periodic periodic pml boundary.field_hi = periodic periodic pml geometry.prob_lo = -8.e-6 -8.e-6 -8.e-6 geometry.prob_hi = 8.e-6 8.e-6 8.e-6 amr.max_level = 0 warpx.serialize_ics = 1 # Verbosity warpx.verbose = 1 # Algorithms algo.current_deposition = esirkepov my_constants.zo = -4.e-6 my_constants.z1 = 0.e-6 my_constants.sigma = 1000.0 my_constants.eps_r = 1.0 my_constants.mu_r = 1.0 my_constants.z_mat = 0.e-6 algo.em_solver_medium = macroscopic # vacuum/macroscopic algo.macroscopic_sigma_method = backwardeuler # laxwendroff or backwardeuler macroscopic.sigma_init_style = "parse_sigma_function" # parse or "constant" macroscopic.epsilon_init_style = "parse_epsilon_function" # parse or "constant" macroscopic.mu_init_style = "parse_mu_function" # parse or "constant" macroscopic.sigma_function(x,y,z) = "sigma*(z>z_mat) +0.0*(z<=z_mat)" macroscopic.epsilon_function(x,y,z) = "8.8541878128e-12*eps_r*(z>z_mat) + 8.8541878128e-12*(z<=z_mat)" macroscopic.mu_function(x,y,z) = "1.25663706212e-06*mu_r*(z>z_mat) + 1.25663706212e-06*(z<=z_mat)" # CFL warpx.cfl = 0.9 my_constants.pi = 3.14159265359 my_constants.L = 1.0e-6 my_constants.c = 299792458. my_constants.wavelength = 1.e-6 warpx.E_ext_grid_init_style = parse_E_ext_grid_function warpx.Ez_external_grid_function(x,y,z) = 0. warpx.Ex_external_grid_function(x,y,z) = 0. warpx.Ey_external_grid_function(x,y,z) = "((1.e5*exp(-(z-zo)**2/L**2)*cos(2*pi*(z)/wavelength))*(z<=z1))" warpx.B_ext_grid_init_style = parse_B_ext_grid_function warpx.Bx_external_grid_function(x,y,z)= "((-1.e5*exp(-(z-zo)**2/L**2)*cos(2*pi*(z)/wavelength)/c)*(z<=z1)) " warpx.By_external_grid_function(x,y,z)= 0. warpx.Bz_external_grid_function(x,y,z) = 0. # Diagnostics diagnostics.diags_names = diag1 diag1.intervals = 5 diag1.diag_type = Full # Remove species particles.nspecies = 0